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Oh Yes.....


T. W. said…

I only planned to watch Adam Lambert and Queen open the show. Perhaps I should watch the entire show?

Black Panther had better take home a slew of awards.

If Rami Melek and Lady Gaga get awarded for acting there's gonna be trouble. Watch for outrageous comments on CDAN.

Be sure to check CDAN tomorrow for juicy Oscar gossip. Enty usually makes his first post around 10 am Eastern standard time. 2pm in England. 7am Pacific time (west ciast).
Anonymous said…
Black panther — I didn’t love it. I did like Roma! And the green book was excellent
T. W. said…
Whoever could this be about?

Blind Item #7

I know he was with his wife earlier in the evening, but late last night, this permanent A- list singer/musician/founder was trolling The Abbey for a guy to hook up with.
Jzgie said…
I think the actors do not like Lady Gaga ... if she gets a price she's going to talk behind her back (I wonder how she'll react Beyoncé) TW?????
T. W. said…
jeannine poll

GaGa might get an Oscar for Best Original Song. I thought she already had one. Glenn Close is the heavy favorite.

I agree with you, GaGa is not popular with the actors. She talked trash after Glenn Close won a SAG Award (I think it was SAG). Also, a lot of people who comment on CDAN have been or currently are in show business. A lot of blinds are provided by people currently in the business. GaGa is not liked by the CDAN crowd with good reason.

To my ears, GaGa yells, she doesn't sing. However, many people have said she sounds better in person. That is often the case, some people sound worse when recorded.

ABC World News aired at 5:30 pm today. It is 6:14 now, the Oscar pre-show will come back on soon. I am waiting for the $hitacular to begin. I really should be getting some work done.
CyndiTx123 said…
Hey T.W. could blind item #7 be Keith Urban???
T. W. said…
Adam Glam-bert and Queen brought the Oscar house down.

The best supporting actress award is on now. Regina King is wearing a corseted gown, she can't even sit in her chair properly. I bet she can't get a proper breath either. I remember her from the show 227.

Oh, she won!!!!

I hope the show is fast paced tonight, I got things to do and rest to get.
Anonymous said…
Regina King took my breath away!
T. W. said…
Oscars opinions so far:

Lots of pyramids. I'm not going to go into the occult symbolism about that.

There was a REALLY bad speech, I don't remember what they won for, it was 2 women and 1 man.

A man and woman won for production design (Black Panther). The female made the award and the speech all about her. The man only wanted to thank one person but did not get the chance.

The outfits are either beautiful or hideous. Lots of women wearing tuxedos.

God made all the colors but I could not help but notice a few things. There was a time when wearing red on the red carpet (representing occult blood lines and blood sacrifice) was a fashion faux pas. Lots of women wearing red. Don't forget, sometimes THEY wear red when they are being initiated or are going up another level. Jennifer Hudson wore red on the red carpet. During the show she sang that horrible Dianne Warren song. She wore a tuxedo-like outfit, colors black and white (symbolizes duality in occult circles).

Oh! Jennifer sang into a gold microphone that had a purple cloth wrapped around it. Now I need to analyze. Purple can represent royalty even to those of us not into the occult. Here is what I learned from Mary40. THEY use a lot of purple to signify THEY are about to "deactivate" the celebrity. Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg going to be deactivated (the song is from a documentary about her)? Before Whitney Houston and Prince died, the color purple was all over the stage, the lighting, etc.

Serena Williams introduced A Star is Born. She wore a black and red corseted gown that may or may not have been padded in the hip area. If GQ magazine called me "Man of the Year" I would go out of my way to wear something ultra feminine too...

The awards given out so far are of no surprise and are predictable. Over the years I have figured that the person presenting the award gives a clue to the winner. The exception is if the previous year's winner is presenting the award. Most of the winners tonight are people of color. That makes sense, Europe is tiny so it makes sense people of color outnumber "white" people.

I wasn't sure if the best song nominees were cut short for the ceremony, that could explain why I did not like any song sung so far.

Brian May, Roger Taylor, and their wives are in the audience. Roger Taylor had changed into a red velvet suit. HE LOOKS TERRIBLE. Earlier today, someone on CDAN said Taylor looks like Santa Claus. I agree with that. He looks better without the beard and he has put on the weight. I have a "feeling" he has diabetes.

Bohemian Rhapsody won for film editing, sound editing, and something else to do with sound.
T. W. said…
I don't know what happened from the last comment I made up to the time Spike Lee won for direction. I was on a conference call.

