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Told Ya.. He's at it again...

IT'S A CON.......

As Babyfart & his gang of croonies.
Shout from the roof tops.
That the "DEAL" with the nutter that is Kim Jon Un.
Will be history making.....
Well, it will......
But not in a good way...
Think 1930's + Hitler.....
Then there's all the "DEALS" that Trump has done.
Right, all failures, history repeating itself...


Chick'sOpinion said…
I think Christian is referring to the German/Soviet (Russian) Non Aggression Pact.

Yes. It's just like Trump's pact agreement with Kim Jung Un.

In 1939, The Soviets (Russia) and Germany both signed a non aggression Pact

To take NON military action against eachother. For 10 years.

Stalin, the Soviet leader, liked it... cause he didn't want to get involved in a War with Germany. And needed more time anyway... to accumulate arms to deal with Germany. If Hitler invaded.

But unfortunately part of the Pact they agreed.
Included some fine print.
About how Germany and the Soviets would carve up Eastern Europe. Later.

So Hitler used that fine print in the agreement to invade Poland unopposed.

Also used it to invade the Soviet Union (Russia) in 1941.

And as most people know, in 1939 Hitler had broke his agreement too. With Britain and France.
And invaded Czechoslovakia too.

So Kim Jung Un's word or signature is as reliable as Hitler's.
And Trump is deluding himself. And the world. If he thinks he's gonna control Kim Jung Un.
T. W. said…
I thought of you when I saw the news. Then I thought, "Watch the weather turn bizarre."

There ain't no food and everything is radioactive. Anyone else remember when a lab tested hotdogs and found human DNA in them? Ask Jesus to keep you healthy. God promises long, abundant life for His children.

I'm not a doomsday prepper. I don't have survival food & such. Nothing wrong with being prepared for electrical outages, natural disasters, etc. I asked God about prepping. The answer I received was that the food and other items are for those who will be left behind. If you don't know what that means, there is a good movie called Left Behind. Please watch it.

I agree with Jim Bakker. Don't laugh. Churches should store survival food and other prep items. When $*!+ hits the fan, people run to churches. Don't believe me? Ask Americans what they did after the Twin Towers collapsed. Church attendance reached historical records.

People thought the Apocalypse had begun. A lot of people who never set foot in a church have heard about the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and Armageddon. Even Islam has similar teachings, some of them are exactly like ours. Our Muslim friends are taught about Dajjal instead of Antichrist. Coincidence?

I'm not worried about World War 3 and Armageddon. God always warns His people and provides an escape. Not only that, the signs to watch out for these two wars are provided in the Bible. If you can't read well audio Bibles are available. The Word of Promise is an excellent audio Bible but you will pay much for it. Worth every penny.

Don't be like the people who laughed at Noah. He preached for 100 years as he prepared the ark and got food & animals. The people pointed out it had never rained in human history. They mocked God because 100 years passed with no rain or flood.

Then it rained and they begged to be let in after Noah closed and sealed the door.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Ya gotta pity the poor South Koreans. They have to continually put up wjth this arsehole, Kim Jung Un bombing their border.

Or not far into their country.

I recall the Americans have a huge military base in South Korea. Good. Cause the South Koreans fukn need it.

It's called Camp Humhreys.

But don't think for a moment they're sitting around a campfire singing Kim Bai Ya. And military songs.

Nope it's hard core and the U.S's biggest overseas base.

Its in Pyeongtaek.

It's expanding... and will eventually house 45,000 troops. Plus alot of their families.

The U.S have had a treaty, call it an alliance with South Korea since 1953.

Trump. Ever the wrecker of all post war alliances with other countries.

Rudely stated. That 'the South Koreans pay peanuts' for this military protection out there. That the U.S provide.

I cannot believe how he reduces everything to business and money.

I feel sorry for the South Koreans.
Chick'sOpinion said…
AND that idiot Trump.. tried to withdraw U.S Troop presence out of the whole of the Korean Pennisula. in Feb 2018.

He was talked out it.
Had he not. How vunerable would the South Koreans be today?

And in the same year, Trump, tried to claim that 'the Korean Pennisula used to be China'. What a thing to say.

But meanwhile...while Trump continues unstable polices on the U.S Military in South Korea.

Kim Jung Un upgrades his nuclear sites. And sets off missiles ...on South Korea.

U.S Military base Camp Humphreys.. in South Korea. Is essential in my veiw. I live in the Pacific Region.

And Australia and the region also need the U.S military in South Korea.
While that dangerous nut, Kim Jung Un remains running North Korea.
T. W. said…
What does Trump know about warfare. Is he gonna grab the enemy by the pussy cat? Doesn't he know Male soldiers have cox?

