The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
How about that Frogmore cottage ?? It has an old cemetery in it or on it.
Almost all old cemeteries in the UK have a very old caretaker’s cottage on them.
Unless they are in a Church yard.
So it would be impossible. I think to predict unfortunately.
With any accuracy....where Christian means. In this post.
Or is the cemetery just symbolic.
Of the amount of people that he’s predicting will lose their lives.
I think Prince William is very unhappy.
He always looks miserable.
They are for the ‘Honourable Society’s’ of Barristers.
They used to live there. In the old days.
Law students go there too. I believe from my reading.
There are four ‘inns’. One called Inner Temple. And Middle Temple.
They are a very exclusive location. And I’d say security is tight there. Good!
Interesting. Boris Johnson’s wife. Who is a Barrister. Would be there at times.
I never thought of Frogmore. And there is a graveyard beside that cottage of Harry's.
Apparently no one ever wanted to stay at Frogmore cottage.
Cause it's haunted. With the spirits of former servants. Angry ones.
Long time since we've heard from you.
Yes. I also had a bad dream last night. But it was about my former neighbor. An absolute bitch .
Who used to try and kick my cat. And chase him with a rake. To hurt him.
She did lots of other things too.
Before she moved away. I was glad to wake.
Well last night I dreamed I had to move in with her.
How disturbing.
Anyone else remember Christian's prediction from March 2, 2018? He was correct. Prince William hasn't been the same since his trip to Usrael, Jordan, & the Palestinian Territories.
WTF... A silly idea....
"HRH The Duke of Cambridge will visit Israel, Jordan and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
This summer...............
At the request of PM Theresa May and her gang.
This has to be the most stupid idea out of
10 Downing St, in years.
They are setting him up as a massive target.
Sadly I feel that he'll not be the same, when/if he returns form this visit"
It's good to hear from you!
I'm sorry you are having nightmares and I pray they don't mean anything.
Sometimes eating too soon before bed or taking g certain medications can cause nightmares.
In Jesus's name I pray the cause of your nightmares and the nightmares themselves depart from you.
Perhaps the suicide dream I had meant William is ready to let go of his current life in order to step into the new one?
In that dream, I saw Kate become Queen of England. Unless she is Queen Regent or William is still alive, this is next to impossible.
Duchess Camilla will have to clutch her pearls. We must have the fainting couch and smelling salts ready.
Having said that, rumor has it $h!+ will hit the fan after Queen Elizabeth II passes away.
Prayer changes things and only God knows the complete future. God does give us warnings and I truly believe history repeats itself. We will see.
About 15 or so years ago, I had this dream of Australian billionaire James Packer being so depressed about losing his money that he decided to drive his car into an inground swimming pool. While it didn't eventuate which I'm pleased about, there have been dramas in his life the past several years such as the Mariah Carey broken engagement and he has been suffering depression which has prompted him to step down from his companies. So obviously my dream was symbolic.
About CDs dreams - Frogmore Cottage was the first thing that came into my mind when I read it.
Yes. It's very intriguing how changed Prince William is since returning from the Middle East.
CD give us an insight. Into what happened to Prince William while there.
We know that Prince William was deeply affected as a helicopter Rescue Pilot. When he had to help wynch that drowned boy out of the sea. Or river??
A long time ago.
He's confessed...that Rescue.. drove him to get counseling.
Did he see children in the Middle East in bad shape/circumstances. Was he verbally threatened?
Or learn something that's pissed him off big time.
A secret of some sort.
I think his new attitude of non tolerance. To the Press. And anyone who oversteps the boundaries all round .
Is possibly a good thing.
Cause I feel he needed to toughen up. To be an effective King in future.
He has alot of his mother Diana's emotional perspective. Which is good.
But Kings need to deal with alot of World leaders.
Who are often arseholes, con artists, murderers, psychopathic dictators. And outright liars.
Plus it will be Prince William's job to keep the more 'naughty' Royals in line. And protect them.
More so in future. That will be more of a problem I think.
Than in the past.
Hope you are well!
I hope that Prince William actually increases his security around him and his family. On social media the fans of Meghan are extremely disturbing. Not only do they dox, harass and threaten other users that they deem that say anything negative about Meghan. They almost hope/fantasize about an accident that will befall William and the Cambridge’s so that Prince Harry can be King.
I do remember Christain’s post regarding Prince William trip to Jordan and that he won’t be the same. Maybe Prince William saw something he shouldn’t of and it has affected him. Also he might of been told something regarding the Royal Family that has disturbed him. Info on Prince Andrew/Epstein or even something on his Mum.
