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TOLD YA... Won't be the last time either....

I've said it before. so I'll say it again....

If someone who loves 
Paris Jackson.
Doesn't step in to put a stop,
 to her off kilter life style.
She's in very real danger of following her Dad....


T. W. said…
I remembered your prediction when I saw the article.

I bet THEY want the poor girl's money.
T. W. said…
Prayers for Paris, she did not ask to be born into a family of pedophiles.


If you go to the links you will see VERY graphic images and read VERY disturbing articles. You may be triggered.

If you visit the links and still believe Michael is innocent then there is no convincing you. I'm gonna hang out with the Bat Boy.

Perhaps Paris went to some websites that contained explicit, photographic proof that the father she loved is a pedophile.

Perhaps she could not reconcile why Michael's hand was touching a boy's thigh in one photograph.

Why was Michael always touching boys and embracing them in a bear hug in photos?

Why was Michael toting Emmanuel Lewis like a baby doll?

Why is Michael touching Emmanuel's crotch in one pic?

Why is Michael in bed with a teenage Emmanuel drinking from a baby bottle beside him in one pic? Why does Michael have a baby bottle too?

Why is 16 year old Emmanuel SITTING in Michael's LAP?!

Why is there a photograph of a shirtless Michael surrounded by boys?

Why is there a photo of a 12 year old boy sitting on Michael's leg?

Why is Michael always with boys?!

Why did Michael collect gay porn?

Why did Michael collect child porn?

Why is Michael posing with one of his nephews and the nephew, who appears to be aroused, is standing behind Michael, pulling his underwear so low you can see his crotch hair? LINK:

1. Four Nephews and a Pop Star

More links. Visit if you dare:

2. MJ Facts website

3. MJandboys website

4. Michael Jackson’s young friends

Michael Jackson’s special friends and their stories (every friend has his own article)

5. Michael Jackson and Emmanuel Lewis (1983-1993)

6. Evidence that Michael Jackson was bisexual or homosexual (adult men)
Anonymous said…
Poor girl Paris honey please get help. I seriously don’t want to see you wind up like your poor father. We love you, God please help the right people to come to into her life and get her the proper help she needs.
Arshes said…
Are any more victims gonna come foward? Mj stans are sickos attacking Wade and James. I feel sorry for Aaron Carter and Culkin boys. No doubt their hiding secrets. Hope they come to terms with what happened to them.
Letty said…
I wonder if michael jackson sexually abused his two sons.

They are keeping very quiet and out of sight.

I hope Paris gets help.
T. W. said…
Dear LORD, I agree with Katelyn's prayer. Amen.
Anonymous said…
T.W. I read most of the links that you posted and I can see why this child is on the edge. She and her brothers ( as well as the victims) were innocent souls; traumatized!!!! Everything you knew or thought was one way; wholesome, is completely a demented, disturbing mental minkfu**!!!! I feel ashamed as a fan of the late Michael Jackson because I feel I slowed him to abuse and take advantage of children. That’s why I’m teaching my children to not look up to these celebrities and am working hard to teach them morals, values. I tell them to put God first; never put their faith, hope or trust solely in the men of this world!

You’ve done such a service to others by passing along this info. I have also passed it long to others.

Let’s all learn from this, and start taking our power back. The rich and the powerful have ridden on our backs for far too long! It’s time WE ALL COLLECTIBELY DO OUR PART! Stop buying into the facade. MATERIALISM, IDOLATRY AND GREED! There is enough for every man woman and child! LETS START LEVERLING OUT THE PLAYING FIELD AND CUT DOWN THOSE WHO THINK THEYRE ENTITLED WITHOUT ACTUAL HARD WPRK!

AND ANOTHER THING... TO STOP DIGGING UP, AND TRASHING THE DAMN PLANTET AND START RE-USING SHIT THATS ALREADY MADE!!! Everyone want new this and new that! It’s costing us our lives (sinkholes and inclement weather etc).

