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Make America Get AWARE...

As we choose not to listen.
To the warnings the Gods have given.
Even as the cauldron bubbles.
Too late to stop the trouble?
I fear, in fact it is too late.
As in the past say 1930s.
Same things happened.
We all now know how that one ended.
We, have a little time.
But, not much....


Chocmint33 said…
I can't believe the American public are so stupid, the world really is so stupid to let the orange you-know-who continue. But really people couldn't give a stuff about their country, the world, the environment, as long as they are getting their bit of money and all is fine in their household. They are so short-sided and don't care about any long-term consequences.
It is a world where vested interests comes before the good of the country or the world.
It used to amaze me how they let those megalomaniacs like Hitler and Mussolini rule. But now I understand how it all happened - caused by ignorant self-interests and people who allow themselves to fall for snake-oil salesmen leaders who know how to manipulate the media and the masses.
I just hope everyone wakes up on time. Until then just send in the White Light.
Anonymous said…
Robert Mueller needs to testify in front Congress. He has to.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yerrr. Agree. I used to be astounded when i read about how Hitler came to power. Well seized it.

Well, the Italian Partisans shot and hung Mussolini and his devoted gf by the the ankles. Eventually

History says. Humanity only stands for so much.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Why has Robert Mueller been so unwilling to speak publicly about his report
He claims he 'wishes everyone could read it'. Then
Why is he having to be dragged in to testify? Odd.
Melic21 said…
Thank you Christian for pushing this ! It's up to us to stand up and speak the truth or it will all end in tears 😭 I have been listening to Sister Joan Chitterston of late who is right on the money and her words very powerful and inspiring ! I can highly recommend her recent podcast on Oprah she super soul sessions link here:

Collectively we all need to come together, speak up and not be silenced by the greedy, powerful, elite 💥

Christian what can we all do ? Xx
Chocmint33 said…
Oops I meant 'short-sighted' not short-sided.
Unknown said…
This is a guess - and ONLY a guess/opinion on my part:

1. I believe the contents of the Mueller report have uncovered unprecedented scandal and corruption on so many levels, to take action right now —- without a solid backup plan in place — would throw the U.S. into even greater chaos

2. I believe Mueller has been threatened into silence — and that he is protecting his family by keeping quiet —- for now.

3. I believe Mueller WILL testify —- but he wants US citizens - including Congress - to not wait for him — to start the public outcry/demand ourselves

4. I believe The Donald knows the gig is up - and the only hope he has of no prison time is to “win” another term — thereby buying some time; he knows he’s screwed

Above all, I believe that sometimes things are so broken, they cannot be repaired — and something new and better must be built in its place —- I believe this is where the U.S. —- and the entire world is —- right now. We are at rock bottom - recognizing the error of our ways.

From all of this madness, corruption, scandal and greed, we WILL build a new and better world - and even the most die hard orange fans will see the truth and take corrective, long-lasting action.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Not so much as a guess. I think you are probably right.
On all the points about it all. And especially Robert Mueller.

Cause its the only possible explanation as to why a 'trailblazer' such as Mueller would decline to discuss his own report. Publicly.

He is the guy that brought down Richard Nixon. Or at least took a huge role in that.
Hes not normally bullied by anyone/anything.
T. W. said…
I agree with everyone here.

Chick'sOpinion, I agree with Unknown. What immediately came to my mind was "shadow government."

I am not all that into astrology but Pluto is in Capricorn. The planetary aspect calls for the destruction of old things that are no longer working in politics, banking, and religion.

Go here for more information about Pluto in Capricorn:

As always, we must make our voices heard and choose the path of love and kindness. If we do not then the replacement systems will be worse than what we have now.
T. W. said…
Iran just shot down our most powerful drone. Iran tweeted they do not want war but will not hesitate to defend itself.

Iran says we were in their airspace. Trump said perhaps Iran did not mean to destroy the drone. Iran responded this was no mistake.

Nancy Pelosi and other leaders were summoned to the situation room. Pelosi says Trump does not want war.

Senator Lindsey Graham is on the Foreign Relations Committee. He is talking from both sides of his mouth as usual.

Joe Biden said Trump is begging for trouble. Trump is out if his element. Not his exact words but that is what he is saying.

I know THEY read this site.

Please seek peace, even if you get egg on your face. You might get a second term.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Shadow Government. The darkest shadow of all.

Mmmm im not into Astrology either. Its too complex for me. But it doesn't mean i dont believe in it.

LLike you TW. I believe its prediction of the destruction of old ways.

And lets face it. The new ones couldnt be as bad as way things are done in Government now.

Even the local Govt where i live is as corrupt as all Hell.

Agree also with you. Trump is out of his depth today. Cause perhaps he got a taste of what its like to commence War.


But perhaps he thought about the cost and all the American Servicemen and women who may lose their lives.

And he has to face some of their families later on.

diviner21 said…
Is it that bad Christian?
Will it start with mass deportations? Or worse?
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, who knows what goes on in the mind of a 2 year old? Perhaps rasPutin called Trump.
Susan Miller said…
I feel like many are doing what we can but literally nothing is working.
Chocmint33 said…
Hi Susan Miller, are you the well-known astrologer Susan Miller?
Chocmint33 said…
TW - Capricorn in Pluto is currently conjuncting (together with) Saturn in Capricorn. The Saturn with it makes the political scene very conservative and right-winged. That explains why they want to overturn the abortion laws. That conjunction won't go away until the end of next year. So I can see the Republicans being around until then. If Babyfart goes before then, the USA will still have very right-winged Pence to contend with until that date.
When Saturn and Jupiter goes into Aquarius in about two years, politics won't be so conservative.
diviner21 said…
Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius will decentralize politics not necessarily turn the tide toward Left or Right. For instance, we might see the rise of new political parties or personalities obstensibly unaffiliated with either party.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chocmint33! You sure know your stuff!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for the insight.
So could Mike Pence be worse than Trump ? Probably not.
But he is a conservative Christian. The evangelical type i think.
Susan Miller said…
NO, that's not me. :-)
T. W. said…
Thank you diviner21! Don't be a stranger here.
T. W. said…
We rarely hear peep out of Mike Pence and there has been no major scandal. Yet.

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