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Twinky Twink....

Old Ms Pence, a tad FAY.
Although he claims it's prayed away.
Not, quite, to be honest.
He kept his "Pink Card".
In his pocket.
But, now another problem looms.
Trump, is not as keen, as assumed. 
Babyfart, is thinking Girl. 
To next stand by him.
One with curves.


T. W. said…
Are you saying Trump wants to replace Pence as VP with a woman?

Are you saying Trump wants a different lover, he wants a female instead of Pence?
T. W. said…
The following link goes to a satire site. I hope you all get a good laugh. I do.

Biden: 'Republicans May Have Standards, But We Have Double Standards'
T. W. said…
I found an interesting article about Mike Pence. I'll give a summary first. Then I will provide some direct quotes from the article.

Mike Pence is disgusting and I agree with Christian. Pence "doth protests too much" about the gays.

Sounds like self hatred to me.


Mike Pence went to college and found God
By Michael D'Antonio and Peter Eisner
Updated 2:25 PM EDT, Wed August 29, 2018


Mike Pence is the kind of Christian that makes unbelievers decide to reject Christ. Pence is the kind of Christian that makes other Christians switch churches or leave Christianity altogether. If you have ever been to church you know exactly what I mean. The article said it all!

He was raised Roman Catholic and accepted Jesus Christ when he was in his late teens. He is not a Roman Catholic but he is an extremely rigid and judgmental Christian. He cut people out of his life if they did not have the exact same views pertaining to Christianity that he does. He "had to forgive" people for things they had done before he even met them.

Check this out. Pence said he had to forgive his wife because she was a divorced woman and she wasn't a virgin.

There is nothing wrong with having traditional values. Mike Pence takes this to the extreme. He has what Jesus might say, "the letter of the Law but not the spirit of the Law." The primary purpose of the Law of Moses was to get humanity to see we cannot save ourselves, we need God.

Quotes in next post.
T. W. said…
Article Link:

Mike Pence went to college and found God
By Michael D'Antonio and Peter Eisner
Updated 2:25 PM EDT, Wed August 29, 2018


"People who met Mike Pence at Hanover College say something happened there to change him."


"Eventually his faith led him to reject some friends and even regard his fiancée, Karen, as a sinner whom he would have to forgive in order to marry. These habits of mind, later revealed in his hostility to equality for gay people and even climate science, were formed when he was barely an adult."


"His schoolmate Linda Koon recalls a charismatic fellow who turned cruel when she failed to meet his definition of true faith.

"'He was rigid, condescending and exclusionary,' Koon said in an interview. 'You had to fit into his little pocket of Christianity, and I didn't fit.'

"Koon's problem was that she couldn't recount a dramatic come-to-Jesus tale of Christian conversion. 'He acted like he had been struck by lightning,' she said. 'I had just grown up in the Lutheran Church and had always been a Christian. That wasn't good enough. He told me that wasn't good enough, 'God doesn't want your kind.' It was a very narrow view of an infinite being."'


"From then on, Pence moved steadily toward a form of evangelicalism that reserves heaven for a certain type of believer and marries theology to Republican politics. Pence was coached in his beliefs by a Hanover schoolmate, L. John Gables, who was bound for a career as a preacher."


"[...] At college, his [L. John Gables] friend Pence delivered a harsh public verdict on the condition of Linda Koon's soul in a campfire circle at a Vespers retreat. As she told us in an interview, Pence's evaluation of her fervor was followed by a recitation of her supposed sins, including her attendance at a wild party at the fraternity WHERE PENCE WAS IN CHARGE."

(Please note he was at the party and was in charge. What about his sins? This reminds me of the time some when brought a woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus. They hoped to trap Jesus and asked him what they should do. Where was the man she had sex with? He was one of her accusers, he should have been stoned too. Jesus's logical and merciful response was nothing like Mike Pence.)


"The pain is more acute for the gay man who lived down the hall from Pence at Hanover and considered him a mentor. Almost 40 years after they met, Pence's schoolmate asked to speak anonymously as he recalled that Pence was the first person he ever told about his sexual orientation. 'I went to him because I respected him. Mike told me that who I was was an abomination, and that I had to change. He also stopped being my friend.'"

Dear Mike Pence,


With Love,

T. W.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Pounds, Shillings and Pence

CD Give us a bit more of a clue.

We know that Mike Pence claimed he cured himself from being Gay.
Through Christian Gay Conversion Therapy.

