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Trumps week ahead...

Babyfart aka Trump may think he's not a chump.
But, in the week ahead, he'll get hit in his rump.
Joking with that Russian prick.
Joining Kim in DMZ thick.
Shaking hands, & maybe dicks.
Then there's the Arab Royal oh so slick.
Such goods friends, for now at least.
But remember Trump, they have tricks.
You couldn't dream of in tiny brain.
Like scent & tea & long range guns.
All are good to rid us of...
Vermin, grifters, cheats & crooks.


T. W. said…
Christian, thank you for addressing this.

I think you are very creative and I appreciate you writing a poem for "the sake of your health."

Even Stevie Wonder can see what is going on...

Stevie Wonder NO LONGER Blind - Chaka Khan Confirms!!

Duchess Me Again is on her third nanny for baby Archie. Ivanka is gonna need a job soon...

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry hire third nanny in six weeks
T. W. said…
Only in Amerikkka:

Texas woman banned from Walmart after eating half a cake, demanding to pay half-price

"A similar incident took place at another Wichita Falls Walmart earlier this year when another woman was banned after police say she rode around the parking lot in an electric cart while drinking wine from a Pringles can, Fox 46 report."
Chick'sOpinion said…
Roubles and Yuans

Clearly the Russian prick. Is Russia's Putin.
I wonder if Trump's shock is reference to Putin. And the kick in the face.
Is Putin's little G20 win.

Cause bald headed Putin, with the Killer Cornea eyes. Has managed to broker a deal there.
With China cut out the use of dollars in bilateral trade.

I dont know how deep the severity of this is for the U.S. Anyone who knows. Please comment.

But my intuition says this is bad for the U.S.
And is what CD is referring to.

Because its being assumed by the experts. That its a sure fire way of stopping the U.S punishing countries. By denying them access to the U.S dollar.

You know. Naughty countries. Who do the wrong thing. Bad human Rights records. Stuff Russia couldnt give a shit about. Cut off their supply to dollars.

And it works a treat. Has done for a very long time.
And the many sanctions that the U.S aims at certain 'naughty' countries work on this 'denial of the dollar' system.

Russia wants to break free from it.
Why ? So naughty countries can keep doing what they like.
And to stop U.S Dollar domination.

And there is no doubt, Trump will be fuming about this China/Russia deal. Melania will have to wear ear muffs when he gets home.

Cause the bottom line of this deal is.
Russia wants to unify the Rouble and the Yuan currency together. Of sorts.

And exclude the U.S Dollar. Disempower it.

Chick'sOpinion said…
CD can you do a prediction maybe about Grace Kelly's grandaughter. The equally as beautiful, but different, Charlotte Casiraghi.

But more specifically the creepy Cap Ferrat area of Monaco.
(And also a bit on Princess Charlene)

Charlotte Casiraghi's grandmother, Grace kelly ended up, as we know, doomed young. Dying in a horrific car accident in Monaco. Over the super high and scary cliffs. Of Cap Ferrat, Monaco. In 1982 I think.

Then Charlotte's Casiraghi's father died there young too.
Aged 30 in a Speed Boat racing accident.
Also off the coast of Monaco, yet again in Cap Ferrat. But that was in 1990.


I went to Monaco in 2018. I thought it had weird vibes. And the reason i have convinced myself its kinda haunted is cause its been the playground for the fabulously weathly for a very long time. Since olden days.

Anywho. Charlotte Casiraghi has renewed her wedding vows recently. And its in People Magazine.

For someone so beautiful. And Royal.
And who was recently considered one of the most eligible women of Europe. Charlotte has made odd choices.

When alot younger she got up the spout to some much older European stand up comedian.
And had a baby. Without marrying him.

Yeah i know. I can hear Grace Kelly swivelling in her coffin over that.

That relationship is now over.. and now Charlotte has married Film producer Dimitri Rassam.
He's made a few movies. Including Escobar:Paradise Lost.
And a new one coming out soon called Our Lady Of The Nile. A French film about a Catholic Boarding School during the Rwanda Massacre.
Cheery stuff. Can't wait.

So CD.. is the Spooky bad luck of the coastline, Cap Ferret in Monaco over... for the Monaco Royals?
Or is more to come? Is it haunted.

Princess Charlene

The current Prince. Prince Albert of Monaco.
Has a much younger African wife, Princess Charlene, very blonde short hair. Clearly he married 'his mother'

Well Charlene is in a way ..the new 'Grace Kelly' of the Monaco Royal Family.
(Charlene sounds to me like the Character off that bad Australian Soap Opera, Neighbors. Its rather undignified. And I'm not kidding... Charlene's accent is so like Australians)

Anyway, Charlene seems the most visibly miserable Princess Of Monaco ever seen. Far more than Grace Kelly was.
Whats going on with her?
The World's press saw her cry as she walked down the aisle in 2011. To marry Fat Albert.
T. W. said…
Mr E has new videos on his channel!

1. Kelly Ann Con Way

2. Hopeless Hicks
T. W. said…
Please watch this short video on how presidential debates in Amerikkka really work. Maybe those who don't believe me will believe what is in the video because it is straight from the horse's mouth.

