The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
See guys. He had 5 Draft Deferments.
And prior to his drafts for the Vietnam War. He was a picture of good health.
He played football, tennis ..learning golf. And even played squash.
Anyone whos played that knows its full on.
Trump graduated from College in the Spring of 1968.
Making him immediately available for the draft to the Vietnam War.
Suddenly he has a diagnosis for a bone spur in his heels.
In fact all young men then wanted the 1-Y Diagnosis ..back then.
Because it made you exempt from being shipped off/flown into the nightmare War, the Vietnam War was.
And you had a slim chance of surviving it.
Or you came back half insane from the experience. With limbs missing.
The only reason I know up close how mentally scarred they are is.
Because Australia served in the Vietnam War. So Australia has a whole generation of Baby Boomers mentally or physically scarred by it.
With serious drug and alcohol problems too.
My Aunt married a Vietnam Vet.
He's f..cked.
Permanently on meds for anxiety. And drinks like a fish. And his adult daughter has retardation.
Due to the Agent Orange they sprayed during the Vietman War..that contained a toxic Dioxin and TCDD.
Which causes Birth Defects.
They used this spray to get the Viet-Cong to come out of hiding.
In fact, even today, infants are still born with Birth Defects in Vietnam. Even born with deafness from it. It enters the DNA I think.
So little Rich boy Trump's parents got him an exemption from all this.
While 1000's and 1000's of working class. And Middle Class parent's children ...were sacraficed.
Like everyone that age, my eyes were opened when I saw Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 iconic movie 'Apocalypse Now'.
I would encourage younger people to see it.
It tells the real story of the Vietnam War.
Im extremely surprised it wasnt banned.
And you know, If the U.S economy wasnt doing so well. (It is) I'd possibly hate Donald Trump.
But hate is a negative thing
And you all know I despise Ivanka far more.
Cause she has a savage ambition for the U.S.
I guess Donald took a leaf out of Kelly-Ann Conway's book.
For his apparent deferment from the Vietnam War Draft.
And perceives it now, as 'alternative facts.
Perhaps I should use it next time I overeat Chocolate.
No. theres an alternative fact. I didnt eat it.
And that's a 'Kelly-Ann Conway Alternative fact'.
I wonder if Kelly-Ann Conway is currently tucked up in bed, with her hair in pigtails..reading all about the Third Reich.
But you know, her extremism causes me to wonder if Kelly -Ann Conway was a German Nazi girl in a previous life.
During WW2.
And died young during WW2. And is still pissed off about the German surrender.
So many German women and girls died during that period. They had to pass into a new life sometime.
And Kelly-Ann Conway's extreme Supremicist crap she goes on with. Is something she was clearly born with.
The best ever true account of what happened in Berlin, Germany, is a book called A Woman In Berlin
Written by an very observant female anti-Nazi German.. a journalist. She detailed it right through WW2.
She, the author remained as Anonymous.
Cause there was outrage from the Germans when it was published.
Cause she documented how many times she was raped by the Russians. And also when it happened to her neighbor's daughters.
The great shame of the War.
That it was the animalistic barbaric Russians who got into Germany first. To force the German surrender.
They took EVERYTHING they wanted.
Bit late in the day if you ask me.
My daughter doesn't even know who he is.
Tom Hanks has been chosen to play Colonel Parker his manager. Good choice.
But for Elvis..Harry Styles and Miles Teller have been suggested. Including that objectionable vain narcissist actor, Anson Elgort.
Which of these 3 actors are going to land this major role?
And will this movie be a hit or miss?
That rather peculiar Australian. And nauseatingly pretentious director, Baz Luhrmann is directing it.
This isn't a good sign. He did Moulin Rouge.
And did the re-make of The Great Gatsby.
Having seen the original. I'm well aware from seeing it, Baz Luhrmann's, The Great Gatsby was in parts idiotic .
Including modern Rap music in a film clearly set in the 1920's. Just didnt work.
Further, is Elvis in Heaven trying to influence who ultimately gets to play him?
Very Good point I think.
Anyone who suggests going to War.
Should have to first agree their kids are going.
This is why Joe Kennedy Senior continuously opposed America going into WW2 when he was U.S Ambassador to the UK.
Because back then. Unlike Trump, Joe Kennedy knew that both his eldest sons were eliglible for the draft.
And would quite possibly die in WW2.
In that example..1 of them did die.
Joe Kennedy Junior.
And as we know, JFK came close to dying also in WW2.
I know I'm going on about WW2, Wars generally, .....regularly.
But in this climate of Trump's potential War with Iran.
As we know, all the mistakes of the past can be learned by looking at War History.
And it's clearly idiots like Trump that get us continously into Wars.
If the U.S decide to go to War.
Partner countries pretty much have to agree to do so as well.
Cause we back the U.S.
No one wants this.
And if his dear Ivanka is so bloody clever. Then, Yes, the bitch ought to sign up for the Air force.
And Jared for the Army.
And NOT as an officer.
The US government intentionally sent blacks and mentally handicapped people to Vietnam during the war.
