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Moscow "BITCH" Mitch...


Chick'sOpinion said…
Clearly he doesn't believe they can do without the help...From Russia With Love
Chick'sOpinion said…
And they thought the 1987 Whitehouse Iran-contra Scandal was bad. Well it was.

But, what's going on today is clearly its equal.

Back in the 80's Oliver North was a U.S National Security Council Intelligence Agency top dog.

Who in his spare time, on the quiet, sold arms... weaponry to Iran. And he used the profits to fund the Nicaraguan Contras.

For a U.S backed Contra War. That was going on there. The Contras were against the Junta of an armed mob known as the Sandinistas.

Oliver North also accepted 10 million dollars from the Sultan of Brunei as a bribe to get around prohibitions on funding the Contras.

But big problem.

When the Sultan of Brunei gave the money laundering account number. Of the Swiss Bank account for the money laundering of 10 million to be dumped in. He gave the wrong numbers.

So the 10 million went in a businessman's account. And this Businessman queried the huge money dumped in his account.. Next thing ya know... a Whitehouse Committee is investigating this transaction.

And Oliver North.

Unfortunately for Oliver North.... as working for a U.S intelligence Agency was not allowed to accept or stockpile money. Or bribes. None of it.

And was found out by the Whitehouse.

Fact is. Mitch McConnell was probably around in politics in the 1980's. When North was discovered doing this.

Well Mitch better reflect on how small mistakes. Make it all come undone.
And once people... journalists start sniffing politician's corruption. And secret illegal connections/arrangements with foreign countries. They become like bloodhounds.

Following the scent.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And another thing Mitch McConnell should consider.

Oliver North nearly got bumped off for what he did.

A loony Libyan Islamic bunch of radicals targeted his home.

Oliver North and his family only survived because the FBI picked up on an iminnet attack on his family home.

He had to move to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina with his family. For protection. For a long time.

I get the feeling Mitch McConnell doesn't care cause he's old.

But has he considered.... Retirements in jail are not half as fun as Caravanning, playing golf. And sleeping till 9am.

The burning question is CD

Is Mitch McConnell going to jail over his links with Russia?
Anonymous said…
This needs to get out big time, this needs to be picked up and run with by the dems.
Letty said…
Thus man is disgusting!!!

when is karma coming his way?!
Chick'sOpinion said…
And what was Mitch McConnell's long term end goal in 2016? When Trump came to power.

Well at that time, 107 vacancies existed on the Federal Benchs of the Federal courts. Which was very odd.

Doesn't usually happen apparently.

McConnell and leading Republicans were trying to tilt the Court System to Conservative. In a manipulation.

By not appointing new Federal Judges.
Just not replacing those who retired.

That left the majority of positions that were currently in place, Conservative.

Which is what the Mitch McConnell and the Republicans wanted.
T. W. said…

Camp LeJeune's water supply has been contaminated for years. People have come down with cancers & weird diseases that are linked to the chemicals. Of course the government is not taking care if them.

I say this to encourage everyone here. We are all sick of THEM and THEIR agendas.

Don't forget. Dark Lord Goat Lucy always collects on payments. Oliver North will pay in full.
T. W. said…

Mitch fell at home and broke his shoulder. See, Goat Lucy always gets paid in full. Better to let Jesus Christ pay the debt...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I was reading about an Australian community that are having a hell of a time gettin compensation.

From water poisoning they were exposed to...from an AirForce base in New South Wales. The people who live around it have been drinking contaminated water. For decades.

Something to do with the chemical the Air Force
Base use. They have been tryin to get compensation for ages. From the govt. No luck.

I say, get Erin Brockavich on the phone.

And people!! don't live near Air Force Bases.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I am sad for the Australians and everyone else who is suffering because of other people's deliberate actions.

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