Don't forget the American military bases in Japan. Trump ordered troops to the Middle East. A military base is being built in Saudi Arabia. There are also military facilities that do not officially exist.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Oh so that explains the U.S's current big love affair with Saudi Arabia. A military base. Didn't know that.

And Saudi Arabia are an allie. To the U.S. And very useful.

To bully the shit outa Iran.

Cause Saudi Arabia is just across the Strait of Hormuz pond.

Very handy.

I'm glad the U.S have bases in Japan. Very strategic position. Just like Saudi Arabia.
T. W. said…
What is in those missiles Little Kim is testing? Are they hybrid NBC weapons?

Something ain't right. Everytime he tests a missile the weather changes & the masses act bizarre. Maybe his weapons are radioactive chemtrails...
Anonymous said…
Well as Gommer Pyle used to say “ surprise surprise “
T. W. said…
Anonymous, thank you for making me laugh out loud again today!
Morgan said…
Trump's pact with Kim relates to ICBMs; long-range nuke missiles, only. These tests were conducted with "short-range projectiles" that are no threat to surrounding countries and nor is it a breach of the US agreement.
Unknown said…
Trump's pact with Kim relates to use of long-range nuclear ICBMs only. These are "short-range projectiles" which are no threat to surrounding countries and nor is it a breach of the US Agreement. The UN Security Council is a corrupt joke of an organization and long overdue to be abolished.
T. W. said…
How is a LONG-range NUCLEAR missile a SHORT-range projectile?

How stoopid is humanity?

I swear, some people like remaining Sheeple. Give the Jesus Christ & the Gos-pel (Gospel).
T. W. said…
How is a NUCLEAR missile not a threat to anyone?

The Mass Awakening is not happening fast enough.

Watch what happens when the Mass Disappearance takes place. If some of y'all get left behind, please come back to this blog and read every single comment. Several of us told y'all how to escape.

If you get left behind, better to get beheaded than to take the Mark of the Beast. That is a nonrefundable one-way ticket to eternal damnation.
Morgan said…
You misunderstood the point.
1. I did NOT say that 'a NUCLEAR missile is not a threat to anyone'!
I also did NOT say that 'a LONG-range NUCLEAR missile was a SHORT-range projectile'.

2. If you bother to actually READ the linked article, you'll learn that the NK tests are being conducted using NON-NUCLEAR "short-range projectiles". These missiles are NOT the same type of missile that the USA-NK agreement relates to (ICBMs) and nuclear ICBMs are NOT being used in NK's tests. Ergo, the agreement has NOT been breached and you don't know the difference between nuclearized (long-range) Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles and non-nuclear "short-range projectiles [that] travelled into the Sea of Japan."

3. They are NOT a threat to surrounding countries bc the spokespersons say so ...
"The short-range missiles flew 155 miles and reached a height of 19 miles before landing in the Sea of Japan. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe briefly told reporters the launches were "NO THREAT TO JAPANESE NATIONAL SECURITY" ... "Choi Jong-kun, secretary for peace planning, added: "THE NATURE OF THE EXERCISE IS NOT OFFENSIVE ... and is for strengthening the alliance."

So, when NON-NUCLEAR missiles are being tested and are NOT aimed at landing in another surrounding country and reps from those countries confirm they 'aren't a threat to their countries', deductive logic tells us that we can safely conclude that the NON-NUCLEAR missiles being used in the tests are NOT going to be a threat to anyone. Got it now?

4. To claim that Kim is "at it again" and that "it's a con" is misguided and untrue.

5. "How stoopid is humanity?"
As stoopid as those who don't read and comprehend a linked article, it seems.

6. "I swear, some people like remaining Sheeple."
Yes, especially those who don't read the background story or understand what the USA-NK denuclearization agreement covers - BEFORE they set out to insult and falsely accuse others who do.
T. W. said…

I did NOT misunderstand you. I have great reading comprehension.

If you had bothered to read Unknown's comment, you would have seen I was commenting in Unknown's report.

Maybe you did read Unknown's comment but you don't have the intellect to see what I was responding to.

By the way, thanks for calling me stoopid. I love it when the pot calls the kettle black.

Checkmate bitch.
Morgan said…
Yes, you DID misunderstand me bc I accidentally posted the comment to which you replied under the "Unknown" name option after reading CD's link.
That's why I specifically identified myself as "I" twice in point 1. So, you WERE replying to me w/o realizing it or having read the link.

My intellect is just fine and this pot is color blind. Don't worry; no harm done at this end.

"Checkmate *itch".

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