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Chick'sOpinion said…
The abodtive visit to Israel last week. By 2 democractic Congresswoman achieved one thing.

It exposed how much the Palistinian-Israeli peace process has become, what the New York Times describes as,

'A pathetic festival of magical thinking, performance art, reality denial, political fund raising and outright political fraud'.

They go to discuss Jared (Twitface) Kushner's Peace Plan. That he refuses to show anyone.

The New York Times claim that 'Jared believes all the problems can be solved by Israelis and the Gulf Arabs funding a buy out. Of the Palistinians...for Sovereignty and statehood.'

Jared (twitface) Kushner's plan is I admit, a fresh approach.

But the laughable thing is, Israeli and Palestinian Officials didn't even attend Jared's unveiling Conference of his Peace Plan some time ago.

Yessss. Nice plan Jared. But unfortunately you secretly allowed all the features of it that we know of. Of your Peace Plan. To be dictated by that untrustworthy weasel, Ben 'Bibi' Netanyahu...Israel's Prime Minister.

Yes, Ben threw in all HIS needs. And desires.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apparently Trump claims he is going to allow the world to see Jared's 'Peace Plan and all its features. ...after the Israeli election.

Funny that. Why?

Well, I smell a rat. A rat named Ben. No not the one Michael Jackson sang about.

And another thing. Trump is definately pro Ben 'Bibi he can get political donations from Sheldon Adelson. And the votes of Jews living in Florida.

The New York Times have smelled the big Fat rat today too,

They claim,

'If Ben Netanyahu doesnt want Jared's Peace Plan details to be released, they won't be'.

What's in this Peace Plan is definately either unfair. Or illegal.

Israeli Prime Minister, Ben Netanyahu is definately pulling all the strings.

He's the Puppet Master.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And where is Jared Kushner's genius Peace Plan being held?

Probably where Trump claims to have Barak Obama's Birth Certificate. LoL

But seriously, I think Jared Kushner is wishing he never even attempted this Peace Plan. It's turning into a hilarious farce... in so many ways.

Yes. Perhaps the details of Jared's Peace Plan are locked up in a computer in Jerusalem. At Ben Netanyahu's house. Cause Ben Netanyahu probably wrote it.

If Trump, Kusher and Netanyahu pull off what they are scheming. The Israelis will be singing Hava Nagila . For years.

The Palistinians may not be singing at all. Perhaps they'll increase their rock throwing skills. Due to anger. Wouldnt blame them.

What i want to know...Do the Palistians have any idea that the Israelis and Gulf Arabs plan to basically buy their country?

This situation is comparable to the Greenland proposal.

Only the U.S can claim, in this instance, they don't have their sticky fingers in it. Cause, you know, it's the Israelis buying. Not them.
T. W. said…
It's okay Katelyn. I'm glad you are back!
T. W. said…
Something about Benyamin Netanyahu is off to me. I will not speculate further on him.

As for Kushner's peace plan.

As you know, Jews do not believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah and do not read what we Christians call the New Testament. The Jewish religion was infiltrated thousands of years ago by the occult elite. Even Jesus spoke on this. As a side note, I was told that The Prophet Mohammed called Christians "The People of the Book" and advised Muslims to consult with us.

So what does any of this have to do with Kushner's peace plan?

1) The Kushners claim to be Jews. Keep in mind, the majority of humanity has heard about The Anti-Christ, the Mark of the Beast, and 666.

2) Christians who read their Bibles and/or watch decent Christian programming know that both the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Third Jewish Temple will coexist on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during The Last Days. That is one sign we are at prophetic midnight, game over.

3) We also know that as part of that 7-year peace plan, Jerusalem will be given to the nations. This most likely means that Jerusalem will be considered its own nation state, like Vatican City. The signage or the beginning of that plan marks the beginning of prophetic midnight because God promises to cut the 7 years short. If God does not do this, no human that is left on the planet at that time will be saved.

4) IF Kushner's plan is the prophetic plan explained in the Bible, he must keep it hidden in case it is accepted. If word of the plan got out, all the Christians would be in uproar for various reasons. Many of us will be thrilled, especially those of us who believe in the Rapture, what I like to call "The Mass Disappearance."

5) Some Christians do not believe in The Rapture. They could be upset because thy know they have little time to prep for Doomsday. The waiting list to have a bunker built is several years long and they take a long time to build.

6) Some Christians voted for Donald Trump to delay The End. I can tell you for a fact that even though Hillary Clinton was elected and was divinely meant to be President of the United States, The End would be very close at hand.

7) Some Christians might have mixed feelings because the entire world/all ethnic groups have yet to hear the Gospel Message. Now we have to fund Christian missionaries and evangelists. Jesus said The End would not come until all the world has heard the truth. The Greek says ethnos (ethnic groups). I can tell you right now this has not happened yet.

8) Some people would be upset because the plan would prove that what the Bible says is the truth. They would have to make the decision in their minds and hearts to turn from wrong doing and accept the gift of eternal salvation and restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ or to continue the way they are living.

9) Don't forget, even people who have never heard the Gospel message have most likely heard about Armageddon, The Anti-Christ, The Dajjal (I hope I spelled that right), The Beast, The Mark of the Beast, and 666. They might find out that the specific peace plan was predicted in the Jewish and Christian sacred texts. Every detail. They may want to investigate Christianity further. They will see that every word is true and ask Jesus Christ for salvation. The occult elite do not want this.
T. W. said…

Very few ministers preach on The Mark of God. Everyone is scared of and interested in The Mark of the Beast.

Do you want to know what The Mark of God is? You do? Great! I will tell you.

Holy Spirit marks a person as belonging to God. Ask Jesus Christ for salvation today and then ask him to send Holy Spirit to dwell in you, to mark you as belonging to God, and ask to receive and to manifest all fruits and gifts of Holy Spirit.

If you get "left behind," please. Do NOT take the Mark of the Beast under any circumstances. If you accept it, you just purchased a non-refundable, one-way ticket to eternal damnation. Better to be beheaded wondering if Jesus Christ is the only way to God than to take the Mark of the Beast. You will make it home!

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