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YEp, and there's more...


Chick'sOpinion said…
Harvard, Vanity Fair and The Secrect Player in Jeffery Epstein's Long Career of Abuse

Canadian, Graydon Carter. Or lets give his legal name, Edward Graydon Carter.

Is a former Editor of Vanity Fair. In 2003 he deliberately killed a story about Jeffery Epstein's sexual grooming attempt of a mother and her 2 girls.

In The New York Times today, they are running an article about how in 2003, Journalist Vicki Ward was profiling for a story.

On Jeffery Epstein. For Vanity Fair. An article.

She at first got the impression in her research, that Epstein was a 'a Jay Gatsby type'. Elusive and mysterious.

But then she was able to interview a mother and her 2 girls who were sexually groomed by Jeffery Epstein. And they told their whole experience to Vicki Ward.

So she included that in her story. For Vanity Fair.

Vanity Fair, then Editor, Graydon Carter had it removed before it went to press in that Vanity Fair issue.

So overall, it was a story that could have exposed Jeffery Epstein as far back as 2003. And protected many many minors.

The article was buried. For a long long time.

With Graydon Carter commenting that 'Jeffery was sensitive about his young girls'

He obviously knew him.

12 years later Vicki Ward wrote in The Daily Beast,

...about how she found it astonishing when she interviewed many people close to Epstein back then.

How so many of them knew of his molesting of young girls.

But this circle of his friend's emphasised Epstein's generous donations to Harvard.

How sweet.

This just goes to demonstrate guys.. that Jeffery Epstein was even controlling major magazine editors.

Then and recently.

Like Harvey Wynstein controlled everything. And almost everyone in Hollywood.

We have to reflect.

And I guess consider.. the burning question..

how as a society, the world is allowing powerful people to sexually abuse those they can access.

And cover up for them.

Personally I think Graydon Carter should be arrested. For complicity.

T. W. said…
This is my kind of humor
T. W. said…
H. Ross Perot has died. He would have made a fine president. Unlike someone else, he spent his own money to help others. He followed through and put his money where his mouth was.

If you don't know of him, please go here:

Ross Perot, billionaire business magnate and former presidential candidate, dies at 89
Chick'sOpinion said…

Got a chance to read through the article you posted on Miley Cyrus's new song Mother's Daughter.

It's a very good summary of how low the depravity is in the video.

And the level of perversion she's actively promoting in it.

I actually found her video offensive.

What is Miley Cyrus tryin to prove?

That shes actually a sex worker.

That she is engaging in Fetish style sex. Regularly. C'mon.

And all those feminist slogans.

She's clearly tryin to tap into the extremist section of the Feminist Left.

But in doing so. She leaves you wanting to cross your legs. And start wearing long skirts again.

And 2 pairs of knickers.

And the slogan that keeps appearing in the video,

Saying 'Virginity is a Social Construct'.


I know most Directors who make Music Videos don't study sociology.

And are maybe not intellectual giants.

But this is ridiculous.

Pretty certain. If you ask any doctor. They will clarify without doubt.

You are either a virgin or you are not.

And Miley needs get with the times.

Cause no one really cares if girls are virgins or not.

Most women who marry today already have had their 1st child.

And society generally is Okay with that.

I think the Weed finally went to Miley's head.

Can you get some kinda toxification of your brain from weed?
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I agree with your observations pertaining to both of your comments.

Satan has been the God of this world ever since Adam and Eve are from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why would anyone want to know about evil?

Some of the people who do not worship Satan are afraid of him and evil. They are not taught that Satan has no power of any kind. They are not taught that humans have to give Satan and evil entities power. They are not taught that all Christians have both power and authority to cast out evil spirits. Some people are taught this but think they have to hold conversations with the entity and perform elaborate rituals. This is not true.

You just command the thing to go in the name of Jesus. You ask Holy Spirit to fill the void. If you cast the thing out of a human, you tell the person they need to stop doing the sinful thing(s) that open the door for the evil spirits to return.
T. W. said…
Research shows that marijuana negatively affects sperm quality and sperm count. Marijuana plants could have been laced with harmful chemicals. Some people purposefully add chemicals for a bigger high.

I'm told that cocaine stays in the prostate and affects sperm. No wonder so many children are born with defects.

Of course THEY want to legalize it. THEY need mindless drones to service Them.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Well. Given that info you have just mentioned.

Clearly Miley Cyrus is ingesting into her body / mind far more than Marijuana.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I swear you make me laugh. At least we know Miley isn't on Crystal Mety. Or is she? I doubt it, those people can't work.

If you look into her eyes you can see no one is home. No one has been home for several years. Is that even the real Miley Cyrus?

Prayers for Justin/e Bieber.
Anonymous said…
Miley Cyrus. "I'm a freak..." Yup, you are! The song will be a big hit because it is raunchy, rap, and ridiculous. Too much smoking dope is going to fry your brain. I think the lyrics in this song are supportive of that. Yes, she probably drinks and does other drugs too. Not a fan of her new look, but she does look good in the body suit. Her face is changing, and not for the best. It's going to be interesting to see where she's at in about 10 years. Not that I wish anything bad for her, but I think she's going to spiral down, not up. Taylor Swift is going to have longevity in her career, Miley Cyrus will not. Her parents are probably dependent on her riches. The thing I don't understand is her husband, Liam, SEEMS to be such a decent, clean-cut kind of guy. I guess opposites really do attract!
T. W. said…
Anonymous 9:06 PM sees clearly.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. How the did Miley Cyrus get clean cut Liam Hemsworth.

Who incidently loves himself sick.

There can only be 1 explanation.

Miley's fame has made him famous.

And all her money is exactly the life he wanted.

He's even admitted it
T. W. said…
I like how Chick'sOpinion answers her own questions. This gets me thinking and I like that.

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