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Karma girl it's a coming...

Meghan "MeGain" Markle, seems not to learn.
That shes part of "Lillibet's Firm".
MG seems to think she should get Royalties.
From the work she does for QE2.
Silly girl, she's about to stumble.
Right into the Tower of London..


Chick'sOpinion said…
I thought she was already kinda in the Tower Of London.
Where the UK Queens and Kings banish annoying treasonous people. Or have them executed.

Cause Meghan's already been told,

'You're goin to Fukn Africa, cause you're a full out Fame whore. Are Oppositional Defiant. And spend our Royal budget like you are f..cking Marie Antoinette'

Oh has anyone noticed also? Meghan has either drove another nanny to resign. Or she's sacked them.

Garrd. Im gonna enjoy all the Tell All books her staff are gonna go sick writing.. about their time with her.

And now its looks like Meghan is demanding a Royal wage. Is she serious? Imagine all the Free Shit she gets already.

CyndiTx123 said…
There is so much negativity towards Meghan... I just wish her the very best especially since she has a new baby -new marriage- new life- hateful family from her side. It's a lot to handle. Why fault her for what she wants & received. Pray that she is well minded in caring for her first born -herself - her hubby.
Anonymous said…
She knows which way the wind blows. Wants to get that cash while she can. There are more divorces in the royal family than successful marriages.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah MM was clueless about what she was getting herself into. She still has to learn the difference between being a royal and a celebrity. Being a royal is not about you the star, it is about the Monarchy which always has to come first. That may sound harsh and ancient, but that is the playbook the Firm has been using for the last 1000 years. Thus far nobody has been able to change that rule, and those who have tried haven't had happy outcomes.
louis said…
Once Kate has her fourth Child it's all over for MM.

The Queen only discusses the six in immediate line for the Throne with the PM...which means Harry drops out of the six after baby No 4....No automatic claim on HRH titles in divorces, no automatic titles and no embarrassing discussions with the PM.

As now "minor" royals no longer in immediate line for the throne it's Fergie and Andrew territory...a drama not a crisis.

At which point I suspect the Royal Palace will quietly deal with her....expect a lot of leaked videos of her bulling staff and/or Harry, prodding her temper by being sent to Northumberland (for example) to open public toilets, visits to aged care homes, worse forcing her to curtsy to either Camilla or Kate in public get the picture....then letting The Sun do the rest.

Letty said…
This manipulative scheming woman is about
To meet Miss Karma head on!
The July eclipses will bring it to her!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Check out yesterday, Lisa Bonet dressed like a witch.. walking around on holidays in Venice.
The Italians would have went into hiding.

Im sure Lisa Bonet didnt get up in the morning with the intention of dressing as a witch.
But the hat is definately straight outa the Witch, in the Wizard of Oz.

And Jason Momoa, her way much younger husband is wearing prison stripe trousers. On holiday??
Perhaps he feels in prison in a relationship with Lisa.

Seems to me. That the richer some people get. The weirder the clothes.

Didnt Lisa Bonet date Lenny Kravitz back in the day?
When she was beautiful. Well. She aint anymore. Shes resembling Witchypoo.

No sorry guys. Hate to break it to you.
Its a lie.
Inner beauty wont get you laid.

And. Someone needs to call the Fashion Police.
Cause Lisa and Jason look like Freaks.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I want to mention this... get this clear to those interested.
So everyone can realise. The deep and dangerous offence Ivanka Trump has committed. And continues. To experts in the field of diplomacy, Nuclear arms and Sanctions.

Ivanka Trump is not on the Security Council. Shes not an adviser. On nuclear weapons. Nor anything else related to the negotiations with the very delicate matter...of North Korea denuclearising.

So why the was that dumb bitch. Present at that very sensitive closed door meeting with the U.S President ..and Nth Korea's, Kim Jung Un?

A meeting that could alter the safety of whole populations on the planet.

Thats how outrageously dangerous this is. To have her interfering in something she has no right to.

She even went into the Demilitarized Zone.DMZ

Ivanka Trump is trying to skip the hard slog of political education, actual work, learning from others. Respecting others.

And the very slow but neccesary career climb.. to deserve a seat in that very very dangerous negotiation with a dictator like Kim Jung Un.

Ivanka is using this opportunity skip the line. Cause she fancies herself as a future Diplomat. States person.


The only Diplomatic Visits she will be doing. In future.

Are to the Correctional Facility Jared Kushner will be jailed in.

And Thank bloody God.

The Russian Ambassador to the Obama administration is pissed off with this..

