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Letty said…
Hey everyone
I have gotten several readings from CD
And he absolutely great!!👍👍👍

Get a reading from him if you have not done
so yet! 😊

Letty said…
I sent CD my FOURTH reading two questions!

Don’t miss out!

He is amazing 👍👍👍
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. And apparently Nigel Farage will be absorbed into the British Conservative Party. Eventually.

That's like absorbing Oswald Mosely into the Party.

And legitimizing his ideas.

Nigel Farage has incited alot of racial hatred in the UK.

Which I might add is illegal. But fact is .

He's popular.

Boris has probably been wondering what to do with him.

And has hit on the idea. Of inviting him in.
Anonymous said…
As previously stated , these two are conspirators in arms. BoJo is Farages lackie, I wonder what Farage has on him ?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of despotic Right Wing leaders.

Vladimir Putin has just attempted to bump off.. yet again, one of his opposition.

This time it's Alexei Naval. He's been organising the recent successful mass Anti Government protests in Moscow.

He's very good.

As we all know, Putin murders or destroys all of his political opponents.

And jails/murders political activists who oppose him.

He had Alexei Naval arrested and jailed recently. And then had him poisoned the other day, while in jail.

Remarkably, Alexei Naval survived. But he was immediately returned to Jail.

The macabre thing is. When he arrived at his hospital his lawyer insisted that only Alexei's personal Doctors were allowed to treat him there.

To protect him from murder.

The hospital Administration refused to allow it.

Alexei's lawyer claims its was also because they don't want it known what particular poison was used to poison Alexei Naval.
So the condition cant be fixed. As he still has symptoms.

In the last 2 weeks. Putin has banned multiple opposition candidates from running in the Sept Moscow City Council Election.

The banned Opposition candidates were subject to Nazi/Gestapo style home searches in thhe middle of the night. Long interrogations, arrests and threats of criminal prosecution.

Personally, I think. Despite his tyranny, Putin is losing his destructive grip over Russia.
Chick'sOpinion said…
oops. His name is Alexei Navalny. Not Naval.
Anonymous said…
Haha, funny and has made my day. Will they get Brexit over the line CD ?
Chick'sOpinion said…
The UK Magazine Radio Times. Has just done a poll on shows most wanted back on British TV

The most wanted is Foyle’s War. For those who haven’t seen it .

It’s a WW2 Detective drama with Michael Kitchen as the Star.

And actress Honeysuckle Weeks as his driver, Samantha. (Honeysuckle Weeks)

I find this Astonishing it’s so popular. It’s a last century depiction of the UK.

And further. It annoys me that Samantha is the driver. Not the detective in this show.
Because in reality in WW2....women were probably more than half of the British spies.

And F..cking good ones too.

The popularity of this show is a strong indication of how much of the UK yearns for an era long gone. Where patriotism.

And working together as a nation was a top priority.

And that’s exactly what Boris Johnson is gonna tap into after Brexit.

Because after Brexit. The UK, whether Remainers like it or not.
Are gonna be wholly focussed on home affairs. And the re-claim of their national identity.
Away from the EU.

Boris Johnson can see Nigel Farage tapped into that Patriotism. And it worked.

The other possibility is the fact that UK Radio Times is only predominantly read by old people.

And they alone voted for Foyle’s War.
But then again.

Old people vote in elections too.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Like his relationship with Trump. Boris Johnson is developing some surprising friendships.

The relationship with Trump is necessary I guess.

For the moment. Trump will lose power. Eventually.

An Anglo-American relationship thats working is essential though for the UK. Long term.

The New York Times claims that Trump seems to think that Boris Johnson is another version of Winston Churchill.

Well the only obvious thing I can see Winston and Boris have in common... is a weight problem.

And the romancing of Neo Nazi, Nigel Farage by Johnson. Is a long way from Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill actively jailed British Fascists.

Boris Johnson wrote a 2014 biography on Winston Churchill. Called The Churchill Factor

So something tells me it's beyond just admiration. He sees himself a bit like Churchill.

The amusing thing to me is. Winston Churchill would have hated Boris Johnson's ideas.

Winston Churchill was internationalist.

Believed in cooperation between countries, free trade, political freedom. And the creation of the U.N.

Which he created with Roosevelt after WW2. The Alantic Charter.

And Boris's dear friend, Trump...has tried to dismantle the U.N they created. Saying 'it costs the U.S too much money. And is underperforming' .

As though its a local pub. That doesn't sell enough beer. Outrageous.

The reason Churchill believed in full European Integration. Was he believed it would stop another War.

Boris Johnson's outlook is the reverse. He has no interest in the UK having the ultimate integration. Of being a member of the EU anymore.

Well let's hope the U.K dosent end up like the Ming Dynasty.
Isolated. Cut off. Under Boris.

I doubt he can isolate the UK that much these days.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Funny how Trump plays into Putin's dreams.

It's Vladimir Putin's dream to weaken or completely make obsolete, NATO.

The North Atlantic Treaty orginisation, an alliance of the U.S, Canada and Europe. That's been in place since the 1940's.

It's the only thing that's protected most of the world from Russian aggression for 70 years.

And Dickhead Trump wants the U.S to withdraw from it. Cause he's claiming other countries are not mmakin a big enough contribution.

Is he insane? Putin would be rubbing his hands together with glee about this.

Cause when NATO no longer exists. Or is greatly weakened by the U.S's withdrawal from it.
Europe are in danger.

Actually alot of countries will overnight lose protection. And be fair game for the Russians.
It would be another of Trump's fiascos.
T. W. said…
We know what kind of dreams rasPutin has. He must keep towels by, oh, never mind...

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