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Entitled, nasty & corrupt......

Mohamed Hadid, he of Real Estate, Reality TV.
Famous family. Very rich....
Is about to understand what the World is really like.
Seems that his "MONEY"...
Isn't as clean as he'd like you to believe.
The powers that be are secretly investigating, matters.
That will be the pebble, that starts the crash. 
Just wait till they take his home and all.


Letty said…
Good I hope the truth also kicks his two arrogant
Daughters in their behinds
T. W. said…
CDAN claims Bella & Gigi have been on the yacht circuit since they were underage. There was another blind about this guy.

I'm not gonna link to it, CDAN is falling apart because chickens are coming home to roost.
T. W. said…

If you are following the Epstein case, some of us have been posting updates with links and names.

What We Know About Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedophile’ Island

Conspiracy theorists waged that the temple was either a secluded setting for Epstein’s abuse or that it concealed a hidden underground location for the same purpose.


Both also pointed out the temple’s questionable wooden door, which features a reinforcing lock bar. “What makes it peculiar is that if you wanted to keep people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside … as if it were intended to lock people in,” he said.


Sarah Ransome, one of his alleged victims, said she tried to swim off the island only to be found by a search party that included Epstein and his cohort Ghislaine Maxwell. Ransome also said that they kept her passport so she couldn’t leave.


Virginia Roberts, who claims to have been trafficked by Epstein, told her lawyers in 2011 interview that she saw Clinton with “two young girls” on the island. “I remember asking Jeffrey, ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’ kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favor,’” Roberts told her lawyers.

Jeffrey Epstein's private 'Island of Sin' and sex dolls: 5 weird details to know

Epstein kept an assortment of peculiar items in his Manhattan mansion, from a life-like human doll dangling from a chandelier to a human-sized chessboard with scantily clad figurines modeled after his employees, according to New York Magazine. Other oddities include individually framed prosthetic eyeballs mounted along a hallway.

He kept prosthetic breasts by a bathtub that he could play with while bathing, Jennifer Araoz, a woman who claims she was abused and raped by Epstein when she was just 15 years old, told NBC News in a recent interview. She said there were also photos of naked women hanging in a massage room.


He previously ran a money management firm for the exceedingly rich, his most notable client being billionaire businessman Les Wexner, according to Bloomberg. He began his career working for Bear Stearns in 1976 before setting up his own money managing business in 1981, which only catered to billionaires.


While it is unknown what exactly occurred on the island, rumors have swirled that he ran his alleged sex trafficking ring there. The allegations have led to sinister nicknames including "Island of Sin" and "Orgy Island," The Cut reports.

"Everybody called it 'Pedophile Island,'" Kevin Goodrich, who is from St. Thomas and operates boat charters, told The Associated Press. "It's our dark corner."

Epstein Agrees to Name High-Profile Friends Who Paid for Sex With Minors In Exchange for 5 Years Max In Prison

Clinton flew on Epstein's plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express" by the news media, a total of 26 times. The Lolita Express made hundreds of trips to Epstein’s private island where he plied his guests with drugs, booze and underage girls. Flight logs show Epstein had 21 phone numbers for Clinton.

The list of powerful friends who flew on the Lolita Express include comedian Chris Tucker, actor Alec Baldwin, rocker Mick Jagger, politicians Andrew Cuomo, and Britain's Prince Andrew.
T. W. said…
We have also added updated information about the Epstein case on previous psychic blog posts.
Stef x said…
So his wife is 38, he is 70. 32 years. I’m not judging. I just don’t think she’d be with him if he went bankrupt.

So he divorced his ex wife - Yolanda - who was on the RHOBH. She was also David Fosters ex wife. Yolanda seems so lovely, I don’t understand why he divorced her, but idkk whenever he appeared on the real housewives or similar spin offs shows he came across as quite charming but I was never overly sure about his character..
Chick'sOpinion said…
I rarely judge people by their looks.

