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Watch out Lillibet...


T. W. said…
'Watermelon smiles' and 'piccaninnies': What Boris Johnson has said previously about people in Africa
T. W. said…
Robert Mueller Hearing Summary

1. It was a joke.

2. Mueller handled himself well, as expected.

3. The Republicans made it all about politics.

4. Mueller confirmed his investigation found Donald Trump guilty of obstruction of justice.

5. Mueller confirmed he did not indict Donald Trump because he is a sitting president.

5. US law prevents a sitting president for being prosecuted for a crime, but can be indicted after leaving office.

6. Robert Mueller gave the Democrats in Congress the ammunition they need to begin impeachment proceedings.
T. W. said…
Part 2 will start soon.

People are complaining, saying Mueller is dead and seems tired or under the influence.

I say Mueller is playing smart.

People are upset that Mueller did not answer a lot of questions.

a) He did not personally interview/investigate everyone.

b) The Republicans tried to get Mueller to contradict his written report. Mueller would ask them where in the report they got their info, then said he stands by the Report.

c) Republicans also tried to get Mueller to contradict things he testified to minutes before. Mueller said he would not answer questions he already answered.
T. W. said…
Part 2 is on now. Nothing but speeches being made by members of the House of Representatives.

I think Nancy Pelosi was wise to wait to begin impeachment proceedings. They will most likely have support from the public after this. We'll see.

I got personal things to attend to right now.
T. W. said…
House Ranking Member Devin Nunes is giving a long speech. He just said the Russians colluded with the Democrats.

I'm tired of this. I hope Robert Mueller puts the nail in the coffin of those who deserve it.

Gonna got take a shower now.
T. W. said…
These Republicans are engaging in mutual mental masturbation. I don't want to see porn. I want to see Robert Mueller tell the truth and put people in their place.
T. W. said…
The Democrats are sneaky. I see what they are doing. They are getting nails to hammer into Trump's proverbial coffin. They basically got Robert Mueller to indirectly say Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office.
Chocmint33 said…
Thanks for this info TW. Trump of course is tweeting very loudly to discredit Mueller and draw attention away from his obvious problems.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that.

Yes. It wasn't the showdown people hoped for. But it will certainly do.

'The Ides Of March'

Well. Yes. the Democracts seemed to playing it real smart. Towards their end game. At Mueller's Hearing Day yesterday.

But all the stuff. Trading political secrets for money. And Manafort's role in all that.

Donald Trump Junior's and Jared Kushner's emails with the Russians..Representatives of Putin.

Out it all came. Endlessly.

There's been alot of talk about how because Mueller's report was 440 pages long.

It was regrettable thing.

That almost all Americans did not read it.

Dosent matter. Because Americans knew they were gonna get pretty much.. the whole enchilada on TV.

And it was moving TV Drama. Because of its historical significance.

Except, whats amazing...its what is really happening in the U.S right now.

It's probably a fact. Millions of U.S school children, University students around the world,in future.

Will study Mueller's Report. For political studies.

On how to not run a democracy in the U.S. Its that iconic.

It was interesting also that, Mueller just confirmed or refused to comment on some things.

As he was beibg questioned.

Or. He claimed he wasn't qualified to to even comment.

On some of the real obvious issues that were put to him from his report.

A clever tactic.

But he really didn't have to say anything. Once those circumstances of Trump and his cronies were described so well.

Yes. George Clooney probably owns the option on all this already.

To direct or produce the movie of these events.

Hell, he will even direct it. And write the screenplay ..Knowing him.

He wrote the screenplay and starred in, the 2011, U.S Political Drama, The Ides of March.

And directed it too I think.

Very good movie.

Ryan Gosling and Rachael Evan Wood were in it too.

And for those who don't know.

The Ides Of March was a Special Day. In March.

When the ancient Romans settled their debts.

Rather apt for Trump at the moment.

But the best is yet to come for America's most prominent crime family, the Trump's.

Clearly once he's out of Office, alot of them are going to be charged.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I wonder if Boris Johnson is that deluded by power.

That he thinks he can replace the Monarchy.

In his time as Prime Minister.

Well if so. Maybe its time. That the Tower Of London was reopened.

As a prison for traitors.

And Boris Johnson locked up there.

The last guests (prisoners) there. Staying at her majesty's pleasure.

Were the notorious English gangsters, the Kray Twins. In the 1950's.

For refusing to sign up for National Service.

In the old days. The Execution location at the Tower Of London depended on who you were...class wise.

Boris Johnson is not an English aristocrat as far as I know.

So the Queen could have him executed on Tower Hill.

In public. On Tower Hill. If she wanted to.

Not currently happening. But hey it could be revived. In a revolution.

And that's probably what the Queen. And the Right Wing UK media have in mind for Boris.