He said in The New York Times yesterday,

'Her presence there completely undermines the professionalism of the Trump administration'

That is actually an understatement.

Is Ivanka Condaleeza Rice? No far from it
Is she Colin Powell? No far from it.

No. This has to be stopped as soon as possible.
For the safety of everyone.

JACKIE O said…
Wow, I wish she would learn to behavior and act accordingly now that she has married into the Royal family! I wonder if she is just plain stupid.
I am wondering, Mr. Christian how long do you think this union will last between Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan "MeGain" Markle? I think Prince Harry is not happy anymore with Meghan "MeGain" Markle. He probably regrets his decision marrying her.
Quinhas said…
Megan Markle is no different from Kate Middleton. I remember when Kate was dating William there was news reports of her family being social climbers, especially the mother and grandmother. Kate and Megan are the same.
Psychic Gossip said…
the differance is Kate learned to do as she's told CD
Anonymous said…
There is so much negativity about Meghan Markle.I do not know her.All I see are pictures in newspapers but I do not know her.So I wish her and Harry the very best.
Anonymous said…
Thank you CyndiTx123. You are so right.

Kate and Megan are not the same. Kate switched schools to chase William. She did nothing in her life but wait for him to marry her. She couldn't leave if she wanted to because she has nothing else going for herself other than her marriage and her babies.

Megan had a life, a career, her own money. Has the marriage raised her status? Yes, but she still has something to go back to if she divorces.

They are like most women - looking to marry for financial security and stability. I don't hate on them because they landed princes and mass wealth. They were calculating and lucky. Good for them.

Don't for one second think Will is not creating all those babies to freeze Harry out. Harry is more likeable and I think Will resents the attention Harry gets. Poor Will can't get interesting even though he has Diana's face. Elite problems. LOL!
Anonymous said…
CD, I question your use of this picture of Meghan from that racist BBC garbage. They have clearly darkened her skin and used angry black women propaganda. It is disgusting and perpetuating this garbage is disgusting as well.
jele6 said…

Lisa Bonet was married to Lenny Kravitz for several years. Their daughter got married over the weekend. She has been dressing "weird" since she was a teenager. She and Jason seem perfect for each other, they have been together 15 years.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You make a very good point.

That she doesnt get that being a Royal is completely different to being a Hollywood Celebrity.

I think European people understand that instinctively. But Meghan Doesn't get it.

I get it. Lots of other people can clearly see that. Especially those in Commonwealth countries too.

And its not optional.
She thinks its optional to conduct herself as a Royal.
Nope. No way. Not in the UK. Or in any European Monarchies.

She wants the Prestige of being a European Royal.
But ultimately, not the lifesyle.

Or careful responsibility of her conduct as one.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Its a game of Thrones.

Absolutely good observation. You made.

And as William apparently dislikes Meghan Markle so much.
And is alarmed by her behaviour.
And the change she has created in his brother.
It wont long before William is able to wreak Karma on Meghan.

And agree. I didnt think it would be long before William plans a 4th Child knock Meghan out of the Royal line.
And as soon as that happens. Kate will outrank Meghan. By a mile.

And that will piss Meghan off.
Having to curtsey to her.

Another baby for William would be a sensible move.
Cause Meghan having anymore continued power within the Royal family would be even more detrimental I believe.

Look at the havoc shes caused to William and harry's relationship.
And Harry's formally trusting relationship with Kate .

Meghan doesnt get ..that William and Kate will eventually have ALL the power when William takes the throne anyway.

And yes. U are right.

William will send Meghan to open Nursing Homes and Facilities.
As Royal duties.

Not the endless glamour she anticipated as a Royal.
Talking down to servants. And fellow Royals.
Traisping around.
And returning to the U.S all the time when it suits her. Hanging with Hollywood Stars.
Going to public restaurants. With PR guys.

Nope. The quiet life. And duty only. Pretty much.

If I thought Meghan was authentically the good person she tries fo fool people she is.

Then..I would be positive about her as an addition to the Royal family.
But im not convinced she is what she claims.
Shes Actually the opposite.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you for the astrology update.

Its always good to know. What the stars say about the general mood of things.
CyndiTx123 said…
Thank you Anonymous. We all speculate about these two and it seems it's a lot of negatives & judgements. Just feel if we step back & send positive vibes - energy to this couple -as we all would with any couple with a new born...the good you spread, as karma works, the good will return back to you. I really do wish the best for them.
T. W. said…
Lisa Bonet was married to Lenny Kravitz. They have a daughter named Zoe who looks exactly like Lisa.

