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Russian Bitch...


Letty said…
T. W. said…
I guess he is on rasPutin's payroll.
T. W. said…
National Archives releases Reagan's racist call with then-President Nixon, ex-Nixon library director says

"In a newly unearthed audio clip, then-California Gov. Ronald Reagan disparaged "monkeys" from African countries in a phone call with then-President Richard Nixon, according to the former director of Nixon's presidential library, who published his findings in The Atlantic."


"Reagan continued, 'To see those, those monkeys from those African countries -- damn them, they're still uncomfortable wearing shoes!'"

* * * * * * *

Ronald Reagan’s Long-Hidden Racist Conversation With Richard Nixon
In newly unearthed audio, the then–California governor disparaged African delegates to the United Nations.

"Nixon believed in a hierarchy of races, with whites and Asians much higher up than people of African descent and Latinos. And he had convinced himself that it wasn’t racist to think black people, as a group, were inferior to whites, so long as he held them in paternalistic regard. 'Within groups, there are geniuses,' Nixon said. 'There are geniuses within black groups. There are more within Asian groups … This is knowledge that is better not to know.'"
T. W. said…
Hamza bin Laden has been killed.

Conspiracy theories are floating around. Some people think he & his father Osama are alive. Other people believe Hamza was murdered to prevent him from telling the truth about the September 11 attacks. Perhaps the truth is in the middle.

No word on who gets the $1 million reward.

No word on whether Hamza's deadly wound has healed....

Osama bin Laden’s son killed after U.S. offered $1 million for his capture

U.S. has intel that Osama bin Laden's son and heir, Hamza, is dead, officials say

The officials would not provide details of how Hamza bin Laden died or if the U.S. played a role. It is unclear if Washington has confirmed his death.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It's all about Russian Aluminium

This is U.S Republican Senator, Mitch McConnell. He's from Kentucky.
He has been helping the Russians set up an Aluminium Mill. In Kentucky. In the U.S.

Fine. But the Aluminium Mill is owned by the Russian company Rusal. Who have been banned through U.S Sanctions on them. For good reason.

Mitch McConnell is currently being criticised for helping to block a congressional effort to stop the Russian investment in Kentucky.

And this nasty Russian firm, Rusal.

They were only able to make the investment after it won sanctions relief from the U.S Treasury Department.

Rusal Aluminium were formally subject to those sanctions. And 2 other Russian companies owned by Oleg Deripaska. For good reason.

I might add, Oleg Deripaska is a Russian Oligarch.

And Oleg Deripaska is a little psychopath.

He's right in with the Kremlin. And not long back seized land off the Ukrainians, supplied Arms for the Syrian Regime and has meddled in other countries elections.

You know, a typical Russian Oligarch.

Senator, Mitch McConnell's statement defending his efforts to get Rusal into Kentucky has hit the newspapers. And it amuses me for it's naivety.
And how stupid he thinks the public are.

He told reporters in May, that his support for lifting the sanctions on Rusal, was...

'Completely unrelated to anything that might happen in my home state'.

Someone needs to check Mitch McConnell's Kentucky bank account. usbank, Fifth Third Bank, PNC Bank.

Or maybe an off shore bank. With lots of Russian Roubles in it. And the deposit will be under the name Bribe.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Kanye West and Kim must broke as you suggested long ago.

Today in The Daily Mail there is pics and a story all about Kanye West's new Communinty housing Project on his 300 acre Calabasas estate.

The thing about it is. The home are all shaped like huge big Cones. Straight out of Star Wars.

According to nutty Kanye, the homes will 'Break barriers that separate classes'.

Sorry but...He's so delusional.

Personally, I think its because the 'Church' money scam failed.
And he's had to come up with something new.

In alot of ways. Kanye West is a typical Bi Polar sufferer. They often talk about and do start their own religions.
Aint sayin they don't have talent. But they sure as shit love starting churches. Or cults.

And to demonstrate how its all about the money for Kanye. The other day, Kanye applied for... filed legal documents for exclusive ownership of ALL clothing of his 'Sunday Service Line. Of clothes.

