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Yeah... sure...!!!!

Taron Egerton & Emily Thomas are dating again....
Ha Ha HA .
Wonder what his "friend" thinks....?


T. W. said…
His boyfriend might be wondering why Taron's girlfriend looks so masculine.

Christian, is Duchess Kate okay? She looks so thin! The American tabloids have been saying for years that Duchess Kate is bulimic. I believe it.

A blind item site claims the monarchy asked her to host a baby shower for Duchess Meghan and that Duchess Kate is damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. I don't believe the blind. I have read it is against protocol for the royals to have baby showers thrown for them.
Anonymous said…
Hahahahahaha lol I’m dying here, this is too funny. People need to stop hiding who they are and not be afraid this is 2019. His boyfriend is probably mad that his man is “dating” this woman. He just screams gay through the screen.
Anonymous said…
I bet his boyfriend is mad XD
Sana said…
T.W My mom had seven kids and never had a baby shower. the bitch Megan is rich - does she have to steal her children presents too? Horrible. Kate should take care of herself - they have servants if they wanna throw a baby shower (personally I don't think the she-devil deserves it 👿) I read the synastry (relationship chart) of them both - it gonna be hell. I favor Diana cuz she helped humanity more than herself - this one just screams FAKE BITCH MARRIED FOR MONEY!

ps Didn't know this English chum was I'm starting to believe that every male actor is gay
jele6 said…
Even though it's 2019, I can understand why gay male actors don't want to come out. They don't want to be typecast. How many openly gay male actors get leading roles in movies? They are always the sidekick, best friend, coworker, or neighbor. Even the movies that feature a gay character go to straight actors like Tom Hanks or Sean Penn. It makes sense for celebrities to do like Ricky Martin and wait 20 years or so to come out. By that time, they've established their career and made money and can do whatever they want.
T. W. said…
Sana L Duchess Meghan would probably sell the gifts.

Actors have always been considered the dregs of society. There was a time when only males acted. The actors would travel and put on a play BUTT they made their money from prostitution.

I always assume they are gay, bisexual, transgenders, devil worshippers, pedophiles, etc. I am aware not all actors are that way but history shows the majority of them are.
T. W. said…
Sana L, I would love to hear your opinion.

Meghan is a Leo, Duchess Kate is a Capricorn. I am a Leo and have not met many others. In my opinion you like a Leo person or you don't. As far as Capricorn, I get along very well with them. I wonder if it is because I have moon in Capricorn. I do NOT like Gemini, they are absolutely bizarre. Check this out. Trump has Gemini sun, Leo Ascendant. I am the exact opposite. Hmm.
Anonymous said…
Christian I know this is off topic but my friends and I want to know is Hiddleston gay?
T. W. said…
jele6 has a point.

In the meantime, people who are not of European descent cannot hide our ancestry and get typecast because of it. If one more person says, "being gay is like being black" I will rearrange their face with my fist.
Sana said…
Hey.TW Wanna hear something funny

Trumpet and I are actually born the same day (which makes me a Gemini). But I have Capricorn Moon too, and Pisces Ascendant (different personality though) 🙋🏻‍♀️

What sign one is in - depends on the DOMINANT sign that rules the chart - I have a lot of Sagittarius in my chart - I'm a big girl quite jovial and an optimist (haha) 😂

Capricorns are quite feisty - it's quite normal to see Capricorn/Leo couples get together. But if the same gender - could be a clash. But that is just my opinion. Many of them have a wonderful relationship. Moon sign is important - but other factors plays a part

But it is important to take in accounts such as environment and chemistry. I dislike Capricorns or saturnine people - had a bad childhood and gloominess and hardship is a BIG TIME HELL NO for me. Some I must say - who has a dominant sign of Cappy - are abusive (my experience). 🤕

Moon signs play a part - they REALLY do - had people some knowledge on Astrology, perhaps they'd make better choices. But the heart wants what the heart Wants - Astrology or Psychology, dosen't matter

Hope this helped - 😇
T. W. said…
Sana L, thank you! I do not practice astrology but I cannot unlearn some things. I also believe there is some truth to it.

Leo is definitely dominant in my chart. Moon is in its detriment in the sign of Capricorn. I wonder why Leo and Capricorn get along. Maybe because Capricorn is an ambitious hard worker who is the shadowy figure behind the throne? Barack Obama is Leo, his wife is Capricorn. Rumor has it she will run for president.

From personal experience, I know not to argue with Scorpio and Virgo. Definitely do not make Scorpio angry, you will be on the permanent shit list and it will hurt. Most of the Libras I know talk too much. I don't know what to make of Cancer, I don't think they like me.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I believe Christian has informed us that Hiddleston is GAY.

Ever since the Taylor Swift fake relationship outing, he hasn't been seen since.

Does anyone else find this bizarre?

By the way, I am a Capricorn. A true Capricorn. 🙂
T. W. said…
Hello Anonymous!

Would you consider posting here using the name Anonymous Capricorn?
Anonymous said…
I always kinda assumed Tom was either gay or maybe bisexual. Nothing wrong with that.Yeah I kinda find it bizarre too. He’s actually doing a play called Betrayal in London, and it’s going until June. I’m a Libra and sadly I talk too much too haha. From my experience I did in fact meet him last October and he was the sweetest, very down to earth and adorable. Taylor’s a major closested lesbian and everyone knows it XD
Anonymous said…
Ha Ha, sure, why not!

Love Anonymous Capricorn
T. W. said…
Love you Anonymous Capricorn!

Katelyn, don't feel bad. Libras are a lot of fun and I get along well with you all. I am one of the introverted Leos, so I don't mind listening. Don't let my comments here fool you, I am not a talker. I do say more in written form.

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