But my immediate impression when i saw Gigi Hadid's

father in the media. A long time ago.

Was that he's a sleazy creep.

In fact the creep factor is off the scale.

And you know. I've done the before and after research.

His 'dirty' money paid for nose jobs on Bella and Gigi Hadid.

Gigi Hadid, wasnt born with perfect looks.

Though she had better odds than most.

Cause her mother was a successful Dutch model Yolanda.

Who.. like Miranda Kerr, had the brains to realise

...looks fade. And dumb is forever.

So find yourself a billionaire to marry.

GIgi and Bella will do the same thing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And Gigi and Bella's noses are not the only fake things in the family.

There is strong rumour that he is wearing a wig.

One article called it a Persian Rug.

Too funny. So can you confirm it TW.

You are good at all things 'hair'

But what I wonder is ...if he can use his Persian Rug to cover up his money from organised crime?

I wonder what line of work the source of this dirty money is.


Sex Trafficking

Drug syndicates

The usual stuff.

He's a successful Palastinian Real Estate Tycoon.

So it dosent take much imagination to figure out where the money came from.

To buy all that property.

Zane from 1 Direction. Who's been dating Gigi.

Was probably thrilled no end.

Cause he could probably get his drugs for free.

Or at least half price.
Chick'sOpinion said…

A model called Miranda Vee alleged Mohammed Hadid drugged and date raped her in 2017.

Is she tellin the truth?

Seems Lisa Bloom, U.S Celebrity Lawyer represented her in her case.

Lawyer, Lisa Bloom seems like a rodent to me. Who feeds off people in distress.

Like a narcissistic Pirahna

Or she protects people who clearly should be thrown down a well.

Speaking of which. Didn't she represent Blac Chyna?

Blac Chyna needs to remind herself to invest her money well.

Cause no one likes old China anymore.

They drop it off at Charity Shops.

Or Thrift Shops... as Americans call them.
T. W. said…
It's 3:05 am.

New Orleans is flooded from rain, the Mississippi River has been at flood stage for several weeks, and Hurricane Barry is about to make landfall in a few hours. Why is the governor of Louisiana telling the people to stay put?!
Apple Monkey said…
He’s so creepy.
Thanks so much TW for posting the links xo
T. W. said…
Stef X

Yolanda Hadid has Munchausen's. Rumor has it she may also have Munchausen by proxy. These people are dangerous and should not reproduce, let alone marry.
T. W. said…
You're welcome Apple Monkey!
T. W. said…

I could be wrong but based off the photos I have seen I think he has a very unfortunate hair loss pattern. In my opinion he has had hair plugs and possibly some hair pieces to cover up the balding pattern.
T. W. said…
Apparently he was born in Nazareth. Well. Mohammed sure ain't Jesus Christ!

Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”

John Chaper 1 Verse 46, English Standard Version
Chick'sOpinion said…

Hope hurricane Barry has passed without much destruction.

And you are OK.

Yes. There was a pic in The Daily Mail yesty of that bizarre building of Jeffery Epstein's.

On his private Island. Little St Thomas Island.

It's clearly some sort of bunker.

This is outrageous that he's already secured a deal that he does 5 years jail.

In exchange for naming names.

Omg After 5 years...even if he's supervised in the community.

He will return.. like almost all pedophiles, and go strainght straight back to offending.

Jeffery Epstein has already done tbis. Directly after his 2005 Charges.

When are we going to face up, as a society to the


That psychologists have known for countless decades.

Pedophiles CANNOT be rehabilitated.

I once saw a documentary, Louis Theroux did on them.

And he also visited San Quentin jail.

Where he was able to visit jailed pedophiles inside.

He discovered a group of them. Hanging together.

Who were pretty much going to be locked away for the rest of their lives.

This is where we need go to as a solution.

To protect children,
women and young males from these monsters.

No release date for pedophiles. Just Permanent captivity.

We have the research that proves totally...virtually no pedophiles can be 'cured.