Thanks! 😉
Anonymous said…
Sorry for all the previous misspelling. Was very passionate when I wrote that. 👍
jele6 said…
I really do hope that she finds the help that she desperately needs. Yes, I believe Michael molested children but he is dead now, which means he can't be charged or put on trial, keeping the story in the headlines for months or years to come. There won't be new music or concerts to boycott. I also don't believe that his fans overseas will care that much about the HBO documentary. Meanwhile, there are people like R Kelly, Kevin Spacey, Woody Allen, and others that should be prosecuted.
Anonymous said…
I’m sorry for what happens to Paris Jackson , I pray she gets recovered and stays that way!
I’m still not convinced about the neverland docu, the “evidence “ still looks weak and looks like some kind of massive media attack the motive ? I don’t know what... but I still feel he had too much work and too much fame to ever be meticulous with hiding. Was he unusual I think so did he collect pron probably, men tend to do that. But the claims are wacky and items collected and connections seem absurd. I’m still reading watching , but I err on the side of caution as it’s so easy to crucify when the media is at the helm.
T. W. said…
Anonymous, I love you too and I love what you wrote.

Thank you for sharing your advice and your thoughts.

I just saw an article about a whale that died because it had several pounds of plastic inside its belly. That is a bad way for any creature to die.

Romans 8:18-22 (New English Translation)

"18 For I consider that our present sufferings cannot even be compared to the coming glory that will be revealed to us.

19 For the creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God.

20 For the creation was subjected to futility—not willingly but because of God who subjected it—in hope

21 that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of decay into the glorious freedom of God’s children.

22 For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers together until now."
T. W. said…
jele6, I agree, the timing of this is suspicious.

1. Even people who do not believe conspiracy theories are starting to question things. Trot out Michael Jackson to divert the people's attention.

Funny how the mainstream press did not report pedophile James Gunn got his job back.

Haven't heard anything about Weinstein lately.

Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein is free and still throwing parties on Pedophile Island. Rumor has it people want him dead.

You can search CDAN comments to find the location of the Caribbean island.

2. There is new music in what is known as The Vault.

Whomever owns the recording masters and publishing rights to Michael's work stand to lose a lot of money. Michael's siblings and other relatives receive money from his estate. His children do no work that we know of. According to blind items Paris spends at least $1,000 a day on drugs.

The Jackson Family do not want the gravy train to end.

Yes, Michael's estate made a lot of money, but remember, he was deeply in debt at the time he died. Man owed close to a billion dollars.
T. W. said…
What more proof does anyone need?


Jermaine Jackson has spoken against Michael. He even made a diss album. But then Michael started giving him money. Jermaine was asked point blank if Michael was gay. His exact words: Michael is a wonderful person.

Janet Jackson's first husband revealed Michael would get in bed with them. Bobby Brown briefly dated Janet. He is on record saying Michael behaved in a sexual manner towards his sisters.

One of Michael's accusers accurately described and made a drawing of Michael's genitalia, including a marking of some kind. Michael's autopsy report made note of said marking.

Some reports claim the marking has to do with vitiligo. Other reports claim the mark was a Mickey Mouse tattoo. Considering MK Ultra programming techniques, the Mickey Mouse tattoo is plausible.

How many men do you know collect pornographic images of children and teenage boys, some images depicting children engaging in sex acts with each other?

How many men do you know show their porn collection to children?

Remember Barry Gordy's son Rockwell? He said his song "Somebody's Watching Me" is about Michael Jackson. He is on record saying Michael would call him asking if he "pleasured himself" and needed lessons on it. Other men have said the same.

Sylvester Stallone hung out with Michael and is on record saying Michael is a pedophile. He said people knew. Here's a video so you can see for yourself:

The Leaving Neverland documentary was intentionally divisive. Oprah and David Geffen financed the project. I keep telling people pedophiles run in packs.