He is on stage now. He is making a comment about black history month, slavery, etc. The white man standing to his left is irritated. He is holding the Oscar God statue as Lee speaks. I want to point out Lee is not being political, his statements have a purpose, he is trying to put the rest of his speech in context. The white guy smiled once but the rest of the time he looks like he is thinking, "This Ni**er needs to shut the F**k up." Spike's speech was brief and made sense.

I do not like Spike's outfit. It is a purple suit and hat. I can't recall what that kind of hat it is called, not a fedora. The hat has a black button with a white triangle inside it. He is wearing the same on his suit. I am not going to analyze the occult symbolism of that. I hope he had different reasons for dressing like that. If the outfit was chosen for occult reasons I hope he has his affairs in order. For more information, please visit Mary 40's YouTube to learn about the color purple and "deactivation."

Michael B. Jordan gets a bad rap on some gossip sites. I am not picking up bad vibes from him now or when I see his pic in magazines. Something about him I like. I could not watch "Creed." I know the films are awesome. I can't watch because I hate to see boxing. I hate to see men beat each other for sport and for money. For some people, boxing is life or death, if they can't fight they can't make a living. These people pay with their bodies and minds and I cry when I see boxing. Plus, I hate seeing black people being beaten, I don't care if the person is a villain (yes, I am black and I live in the south).

Best original score went to Black Panther. Young white guy with nice hair, speaking very well. I notice that because I do not speak well.

T. W. said…
GaGa won for best original song. SHOCKER!!!

I'll eat my hat if she wins for best actress. I think Glenn Close will win.

I read "fraud" vibes from GaGa. I know many people like her. Friends, always trust your gut. A person who gives you good vibes and treats you well could give another person bad vibes and treat them poorly. That is human nature.

In memoriam is on. This is my favorite part because this is the only time some people in the film industry get major recognition. This is sad to me. To quote my younger sister, "Give people their roses while they are alive."

I want to point out I know they are on a time crunch but there have been years where major names were left off the list, I'm talking people who had been dead for months, not just dead a few days before the ceremony.

It is 10:35 pm. The show had better end soon. I have things to do and rest to get.
T. W. said…

I hope his win is not gonna be cursed like Adrien Brody's.

I bet Christian has a lot of questions coming into his e-mail inbox.

PS - Malek did not need those fake teeth. He can already pass for Freddie Mercury without them. They should have given him the fake peen, Freddie was famous for the size of his third leg.
T. W. said…

Spike Lee and others won for Best Adapted Screen Play
T. W. said…
Alfonso Cuaron (Roma) won for directing. This is his second win, 4th nomination. I felt bad for Spike Lee. Anyway, traditionally, the film that takes best director almost always takes best film. We will see.

Spike Lee should have been awarded an Oscar years ago for Malcolm X. If you have not seen Malcolm X or Glory, please do.
T. W. said…
Best Picture - Green Book

It is 11:14 pm. There is no host, the songs were shortened for the telecast but they are still on!!!

The speeches are bizarre with some exceptions. I wonder if this is what Christian meant by train wreck. Plus some of the out fits are bizarre, but I already spoke on that.
T. W. said…
Olivia Coleman - Best Actress "The Favorite"

I wonder how Glenn Close feels...

The show ended at 11:18 pm eastern time (USA)

Boring but I have seen MUCH worse and MUCH longer.
T. W. said…
M. Ali best supporting actor "Green Book"

Good for him. He is a good actor and has been around a long time. If you have seen the show "Crossing Jordan" then you have seen him.

Did you know John Hamm was on a Lifetime series about female cops (The District)?
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123, I'm not sure. Does Keith Urban have a band?

Some at CDAN guessed Brian May. I did post instead of my usual lurking. I stated the blind is about Roger Taylor and listed why I think this to be true. Some guessed him before I did but the consensus is this is about Roger Taylor. The discussion on that thread is civil. It is very interesting too.
Anonymous said…
No offense CD, but as much as I think I like Lady Gaga as a person, her singing tonight on the Oscars was another matter. It was awful! I preferred Bradley's singing to hers! Yet I see some websites saying Gaga/Bradley Shallow song was the highlight of the evening. Sorry, not. The actress who won for her portrayal of a queen in "The Favorite One," acknowledged Gaga at the very end. I sensed that she didn't like Gaga either, but she did so just to be kind and respectful. I always thought Jennifer Lopez never got the respect from the Emmy, Oscar, etc., crowds, and Lady Gaga is in the same category. And speaking of Lopez, her dress was divine, but what I found annoying about her and her man is anytime they knew the camera was on them, they acted more lively or clapped or whatever. Gawd, I hate that.
T. W. said…
Jenifer Lopez does not get respect from the entertainers (and a lot of us regular people) because she is a fraud and can't hide it too well. Have you read the infamous MV Blind Item? I have posted links to it in the past. The blind is easy to Google or to search for in CDAN (Crazy Days and Nights).

