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Trumps pick for the UKs next Ambassador to the USA...


Tony said…
This is the man who was booed at the 2012 London Olympics and he didn't even look embarrassed. This is the man who cried his eyes out at Margaret Thatcher's funeral. He was responsible for savage cuts whilst on the Tory government with their cruel policies. God help us Brits!!!!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well the guy in this pic is George (Scroogey) Osborne.

And he's another one going through divorce right now... just like Boris Johnson.

Why are all these wive's bailing. Now their husbands are coming into more prominence.

Or are they?

I say that. Because.. could it be possible some of these upper class ladies they married earlier.

Have unpleasant skeletons in their closets.

And that would be too problematic once their husbands become ridiculously famous.

Or is it more simple.

These women have their own careers. And they are sick of the enormous pressure, public life imposes restrictions on them.

Well in George Osborne's case. His wife Frances is an author. But her great grandmother was a bit of a Tart.

George's wife, Frances writes biographies about her aristocratic relatives. How interesting.

One in particular was about the woman who inspired the 1987 movie White Mischief.

Based on the true story of the murder of Josselyn Hay, Earl of Errol. In Kenya in 1941.

Frances' relative, Idina Sackville (her great Grandmother) was at the centre of this sex scandal in old colonised, Kenya.

(pronounce it Keen-ya, darling, for effect)

Cause Idina was shagging someone out there. Outside of her marriage. I think the trouble started in the 1920's.

Perhaps Frances Osborne is following in her path.
And does alot of sleeping....somewhere else.

She ought to look on the bright side. Not divorce.

Because if George Osborne becomes next British Ambassador to the U.S. She could start havin it off with Americans.

Whoopee. Rah Rah Rah

Anyway. George Osborne is a typical choice for Trump.

He's a member of the British Conservative Party.
Who incidently, don't beleive in their wive's shagging their friends.

Or bumping off men they are caught sleeping with.

But the upside is, George will have Diplomatic Immunity in the U.S.

No Aardvarks, it's not a vaccination.

Just kidding.

It means he can't be charged with anything ...pretty much.

He appears to be currently the editor of The Evening Standard Newspaper (so he knows all the games)

And is a former UK Chancellor of The Exchequer. (running the books, all the cheques.. you know, like a bookie. Or someone who runs The Punters Club.

But in a posh suit.

Well George Osborne's time as the UK Chancellor of The Exchequer is notable cause he introduced Austerity measures.

That kinda means he's a Skinflint. A scrooge.

And has experience watching every penny the country spent.

In a word. An upper class tightarse.

Who probably only buys Pizza on Cheap Arse Tuesday. When they're cheap.

Like Australians, in the state of Queensland used to do.

But problem is. George expected the whole of the U.K to do so too.

At the moment he has his eye on running The International Monetary Fund.

Something Trump with his Economics Degree would be well acquainted with.

Trump has chosen George Osborne I think.. because he's a numbers man.
Anonymous said…
It’s Mr Bean !
Apple Monkey said…
I can’t stand him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has loads of affairs behind his wife’s back.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Did he actually cry at Margaret Thatcher's funeral?

That says it all.

Obviously a strong advocate of all her policies.

Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady.

The UK Prime Minister who sold off all the National industries.

Who beleived everything in life could be run with a free market economy

If only life was that simple Margaret.

Cause it so isn't.

That woman was responsible for major social upheaval in UK. In her term of office 1979 -1990.

Huge poverty in the North of England.

Cause her goal was deregulating the UK economy.
And this was devastating to the poor.

Particularly in the North of England.

Where she deliberately aimed and succeeded in smashing the Miners Union.

And reaching her goal of closing 20 Coal Pits.

Just like that.

Leaving 1000's of men immediately unemployed.
Some for ever after. And families starving.

Why did she close them?

The availability of coal much cheaper elsewhere in the world.

She did worse things.

But her demise was her introduction of the outrageous Poll Tax.

Which caused one of the biggest protests and civil disturbances the UK has ever seen.

The Poll Tax Riots.

And I'm proud to say I went on that protest in 1990.
As I lived permanently in the UK then.

Me and my friend nearly got trampled by the police on horseback that day.

But I must say. That protest succeeded.

In getting Margaret Thatcher out of office.

250,000 demonstrators made it clear.

Get rid of Margaret Thatcher. And her Poll Tax.