I’m too looking forward to King William and Queen Catherine. The sooner it happens the better for the monarchy.
Hoping/praying that London will stay safe.
Don't doubt what you dreamed.
Because Australian Billionaire, James Packer's recent mental breakdown was so severe. He was checked into a top psychiatric hospital in the U.S.
By his family. Even his real old mum was there the day he was admitted.
Also. James Packer owns mansions all over the world. They all seem to be like resorts.
And all have swimming pools.
Also, Australian Billionaire, James Packer did lose a huge amount of money recently. Financially hes not doing well.
Because his Casino in China has been found its knee deep in corruption.
He's had to sell off half his share of Crown Resorts.
...he's also had problems with Barangaroo, his new Casino in Sydney.
Mariah Carey and her antics over that ridiculously valuable ring he gave her.. has been the least of his very serious problems lately.
But definately hasnt helped.
He's got a serious drinking problem.
Perhaps Prince William found out "we" have been lied to about what is going on in the Middle East.
Remember I told y'all that ethnic Jews do not have blonde hair and blue eyes and that almost every African that has been tested has genetic markers showing they are Hebrew (ethnic Jews). I used common sense and Jewish historical records to support my claim.
Remember I told y'all the Israeli's are paying Africans a few hundred dollars to permanently leave Israel.
A few years ago I stated I hoped Prince William does not take in demons. I talked about his official coat of arms. Going by memory, the imagery on that coat of arms is similar to or the same as imagery used to describe the Antichrist, the beast, & the false prophet.
I don't know who The Antichrist is but I believe he is living on earth today. He most likely has not taken in Satan's spirit yet.
Last night I thought, "What if Prince Charles is dying or he dies unexpectedly. Then William will have to become king after Queen Elizabeth II passes."
Something weird going on with Prince William.
What if Prince William got a dose of the Red Pill and is no longer one of the Sheeple?
Maybe he learned the truth about the occult elite. Perhaps Lady Diana shielded the boys from this knowledge the best she could.
Seeing that the royals claim to be in the "bloodline" Prince William has a problem and his name is R*********. Only Jesus Christ can fix this.
Prince Charles will be King unless like you said he dies unexpectedly. What will be really interesting when Prince Charles does die will more information come out about Charles/Diana/Camilla and all that went on. And will Camilla be protected if Prince Charles goes before her.
To elites bloodlines are everything. Also symbolism seems is just as important to them.
Totally totally agree.
James Packer is no where near the skills of his father Jerry Packer. Kerry Packer was an enigma. In terms of being a billionaire.
As a kid. I remember when he introduced night Cricket to the Sports arenas. It meant working people could go. Plus he introduced defibrillators everywhere to save heart attack victims.
James his son. Was expected to live up to his father's skills, intellect and judgement.
And like you said...he doesn't have it. I guess alot of pressure.
And I wonder if it's made that much worse by his train wreck personal life.
Talking to some old people I know, I learned Kerry Packer was happily married. All his life.
And did not have affairs. Or at least none the public learned of. He was stable.
Re. James. Remember that incident too in Bondi, Sydney. When James Packer's very good friend punched the shit out of him. And they were both rolling drunk.
Apparently they were fighting over his train wreck personal life.
A other thing, Kerry Packer, his father, didnt have a drinking problem either.
Agree with you about Karma and casinos. All their policies are designed to prey on the addicted.
And just cause misery. Or anger.
I wonder if Kerry Packer is in spirit. Shaking his head at James, frustrated. And tryin to help.
James's Ex wife Erica was/is very stable. No drama with her.
Unlike that drunken Mariah Carey.
What was he thinking. Or wasnt thinking.
Even more headaches for James Packer. Today the Australian Government have referred Crown Casino to the Integrity Watchdog.
And as you said. Casinos are a stupid industry for James Packer to ever get financially into.
Casinos are a bee line target for money launderers. And International money launderers have been focussing on Australia for more than a decade. As its been a soft option. For them.
$80,000.00 in cash. For deposits on Sydney property purchases. Voila! Suddenly Criminals own property.
That changed when the Australian govt passed a law recently. No payments over $10,000 au are permitted in cash. Anymore.
They must be done electronically.
This has posed a big problem for successful drug dealers. To turn their money into wealth.
So I guess Australian Casinos have been targeted for money laundering ...with the chips..even more lately.
How many druggies. Pay for their drugs electronically? Not many.
Cause it leaves a paper trail electronically.
Unless they buy on the Dark Web. It's electronic transfer. And then it's probably a PayPal transaction.
No. Drug dealers have a business problem now in Australia. Made worse cause we are going cashless.