J. Lo can't sing. She was called MV after the duo Milli Vanilli. The sad thing is Milli Vanilli sang better than the voices they were lip syncing to. One of them committed suicide years ago.

I found out Spike Lee's outfit was to honor Prince. I don't know why he had on gold Jordans.

As for Lady GaGa, if she wants to know why she didn't win for best actress, she needs to watch her acceptance speech for best song from last night.
Apple Monkey said…
Hi everyone! I knew the comments would educating and informative as always! TW you always give me a giggle! I didn’t know that cdan comments are industry knowing peeps? That’s really interesting. Was really pleased Rami won. I loved him in Bohemian Rhapsody. Haven’t seen the Favourite. Has anyone else?
I like Gaga. I think there has been some gossip about Bradley and Gaga? Do you know if there is truth in it?
Love to ya all x
T. W. said…
Anonymous, can you please tell us about Roma? I agree, J. Local looked nice. However, she frequently wears that style so she no longer looks special in metallics.
T. W. said…
Hi Apple Monkey!

Yes, many people in the CDAN community are or have been in the entertainment industry. Some of the blind item contributors have been outed. Himmmm was ran off (long story). Two Himmmm's were outed, one is a member of INXS, I think the other is a famous screen writer.

Gina Rodriguez (Jane the Virgin) contributed blinds. Selma Blair is a friend of Enty's but I don't know if she shared.

A multitude of celebs have shared stories with Enty. In my opinion the fastest way to read old blinds is to go to AGC Main Pages.

Kayley Cuoco reads the blog, she is suspected of being a contributor. A lot of celebrities read CDAN. Sometimes a blind will come out about someone, then that person does or says something that says to me they read the blind and the guesses.

Be sure to read the comments section, oftentimes you get juicier gossip there.

Also, do not take the blinds seriously. Treat them as stories for entertainment purposes only. We don't want Enty to get sued and have his blog discontinued.
Apple Monkey said…
Thanks TW! I do read AGC - it’s great isn’t it? I had no idea about Selma being Enty’s friend. And Kayley Cuoco. Will look at the comments more as well. Love to ya. ♥️
T. W. said…
I love you to Apple Monkey!

Friends, I hope everyone is having a marvelous week!
Apple Monkey said…
Re the blind there is talk that it is the drummer from Queen? I didn’t watch the Oscars but saw the Bradley Gaga duet. Sorry to disagree with you Anonymous but I loved it! I can’t get over Bradley’s voice. It is so soulful.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey, yes. I forgot there are two drummers named Roger Taylor but we understood the blind is about the Queen drummer. Lots of gossip in the comments section.

You missed Adam Glambert and The Queens opening the Oscar ceremony. Of course they wore different outfits when they sat i the audience. Roger looked like Santa Claus, he had on a red velvet suit. I am serious. I wonder if he saw the comment on CDAN and decided to purposefully dress like Santa Claus?
Anonymous said…
TW, don't know anything about Roma, except that it won an Oscar or two. A foreign film about a maid who's Mexican. I love films such as these, they usually have the best storylines.

Do you mean J. Lopez's metallic dress? Yes, I did comment that she did look great in it, but yes, I agree, she always wears stuff like that. I just don't think she belongs at the Oscars. And I did not know that she is a lip syncer. Does anybody have any idea how rich JLO is? It will blow your mind. She is very rich. Not bad for a girl from the Bronx. To think, she almost disappeared at one point, but when she got hired on to American Idol, that was the restart of a very lucrative career.

Lady Gaga's Oscar recipient speech: I agreed with everything she said. I thought it right on the money. I thought her speech was inspiring. Success doesn't fall into people's laps, they have to put so much effort into success... but here's the catch. They usually LOVE what they do and that ladies and gentlemen, makes all the difference.

T. W. said…
Anonymous, I thought J. Local had a right to be at the Oscar's for 3 reasons:

1. She does make movies

2. She was a presenter

3. People expect to see her there ever since she showed up with Puff Daddy in the infamous Versace dress years ago.

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