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Murderess Liar...


Letty said…
I feel the energy shifting against Trump
Karma is arriving
T. W. said…
Melania don't want no snake tongue near his surgically created cooter.

That was bad.

I'll see myself out.
Chick'sOpinion said…
When You Trade In Deep Technology, Trust Matters More

We are at a worse stage in the Trade War between China and the U.S than alot of us realise.
It is a dispute that if it continues. Will bring a very big change to the world.

Even The New York Times are sounding the alarm.

Today they have said that the relationship...

'its so fractured its going to completely destroy the globalization system that has existed for 70 years that has brought properity and peace.'

They also went on to state,

'And what we will be birthing in its place,is a digital Berlin Wall. And a 2 internet, 2 technology world. One dominated by China. The other dominated by the U.S'.

I agree. But how much worse is this made by the fact that China continues to run its country with Communism as its government. Communism is a decayed ideology. That's never been successful.
Anywhere. And is isolationist.

But here's the sinister side of the whole thing.
Which the New York Times raises.

'China is a deep technology powerhouse today. But China doesn't produce dumb technology, dumb technology toys. They produce malicious technology. That can/is embedded into your house and is hard to remove'

And we buy their technology.

And it's a fact,

'For years. China has been trying to force to U.S to transfer U.S technology to them. U.S technology companies have been complaining to the U.S govt for years about it. And have been ignored'.

Trump put a stop to this quite early in a number of ways.

But how is the U.S or anyone supposed to trade technology safely with China??

But what would make everyone a whole lot safer technology wise, is if, Google can be stopped doing business with Huawei, China's 5 g manufacturer.

That's why Trump banned Huwei. And Australia did too.

It's spyware.
But Google seems to think they don't have a global responsibility. And can do what they like.

Another sneaky nasty thing China has been doing is. 'For years, the U.S has been increasingly shut out of Chinese Technology markets'. Deliberately.

And 'while consistently edging out the U.S, China has been doing business with the U.S's technology competitors'.

So that's why Trump has had enough of China. And their Trade games. Designed to make the U.S economically weak.

I'm no big fan of Trump. And the fiascos he causes. But in a way, he's had no choice in this complex problematic trade war dispute with China.

And China have in my veiw brought it on themselves.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And here's what the U.S need to do.

Something the UK excels at.

Jailing Neo Nazis/White Supremacists. And dismantling their groups.

Here's perfect example. From The Guardian UK newspaper 12 Nov 2018.

'Adam Thomas 22 and Claudia Patatas 38 were found guilty at Birmingham UK Crown Court. Of membership of a terrorist group, the extreme Right Wing organisation National Action'.

'That was banned in 2016'.

This little pair of dangerous nuts even 'gave their child a middle name of Hitler'.

'Photographs in Adam Thomas's house showed him cradling his newborn son while wearing the hooded white robes of the UK Klux Klan'.

'Adam Thomas, it was revealed. Was a leading figure of the Midlands chapter of this National Action Group'.

'He previously had a conviction for stirring up racial hatred by putting up offensive stickers at Alston University in Birmingham, UK'.

'The court case revealed. During his school years, he came to the attention of the U.K's Prevent Counter-radicalisation programme, which took him to meet a Holocaust survivor. It also revealed his parents were 'common racists and 'his belief in White Nationalism began at an early age'.

Before Adam Thomas's trial, 3 other members of banned now dismantled group, National Action, stood trial.

That's how the U.S needs to deal with White Supremicists. Ask the UK for guidance. Cause the UK have turned jailing these dangerous nuts into a swift quick control art form.

And that's the reason why these groups don't get outa control in the UK. And Europe.

Europe does not want Nazis in any form. To mobilise. Ever again. And have actively eradicated them since WW2.
AND they actively jail/silence them. Cause they have the laws to do it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
More evidence of the U.K's kick arse effective way of dealing with White Supremicists.

On the 17 May 2019,the Guardian UK newspaper reported...

