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I don’t mean the Irish version....

I know I have mentioned several times before.

I am praying this is the last.
Justin “My Favourite Lesbian” Bieber.
Is very clearly on the final lap.
Of the track of complete destruction.
He’s on so much “CRACK”.
As well as God Knows.
At this rate if he sees Easter.
It’ll be a bloody miracle.
PS That bloody wife & her family.
Aren’t helping either.
I feel they see him as their insurance policy.


yep said…
I feel sorry for him. He seems to be surrounded by people who just use him. Hailey and her father are just money and fame hungry leeches. Even his father who didn't care about him until he became famous and rich is just using him.
Anonymous said…
Please go back to more celebrity predictions.I keep checking back every so often, but not nearly as much as I did. Too much political stuff.Your site used to be so cool.
T. W. said…
This makes me angry.

Justine and others like him have been used and abused almost their entire lives.

Stephen Baldwin claims to be a Christian and makes appearances on The Blasphemy Network, uh, I meant Trinity Broadcasting Network.

I'm tired of every Christian being thought of as hypocrites because if people like Stephen Baldwin. True, no one is perfect. However some people are intentionally wolves in sheep's clothing.

Prayers for Justin Bieber, Kanye West, and Meghan Markle.

Dear God, please give ALL government officials a more discerning heart and mind. Please give them wisdom to do their jobs and please help them receive Your wisdom.

Please help people who are crime victims and those who are looking for missing loved ones Your peace, comfort, and justice.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Letty said…
Is trump behind the Jeff bezos texts and affair
Being discovered and being reported by
The national enquirer?

Trump has been trying to damage bezos for a while

Also daily mail has many stories on Jeff bezos
And not much about trump. Like they are also using the
Bezos affair to distract from Trump . And pierce Morgan
Is a personal friend of trump and he runs daily mail

quiet said…
The whole thing makes me so sick to my stomach.

Please pray for this young adult who should have hope left if he stops now. Anyone with twitter or IG to forward to him ?
quiet said…
Being a Canadian Mom to a son near his age really gets my emotions stirred to see this happening to this young man
T. W. said…
Hi Christian!

If you see anything, can you please share what you see concerning Jeff Bezos and Wendy Williams? Thank you!

1. Jeff Bezos’ Raunchy Text Messages to Mistress Leaks, No Prenup, $120B Up for Grabs

2. Wendy Williams Delays Return to Show for 2nd Time, Husband Kevin Rants About Leaks in Staff Meeting
Psychic Gossip said…
If I don’t keep this political crap front and center how will... the way Trump is taking the Globle. We won’t have anywhere to be bothered about celebrities up I am trying my best to cover all CDX
Tony said…
Looking at this photo of Justin Bieber is the worst I've seen of him. Being totally honest at first I didn't recognise him!! He looks terrible. If he does not get away from that lot we all know what will happen. It's absolutely shocking!!
Tony said…
Anonymous.. Christian's site is still cool! He works extremely hard in what he does and it's very true Trump is a problem regarding the globe. So please give Christian a break and he still deserves our respect and we all do appreciate his hard work. And he still mentions celebrities in his daily blog. And for that we are very thankfull for that.
Jules said…
I understand where anonymous is coming from, celebrity predictions are highly entertaining, however, as Christian has pointed out he needs to cover everything and I for one am eternally grateful that he does. As far as I am concerned the political stuff is WAY more important as this directly affects my everyday life and the world around me.

Jules said…
Wow. Shocking. Just like everyone else, I too failed to recognise Justin he is soooo unkempt, he is self-destructing.
Sana said…
I personally feel like kids shouldn't be made "stars" when young, life is so much harder otherwise. I feel like Bieber isn't getting out of this one, You Gotta HAVe a strong stomach or stamina to stand the pressure of being in the limelight and an artist. Would do better, if he gets help and distances himself from ppl who are equal to dementors. Being Justin - the self-destruction is inevitable

Love Sana

PS Hi TW, Hi CD and everyone else
Still kicking in good ol' Sweden
T. W. said…
Anonymous - can I offer you my perspective?

Trump is a celebrity.

1. The man had 2 shows on NBC - The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice. Had people paid attention to those shows they would have known how he would govern America and not voted for him.

2. Trump is also an author. Had people read him, they would have known about his current plans. Remember Mein Kampf?

3. Political figures are public figures. This makes them fair game for gossip sites and such.

4. Christian is giving a voice to the voiceless when he talks about non celebrities. Mainstream media does not do this often, especially when people of color are involved.

5. I can't speak for everyone but I love all the memes and I appreciate Christian's posts about non celebrities.

6. People ask Christian questions about all kinds of topics. He answers them if he is able. How many psychics do that? How many blog owners do that?

7. Christian offers specials via the site. How many psychics do that?

8. This site is not cool. It is hot! Not only because of Christian but also because of all the Friends here. We will miss you if you leave.
T. W. said…
Jules and Tony - thank you!

If Trump and the mysterious THEY have their way this blog and others like it will no longer exist.

A lot of people are using Patreon because Google, Duck Duck Go, Go Daddy, and others are hiding their sites deep within search engine results. One blogger whom I have mentioned before (Aisha of Judiciary Report and other blogs) has suffered repeated attacks from Madonna and The Kabbalah Center. The blogger has posted copies of the emails, FBI case numbers and notes, court docket numbers, etc. on her site.

Almost everytime I share a link from Judiciary Report or Vigilant Citizen someone comments saying those sites are lies and trash. That is very telling. Ask yourself why that happens.

THEY already have their hooks into YouTube. If you really enjoy a video then you might want to download it.

Psychics, Truthers, Red Pillers, Conspiracy Theorists, and people who say the wrong thing about the wrong person or subject are getting videos pulled. Their channels are being demonetized. Those that do live shows are having trouble with "technical difficulties." Many have even been kicked off.

Christian is doing a public service. He deserves our love, prayers, and public support.
T. W. said…
Hi Sana! We are freezing in North Carolina, I pray you are warm.

Hello Friends! I pray everyone continues to receive many blessings.
Tony said…
T.W I have been informed snow is on it's way to North Carolina! Here in the UK we may get it in the next two weeks!!
Roxanne said…
Thank you, Christian, for everything you post, especially the political stuff! It is important to keep everyone informed. I hope the reign of Trump ends soon. Thank you for my email reading

Thank you T.W. for your prayers of blessings, and thank you for your insights! I need all the blessings I can get. My seasonal job has ended and I need to find a new one asap, and I need blessings for other things occurring in my life.
T. W. said…
Tony, please forgive me for my late reply. I am dealing with a family crisis. The weather wasn't as bad as the forecast said it would be for my area.

I never think of snow when I think of jolly old England. I pray you all stay safe and warm.
T. W. said…
Roxanne, you are welcome. I have just said a prayer for you and all those in need of work and income. God blesses the work of our hands. Relax a see what God can do for you!

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