Nichole Kidman dated Lenny Kravitz and said he was the best lover she ever had. The problem was that he wears the same clothes for days at a time and refuses to bathe or shower. Other people have confirmed this.

Lenny's mother was the woman who portrayed Helen on The Jeffersons, his father was Jewish. Her character was married to a white man. Interracial relationships were rarely shown in American TV back then.
T. W. said…
I saw the pics. These occult elite Goat Lucy worshippers don't even try to hide what they are.

I see they wear a lot of black and white, which represents duality for the occult practitioners. As for Jason's pants, perhaps he is telling us he does not want to be at his step daughter's wedding and that his wife Lisa is his Illuminati Handler.

About Lisa. Remember she was in The Cosby Show and A Different World. Debbie Allen directed many episodes. She is also Phylicia Rashad's sister.

According to word on the street, Debbie is a practicing witch. Not the white light kind. Word has it she "turned out" Jasmine Guy and Cree Summer of A Different World. Unconfirmed rumors claim she turned out others. I think Cree Summer is a practicing lesbian too.

If you don't know Cree, I guarantee you have heard her voice. She does a lot of voice acting and has almost 400 voice acting credits. She was the voice of Penny of the cartoon "Inspector Gadget." She was also the voice of "Foxxy Love" and others of "Drawn Together."


Jason Momoa and Wife Lisa Bonet Vacation in Italy After Zoe Kravitz’s Paris Wedding: Pics

Cree Summer, Behind the Voice Actors website
T. W. said…
Quinhas is right.

I wish Duchess Kate no harm but s/he is NOT Princess Diana. I don't care that she wears Diana's cursed wedding ring.

People forget that Kate's mother made her switch universities so she could "bump into" Prince William.

People forget Kate intentionally wore a see through outfit during a fashion show because she knew Wills was in the audience.

People forget Kate used sex to get to Wills. Ladies. Let me tell you. You keep a man how you got him. If you had to use sex, rest assured he won't turn down sex from other women after he marries you.

People forget Kate's uncle is a criminal.

People forget her own sister Pippa upstage Kate at Kate's wedding by wearing a fake butt. I watched the royal wedding. Pippa always seemed to know where the cameras were. Pippa always seemed to have her back turned or be in a stopping or bent over position when the cameras were on her.

People forget that the more reliable news outlets reported Kate is upset about Meghan's popularity.

Social climbers indeed.

At least Prince Harry knew what Meghsn was about.
T. W. said…
I don't understand how or why Ivanka is present at these meetings and why the taxpayers foot the bill.

You have to pass strenuous security and background checks just to be a low level clerk at the State Department. Security checks take a year and that is only if there are no red flags in your background and/or you are not seeking the highest security clearance level.

So how did Ivanka and the Kushners get to work for Daddy Warbucks, uh, President Trump since Day 1?
T. W. said…
The fact that Prince Harry, a known Nazi who dresses as such is more popular than the future king of England says a lot about society.

I guess we know why he married that black chick.

Christian is right. Kate learned to do what she is told. Kate has also taken a lot of abuse from Duchess Camilla. Some published reports claim the queen likes Kate and has personally taken her under her wing. Well, she is married to the future King of England. Kate had better learn from the Queen while she can.

Anonymous 9:25 PM is right as well. Duchess Meghan has a lot to go back to when her marriage fails. She had a life before. Waity Katey, uh, Duchess Kate had no life. Well, maybe she can go back to photographing inanimate objects for her mother's catalogs...
T. W. said…
Anonymous 9:29 PM

I see. I don't like the pic either and it looks nothing like her.

Maybe Christian is telling us what the British Royals really think of Meghan?

The truther community has been saying for a long time that Prince Harry marrying a black woman was planned. These people aren't human and need melaninated blood.

Other truthers say her children will be used as target practice. That is if they don't die from blood loss. They need that melanin. Just ask Angela Merkel why she was shaking and vibrating...
T. W. said…
In Meghan's defense, us Americans have no realistic concept of what monarchies do and how they work. Us girls are socialized to believe Prince Charming is a knight in shining armor who will whisk us away out of poverty and oppression so we can live a privileged life of luxury.

On one hand I don't blame Meghan. On the other hand, published reports claim everyone, including Duchess Kate have been trying to teach Meghan how things work. But Meghan thinks her way is better.