And as far as I'm concerned . Jeffery Epstein's Private Island .

Should be turned into a permanent Jail. For the pedophiles who went there to rape minors. Razor wire all round it.

With state of the art security. And they never leave.

And NEVER mix back in the ordinary population of society.

The good news is guys. That a few psychics have predicted that the coming more evolved generations. Use the knowledge, that pedophiles cannot be cured.

And they make/force the Govt decision. And it becomes law.

That those convicted of Child Sex Offences.

NEVER get release. Ever.

A new. And finally effective way is introduced

To finally remove these monsters forever out of society.

Cause apparently the future focus will be on permanently protecting children from them.

Thank God.

Not the temporary ineffective system we currently have. That clearly does not work.

Hallelujah to that. Positive change.!!!

CD Do you see this happening ?

Melic21 said…
Thanks everyone for all of your info sounds like something from a movie !! TW prayers for the hurricane to pass with no casualties 🙏

This guy is most certainly dodgy and I think the recent dramas with the mega mansion he was building was quite literally where his deck of cards started crumbling! TW again thanks for the laugh about his plugs!

CD you were on the money so long ago with the Epstein scandal x thank you 😊 if only you could predict how we can rid this world of these sickos once and for all !
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that info about his hair.

It jus looks false. And he's had a nose too I think.

His face looks like it's been ironed.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Stef X

Maybe she has Muchausens.

But does she have a history of continually takin her kids to hospital?

Probably not.

Yes. Yolanda, his ex, claims to have Lymes's disease ..caused by Tick Bites.

In Australia I've been bitten by heaps of them.

Especially in 2002. And 2014.

In 2014 I didnt notice till I went to bed.

Cause I was so busy.

They burrowed into my upper thigh.

I Didn't have them removed in the right way either.

I'd been sweeping in a bushland backyard.
And they got up my trousers somehow.
So itchy.

But I've not noticed overly, the effect Yolonda claims shes got from the pathogen / virus the tick apparently injects in you.

Extreme tiredness.

But things is, scientists claim not all ticks in all countries carry the virus.

Well thinkin on it. Yalonda's ex is a Tick. Carrying the Creep Virus.

And he can be extracted the right way.

By the cops.

T. W. said…
Hi Friends! You are most welcome!

I'm on the east coast, I'm okay. Hurricane Barry will hit Louisiana early in the morning. Yesterday the governor told people to stay put despite the following facts:

(a) New Orleans is below sea level (b) New Orleans was already experiencing severe flooding (c) the Mississippi River has been above flood stage for weeks. The mayor of New Orleans has just ordered residents to evacuate.

Guess what.

They can't drive away due to severe flooding and poor people don't have private boats and helicopters to whisk them to safey. Hurricane Barry is slow moving. That is not good news.

There is an island called pedo island because those are the only people who live there. The men say there is no cure and they must be away from society.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Looks like they are suspiciously trapping people in a natural disaster.

How shocking.

It's good you used your own intuition.

And left.

When we use our own intuition, we survive guys.

Dylan sang 'dont follow leaders,

watch ya parking meters'

I always knew he was referring to following your own estimation of a problem.

Not be told how things are.

By idiots. Who get leadership roles.

They usually only get them cause they're corrupt anyway.

And don't give a shit about common people.

And outcomes for them.

T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

I live elsewhere, you can't pay me to live in Louisiana.
Chick'sOpinion said…

As long as you are not living in Florida.

With their 'Stand Your Ground laws.

I read what you described about that law. What it ultimately means.

It's positively archaic.

Like the Wild West. And so open to abuse.
T. W. said…

You hit the nail on the head! Stand Your Ground Laws are literally archaic. The book I recommended explains the origin of those laws. I summarized that part in another post. The book also talks about Tacticus and the origin of white supremacy. White people did not always think like this.
T. W. said…
Made toupee? Man 'tries to smuggle cocaine under his wig'

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