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Hitler incarnate.....


Anonymous said… this ever going to get better...sigh...
Cordelia said…
Nothing lasts forever so I have hope
Chick'sOpinion said…
Mexico have found themselves in a situation now....politically

Of having to finally control the influx of Central Americans illegally crossing in to the U.S.

Or face Tarrifs. High ones.

That Trump has threatened to impose. If they don't.

That's the deal he has offered them.

No other compromise.

So..Last month, Mexico finally agreed to Trump's new terms.

And deployed the Mexican National Guard to focus on the border.

Up until now Mexico has done very to stop the tide of migrants crossing into the U.S.

This situation.. deal, Trump has imposed is forcing the Mexican Government's hand.

As an outsider I can see that the U.S cannot continue to take everybody from the Central America's.

It's just not practical.

And the Goverments of these South American countries where these migrants come from.

Have totally failed. In stopping lethal Drug Cartels taking over their countries.

So in a way. I can see how this was inevitable.

All it took was an uncompromising U.S President.

Mexico, historically has always been a good neighbor to the U.S.

They have put up with alot from the U.S.

But Mexico and South American countries now have a modern problem.

Of epidemic proportions. Drug Trafficking. And it's become the U.S's problem.

And it is the governments of these 'Drug Governed' countries who are the blame for the fact.

That their ordinary citizens no longer want to live there. Or can in safety.

The U.S is not to blame for that.

It's possible to hope. That the threat of these stinging tariffs will force Mexico to solve their domestic problem.

But I doubt it. The Drug Cartels are too established.

The losers in this situation are the innocent central Americans fleeing for safety.

And the new U.S Immigration Protocols imposed on migrants from Central America only add to this.

Now they HAVE to apply for asylum in the country they pass through. On their way to the U.S.

That new rule diverts their ultimate goal of getting to America.

And interestingly, it forces Mexico largely, to give them a new home. Too.

Mexico is having to finally become responsible.

It's the only positive in this new deal.

Unfortunately the U.S Ultra Conservatives will be thrilled with the U.S doors getting locked.

Thrilled for the wrong reasons.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Yayyyy. Jerry Epstein denied bail.

Thank God!

And as we suspected. Those hiding in the Trees.

Are coming out.

Epstein's former I.T Contractor on Epstein's Pedophile Island , Little St James Island.

Has spilled the beans to The Daily Mail today.

Sayin he cancelled the contract with Jeffery Epstein

When he witnessed a never ending flow of 15 to 16 year old girls continually at Epstein's Island compound.

And the whole compound decorated with pics of nude females.

This I.T Contractor is an old man. And one with old time morals about the safety of young women.

And was outraged and offended at what he saw.

The sad fact is. Had this contractor gone to the local cops on the larger island nearby. He would not have got support.

Cause its clear.

Jeffery Epstein was dominating the Island locality.

With his money.

No doubt he paid local Police to shut up.

No this jeffery Epstein is an extremely dangerous character.

Let's hope Ghislaine Maxwell is working with the FBI.

To put him away forever.

But unfortunately it will mean. That Rodent, Ghislaine Maxwell will walk free.

Kind of free.

And let's also hope..many more witnesses to Epstein and the pedophiles he hosted at his Pedophile Island.

Share what they witnessed going on there.

And at the Manhattan Mansion.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. The waves of witnesses against the monster Jeffery Epstein

...are flowing in

Way down..

As Elvis sang

Way down like a Tidal Wave.
T. W. said…
Things won't change until we become the change. It can be as simple as voting certain people out of office. Some people need to run for office. I have hope. Although we are living in the end times, this is not "The End." This is not prophetic midnight.
T. W. said…
Pence was in Fort Bragg yesterday. He and Trump were at East Carolina University (Greenville, North Carolina) yesterday. It was a $hitstorm. I'll put links in the next post.

Some people are on record saying they are embarrassed and that North Carolina is not racist. I beg to differ. I live in eastern North Carolina. I am speaking in general terms here. This state is racist. This state is bigoted. If we are loving people then why do we keep voting hateful bigots into political office?

Anyone remember Senator Jesse Helms, one of the most hateful, racist, bigoted senators to ever be in Congress? The people of North Carolina voted for him time and time again. He's dead now. I hope he's enjoying the warm temperatures...

A few years ago American Idol Season 2 runner up Clay Aiken ran against Renee Elmers. She is a hateful, racist bitch. Who do you think won?

This is a Republican state. Our current governor is a Democrat and his attempts to help us keeps getting thwarted. Pat McCrory was governor before that. He was Republican but got voted out after 1 term. He ran this state into the ground. That is saying a lot because we are one of the poorest and our public school system has been in the bottom for decades. Strange how our universities are top-notch...

Bev Perdue was governor before McCrory. She was a Democrat during the economic crisis and did all she could to help. She understood we must invest money to give people a handout as we give them a hand up. Meaning you get handouts to tide you over until the hand up fully manifests. As you know, Republicans hate spending money on the poors. She was voted out.
T. W. said…
Links as promised.