You know, last time I looked, Christ on the cross wasnt wearing wearing Addidas Sneakers. Or a Yves Saint Lauren loin cloth. But anyway....

But i will quote...'Now I aint sayin he's a gold digger'.

But I am sayin, he is a gold digger. A nutty one.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Born to be controversial. Maybe. Kanye West's father was a Black Panther. And was the first black photojournalist at the Atlanta Constitution Journal.

So Kanye West understands very well how to influence through pics. And the media. Also, his mother was an English professor.

So Kanye has not come from a very poor background. But his father definately really struggled.
His father did alot of pics of major people. Maya Angelou. Civil Rights activists.

I think Kanye West had good grounding growing up.
And lots of support. To be successful.
T. W. said…
Kanye Pest is turning into Jim Bakker. Kanye is selling cone heads, I meant come shaped homes. Jim is selling some homes & underground homes. At least some shaped homes are more structurally sound than the boxes we live in.

Kanye probably joined the Illuminati because he thought it was a joke. He found out after his mother was sacrificed...
T. W. said…
The Sheeple will see rasPutin & Russia for their true selves. It won't be long now.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Seriously good Hamza Bin Laden is dead. That evil little Saudi Arabian has been recently trying to rebuild up Al-Quaida. Not now. Dead.

All the Bin Laden's are Saudi Arabian. And Hamza's wife in particular..apparently comes from the family of top leaders of Al-Quaida.

The whole Bin Laden family including the 9/11 plotters have been rigorously protected by Iranian intelligence for ages.

That's probably another reason Trump despises Iran.

Hamza Bin Laden's other wife is the widow of Mohammed Atta. One of the 9/11 group who attacked the World Trade Towers.

Hamza Bin Laden had 3 wives. God knows what other hateful female he married.

They are all branches from an evil tree.
Letty said…
Karma will have no mercy on this disgusting

He look like he shapeshifts to a reptilian demon
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didn't know who Jim Bankkr was. I checked it out.

A TV Evangelist. Who was ....everything Christianity shouldn't be.

He lived in opulence and excess. Surrounded by luxury.

He also was found out paying hush money for an allegation of rape.

Does Kanye West love money that much. That he's prepared to become like one of these corrupt TV Evangelists? With his new stupid Church.

It's embarrassing. And needless.

Kanye's lookin around for some way for him and Kim to maintain their Jet Set lifestyle.

But if he'd only just stick to a role as a producer of music he'd do fine.

As he has immense talent in music. And alot to contribute to younger artists. I think.

Why do people fail to recognise the talent they already have? And often refuse to utilize it.

And spend alot of their lives..tryin to be something they have no talent for?

It puzzles me.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I'm not sure.

I read portions of a book written by one of Osama bin Laden's ex-wives. Members of Osama's family were from Yemen and east Africa. They are a mixed race people. That is not unusual in that part of the world but they would have you believe they are ethnically homogeneous.

As for Iran protecting the 9/11 attackers, I have no inside knowledge but I question that. Here is what I do know:

1. Then-President George W. Bush was warned well in advance of the attacks and had ample time to stop it. Sound familiar? Remember some little place called Pearl Harbor...

2. Several sources have publicly claimed Saudi Arabia financed the attacks. The sources presented evidence to back their claims and called for our government to sue Saudia Arabia in court to obtain monetary compensation for the 9/11 victims.

3. Sources also claim Bush did not go after Saudi Arabia for personal business reasons. In other words, he put the Bush Family bank account above public safety.

4. Dick Cheney should not have been vice president because he had multiple financial conflicts of interest. Ask yourself who got rich because of The War on Terror. Ask yourself why the Bush Administration couldn't find Osama but the Obama Administration easily found him. Obama found Osama. I don't think he was president for even 2 months.

5. Speaking of which, why is it the George H. W. Bush Administration couldn't find Sadaam Hussein even though soldiers deployed to the Middle East report they saw Hussein and his family members out in public on a daily basis? I will tell you. Those same soldiers report they were under orders not to apprehend them. I personally received these reports from several high ranking service members.