White men who were enrolled in college at the time got a pass. The smarter ones majored in education and became school teachers because that was the proverbial Get Out of Jail Free card back then.
Just walking makes me want to cry. I have to wear inserts and can only wear certain kinds of shoes.
There is no way in hell Trump could play those sports if he had heel spurs back then. He walks like he has them now. Karma baby!
I just found out about yesterday's 7.1 earthquake today. I don't know what to think. Is it an aftershock? Did the eclipse contribute to it? Is it a warning? Is it climate change? Is it the racking? Is a bigger one coming?
War is hell.
As for Elvis, his heirs need the film because hardly anyone goes to Graceland. The film will spark interest in the pedophile known as Elvis Aaron Presley.
That is not rumor, that is fact. Don't believe me? Ask his ex-wife Priscilla Presley.
Funny how "we" roast R. Kelly and Michael Jackson but Elvis Presley and Jimmy Page get a free pass.
Elvis and Jimmy are white men. Just a thought.
1. Trump's kids are the wrong age for military service.
2. Elites rarely join the military unless they have been groomed to do so and/or it is family tradition to serve.
3. When the elites join, they are commissioned officers instead if enlisted.
4. When the elites join, they get top secret security clearance and they are given, pardon me, assigned plum positions at The Pentagon and the White House; and in intelligence, command, psychological operations, and anything to do with experimentation.
I've read widely on Elvis Presley.
And there's no suggestion that he was ever a pedophile.
The only suggestion of that. Was when he met Priscilla Presley when he was in his 20's on the German army base he was based at.
Yes. She was 14 at the time. However he had an agreement with her father. That she could come and live at Graceland until she was 16.
Which she did.
But the agreement was that she marry as a virgin at 18.
Anyone who knows Elvis' history. Knows he was fussy about women. In terms of virginity and marriage.
And Priscilla Presley was a virgin when she married. His later long term girlfriend Linda Thompson and Ginger Arden both noted that Elvis was a typical Southern Gentleman in that private part of his life.
Fact is, Elvis was a bit of a snob.
Anyway that aspect is of no interest to me.
The fact is... in the South at that time, apparently was normal for Girls to marry in their early teens.
This became very well known when that nutty Jerry Lee Lewis married his 14 year cousin.
Elvis knew Jerry Lee Lewis well. Grew up together.
But he always tried to avoid Jerry Lee's vists, famously sayin,
'No, Jerry Lee's way too crazy for me'
I'm glad you mentioned about how Jimmy Page's notorious background with underage girls. That it never gets mentioned.
I adore Jimmy Page, because of his wild innovative musical talent. And yeah he was astonishly good looking when young. That helps.
As far as I know from all my reading of him. He only ever had 1 underage girlfriend.
Lori Mattox.
He soon moved onto Bebe Buell, not underage.
The issue why these 70's super group guys dumped underage groupies was because they couldnt leave the state/ country with them. As minors.
Jimmy Page is only just keepin a lid on the story of him and Lori Mattox. With the media.
They remained good friends.
But you can tell Jimmy Page is nervous in interviews. Cause He's worried the American, Lori Mattox story is gonna be raised.
He is intensely private. And knows the public are intrigued by Led Zepplin's wild 70's rampages.
And you'll love this bit. Knowin you girl..
Jimmy Page has openly practiced Witchcraft since his 20's. (You probably already know that)
Just like the late Anita Pallenberg did. (Keith Richard's 1st Wife)
Anita tried to teach it to Mick Jagger but his chauffeur, Spanish Tony, claims Mick Jagger found all the spells and objects a full out bore.
And dumped it immediately.
At the time he had enough problems with also, mad, bad and dangerous to know, heroin chick, Marianne Faithfull
Yes they all went to college too here in Australia.
To avoid the draft.
But that rapidly changed. And stopped making you exempt from the Draft.
So then they upped it to have to be married. To avoid the draft.
Would the draft or (conscription as its known) work today?
Not in a million years.
The protests would be worse than what they saw when Richard Nixon was President.
The hippies drove him nuts with persecution.
So they got married.
So then they said married men without children can be drafted.
It went on and on.
I'm pretty sure my uncle's parents sent his brother to Canada or somewhere to avoid the draft to Vietnam.
And he did avoid it.
I notice you said the underage GIRLFRIENDS say he was a gentleman. The victims say otherwise.
I know you mean well, but someone has lied to you about American culture and Southern US culture.
I've lived in the southern US all my life. The girls that marry young tend to marry their high school sweethearts, not some guy they've known for 2 years. Also, we are socialized to go on group dates to avoid temptation. We are also mostly conservative Christians in the south,there is no way a parent would allow their 16 year old daughter to live with their 20 something year old boyfriend unless they were pimping the daughter.
Priscilla and others said Elvis preferred virgins. Nice excuse to "date" underage girls. Priscilla and others have also stated Elvis like his girls "very young." Notice they said girls, not women.
Priscilla wrote in her book that Elvis refused to have sex with a woman that had been pregnant or given birth. The best way to guarantee that is to date underage girls.