Kamala Harris wins Best Actress for her Performance! AOC?
T. W. said…
Monaco and the "royal" family are cursed for sure. I am racking my brain but I cannot recall the origin of the curse. All I can remember is that it is juicy and jewelry might be involved.

As for the US dollar, yeah, we got screwed by rasPutin. I told the people "monitoring" this site that you cannot beat rasPutin. They need to read his Wikipedia page. Divine intervention is needed.

Besides, this is not a surprise. Anyone who studies the infamous Economist magazine cover knows the occult elite broadcasts their plans in the open but hide the plans behind symbols that only those in the know can decipher.

If you read this blog you saw it coming.

If you take the Red Pill you saw this coming.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Stevie Wonder's blindness solved

Didnt know that!!

Didnt Kamala Harris used go be a cop?
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

1. According to Boy George's autobiography, Stevie Wonde never was blind. He claims Stevie punched him in the face in the exact same spot on 2 seperate occasions. How and why can a blind person do that?

2. Kamala Harris was not a cop, she was district attorney of San Francisco and later the Attorney General for the state of California. She is now a US Senator. US Senator terms last for 6 years. US Senators and Representatives receive extremely generous benefits both during and after their terms in Congress. That is why you see so many people break their necks to be in Congress. They are set up for life even if they only serve 1 term. Who is the real Welfare Queen...

3. I do not trust Kamala. She comes from a background of wealth and privilege, but she loves to play the race card. Kamala's mother emigrated from India (Tamil ethnicity). She was a breast cancer scientist who died of colon cancer.

Her father emigrated from Jamaica. He taught economics at Stanford University, an ELITE school in California. Her maternal grandfather was a diplomat in India. The mother does have a wikipedia page.

Her parents divorced and the mother got custody and they moved to Quebec. Kamala was raised by her Indian mother but Kamala claims she identifies as "black" and is proud if it. Hard to verify if Kamala is proud to be black, but according to wikipedia, Kamala's mother was active in the American Rights Movement.

Kamala is married to a Jewish Lawyer. I tell ya. When folks marry Jews they go for the doctors and lawyers. The Asian doctor chick went for Mark Fukkkerberg.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Theres got to be an explanation for the level of unhappiness and bad luck amongst the Monaco Royal family.
And tragedy.

I mean 'old Hollywood's' Grace Kelly's death was just so suspicious.
As i have read alot on it. Her biography.

Grace Kelly hadnt actually driven since the 1950's.

Cause Prince Ranier, her husband, banned her from driving way back then.

Cause she had a small car accident one day. NOT long after she arrived to live in Monaco.
So he banned her driving. Forever.
And she always had a chauffeur instead.
And Grace willingly agreed to this.

So how could she have been driving? As claimed that day on the scary cliff edges of Cap Ferrat near Monaco town.

Nope. Its B. S

Princess Stephanie, her unusual daughter.. was driving that day I believe.
Cause that time she was trying to harrass her parents into agreeing to her beginning training to become a Race Car Driver.
Cause she was also dating a Race Car Driver at the time.

And they said absolutely not.

Princess Stephanie survived that accident. The only other person in the car that fateful day. And I beleive Stephanie tested out her Race Car skills that day.

And its spooky that Grace Kelly died on the cliffs of exactly where she made the Hitchcock movie, To Catch A Thief..i do believe.
Long before she met and married. And moved to Monaco.

So much of that film is her driving those treacherous cliffs she died on.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you for updating what you know/think of Kamala Harris.

I think you are right. That she is trying get leaps ahead. And popular...based on race.

As yesterday there was even an article in the New York Times titled,

'Kamala Harris and classmates bused across Berkley'

A big sob story featuring Kamala Harris. Claiming as a kid, she directly experienced the bad experience of the racial integration programme of bussing in kids to schools in Berkley.

Yeah yeah. OK Kamala.

But as you mention TW. She is hardly from a poor background. And has clearly experienced very little disadvantage. When you look at the facts.

She comes from a Middle Class background. You could say rich.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I swear Boy George is the funniest.

And he likes to get the truth out there about celebrities. I remember he outed poor George Michael. Back in the 80's.
His book would be good. A good laugh. Cause hes kinda bitchy. But fun with it.

Yes. Maybe Stevie Wonder has only ever had limited vision impairment.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Stevie Wonder can see Dollar signs. At twenty paces.
T. W. said…
1. The American tabloids swear Princess Stephanie drove the car that day.

2. I want to know how Kamalah Harris was bused to a public school in California when she moved to Quebec, Canada at a young age and attended elite private schools. That's some bus ride!

3. According to today's Wikipedia article, Kamala moved to Canada at age 12. The article talks about her being bused in California. None of this information was present when I checked her Wikipedia page last week. You'd think they would want to have this historically significant fact in the Wikipedia since day one.

4. Why send your black child to public school in America during the 1960s but pay for private school when you move to Canada?

5. Another seer predicted Kamala Harris will be exposed for the fraud she is.

6. The same seer predicted that the Democratic Presidential nominee will be someone who is not current running for office. I want to Know what happens Next...

7. The United States of America has become Oceania.
T. W. said…
Boy George's autobiography is one of the funniest books I have ever read!

Took me forever to read it because I had to stop to laugh at what I read.

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