Dear Megan Markle,

You are not in Kansas anymore. You must get with THE PROGRAM or Get Out. If and when you decide to get out, take detailed notes, store them securely, and do what you can to secure your future and your children's future. Don't let them tell you your kids belong to the Queen. Slavery officially ended a long time ago.
T. W. said…
This Told Ya is coming fast!

Link with video:

Prince Harry appears to 'ignore' Meghan Markle during MLB game in London
Anonymous said…

Kate and Meghan are the same? There is no comparison! Kate has always been the Royal professional, never out of step, never out of line. She represents her children and the royals well, and is the quintessential wife to to the future king.

In regard to Lisa Bonet and her hunky, much younger husband, I don't see anything wrong with what either of them were wearing in Italy. A witch? Too funny! I guess I better take back my similar summer hat that protects me from the sun's rays when I am on vacation. She looks pretty good for her age. Lisa and her husband are more than likely Twin Flames, hence, the age difference. Google it.

CAP Anonymous
Apple Monkey said…
Hi Friends. Kate met William a few times before they went to university together. I do think Kate has grown in her role and is such an asset to the U.K. as well as the royal family.
As time has gone on, I have slowly gone off Meghan. For a start her clothes are so expensive. No one has dressed like her in the Royal family. The constant hand holding and then bump holding has got more and more annoying. Harry and Meghan have spent a mimimum of £2.4 million renovating Frogmore Cottage, at a time when we still don’t know we are with Brexit and there is so much uncertainty. They want privacy but their renovations are being financed by the U.K. tax payer. Although there is a lot of negative press about Meghan, Harry’s popularity has definitely gone down. I don’t think all is well between them - the ToTC video and another video over the weekend shows discord.
Apple Monkey said…
There is now a story that Archie’s godparents are going to be kept private. My hunch is either they will be celebrities or perhaps William and Kate have not been asked. If we had a Royal Family similar to the Dutch or Danish Royals their actions would be fine as they work. The problem is they have cost us so much money. For those of you not based in England, a few weeks ago the BBC have stated as of next year they want to charge the over 75s a tv licence fee. Up to now it has been free. In the U.K. you have to have a licence to watch television. Pensioners if they have passed the tax threshold are taxed on their pension. My point is the money that Harry and Meghan have spent has been vast and they are not assessing public opinion and seem to want things both ways. I can’t remember any member of the royal family who has lost so much popularity and I mean Harry as well.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

You are right. Prince Harry's popularity has hit the floor.

Alot of the general public have gone off him in Commonwealth countries too. Think he's maybe a bit nuts.

Cause he's no longer seen as very reliable.

Because he made a very snap decision marrying Meghan.

But far worse for him.
The British aristocracy disapprove of him because of this marriage to Meghan.
As he didnt choose a wife from Aristocracy Stock.

And hes a Prince. So therefore they are highly insulted.

They will divorce very quickly i think.
Cause of her behaviour. And because shes so generally disliked all round.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very good point.
How the did Ivanka Trump pass the rigourous
security clearances to be able to enter the DMZ zone?
Be among so many V.I.P Leaders.
And sit down with Kim Jung Un

It beggars belief.

Cause clearly Ivanka skipped those security checks.
And so did that little swine Jared Kushner.
Jared Kushner would not have passed that level of U.S security check. No way.

Cause his dad was jailed in 2005. Thats a fact.
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, perhaps it's because Asian men love blondes. Ivanka is very attractive, especially with those curvaceous store-bought boobies of hers. Plus, she's Daddy's girl!

But if you'd notice, Ivanka is with her Dad on many travels abroad, going to all these different meetings with the all the heads. She's very involved in the whole political thing. I wouldn't be surprised if she attempts to run for President one day.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

There needs to be a campaign to stop them charging the oldies TV Licenses.

Thats shocking.

Free The Oldies From Bills!!!!

And anyway the BBC should be thankful to the Oldies. Their viewing is keeping the BBC alive.

T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous

There is nothing wrong with your hat.

We are interpreting symbols within context. For example, a swastika is generally seen as a hate symbol to most of the world. To the Hopi Indians and the Indigenous peoples of Tibet, it is a sacred cross and represents the 4 ethnicities of humanity.