Oprah would press abuse victims for details and become "excited." The private school she owns in Africa had a child sex abuse scandal years ago. Oprah's karma is about to come back to her.

CDAN is full of David Geffen stories.

The Leaving Neverland documentary was created to divert the sheeple's attention. That does not mean Wade and the others are lying.

Michael didn't hide what he was doing. As you can see just from photographs alone he was hiding in plain sight. Meaning it should be obvious in hindsight if it wasn't the first time that he was a child molester. Those pictures...

Remember when Michael went to the Grammy Awards when "Thriller" came out? His dates were super model Brooke Shields (tranny) and midget child actor Emmanuel Lewis. Remember that infamous photograph? Michael was toting Emmanuel Lewis on his right arm. Brook Shields stood to Michael's right. Was Michael putting Emmanuel between he and Brooke?


I grew up during the 1980s. I read tabloids during that decade. I knew Michael was a Chicken Hawk just from the photos. The articles put the nail in the coffin.

Then Michael does that Martin Bashir documentary, saying there is nothing wrong with having children in his bed and the most loving thing you can do is have a child in your bed.

I am a grown woman and I don't share my bed with children. Why is a grown a$$ man sharing his bed with stranger's children?!

I don't live in California but I have heard Michael's pedophilia was an open secret. I think Christian confirmed this.

I think I'm gonna drop out of society and hang out with Chupacabra and The Bat Boy...
Anonymous said…
My argument is this ...Michael never had a childhood he was working day and night... he had no contact with other kids...he missed that time in his life literally. He only spent it playing with his brothers in hotels, probably in bedrooms playing with them.

He tried his best to make up for that time lost ,- a late bloomer, so access to plastic surgeons ( insecure image him and sisters) and infinite wealth, a man who blooded late in life , created an extraordinary and unusual life.

From the outside it looks nefarious....that and money and clout chasers made him an easy target to vilify him , I feel the “evidence” was planted.

These children unfortunately want an easy pay, easy life, wade especially I feel was impacted the most seeing Michael achieve heights he thought he’d one day achieve himself only to grow up and realize that Michael was a unicorn among us, and could not be replicated, the level of fame , wealth and accomplishment could never be his , no matter how much wade danced his ass off.

To reduce it to jealousy and greed is maybe to easy of an answer to such an unusual life...but I feel that much has been misconstrued due to Michaels late bloom and media’s fascination with him.

The evidence is quite wacky and I feel planted too .... someone really reaching to make a case validate any and I mean any bit of false accusations to give it life.

the film is really relying on this strewn evidence and the general public’s uncertainty towards Michael to push the narrative of something sinister taking place.

I find it quite unusual for something so deep and personal to be shown in such a public display a film and support from Oprah. Just something the ordinary victim would never go to the extent of. And with such a placid retelling.. it’s somthing unsettling for me.
T. W. said…

While I do not agree with your opinion, I do respect it and what you shared with us.

You are right, Michael is dead so unless there is evidence that can put the nail in the coffin so to speak, the "alleged" victims are being traumatized.

Whether Michael is upstairs or downstairs is not for me to say.
Anonymous said…
Anyone thinks going through court is "easy pay " is insane. His estate has major monies to scutinize any victims that come foward, they will dig to find every scrap on those two. Anyone thinks going through that is "easy pay" is insane.
T. W. said…
Anonymous, have you seen this? There is no innocent explanation for this:

Old Video Resurfaces of Michael Jackson Buying James Safechuck a wedding Ring
T. W. said…
Is more than 1 person posting as Anonymous?

