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Das Boot....

Julian Assanage gets the boot.... 
From the Ecuadorian Embassy..
Odd how it happens just as the Mueller Report.
Is about to be released.
If he gets extradited to the States.
He'll be lucky to land.
Not in a box........


T. W. said…
Something juicy. I need more details.

I really thought Assange was already dead.
Jules said…
I read he is going to be assassinated
Letty said…
He is a legend is his own mind

Huge ego and thinks he is so important

The worst is yet to come but I think trump will
Protect him

Chocmint33 said…
It's a pity he didn't surrender to Sweden when the coast was still clear back in 2012 - before the cruel Babyfart administration. Being infamously holed up in that Embassy for 6 years too long gave the authorities plenty of time to plan his fall. I reckon Obama would have let him off the hook.
It's uncanny, it reminds me of the law of attraction - when what you fear becomes a reality. Unfortunately he feared extradition for way too long. If only he consulted a good psychic like CD.
T. W. said…
Assange made the mistake of listening to Pamela Anderson. Word on the street says she knows there is an assassination plot against him. She's never with him at certain times because of this.

Trump will not help him. I read that if Assange ends up in British or US custody he will be tortured and killed unless his allies "rescue" him VERY soon.

Yes, Assange released information that benefitted Trump. Don't you think Assange has dirt on Trump too?

The head of Ecuador is gonna wish he left Assange alone. Someone should tell him how karma works.
T. W. said…
Letty, on second thought, maybe Trump will help him in exchange for silence.
Anonymous said…
Read an article about his stay at the embassy and he sounds like a horrid, filthy person. Smearing poop on the walls, skateboarding in the halls, being really nasty to the staff, not bathing or brushing his teeth, not taking care of his cat. He got everything for free for years, yet threw a fit when they started charging him for his internet service. What a spoiled putz. Ugh.
T. W. said…
That article might be true but I have a very difficult time believing it.

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