6. War is almost always about money and natural resources. Always ask yourself wo is getting rich.

I would say more but this site is monitored.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didn't know who Jim Bakker was. I checked it out.

A TV Evangelist. Who was ....everything Christianity shouldn't be.

He lived in opulence and excess. Surrounded by luxury.

He also was found out paying hush money for an allegation of rape.

Does Kanye West love money that much. That he's prepared to become like one of these corrupt TV Evangelists? With his new stupid Church.

It's embarrassing. And needless.

Kanye's lookin around for some way for him and Kim to maintain their Jet Set lifestyle.

But if he'd only just stick to a role as a producer of music he'd do fine.

As he has immense talent in music. And alot to contribute to younger artists. I think.

Why do people fail to recognise the talent they already have? And often refuse to utilize it.

And spend alot of their lives..tryin to be something they have no talent for?

It puzzles me.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

Jim & Tammy Faye had a Christian children's TV program. We would not have TBN and Christian television if it wasn't for their hard work. Jim Bakker had a lit of ideas but others got the glory for them.

A lot of information about Jim & Tammy Faye is lopsided and biased. I'm not saying he didn't do some of the things he was accused of. I'm saying there's 2 sides to every story and a lot of ministers at the time of the Bakker's downfall were jealous of their success.

I personally believe Jim and Tammy Faye were called into ministry. But they are human beings (Tammy Faye is dead). Humans screw up, sometimes big time.

Jerry Falwell cheated them out of their ministry & ran it into the ground. I don't know if Australia knows about Jerry Falwell but he was not a great person and he fleeced the flock. The only reason the university he founded still exists is because they benefitted from life insurance proceeds after he died.

Jimmy Sawggery called Jim "a cancer on the body of Christ." There are Scriptures that warn us not to mess with God's anointed. If they are doing wrong we need to be careful of what we say and how we handle the matter.

Guess what. Jimmy Swaggert was caught up in his own scandal. He had sex with a prostitute. If I remember correctly, he paid by check. I was a young child when this happened. He then delivered a televised sermon, crying and saying "I have sinned against you my Lord..." He begged God for forgiveness. Then he slept with another prostitute.

The Bakkers did not call Swaggert names. They responded with compassion. See the apology from the sermon here:

I highly recommend Jim's autobiography and Tammy Faye's autobiography. Both are out of print but are available to purchase used.

To summarize both books:

Jim should have listened to his wife. Her instincts were spot on. Jim had a lot of ideas but Tammy Faye had the practical advice to help make his dreams come true. She also recognized people they could trust and people they could not. Jim wire rose colored glasses when it came to people.

Tammy Faye was funny & I laughed till I cried. I wrote her a letter and she did write back. Tammy Faye passed away years ago.

Jim's book is long but worth your time. He is still in ministry and has admitted he taught falsehoods in the past. He admitted he preached the Gospel of Wealth & Money and that he was wrong to do so. If you have Roku you can subscribe to the channel for free and watch a few episodes out of curiosity.

I will say when he was wrong, he was wrong. But when he was right he helped a lot of people. Just don't buy the survival food he sells. Tastes terrible & there are better options available. As with any minister of any religion, check things out for yourself.
T. W. said…
About Kanye,

He "sold his soul" and became mentally ill. He has to do what his handlers tell him to do so THEIR agenda is forced upon the masses and so THEY can obtain more wealth.

Unless a celebrity is in the bloodline, like Madonna, then that celebrity is a pawn. You cannot join the Illuminati.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Kanye West, you are turning into Jim Bakker. Get help
Chick'sOpinion said…

Oh I know. That U.S Vice President, Dick Chaney was up to his eyes in corruption back then.
You only have to watch that movie Vice. I saw it last year.
All about him. Christian Bale plays him perfectly.

You only get a whiff I think of how he totally profited from that war.

The movie is great by the way. I’m not knocking it.

But as I watched it. I sensed they couldn’t include all the corruption that was going on prior and during that war in Iraq. Cause there was so much of it.
The movie shows how Dick Chaney was CEO at the time of a company called Halliburton.
That’s how he profited.

And retired very nicely.