1. Tape shows Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein discussing women at 1992 party

From the article:

At one point in the video, Trump is seen grabbing a woman toward him and patting her behind.


Though exactly what they say is difficult to understand, Trump is seen gesturing to a woman and appears to say to Epstein, “Look at her, back there. … She’s hot.” Epstein reacted with a smile and a nod.

Trump then said something else into Epstein’s ear that caused Epstein to double over with laughter.

But the president says now that he never liked Epstein.

2. 'Send her back' chant blew the cover off Trump's conflation of race and country

From the article:

When he was asked whether it bothered him that his remarks were being portrayed as racist, Trump said he didn't care because of their power to draw voters to him.

“It doesn’t concern me because many people agree with me,” he said at the White House on Monday. “A lot of people love it, by the way.”

3. WITN exclusive interview with President Trump (video)

4. SEND HER BACK: "I didn't say that -- they did," says President Trump

5. Greenville Mayor responds to Trump rally chant
Chick'sOpinion said…
Australian Politician Peter Dutton is today making a dart board out of Jacinda Adern's face. He's that angry.

Jacinta Adern..for those who don't know. the young New Zealand's Prime Mininster.

She has come to Australia today to try and over turn Peter Dutton's,( Australia's politician) finest achievement in my veiw.

The law that deports New Zealander's who get charged with proven Sex Offender offences in Australia.

And there's plenty of them.

Dear Jacinda thinks it's 'corrosive' to send some of these people back to New Zealand.

When some of them haven't lived in New Zealand since they were very young.

Who cares.

They are dangerous sex offenders.

And Australia has every right to deport these arseholes.

Please God. Stop this silly cow interfering in Australian Law.

Jacinta Adern just wants to keep her rif raf in Australia.

Not back New Zealand.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That's a good insight into North Carolina.

Clearly Trump isn't lacking in supporters there. By what you describe.

That Strategic Futurist, Dr Richard Hames (He's not a psychic) stated in The Daily Mail yesty.

That he predicts the world is gonna become more right wing. Much more right wing dominated.

In future.

If that's true. I wonder how thats going to be acheived.

As most Western Universities today are predominantly Left Wing.

In fact. If you write anything but Left Wing Thought in an essay.

You will get a fail. Or low Mark.. these days.

Perhaps Dr Hames is talking about the Trump Effect.

That long term. It's going to influence.

I don't agree with all the Left's beliefs.

But I can damn well say categorically, I rarely agree with Right Wing Shit.

Dr Richard Hames predicted the twin towers would be attacked 3 years before it happened.

And the 2008 - 2009 Sub Prime Mortgage collapse in the U.S.

In fact he told Wall Street it was inevitable.

He's recently stated that Australians need to stop fearing China.

And start worrying about Indonesia.

He said militarily they are a worry for Australia.

As close neighbours.

And I guess he's noting that they are predominantly a Muslim nation.

We tend to see them as just a holiday destination.

But it is true. Indonesia have a very nasty ruthless Military.

And historically..look what they did in East Timor.

Murdered East Timorese.. without even thinkin twice.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And clearly Trump is now tryin to distance himself from the comments ..chanting, 'Send her back'.

Tryin to claim the crowd chanted it, not him.

He really thinks the public are gonna believe this shit.

Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Please give us a hint on what really happened that night.

It's in the newspapers today that someone has talked.

And has a letter confirming that Senator Ted Kennedy accidently killed young Mary-jo Kopechne in the crash in 1969.. on Chappaquiddick Island.

Because she was asleep in the back seat drunk.

And he did not in fact.. know she was there when he drove away from that party that night.

Fact or total fiction?

Anyone who saw the movie last year, Chappaquiddick.

Will know. The movie raised more questions than answers.

T. W. said…
Why are sex offenders good for Australia but not New Zealand?
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

I forgot to say the main reason people didn't vote for Clay Aiken is because he is gay. I don't understand what being a happy homosexual have to do with being a competent politician.

I wonder if the James fellow puts the yearly Economist magazine cover together. People forget that the some of the predictions are meant to come to pass several years later, not in the upcoming year.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. As though Homosexuality has anything to do with ability.

But when it comes to politics. Some voters are immediately alarmed by what Gay leaders may bring in.

More things they just don't agree with.
T. W. said…
Right is right and wrong is wrong. The Christian Bible predicted that in the Last Days, good is considered bad and bad is considered good.

We all fall short. We all do something God does not approve of. I'm not gay. What bothers me most is that some people have an agenda they need to promote for various reasons.

I don't approve of gay activities but guess what. If the person is an adult with the mental capacity to understand and to make their own free will choices, then that's that.

God does not hate gay people.

I would rather have a flaming queen as president than a hateful bigot. I would rather have Obama in office as monarch than Trump in office as fuhrer. ; )
T. W. said…
I tell you what. Most of them gays know how to dress. They got style. America needs a makeover!

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