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Trump and his monkeys.....


T. W. said…
I do not agree with illegal immigration but surely there is a better solution.
Chick'sOpinion said…
This huge round up of undocumented migrants in the U.S isn't going to be successful in Chicago.

The Mayor there, Lori Lightfoot has banned Ice Agents access to their digital files in Chicago.

Because she dosent agree with this at all.

She stated Chicago Police are not going to participate in it in any way.

While there's no doubt that this is a huge witch hunt.

It will be targeting dangerous criminals that they already know about.

And remove them from the U.S.

That's a good thing.

What's not a good thing are the heartbreaking emotional scenes that are gonna play out.

For children.

Because this national raid is targeting lots of migrant families.

The Governer of California, Gavin Newsom also opposes it.

In fact he has gone as far as giving migrants legal advice in a video he's put up.

Advising them. They don't have to open the door if i.c.e knock. If theres no warrant.
Don't open the door.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Robert Mueller has requested a delay in the date he is speaking and answering questions to the House Judiciary.

About what he has proven in his investigation of Donald Trump. All the fact based dirt.

At first I thought this was a bad sign.

Nope. He just wants more time to prepare.

Because he wants to speak longer.

He will now speak on the 24th July.

So Astrology Aardvarks, Start joining up the star dots for us.

But there's no doubt.

Even though Robert Mueller is going to be put through alot of tough tricky questions.

He'll handle it. He's a former FBI Director.

He's probably more used to himself chewing people's arses out with questions.

Not the other way around.

But as he's held very high up positions hes also used to reporting his findings.

I'd say under challenging conditions.
Plus hes a top lawyer.

Special Council. Probably still is.

Another person who will be there on 24 July is House Intelligence Chairman, Adam Schiff.

I say interesting... because Christian has predicted long ago,

that Adam Schiff will eventually be a U.S President

But when I'm not sure. If I recall rightly he is the President after a short term of Mike Pence.

Mike Pence being Trump's Vice President would step in if anything happened to Trump.

As happened when JFK was shot and Lyndon B Johnson, his vice President became President immediately.

Not that I'm advocating such an incident.

But Trump has gastrointestinal problems.

And may use it as an excuse to resign.
Letty said…
Big hurricane to distract us from Epstein
And mueller testimony
T. W. said…
I understand the children are innocents here. But guess what. Their adult parents came here illegally. When you commit a crime, don't be surprised when law enforcement comes after you. Any other country in the world, illegal immigrants would have been immediately deported.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah i certainly agree with this mass raid aiming to remove dangerous criminals who are also illegal migrants in the U.S.

That's good for the U.S. Right. As..They have far too many of them.

And is it the same in the U.S.... as in Australia?

If you break the law on your new permanent residency status. Your Australian Passport is cancelled.

And you are deported back to where you came from.

Australia does that now.

If you become 'a bad character'

And this will interest you, especially if the person is a proven pedophile.

They issue a deportation. You can appeal it.

But if you have committed serious crimes. Forget it.

My favourite Australian politician Peter Dutton introduced it.

I like him.

But also I like how he shows his real emotions in his face.

When he's full out angry.

Unlike professional politicians.

He can't hide it. And sees no reason to.

He also cancelled Australians who are proven Pedophiles...ever holding a Passport.

He literally grounds them. Forever.

He did that. Because Australian pedophiles who have been convicted in Australia and are Supervised in the community. For that reason.

Solved their big problem for decades.

By regularly travelling to nearby South East Asia. To rape children there.

Now ya see why I like Peter Dutton.

He is particularly vehement about these kind of offenders .

Cause as a young new policeman in the 90's he had to work on a case where a 3 year old was abducted.

And the body was discarded on top of a toilet block.

It horrified Peter Dutton.

He's not a Saint. But his heart is pretty much in the right place.

In terms of protecting the community.

Should be Prime Minister.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - astrologically I think July 24 is a better date for Mueller as July 17 is an Eclipse which has the potential for cover-ups. There will be more clarity on July 24, although we are still in Mercury retrograde until August 16. There will be a better conclusion after that date.
T. W. said…
Dear God, please help the immigrants. Please help those in government receive and implement Your solution to the immigration crisis. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion said…

I just knew there had to be an astrological reason too.

For Robert Mueller to end up changing the date.

