Well, I hope that those who have bought tickets.
Got insurance.....
For the NEW Tour, from the "Spice Girls".
Why, well all is not well on board the BUS.
So even if they manage to get it started??
They won't finish it...
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzuhlcxgDfceKHjCZW7V5aA
1. Rapper Nipsey Hussel was murdered at the age of THIRTY THREE.
2. Mick Jagger: Heart Surgery Postponed Rolling Stones Tour
1. THEY/Big Pharma killed Dr. Sebi
2. Dr. Sebi had a cure for HIV/AIDS
3. Nipsey Hussel was killed because he was producing a documentary on Dr. Sebi
Not talented enough to revive it and relive it
But when it's over. Let it be over
Like the Beatles (But they are immortal and superior compared to these bunch!). Although the band separated, the people remember them and their song even to this day.
Also - I never ever liked Victoria or Posh Spice. I knew even as a kid that she was fake and sooooo terrible at singing if there was any that is.... looked like a stiff doll doing it and that smile...oh dear godđŸ˜¬. Like someone put an electric thread on her and switch it ON... I think even the band would have done great without her.
Eww just got a headache, so many exams to cram in before summer....see ya around guys