About Jerry Lee Lewis. I was not alive when he married his underage cousin but I can tell you it was a major scandal. Not because the girl was his cousin but because of her age. Cousin marriages are not unusual in the south. Sometimes high society arranges cousin marriages to keep wealth in the family.
Yeah, I knew about the witchcraft. All those rock and rollers practiced. They bragged about Aliestair Crowley and his teachings. I know I spelled his name wrong.
Crowley wrote about pedophilia extensively in his writings. He said it was necessary to bring forth demons. I won't say anything more about that.
God is right. Some knowledge should not be known.
Yes the only reason I know about Jerry Lee Lewis scandal is because my mum told me about it years ago.
She said it ended his career overnight.
The interesting thing is Priscilla Presley was not Southern
And Southern girl ..and long time live of Elvis gf..stated that Priscilla Presley not being Southern. Was why Elvis's marriage to Priscilla failed.
He was apparently very Southern.
Whatever that means?
But I just think he was addicted to young women. Girls .
Like all stars are.
Basically cause unlike the rest of the male population, they can attract them with big money fame and glamour.
Yeah. Agree about Jimmy Page.
He must lie in bed worrying every night.
That the cops are gonna knock on the door and arrest him for offences going way back to the 70's.
But seems none of the groupies the band Led Zepplin abused back then have come forward.
Including the ones Robert Plant slept with all the time
My guess is, Peter Grant, their notoriously tough ex wrestler, ex bouncer Manager paid these girls to shut up.
He was a magician with finance. And everything generally.
And. That's how Led Zepplin became so rich. And stayed that way.
Unlike plenty of other 70's super groups.
Who ended up broke.
Southern women are expected to be feminine, docile ladies.
Southern men are expected to be gentlemen. Elvis Presley was no gentleman.
Priscilla was born in Brooklyn as Priscilla Wagner. Her biological father died when she was very young. Her stepfather was a Canadian man who served in the US Air Force.
I don't know what Elvis was expecting. He saw Priscilla's pretty face and he began thinking with the wrong head.
Yeah well, I wouldnt last 5 minutes as Southern.
Cause i'd struggle with the 'feminine and docile bit.
I'm as Aretha Franklin sang in her song,
' if you want me to act like that you've got to pay me by the hour '
Yes. The Led Zepplin Album, Houses of The Holy was/is controversial.
But the fact is. The Led Zepplin members didnt have much to do with that album cover.
They were away at the time. When the decision was made.
And it was designed by a company called Hipgnosis.
It was photographed at Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.
The kids featured in it. We're the photographers children.
Overall from my reading. I can honestly say, despite Led Zepplin's amazing album covers.
They didn't actually take much interest in them.
They were focussed soley on the music.
And buying antiques, large homes heroin, alcohol, girls.
Incidently. Has anyone seen Jimmy Page's London castle type home. It's interior is bizarre in places.
And Robbie Williams lives next door.
And has been having a long running property dispute with Jimmy Page. For ages.
Robbie Williams blasts him Black Sabbath music occasionally.
Too Funny.
With the framed pic of an old Victorian man carrying twigs on his backs.
With the framed pic hanging on the peeling wallpaper of a half demolished house.
Nope. Nothing weird in at all. As everyone believed back then.
Robert Plant bought the pic of the old man at an antiques store. As he liked it for his house.
It was photographed against the wall of a half demolished house in the North of England.
Where Robert Plant hails from
Inside the album..The inclusion of an illustration was taken/ influenced by The Hermit. From the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. A design team did it.
Seriously.. ive read loads about Led Zepplin.
And so much macabre nonsense is attributed to them.
My research into them all. Discovered its pretty much all crap.
But the mysterious image they created added to their popularity.
The truth is far more basic.
The only one who was into spiritual and or black magic stuff was Jimmy Page. He was also a former session musician.
Robert Plant was a highly ambitious, up himself Public school boy.
But he read Tolkein as a kid. And other key fantasy books. So he used that knowledge to inspire his songwriting..he did the lyrics.
John Paul Jones was a posh, highly accomplished very well educated former session musician. And former Choir boy.
Who really liked the quiet life. And preferred a future writing soundtracks for movies.
Not in a rock band.
John Bonham was a shambolic alcoholic. As most of us know.
Their spooky image as a band, bought them. In my opinion,
...A Stairway to money Heaven. But you cannot deny. They were very serious musicians.
And yes. You'll love the fact that Jimmy Page bought Aleister Crowley's former Summer Cottage.
Whgen he was young.
I think its in either Scotland or Wales
And Jimmy Page stayed there often enough. To admit its haunted.
However, Jimmy Page emphatically claimed,
The Cottage is / was not haunted. By Aleister Crowley.
He said 'its other people'. But didn't go into detail.
Typical of Jimmy Page.
The fact is though. The Cottage has been burned down. And only the stonework remains.
I dont know if it burned while Page owned it.
Or when owned by someone else.
Perhaps some Christans burnt it down in protest.