The only people that win in court are the attorneys.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I saw the video. I’m still not convinced, I still believe he kept children around as he hadn’t fully matured to enjoy the company completely of adults , only a handful he trusted, I think he liked the presence of kids as of course they sebrved as company he was comfortable with, (mental /psychological age) their rapport was on par. Such a sad state to live in and not truly with ones peers. That they went shopping together , i read at the time he was dating Brooke shields and wanted a ring for her. That Safechuck is with him doesn’t necessarily connect to shopping jewelry for him, but by taking him a child who wouldn’t expose him as a star struck adult might and wearing a disguise he was able to maintain anonymity while attempting to shop as a regular person would. Taken out of context his behavior I think is odd for any other person, but for this man he was a child star turned mega star, his conctact with regular folks without his star identity was rare , he couldn’t be him without the fame. And I feel children provided the escape from the expectations of adulthood combined with mega fame.
T. W. said…

I'm gonna go party with P'Lod. All are welcome to join us.
Unknown said…

“Is more than 1 person posting as Anonymous? “

The Anonymous that posted previously thanking you for the info you shared was me.. Miri! Depending if I’m on my computer or which mobile I’m using, I’ve realized that my profile sometimes is not saved. So when I read some articles and I get passionate about it I comment and just hit anonymous, instead of going through the long process of signing in.

The other comments I don’t know who that is? But who ever he/she is, has definitely drank that kool-aid to no end!!! They need a serious wake up call! No reasoning with people who are still ‘asleep’!

��‍♀️ smh
Unknown said…
“Yes, I saw the video. I’m still not convinced, I still believe he kept children around as he hadn’t fully matured to enjoy the company completely of adults , only a handful he trusted, I think he liked the presence of kids as of course they sebrved as company he was comfortable with..”

Pleeeez stop! Michael Jackson was a Shwred Businessman!

Learn to pronounce
having or showing sharp powers of judgment; astute.
"she was shrewd enough to guess the motive behind his gesture"
synonyms: astute, sharp-witted, sharp, acute, intelligent, clever, alert, canny, media-savvy, perceptive, perspicacious, observant, discriminating, sagacious, sage, wise, far-seeing, far-sighted.


If MJ did have this type of intelligence when it came to his money, then why is it after people questioned him about being with children for so many years he never protected himself???? Wouldn’t one learn from the first second and third time he’s been put on blast?? No.... you’re saying the power of having no ‘childhood’ seems plausible for him. But what about the Joe Smoe that lives down the street who’s on the predator warning list? I’m sure he has an incredible backstory as well. But who cares about him? Obviously, no one cares because he’s not a CELEBRITY, has created the moonwalk and adored by millions!

WAKE UP AND REALIZE THAT MANY CELEBRITIES LIVE A FACADE. He was known to be this way by people who knew him well.

People who continue to protect him are truly disgusting! We’ve let those children down and it appears that it will continue to happen. Because we want to remain in this illusion that people with success/money/power do no wrong! How do you think most of them get to where they are???


Jules said…
I agree wholeheartedly with Mi Ri Jung

I honestly do not see the point in trying to psycho-analysis MJ's behaviour to understand and explain the reasons why a grown man constantly preferred the company of children because as with everything involving the entertainment industry, there is way more to the MJ story than meets the eye.

T. W. said…
Miri Jung - Thank you for clearing up the confusion.

I also agree with the statements you made. You explained things so eloquently. That is a gift I do not have in great measure, I often stick my foot in my mouth. Sometimes both feet.

I post links so people can see evidence for themselves and make up their own minds. Some of the links posted damning photographic evidence.

You, Jules, and everyone else are welcome to hang out with me and the Bat Boy. If we get lucky, P'lod will take us to his/her homeworld...
Jules said…
TW - I will hang out with you anytime!
T. W. said…
Jules, you bless me. Thank you so much!
T. W. said…
1. Paris Jackson Tried To Kill Herself Again Under A Pattern Of Abuse By Hollywood Cult Kabbalah That Caused Others To Commit Suicide

2. Latoya Jackson: Sony Murdered Michael Jackson

3. Michael Jackson's Music Catalog Sold To Sony For A Fraction Of Its Value Is Very Suspect

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