The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Pence’s office tight-lipped after VP abruptly cancels New Hampshire trip to return to White House
Twinky Twink....
Please help us with all the shenanigans. Please solve these problems as You see fit. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
With the super tense situation with Iran and China.
Brand new Sherman tanks ! Great. To screw up the Washington streets.
And this is a President who just called off airstrikes on Iran.
You know...That 'admiration loving' French President, Charles De Gaulle... during WW2. Comes to mind with all this Parade bullshit.
And lets not forget. Charles De Gaulle is remembered as the one who led the French Resistance against German Nazi occupation.
No he didnt. Ive read widely on the French Resistance. They led him. And thought he was an incompetent arrogant uninformed fool.
And Winston Churchill and U.S President Roosevelt ...and vice president Wallace at that time during the war. And before it . Were right onto that understanding too. About De Gaulle.
So when De Gaulle was exiled. They gave him a phone and an office in London. To live. .. and kept him the out of all decision making.
Cause he was a bit of an idiot.
Yet later, built a political career on saving France from the Nazis.
No he didnt do anything.
And even outrageously refused to meet/thank key French Resistance workers who survived the Nazi occupation and almost sure death ...cause of their major dangerous work.
But no De Gaulle refused to meet them after the liberation of France days.
And told the foreign ones
'Get lost go home'
And then went on his Parades and waved to the people.
Taking all the Glory.
No. I'm not a big fan of Parades and political leaders.
On what he knows about Trump and the whole enchilada.
Cause thats equal to the Watergate scandal. A complete parallel. If you look right into it.
And. Further. I think...The Parade is to make people think..isnt Trump great. Aint he marvellous.
And !! its a show of military strength to the combined countries. Breathing down everyone's neck, Russia, China, Iran.
Trump got on the phone and said
'Get those brand new Sherman Tanks outa the garage. We're havin a Parade as soon as possible'.
#UnwantedIvanka: Twitter Drags Ivanka Trump for Butting In On Conversation Between World Leaders
Grace Jones Quits James Bond Movie After Minutes On Set
Grace Jones Quit “Bond 25” Within First Few Minutes Of Work Because She Didn’t Have A Big Enough Role
Information taken from 2 articles on the front page:
"Madonna dressed like her role model Hitler. A British journalist who interviewed her at her former home in Britain revealed Madonna has a portrait of Hitler on her wall. Just like him she's a racist piece of garbage who has been calling black people 'slaves" in modern times."
"Much of the paltry sales "Madame X" is credited with comes from music streaming. As Madonna co-owns Tidal music streaming with fraudulent rapper Jay-Z, and the company has been caught criminally falsifying streaming data to get number ones that were not earned, it is clear the same fakery has happened with "Madame X"[.]"
"Because men do not find her appealing, Madonna has been paying younger men to date her and that's pathetic for a woman to do. The New York Post revealed how she had to buy a former boyfriend a condo in New York and give him money to get him to date her, as she looks horribly and has a sexually transmitted disease from years of whoring herself out for fame. She had to promise ex-husband Guy Ritchie a film career through Warner Bros, after trying to trap him with a baby (and one she nearly miscarried) failed to make him marry her."
Wants Ivanka to become his VP
Others are saying that it’s the secretary of
State job that Ivanka wants
Yeah a prediction on Madonna would be good.
Shes no longer relevant.
So she started this new image ...of Madam X.
It really is pathetic.
I saw her promo for it. Its crazy. Whats hystecial is how serious she takes it.
Shes dressed as a WW2 Spy in it. Hence the uniform
But Why?
Cause she beleives she is one.
Too funny!!
The Woman who ran the dancing school she went to as a teenager. One day Called her Madame X.
And joked she may be a Spy.
Ummmm Madonna. That was a joke. Not an actuality.
And these Toy Boys shes payin to date her.
How embarressing for her kids.
Guy Ritchie is an absolute prick. Not a nice man .
'Off stage'
But he was lucky to escape Madonna. And survive.
Pence out. And Ivanka in. As Vice President?
Wouldnt surprise me.
In this Facist Reality Show.
Did Grace Jones give a reason.. beyond the part wasnt big enough in the Bond movie?
Shes funny.
So violent back in the day.
But what was weird she was violent to men.
I found that really bizarre. She even assaulted someone who interviewed her on TV.
But lets face it. Grace Jones has always been bizarre.
And funny with it.
Loved her song,
Pull Up To The Bumper.
Hey. Has anyone seen that vulgarian, Miley Cyrus' new music video.
Where she's cavorting around in a bright red rubber Red catsuit.
Its kinda ridiculous. Makes Madonna and GaGa seem tame.
Yes Miley... as David Bowie sang..' you're a juvenile success'
But you need to grow up. Like your fans are.
Particularly at this time.
Just goes to show how far the billionaires of the world. Will go.
To keep their extreme high wealth flowing in.
Including Beyonce and Jay Z and Madonna as mentioned. Who own Tidal.
