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G20 Japan Offical Photograph ..


Chick'sOpinion said…
So the G20 was held the other day in Osaka, Japan
The issues/agenda they discussed were global trade, digital transformation, climate and energy, inequality.

Well Trump would have felt like the dumbest kid in the session on climate and energy.

As he has recently rejected renewable energy unlike the rest of the world.

And is returning the U.S in some huge aspects to old style Fossil Fuels.

Yeah the environmental activists hate him. And quite rightly.

But also, generally on the menu to discuss at the G20 would have been Multilateralism.
And the collective ability to sustain and secure so called desired outcomes in global governance.

And one of the big aims of this particular G20 is the aim to modernise the World Trade Organisation ..The WTO.

And the change.. modernisation that has been decided.

Is to go in the direction of liberal Multilateralism.

That seem to be a softer approach fo the world.

I cant see Trump loving that. But anyway..

But the issue is ..Gobalization has intensified so much it has caused a need for Global cooperation.

Newer markets have emerged.
Simply put.. new competition

For example,
China in the China Sea. The Russians in Ukraine.
And the problem is. They are not very cooperative.

And then theres the new issue. Of European integration.

The UK leaving is going to create possibly more closed markets.

Also possibly on the table at the G20 is U.S Grand Strategy.

Should the U.S just accept stronger markets ..competition. And just build a Global order.

I cant imagine Trump going for that one either.

Well this biggest thing that would have pissed Trump off about the G20 all round.
Was that China and Japan announced they agreed to strengthen ties before they entered the G20.

What those ties are is the big question for Trump.

Chick'sOpinion said…
China and Japan strengthing ties is a good thing.

Because they have had a difficult non trusting relationship for a long time.

Japan invaded China before WW2. And during WW2
China has not believed that Japan has expressed enough apology over that one.

And then there is their big argument... between them ...over who's territory is the East China Sea Islands.

They are tiny bloody islets. Not islands . So who f..ckn cares.

Well they do.

The only hint at what the new ties between China and Japan are.
Is that they intend to try and safeguard Asia's prosperity.

Well anyone whos seen/heard Trump discussing on You tube , Trump as a guest on The Oprah Show back in the 1990's.
Where he is warning the U.S back then, in the 1990's ... knows he is not too keen on Japan's prosperity.

In tbe Oparah interview, Trump said he know already that,

'knows the emerging Japanese Car manufacturing market is going to destroy the U.S Car manufacturing market. And the Japanese are not subject to Tarifs on these Japanese cars when they export to U.S and thats wrong.
But when we export our cars to Japan WE the U.S are subject to huge Tariffs. And China wont even allow American cars to be exported there'

Well, hate to say it. But Trump was right on that one guys. Back then.

Well anyone who saw that You Tube interview would know. Trump aint too keen. On Asian Prosperity.
Because it did destroy the U.S car manufacturing sector.

T. W. said…
If Trump were smart, he would resign.
Anonymous said…
Do Trump supporters see that he is courting all the communists ? Considering all they are obsessed about the leftist socialists ?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I tend to disagree.

He hates having to be on friendly terms with the Chinese.
He hates how they have emerged as an Economic Superpower. And as a result, the U.S economy hit the floor. Due to the Chinese economic miracle.

But he has demonstrated an understanding that Russia and China are the major global Trade countries these days

Trump is a resolute Capitalist.
And he knows he must have friendly enough terms with them.
For trade.. business.
He knows the U.S cannot be isolated out their markets. Its essential they stay in on it. For U.S export etc.

I believe what alot of psychics have said.
That Russia was able to interfere in the 2016 elections.
Because they found a way. And the U.S were wholly vunerable to it. At the time.

Because they were totally unprepared for it.
And further. Russia has something on Trump.
Something he needs surpressed.
So. He cut a deal with Russia.
Was big money involved? Who knows.

The good lesson is. The U.S will make damn sure they prevent anyone Cyber messing with U.S Elections. Ever again.

Chick'sOpinion said…

And anyway. Modern China may appear to be Communist.
But they have big zones where Capitalism can be conducted. And does.

Had they not had this these days. They would not be where they are today.

But as for governing the country. China is still ran by Hard Core Communism.

A totally archaic ideology.
Thats never been succesful. Anywhere.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Is it bad . Or Is it good?