And he is an Evangelical Christian.

But how does that link in to Trump in this prediction?

Are you saying that Trump wants rid of Pence.
Due to his belief Pence is 'actually' gay?
And isn't buying this Gay Conversion Therapy nonsense.
And Pence is not popular enough.

And that...Trump has a woman in mind instead for Vice President.

...Nikki Hayley, former U.S Ambassador.

Trump and her announced something together today.
So they are as thick as theives politically right now.

And Trump is on record today, for saying

'Let me tell you. Mike Pence has been a great Vice President'

Notice the emphasis on 'Been'

And the word is.. Nikki Hayley has more appeal to the female voters.

And Pence doesnt.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Mike Pence in that pic is praying to God with his eyes closed, pleading

'Please God, don't let Donald dump me as Vice President for that bitch from South Carolina, Nikki Hayley.
And besides that bitch doesn't even have a real American name. Her real name is Nimrata Randhawa.

And she dosent practice a real religion like me and Karen do.
God, Nikki Hayley is a Sikh. What the hell is that?And her parents are Indian.

No God. Youve got to get of her. She was even Governer of South Carolina. As well as a Diplomat. And thats way too much power for a woman, God.

Cause as you know. She should be at home baking cookies. And ironing her husband's clothes. And going only to Evangelical bible classes.
Not running for fukn Vice President'.
Anonymous said…
How interesting, I feel that Pensy might have a few tales to tell if the orange one didn’t choose him as a running mate. Oh how exciting, what a test of arrogance for the orange one ! Let’s see"........
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for filling in the blanks. And full story on Mike Pence.

I suspected he was that kind of Evangelical arsehole.

I had an Evangelical Christian exactly like that living next door to me for 2 years.

Judgemental arsehole. Who made no secrets that he believed all the neighbors were below him. He was a cut above us. In his superiority delusion.

It was the longest 2 years of my life.

I was told by him, among other alarming things.
That I 'was dealing directly with the devil by believing in Psychics'.

Yes. TW you nailed it in your description.

That kind of Evangelical are the ultimate in hypocrisy too.

In their veiw of humanity. And the fragile condition... that it is, to be human. And uncondtional love of humankind. They think their role is something they have been born to be.
To endlessly judge in others.

Well I always say, Evangelicals like him, were born yesterday. Not born again. Cause they are so out of touch. With modern thinking on Spirituality.

They don't seem to know the first thing of knowing the Godness.
As you laid bare in your post TW.

One day I came home. And this Evangelical guy next door, was standing near my porch. Very happy,

Holding a beer, with his baby on his hip.
And he started preaching to me. About how great he was. And could have been a missionary. And led the people of the remote Pacific Islands to the 'right path'.

He was happy cause he was drunk.

And how fukn arrogant to beleive Pacific Islanders would want his form of Judgemental Religion.

I had the opportunity to point out that, I may not be the perfect Christian in his eyes.
But pretty sure i never supervised/cared for my children while drunk.

But felt it was pointless.
Because as you described quite well.
The self rightousness in that kind of Evangelical like Mike Pence, cannot be changed.. by challenging them.

Is it a form of mental illness?
I think so.

Anyway. Thank the Lord above and universe, that Trump is getting rid of Mike Pence.
The U.S don't need a bigot like him.
T. W. said…
I didn't know Pence claimed he was cured of being gay. I can't find anything on Google about this.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That info about his time on Christian Gay Conversion Therapy has been supressed.

Probably by Trump. Cause the knowledge of it would piss him off.

And. Unless im wrong...I think Christian picked up on it ages ago.

Anyway it seems the LGTBTQ community in the U.S despise Mr Mike Pence..the Evangelical Bigot.
Who wants to return the U.S to values and the Social world of the 1950's.

Remember when the U.S Gay community decorated the entrance to his retreat Farm with Rainbow shit. When he was staying there.

Too funny.

No sorry. The only thing I like about Mike Pence's 1950's world. Is Elvis

Cause there was so much inequality. And injustice going on back then. Epidemic levels of Racial Discrimination.
You couldnt even get a safe legal abortion if ya happened to need one.
Even if you'd been raped.
It was like Saudi Arabia. (But with Elvis)

Women could not even get a Mortgage on their own. Only men could.

Prior, in the 1940's, Women had been forced into modern patterns of work during WW2. War Work.

And as soon as WW2 was over they were forced/ expected to leave the job they loved for many reasons. Independance..Money.