In the context of celebrities and the elite, Lisa and her husband could dress the way they do because that is the kind of clothing sold in the stores the rich and famous frequent. Perhaps they aren't Illuminati but want to appear that way out of fear of what THEY do to celebrities. Perhaps their handlers, uh, I meant PR and management team told them how to dress. Maybe you are right, they just like that style.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

1. What is 75s?

2. Does Britain not have private TV stations?

3. Can y'all get satellite TV without getting a license to watch TV?
T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous

I love what you wrote! One seer said Trump has Ivanka travel with him because he wants her to run for president one day.
Anonymous said…
Cap anon, your posts are attracting a lot of popularity! I’m jumping in with one little bitty correction about Kate’s spotless rep as a royal—those full frontal nudes taken of her by paparazzi. She had the boobs and bush out when she’s the most papped person in the world, and it not only made her look stupid, it made her look common. Any woman married to a Prince should know to keep her clothes and underwear on at all times. Sheesh....
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW how are u
75s are people who are over 75 years of age. They are pensioners so it seems really unfair.
You have to have a licence to watch tv in the U.K. even if u don’t watch the bbc u still have to have a licence. If you don’t, you could be fined or go to prison. The BBC pay ridiculously high salaries to news readers and staff.
T. W. said…
Duchess Kate ain't stupid.

If she kept her clothes on all the time she would have never caught William's eye and she wouldn't have had sex with him and popped out his children.
T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey!

America just celebrated our independence from British tyranny, uh, I meant British rule. Something for others to think about...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didnt know Asian men were crazy about blondes

Jeez. The things you learn.

Oh so that's why Trump took Ivanka with him.

I tend to think He'd take her anyway.

As like everyone else here. I can see Trump is developing her future political career.
Apple Monkey said…
Have you seen the christening pic? William looks like he wants to be anywhere but there. Kate has got a fixed smile. Charles not happy and Camilla well she apparently has a wicked sense of humour...l
T. W. said…
Prostitutes would wear blonde wigs during the time of the Roman Empire.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey, they want to be at that 3 day orgy in Worcestershire, England.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Yeah definately. I've seen the pic. Prince William definately doesn't want to be there.

It's obvious.

He knows its jus one big charade.

I've never believed Meghan had a pregnancy.

T. W. said…
Blind Item claims Rose Hanbury is still seeing Prince William

Blind Items Revealed # 4
Apple Monkey said…
TW u r so naughty 😂 I hope William isn’t seeing Rose Hanbury.... I hope it’s a rumour. What do you think re Epstein?
Chicks agree with everything you said
T. W. said…
Hi Apple Monkey!

My comments are for entertainment purposes.

As for Epstein, I don't know. Harvey Weinstein and Bryan Singer are still free. Epstein has low friends in high places. He is a registered sex offender in over 30 states.

The only way I see justice being rendered is if THEY allow it, most likely to save themselves. If he is not suicided he will probably escape justice again.

What do you think?
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW.
Lol re entertainment purposes.
Yes, I agree. He’s managed to get away with so many things so far. As a billionaire he could do so much good. Instead he’s chosen to inflict so much cruelty. I don’t understand this world a lot of the time.
T. W. said…
I feel the same way Apple Monkey.
Apple Monkey said…
Hugs to you TW
Re Meghan, she attended Wimbledon and people near her were instructed to not take pictures even though it was a televised match. The reason being Meghan was there privately..... it’s becoming such a joke. As tax payers we have to pay for her refurbishments, her protection and god knows what else.
T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey!

Britain has a crisis. The palace told people not to take the pics but I've read about Duchess Kate agreeing to pose with private citizens when asked. Maybe that was staged to make her look relatable.

I think Meghan would have been delighted to pose for photographs. I feel sorry for her and I have been praying for her and Archie.

We need to pray for Meghan, Archie, and their loved ones. I "feel" something bad wants to come their way, something they don't deserve.
T. W. said…
Seems like I spoke too soon but she definitely needs our prayers.

Blind Item #8
T. W. said…
Duchess Meghan Called A “Nightmare” At Wimbledon
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW. For Archie’s sake, I hope he’s being looked after. I gave Meghan the benefit of the doubt but am not sure about her motives etc.
T. W. said…
So the Sussex Couple had a private meet and greet with some celebrities at the London premiere of The Lion King. The pics and video clips I have seen disturb me. Some dreams my sister and I have had about that marriage are coming to pass.


1. Beyonce looked like a prostitute

2. Beyonce was clearly smitten with Prince Harry

3. Prince Harry interrupted his wife as she was talking to Beyonce & Jay-Z so he could kiss Beyonce on both of her face cheeks. Her right butt cheek was exposed but I did not see footage of him kissing it.

PICS: Beyonce Finally Meets Her Idol Meghan Markle At Disney’s ‘Lion King’ London Premiere
T. W. said…
Duchess Meghan Met Beyoncé At The London Premiere Of “The Lion King”

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