The Republicans are gonna be loading carefully, bullets in the form of tough questions.

But Mueller will survive their mauling.

But we need to send him good vibes.

Cause there are so many who want to continue to cover up for Trump.
Anonymous said…
Chick opinion - Dutton doesn’t show emotion at all on his face. He is a nasty man.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Of the times I've seen him on TV he has.

Plenty of it.

T. W. said…

I do know that people who come here legally and then commit a crime while here end up deported and are not supposed to return.
T. W. said…
What happened to the 3 year old Australian boy saddens me and I pray his loved ones are being comforted.
T. W. said…
Prayers for Robert Mueller. God can use anyone.

As for the astrology of the situation, God made the heavens, the Earth, and everything in them. The one who made and controls the heavenly bodies can "speak" to those involved in the hearing and cause all truth to be known.

The following astrological assessment is for entertainment purposes only:

July 24 is Cancer-Leo Cusp, so expect honesty and drama even though some Cancer energy is attached. Leo is the sign of the performer and the attention-seeker. Cancer is emotional and moody so have some popcorn ready because Leo will bring that moody drama! The Cancer energy would want to protect the home, "home" being the United States of America. Also note that USA birth date makes it Cancer. ha ha ha.

Anyway, I have heard that one should wait 2 weeks after Mercury leaves retrograde when dealing with important communications like contracts and testimony. This would put the hearing in Virgo. Persnickety, precise, factual, attention to detail. But doesn't share much unless they want to prove their superior knowledge and intellect. You can't tell Virgo anything you know. I'm a Leo and I find Virgos to be off-putting and it is best to let them think they know everything. And they call Leo prideful. At least our pride is justified.


I think the July date could work despite being in Mercury retrograde. IF Mueller was born during Mercury retrograde then his testimony will be clearer during the retrograde. The combined Cancer-Leo energy will bring support for the home, honesty, and drama. Cancer energy could intensify the drama. Leo likes to entertain and put on a show so expect this to be heavily broadcast and have some snacks ready!

August could work too. Leo being dramatic and honest. And public. Very public.

Waiting 2 weeks after Mercury leaves retrograde will give Virgo energy. Expect precise, factual testimony with attention detail but be prepared for some things to remain a mystery. Expect some people to come across as "know-it-alls" who can't be taught.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. Fantastic.

Clearly it’s all in the timing.

And you know.. when things don’t go right.

Get delayed. I used to get so frustrated.

Not anymore. Cause I accept their is a perfect timing for everything.

And the delay may be for my benefit.

The stars and moon have to be in the right place. .

The delay that Mueller asked for is for his benefit.

But unfortunately this gives the Republicans time to develop strategies on how they are gonna discredit him that day.

Well all round, it sounds like the Stars are favourable to his cause anyway.

And he’ll pull it off.
Quinhas said…
I know a little about astrology. The mercury retrograde ends on July 31 but the retrograde will be in its storm for another week or so. I checked Mueller's birthdate and he is a Leo so he should be fine. However, I was born in Mercury in Scorpio retrograde and sometimes i have problems communicating during water sign periods.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, you are welcome!

Quinhas, I had a feeling Robert Mueller is a Leo. The man has done horrible things but he still comes up smelling like roses. You can't tame the lion...

I was born during Mercury retrograde too. I used to stutter really bad and I don't feel listened to when I verbally communicate. Add the Leo Sun & Gemini rising into the mix, all that could explain the Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome. But at least I'm honest and teachable. You can't tell Virgo anything.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I’m gonna note this about Virgos. When tryin to communicating with them.

I was aware they are neat nuts. And like order. Right ?

I’m a mad Aquarian. And seem to tick all the typical boxes for the Star Sign.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you for identifying Robert Mueller’s birthdate.

And the Astrological possibility for his big moment at the Whitehouse on the 24th July.
T. W. said…

You are right about the Virgos. I'm gonna help my fellow Leo's out. Do NOT argue with Virgo or Scorpio. You cannot win even when you're right. Don't do it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Agree about not arguing with Skorpios.

It's a living he'll. My mum's sister is a Skorpio.

She is a know-it-all. And quite arrogant.


Loves sex sex sex sex. Never ending amounts of sex sex sex sex sex.
T. W. said…
LOL Chick'sOpinion! Ain't that the truth!

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