CD did predict Tidal would fail.
I think because he said, Beyonce and Jay Z's greed has got way outa control.
Its time I should use predictive spellchecker.
Sorry guys.
That WW2 Spies. (Resistance Workers) the Le Maquis or Partisans did not wear uniforms.
The whole point of their role as spies.. was to move anonymously within whatever country they were operating in.
So obvious German inspired uniforms like dear Madonna is wearing to be a 'Spy' as Madam X is thoroughly stupid.
And fact is, if WW2 Resistance workers/spies, Partisans...ever wore any kind of vague uniform.
It was only when they were living in the scrubs, the Woods (le Maquis is French for scrubland) and that was when they were engaging in real Guerilla Warfare.
And even that uniform was maybe just a beret.
But no identifying uniform. Maybe boots they had removed from deceased German soldiers.
Cause the Germans had good quality boots.
And suitable shoes were scarce.
Another seer said Trump will replace Pence but will still be assassinated. That seer made the comment in his comments section. Another seer says Trump will resign.
As for Madonna, everytime I have talked about him/her here and provided links to back my claim a troll comes out to attack me. The troll can't attack my statements because they are based on reality.
1. Scroll to the 3:09 mark to watch the funny parts!
Madonna - Human Nature/Hung Up - Coachella 2015
2. Madonna says Madam X is a Secret Agent in bizarre interview
3. Meet Madonna's Alter Madame X! She's a Secret Agent! MK?
4. Must See!!! Desperate Madonna Madame X Displays Deep Void From Hollywood Ego
5. Madonna & Madam X Wants you to WAKE UP
6. Eurovision 2019 Finale and the Occult Meaning of Madonna’s Controversial Performance
7. The Meaning of Madonna’s “Madame X” Persona and the Video “Medellín”
8. Madonna Spreads Disinformation With New “Illuminati” Song
Seems like we need psychic gossip on Miley Cyrus.
Links. Prepare to vomit:
2. Miley Cyrus & Her Mom
3. Miley Cyrus goes full Bunny & Witch
4. Miley Cyrus’ “BB Talk” Celebrates Child Abuse and is Seriously Messed Up
5. Miley Cyrus Releases a New Video While Under “Doctor’s Care” … And it’s About Mind Control
6. Miley Cyrus’ “Trippy” Video that Was Filmed While She Was ‘Hospitalized’ Is Actually About MKULTRA
7. Miley Cyrus' T Shirt says What? (The shirtbsays "Porno Chic")
8. Sinead O’Connor’s Open Letter to Miley Cyrus: “You Are Being Pimped by the Music Business”
9. Billy Ray Cyrus in GQ: My family is under attack by Satan, I’m ‘scared for’ daughter Miley
10. Miley Cyrus' Alter Black Mirror Ashley O Treding Music Video Manufactered Celebrity
11. Miley Cyrus in “Black Mirror” as a Mind-Controlled Pop Star: It’s Not Fiction
12. Miley Cyrus licks Ab0rti0n Cake Because Miley Cyrus is a Licker
13. Apparently Miley Cyrus' Mother's Daughter is Advertiser Friendly
What are scrublands? Are they clean?
Anyone else remember Michael Jackson was Madonna's date to the 1991 Oscar's?
Anyone else remember MJ said there was nothing feminine about Madonna, s/he hates being a woman, and s/he hates women?
Scrublamds are fields where there is alot of shrubs and trees. Where you can hide.
Thank you Chick'sOpinion!
I'm laying low so I don't know what is going on.
I'm laying low so I don't know what is going on.
I'm laying low so I don't know what is going on.
Mmmm I read that there was a poor turnout for the 'parade'
And some full-on argy bargy between Left and Right winger demonstrators.
I used to love a day out demonstrating.
Not anymore. I cant drag myself to it. It gets too crazy.
I think its time for Gen Y to get out and do most of the protesting. They should. They are good when they get going.
Or maybe the online-bred Milennials, who prefer to spend their time roaming around shops like TJ Maxx, The North Face and Patagonia. In their Vans Shoes.
Or staring till their little eyes fall out at Zara online.
Funny, the Milennials relish 'monster energy' drinks.
But seem to save their monster energy for Social Media. Not direct political activism.
Though i love their online campaigns that they start.
Ive noticed Gen Y are very particular.
They prefer to buy from brands that help the environment, charity or the community.
They generally avoid spending into a brand thats doing the wrong thing.
Forget demonstrations. Theyve turned buying into modern day activism.
But its gonna take these young generations to ultimately get the Trumps (Ivanka and Jared too) out of office.
But buyin Whole foods, in my view.
Aint gonna do it.
Did you notice Trump blamed the weather and the teleprompter for his massive mistake. During the Independance Day speech.
Him saying that the British took over the airports in the American Revolutionary War the 18th Century!!!
That was no mistake.
Whoever loaded that Teleprompter....
Did it on purpose.
To make him look an idiot.