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What a week it'll be TOLD YA...

“One is not amused...."

So the powers that be in Windsor.
Have ordered the police that the "Homeless".
Must removed from the streets of Windsor.
In time for the wedding of,

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle.
"Where is one going to put them?"
How about in the Castle Dungeon.
Or bus them to the Tower?.
What I see happening is.
Even more homeless people turning up.
Let's what the World thinks of that.....

I dread to think what she'd think,
of the Markle Family.
Samantha, half sister.
 Especially the Dad....
He'll really embarrass, Meghan, just wait and see...


quiet said…
I am all over this story and all of meghans lies, tricks etc like a..." fly on poop".

I feel CD is right about when the end to this coming will be worse than any other in the RF.

Been away from this site as I have been spending time on these other underground meghan you tube sites busting her lies and gathering evidence.

She even keeps a website up called meghans mirror and gets a commission from designers for posting the dress pics.. she even lied on her website stating white dress she is wearing was a calvin but was not and had to take it off her site as calvin sold out and she thought and knew it would and thought by posting similar wool white dress cut to knees and writing in her site that it is the calvin long white onecut to the knee length would pay her a huge commission from calvin but it was not a calvin dress . Uggh . this woman.

To insult any female who has been pregnant who can see pregnant women do not look and physically move and behave like meghan is bad enough. There is no shame in sing a surrogate in todays times

Aside from the world knowing she is not physically/humanly pregnant, I am surprised to learn of all these little trick lies she leaves all over in every aspect of her life.
T. W. said…
What can Samantha write in her book that the tabloids and blind items have not already revealed?

Speaking of juicy tell-alls, I want Lisa Marie Presley to come out with that book. According to CDAN, no publisher will touch the book because she goes into details about scandalous and criminal behavior and she gives names.

I also hope Ojani Noah can finally get his book published about Jennifer Lopez. Lopez had the book squashed just before she became famous. We already know she practices the Dark Arts. Something else more juicy than this is in the book.

Lopez made a comment that proves she knows about the infamous MV blind item. If you have not read the blind, you should. Enty waited 10 years to reveal it:

Blind Items Revealed #11 - Anniversary Month
November 21, 2006
yep said…
I don't like Meghan and I don't trust her. She's extremely cunning and I think she will go back to the US in a couple of years to start something political. I don't think she loves Harry, she's just using him as a stepping stone. Plus, Meghan is not better than the rest of her family - the difference is that she tries to hide it from the public, Samantha is just the way she is and isn't scared to say what she thinks. Oh and I still don't understand why she thought she just could pretend that her past doesn't exist ("the family she never had") and that people would just fall for her new fake persona. People can nowadays google everything about her and her past. MM is definitely not as intelligent as she thinks she is.
JMO said…
I'm so over MeMeMeghan. The last straw was her planted PR articles in People Magazine. This playing victim nonsense is just annoying. I wish journalists would start calling her out for being fake and so on.

Btw, I've just read this article and thought it wasn't so bad:

ARTHUR EDWARDS Meghan Markle, lighten up. You’re not the new Princess Diana and it’s time you and Prince Harry ended this phoney media war
karen said…
Everyone is over me me me again ..She does not love Harry the bitch she used him and he is a idiot..
She’s pulls the race card when it suits..
Does a fake pregnancy belly...
She’s done everything possible to look white yet pulls the race card....

No she’s not the new Princess Diana but a fake Z lister just trying to act but failing...
Why is the Queen doing anything to stop her CD ....there will be no RF left ..
Apple Monkey said…
I gave her the benefit of doubt, but I can’t stand her. Harry has made a huge mistake. So sad to no longer see the brothers so close. She’s a narc for sure.
T. W. said…
I am loving these comments.
Anonymous said…
Has anyone heard about the ‘Empire’ actor Smollett planned the entire attack??? This needs to be addressed because I’m sure if it was indeed a true gay hate crime, it would be publicized big time! It was just something that was a bit off with him during the investigation; he didn’t want to give the police his phone records???
T. W. said…

I made mention of the alleged attack and posted links the day the story broke. No one else commented so I assumed either they did not see my comment or the story is of no interest to them.

The attack story is a farce. This is an Illuminati Humiliation Ritual. Lee Daniels is Jussie Smollett's handler.


1. What person, especially a black man living in a city that has the highest murder rate in Amerikkka, WALKS in sub zero degree weather during a blizzard at 2 in the morning to go to a Subway restaurant, ESPECIALLY when he has a car?

2. What Subway is open at that hour?

3. If the MAGA Hat wearing racists threw bleach on Jussie, why didn't the bleach freeze since it is liquid and the temperature was below 0 degrees?

4. If the bleach did not freeze but was truly poured over Jussie's head, why does he not have chemical burns and why is his hair still black and in healthy condition?

5. If the attackers put a noose around Jussie's neck, why does Jussie not have rope burn?

6. How was Jussie able to sing at a concert 2 days after having a noose around his neck?

7. How was Jussie able to fend off TWO MUSCLE-MEN ATTACKERS who poured bleach over his head?

8. If they poured bleach over Jussie's head, he would have chemical burns to his scalp, skin, and eyes. I have had chemical burns to my scalp and my eyes several times. Trust me. You ain't thinking about fending off attackers, walking home to get your car, and then driving yourself to the hospital.

9. Why did Jussie redact the phone records he provided to the police? Was he really out on a Tinder date?
T. W. said…
My sister says Jussie was out looking for meat. He wanted a foot-long alright.

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