Unfortunately they re-branded Poll Tax into Community Charge.

But if George Osborne is an advocate of the Iron Lady's ways.

I think the U.S could do better with someone else as their new British Ammbassador to the UK.

Cause Margaret Thatcher's policies were ruthless.

And caused havoc.

And George Osborne would probably support Trump in ruthless change.

If he admires Margaret Thatcher.

T. W. said…
I bet Jeffrey Epstein wishes he has diplomatic immunity.

Does Prince Andrew have it? Diplomatic immunity can be revoked but it rarely is.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Wonder if he drives a mini like Mr Bean.

Probably does.
T. W. said…
No clue. I'm not familiar with Mr. Bean. The few clips I have seen are not funny to me. I like British humor but Mr. Bean ain't funny to me.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I watched Mr Bean's Holiday.

On holiday last year.

Rather ironic.

And you are right. George Osborne is Mr Bean

And he's scroogey
Chick'sOpinion said…

Unfortunately like most Royal.

Prince Andrew has benefited from immunity to most things ordinary people have had to cope with.

Oh I'm sorry he served in the Falklands War.

Nah. I reckon he played cards on an aircraft carrier the whole way through it.

Cordelia said…
Shambolic politics seems to be the new norm. Drowning in a sea of fools
Tony said…
Hi Chick's Opinion yes he did cry at her funeral. Made me sick!!

Hi T.W!! Hope you're doing ok!!
T. W. said…
Hi Tony! I pray you are doing great! I've missed your comments.

I've been having a time of it but I still have hope for the future. Timex watches ain't got nothing on me.

Great news:

Carolina Panthers will play Tampa Bay Buccaneers in London at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on October 13.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick'sOpinion.

The King/Queen and their consort is considered above the law. Dunno about their brats.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And am I right?

Did Prince Andrew do any actual fighting on Deployment to the Falklands War.

He probably spent the entire time sleeping as well on that Aircraft carrier.

And writing Post cards home to mummy

The Queen. Sayin...

Dear Mummy

20 June 1982
HMS Invincible

I do hate these little Argentinians .

What a perfect hide they have trying to claim British Territory off us with these islands.

Since we helped ourselves to those South Atlantic islands. So long ago.

So therefore they're ours. Right?

These mean little Agentinians only have themselves to blame.

Allowing a Military Junta to run their bloody country in 1976.

And Mummy. Please ban General Leopoldo Galtieri their leader from Buckingham Palace.

Even after we win.

It's estimated that a total of 255 British Servicemen will be killed gettin these Islands back. Off the Argentinians.

We've already lost 86 Royal Navy personal off HMS Ardent.

But that is irrelevant. As you appreciate.

And dear Margaret (Thatcher) was right to declare war.

As tiny British Territories are far more important than British and Argentine casualties of war.

And one more thing. This month (june) we re-took the Sandwich Islands.

And got rid of their Garrison there.


Your Darling Son

Prince Andrew


Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

If George Osborne's been havin affairs.

It won't be long before the British Press get the the scent of it.

And like the ravenous Bloodhounds they are.

They'll find out all about it. And write about it.

Somehow I don't think George Osborne has affairs.

He's too cheap.

He wouldnt want to have to pay the Restaurant Bill.

Mr Scroogey would only go out to a restaurant if you paid half.

Apple Monkey said…
Chicks you do make you giggle. Affairs meaning going to bed with anyone other than his wife. You are right though. I am sure he’s a cheapskate.
Tony said…
Chicks opinion yes Prince Andrew did serve in the Falklands in his helicopter but I cannot remember how long he was out there for.
Tony said…
Hi T.W
Don't worry I will be back with more comments and thankyou for your prayers. Yes the Panthers are at Tottenham Hotspur ground but one thing.. I'm an Arsenal fan and both us and Tottenham are bitter rivals!!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that.

Yeah well. If Prince Andrew was on the Royal Airforce Helicopters.

During the Falklands War.

Then he was in the backseat. Wearing Gucci loafers. And playing cards while they piloted it.

And writing ‘I love your Porn Pics’ letters to that Tart, Koo Stark.

He probably did 1 week in the South Atlantic.

And the next week in Sloan Square.
T. W. said…
Hi Tony!

I'm glad you're still here! I do hope you can watch the Panthers play in London. God bless you always.

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