Trump has just agreed at the G20 for U.S Technology companies to be able to sell again to Chinese Phone company Huawei.

Huawei has long been suspected as a Chinese phone company with a dual goal. Its believeed to be just a front for a Chinese Spy Company
To spy on the world.

Last time i heard. The Australian Government banned Huuawei altogether. Thats how much Australia distrusts Huawei.

But U.S Technology companies have been complaining..'we wanna sell to Huawei, we wanna sell to Huawei'
So Trump. The Trade Fairy Godmother has Okayed it. At the G20.

Further disturbing G20 outcomes.

Through Trumps negotiations. The Chinese are going to be permitted to buy U.S Farms again.
This is soooo not what Trump wanted ...from the outset.

But I think the billionaires who own U.S and Foreign Agribusiness companies are pressing down on Trump heavy.

Global companies... companies like
Adler Seeds
Alberta Wheat Pool

Cause all they care about is their revenue. Not geographical issues. Or National issues. That gets in the way of Profit.

And its a fact. The Chinese now own 2 of the 4 biggest farms in the world.

2 of which are in Australia. One in Anna Creek, South Australia.
The other.. Clifton Hills, South Australia.

The other two largest farms. Are in China.

Yes. The Chinese have been very busy bees.. in their own Li-Ning Trainers. Sports shoes.

Digging for gold in foreign farms.
Taking control of the food bowls of the world.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 12:36

I doubt it. His supporters are either bigots, Christians with extreme views (not necessarily bad people), or both.

In other words, Trump supporters are Sheeple.
T. W. said…
It's 3 in the morning here on the East Coast. Trump just became the first US President to enter North Korea. Of course, NBC news showed him from behind as he crossed the DMZ into N. Korea. NBC News is questioning his motives, especially since Trump called Kim Jong Un his friend. NBC News stated they think Trump wants another reason to be in the history books.

Trump walked slowly and he looks exhausted. I thought to myself, "He is tired. He is exhausted. His health is bad. Does he know he is getting played by N. Korea? I bet he does. He looks like a woman from behind."

Lil' Kim Jong Un walked quickly with a smile on his face. Jong Un ain't missed no meals.

I really hope Trump has seen this blog. I "feel" like his health is poor and he knows he is in over his head. I "feel" like he finally knows he is getting played.

Dear Donald Trump,

You can't con a con. There is no shame in resigning over health reasons.

I just had a thought. Remember Christian's post about Pence getting replaced?

What if Trump is staying on because he knows America will be worse off if Pence takes over? That could be one reason Trump replaces him as his Vice President.

Wouldn't it be nice if Trump reads this blog and heard direct from God about what is going on? Wouldn't it be nice if Trump had a change of heart and decided to do the good things THEY allow him to do? Wouldn't it be nice if Trump played the players (N. Korea, Russia, China, & THEY)?

Keep praying Friends! The Light has already won and no darkness can overcome it!

Dear God,

I ask for you to please heal Donald Trump's body, soul, and spirit. I ask that you heal his eyes, ears, mind, and heart so he can see, hear, think, know, understand, and feel as You do. Please give him a discerning spirit. Please give him wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Please help him walk in the steps you have ordered for him to walk in.

I also ask for world peace and for peace in our hearts and minds. Please remember your promise to pour out the latter rain during the end times.

May no one else be lost to Satan.

In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
T. W. said…
Wait. China and Japan are allies now?

Do people not know that the Japanese committed worse atrocities against humanity than the Nazis did during Wirld War 2?!

The Kings From the East

A short study, mainly on the following Scripture:

"'Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.' Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon." (Rev 16:12-16)
T. W. said…
According to my research, Japan has NEVER issued a formal apology to South Korea and China about the atrocities Japan committed during WW2.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think Trump meeting North Korean Kim.

Is just a ploy to make Trump look good for the Mid Term Elections.

Like he can be seen.. to solve finally the conflict with North Korea.

I think he genuinely wants to solve it. So he can go down in history.. as solving it.

But its also all about image right now.

And i thoroughly agree. You are right.
Psychics say Trump has gastrointestinal problems.

Big ones.
Eating junk food all the time.
T. W. said…
He should have his ovaries and cervix checked. That can make your belly bloat.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, thank you. I didn't know any of that.

And you are right. We need courage to have peace. We have to trust the "other side" wants peace as well.

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