Sam Rockwell plays the part of that thicko George W Bush exactly how I remember him.
Thick as a brick.

The movie also really shows well, how George W Bush was led by the nose by Dick Chaney. And Donald Rumsfeld.
Cause he was too dumb to make decisions for the U.S himself.
That should have been a blessing. But not in this case. At that time.

But I don’t doubt the Bush’s had financial interests with Saudi Arabia they wanted to protect.

What amazes me, in the confusing political insanity that prevailed after 9/11. These political maggots walked away. And got away with... how they manipulated a war. With the wrong fukn country. And profited by it.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I think you know more than you let on.

The One World government is already here. THEY have not come out of the shadows so we think each country has it's own leader. THEY are all in bed together.

As for George H. W. Bush, yes. He is dumber than a box of rocks.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love that expression. Dumber than a bunch of rocks. Lol

I didn't know that much about the invasion Iraq. Until I saw the movie Vice. I only knew what the media proclaimed about it.

I say proclaimed. Cause ya gotta watch the media.

They are like those Scottish singin Twins, The Proclaimers.

They sing their songs. And get you singing along.

To their tune.

But seriously. Once I started looking into the facts around the U.S invasion of Iraq it stunk like shit.

Apologies in advance to the talented singers, Charlie and Craig Reid, The Proclaimers. Of Edinburgh, Scotland. And using you guys as an analogy.

Just know, When I wake up. Well I know I'm gonna be.... lovin ya chirpy songs.

And if I hear your songs... I wanna walk 500 miles. To Scotland. And buy hot chips.

Never say Naw Naw Naw to hot chips. If ya do. It's all over. Life isn't worth living.

Chick'sOpinion said…

The more you learn about Ronald Reagan... the weirder he gets.

This is what happens when actors become politicians.

In 1987 you will recall, he invented the Whitehouse Pardon People Day. Held each Thanksgiving.

So who did he pardon?

2 turkeys. Oliver North. And John Poindexter. Who were completely involved in the Iran-contra scandal

It's a Whitehouse scandal quite forgotten. And an equal parallel to Watergate.

It had everything thats going on now. Violations of law, secret partnerships with foreign countries.

And Reagan got away with it all. Stayed in power. And then pardoned the key villians involved in it.

Only in America guys.
Chick'sOpinion said…
No. Ive decided Kanye West is not becoming a Jim Bakker, TV Evangeslist character.

Cause according to TW. Jim Bakker, did more good than harm. And asked forgiveness for his previous lifestyle.

No.. Kanye West is becoming American Comedian, Richard Pryor's hilarious character...Reverend James L White.

Anyone who's seen him. Will know exactly what I mean.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

Now I want hot chips (French fries). I love potatoes.

Ronald Reagan was suffering from Alzheimer's disease while in office. His wife Nancy made decisions based on what astrologers told her. Why not ask the person who created the heavenly stars?

Ronald Reagan was governor of California as well. He was responsible for mass incarceration, which became the blueprint nationwide after he became president.

Ronald Reagan also wanted the FAKE war on drugs so he could rid America of black people.

Cocaine is very expensive and used by whites. Crack cocaine is dirty cheap and was used by black people AFTER our government sold it in our communities. That is historical fact & they have admitted to this.

Here's the kicker. Possess or sale cocaine, you get a slap on the wrist. Possess or sale an equal amount of crack & you get porked up your crack in prison for the rest of your life.

If the states want to legalize marijuana then they need to release prisoners who convicted of marijuana sale and/or possession.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes hot chips. If you don't eat them. You wither. And die.

Yes. I remember in the 1980's lots of discussion that Ronald Reagan was too old. And mad for office.

I remember he literally dozed off to sleep on camera once.

I didn't know he was a full out racist. Till much later.

Perhaps that would been kept well hidden. I don't remember it being discussed in the media back then.

All talk about racial issues then seemed to be centred on... more and more...the ending of Apartheid, segregation in South Africa.

And getting Nelson Mandela released.

It was a movement within itself. Even The Specials wrote and sang a protest song about it.

That issue dominated internationally. For a long time.

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