And return to financial dependance on husbands.
And become whats known these days as a, 'Domestic Goddess'

Well screw that 1950's Domestic Goddess Housewife crap. Baking Cakes. And cleaning the house all day.

And further, Modern men arnt keen on Mike Pence's traditional roles for women anyway.
Cause it means they have 50 % less income coming into the home.

As if Milennial men are gonna be sweet on their wive's / Gf's partner's sitting at home for 15 years. Not working.

Nope Mike Pence needs to wake up.
In 2019.
T. W. said…

You explained it nicely.

I think this is mental illness for some people. Others just want to feel superior and know they control others. Thst fits the definition of witchcraft.

You are right, Christian did say Pence was/is gay. I can't recall the gay conversion therapy comment but I think he did make some.
T. W. said…
I just noticed the images in the stained glass window. I don't know what else to tell people who do not believe THEY exist. So I'll stop telling them anything.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Who is that Historical figure in the stained glass window in the pic?
T. W. said…

Our "first" president, General George Washington. He was a hero during the Revolutionary War. Sorry Britain. Ha ha ha...

He was allegedly a Freemason, like most of the presidents.

He was also a blood relative of the British Royals, just like EVERY president we have ever had.

He died from bloodletting. I don't know why doctors thought that was good medical care. Perhaps they need melaninated blood to drink...

I know you see where I am going with this.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yahh. TW i know where you are going with it Girl.LoL.

Thanks for that identifying him.
Americans are amazing with their very good National History knowledge. They seem to know it all.

Americans seem to get an excellent education in that. Hope the basic education system there is still the same.

Its something to be very thankful for.

I think UK kids also. Used to get... Even by just going to ordinary Comprehensive School. Got what I... As an Australian. Would go as far as to to say, a classical Education. In English History.
For free.

I didn't get any of that at basic High School in Australia.

But i do remember studying all about Papua New Guinea... in Year 10.
Just before my uncle, who I had to live with as a minor. Said the following shocking thing.

'No, you aint going back to school next year to do the High School Certificate.
Girls don't do that'.

This is why I'm a big Supporter of Michelle Obama's focus on getting education for Girls. Her 'Let Girls Learn' Projects/Programs.

Its really important.
T. W. said…
The public school system in America is willy-nilly. If you live in a black or Latino neighborhood, good luck. The kids are indoctrinated, not educated.

THEY need uneducated people lacking critical thinking skills to work THEIR farms, work in THEIR factories, serve THEM food, and to clean THEIR toilets.

To quote my sister, parents send their children to school so they can come home dumb.

The elementary school in my neighborhood makes the kids walk in a straight line with hands behind their backs. Guess who else makes people do this.


A local high school is in trouble because the ACT (an alternative to the SAT collegiate entry test) has no record of receiving tests to grade from that school.

Guess what the students look like...

As for Michael Ossma, uh, Michelle Obama, she can kiss my grits. She got the school lunch program altered. Ketchup is considered a vegetable. Portions are smaller. Lots of processed foods. Skim milk. Students were hungry and some suffered nutritional deficiencies.

Children need full fat milk because the fat contains fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, and E). Also, some children are so poor their only meal was school lunch. I grew up like that.

Her children went to the elite Sidwell Friends private school. They ste generous portions of fresh food. Ketchup is a condiment for them instead of a vegetable.

The occult elite always get special treatment.

Don't let Michael Obama fool you.

That is not a typo. Barack has called him/her "Michael" on camera multiple times.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I am a bit surprised. That even school standards in the U.S are segregated...educationally

I really thought they all got a solid education in American History.

Love your sisters saying.

But can we change it?

To.. The Government sends kids to school. So they can come home dumb.

I thoroughly agree with you.

They dont want Working Class kids to get a 'proper' education.
Cause of the risk of those kids questioning why they have grown up in poverty.

While kids of rich parents get educations that completely prepare them for the roles they are fully expected to fill.

That of ruling over the Working Class.

You only have to look at how Princeton graduates are given the job as soon as the boss (who also went to Princeton) realises the candidate is a graduate of Princeton.

And who exactly mainly goes to Princeton.
The rich. The global rich.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Michelle Obama ! Ketchup, Tomato Sauce is not a vegetable.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, you are right about everything especially this:

"The Government sends kids to school. So they can come home dumb."
T. W. said…
The White House cannot give a STRAIGHT answer as to why this happened:

Pence’s office tight-lipped after VP abruptly cancels New Hampshire trip to return to White House

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