If his goal gets known. That he plans to destroy the English Monarchy.

And Boris needs to reflect. The English law is...,

You have pay the costs of your executioner too.

So Boris better get his financial affairs in order.

Cause The Beatles explained the UK system perfectly. In their song, Taxman.

'Let me tell you how its going to be

There's 1 for you. 19 for me'.

And pretty certain, English Monarch's still do have the power to confiscate assets.. property.

Of Traitors.

And English Monarchs often executed the spouses of Traitors.

So someone needs to advise Marina, Boris' wife.. he's havin long trouble divorcing.

And tell her to get her signature on the Decree Nisi. That finalises the divorce.

One thing the Queen will already definately, find alarming.

Is Boris Johnson's admiration for Donald Trump.
T. W. said…
No private citizen wants to read 440 pages of technical legal talk. I also think most people have their minds made up anyway.
T. W. said…
Thank you Monika O.
T. W. said…
Hi Chocmint33! Trump is a Gemini, Leo rising. He can't help himself. Imagine what could have been if he were operating on a higher vibration.
T. W. said…
More thoughts on Mueller refusing to comment on some things:

The Representatives knew Mueller could not comment on anything having to do with an ongoing, active investigation. They even said this during the hearing, then said they just wanted to ask because America needs to know what is in the report. To me, this says they know Anerica didn't read it, this was an opportunity to tell Americans what's in the report, and Americans can draw their own conclusions.

As Mueller stated, the answer to the question is in the report and he stands by what is in the written report. Therefore he will not give a verbal answer.

Do you remember everything you wrote or read in a 440 page report? I write a lot of papers for school and I don't remember the titles much less the content.
T. W. said…
No wonder all them British people came to the American colonies.

Fun fact: The Germans are the largest caucasian ethnic group in the United States.
Melic21 said…
Thank you T W for that summary brilliant 😊
T. W. said…
Thank you Melic21! You are always welcome!
T. W. said…
Some bloggers are saying Robert Mueller has dementia and other neurological issues. They make a convincing argument. Well, the man is old as dirt. Here are 2 short articles:

Mueller Looked ‘Old and Frail’ During Testimony; Democrats Cry; Trump Celebrates

Robert Mueller Testimony In Congress Exposed The Fact He Is Struggling With Dementia And Senility (Video)
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Agree. It was cleverly done.

How they revealed for Mueller what was in his report.

Without him having to participate much.

It was very good that way.

He's protecting himself.

And the Democrats seemed to be protecting him.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mueller doesn't have Dementia.

They are just saying that to smear his credibility.

If he had Dementia. Any stage of it.

There's no way he could have even wrote such a complete. And concise huge report like that.

For a huge Hearing like that.

Louis said…
Very Observant CD.

BoJo is way more Cromwell than he is Churchill (Churchill wouldn't get a look in the modern Conservative party..unlike JRM, BoJo or Cameron he didn't go to Eton/Oxford..he was Harrow/Sandhurst)....the short lived English Commonwealth...just look what Churchill had to say about that.

The monarchy didn't go very well under Cromwell either. Pity poor Ireland though....
Chick'sOpinion said…

You are right. Boris isn't a typical Eton Rifle.

But he did go to classic English institutions I guess. Like as you mentioned, Sandhurst

And for those who don't know.

Sandhurst College is an elite Military College. Either Prince Harry or Prince William attended it too I think.

Your description of Boris as Cromwell is funny.
Especially as Cromwell was in effect a military dictator. And as you mentioned, a Republican.

Who created a Republic in the UK for a while.

And rather ominously, signed King Charles' death Warrant.

Look out Queen Elizabeth.

Ahhh. The UK is gonna need a newer 'New Model Army'
To cope with Boris Johnson.

And yes. Agree. Churchill would dislike Boris.

T. W. said…

I hear you. I wanted to be fair by posting g what people with opposite opinions are saying.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Boris Johnson's early Education background in the UK. Is Ashdown House.

And for many years, at school in Brussels and Ashdown House UK. He excelled at Ancient Greek. And Latin.

He did in fact go to Eton College. So he is an Eton Rifle.

Due to Eton. He's very good pals with Charles Spencer. Lady Diana's red haired arrogant brother.

Personally I think its more relevant today to be fluent in Gangsta Rap.
Than the Ancient Greek and Latin, the English toffs learn at University.

Anyway. Boris has an Australian connection. He worked as a teacher at Timbertops.. part of the Geelong Grammar Boarding school.

He also speaks fluent French.

He eventually went to Oxford University too.

But intriguingly, as a child Boris Johnson claimed he wanted to be 'a World King'

So we can see the early origins of his savage ambition.

Or if we want to be spiritual. He was a child who knew his destiny very early. Or always.

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