'Jack Renshaw, 23 of Skelmersdale, Lancashire, was jailed in 2018 for 3 years at The Old Bailey (London Courthouse) For stirring up racial hatred in 2 anti-Semetic speeches in 2016.

The article goes on to describe Jack Renshaw's more recent crimes and day in court in May 2019.

'He admitted in court of preparing an act of Terrorism and wanted to replicate the murder of politician, Jo Cox MP'.

'Jack Renshaw was heard by whistleblower, Robbie Mullen discussing his plan at a Warrington, UK pub. Where members of National Action were meeting'.

'Jack Renshaw admitted buying a machete to kill and made threats to kill, UK Police Officer, Detective Victoria Henderson'.

'For these crimes he was jailed and must serve at least 20 years'.

'Jack Renshaw was also jailed for 16 months for grooming adolescent boys.'

'Jenny Hopkins, Head of UK's Crown Prosecution Service said, Jack Renshaw was prepared to act on his white supremacist world veiw and plotted to kill a member of parliament...And a plan reminisiscent of the murder of Jo Cox MP'.

The U.S needs the laws. To do the same. To eradicate White Supremicists. As they are extremely dangerous.
And easily locked up. With laws.
Chocmint33 said…
Here's a Trump treat for you guys and CD. As CD has been predicting Trump getting kicked out of office or being jailed, I can give a possible time when it will occur.
I wrote to astrologer Jessica Adams about Trump and this is what she said,
"His long-term future is doomed. Donald is not with us in power beyond Christmas 2020, for reasons to be revealed in January that year. The disgust with which teenagers and their parents greet the fall-out from the Epstein child abuse arrest will be a factor in a massive Democrat and independent vote for 2020 and Generation Aquarius, today’s teens, will push that through."

I have been following Jessica Adams for over 10 years and she has an excellent track record with the timing of events.

Also someone else on her blog asked a question about the dismal state of the world and she said similar things. Here it is.

"The world has been going through a cycle not seen in over 240 years. Pluto, Saturn and the South Node in Capricorn. This is very heavy. It is about the men at the top – usually white men in suits and ties – and the top 1% of the world’s wealthiest people. We have been seeing ‘the beginning of the end’ for them, though it may not feel like it at the moment! You will see the end from January 2020 and by December 2020 it’s over. Many politicians and the rich elite will lose their fortunes, lose their positions, go to jail or just be taken off the planet. We then enter the New Age of Aquarius. Climate change is one reason we will all join hands globally – because we have to – it will be an emergency by 2021. Yet, we will do it. Pluto goes into Aquarius from 2023 and you will be stunned at the difference. The purpose of some our most unpopular leaders (and it is sometimes women in suits too) has been to unite the rest of us. And it’s working! Do trust the future."

So all will be better after December 2000. We just need to be patient.

T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing all this information with us.

Sometimes I think Donald Trump wants us to think he is stupid. I know I don't like him & I make jokes and stuff but I wish him no harm. Let the LORD deal with him.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Wow. Thanks for that.

Let's hope the Koch brothers are some of the white men in suits. The 1% of the wealthiest. Among the cretins predicted to fall.

And's as you mentioned, the beginning of the end of these billionaires who are ruling governments around the world.

We shouldn't be surprised that Trump won't be able to recover his reputation. After this Epstein scandal.
This is good news.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love how you say 'I'll see myself out'

It's funny.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Finally some good news about the environment.
Those Exitinction Rebellion mob and supporters are fully aware of how close we are coming to the complete destruction of natural environments.

I noticed they shut down the Brisbane CBD in Queenland, Australia a while ago.

Yes. Maybe the astrological world is influencing these activists, the ramp up civil disobedience. On environmental issues.

Adam Schrinner, Lord Mayor of Brisbane. You are a moronic arse licker to local government.

You know, he said of the people who participated in Extinction Rebellion day in Brisbane.

'You should be ashamed of yourselves.'

No Adam Schrinner, you should ashamed of yourself.

Considering how much the state of Queensland has at risk at present. So many threatened species.

The vast Rainforest areas. And the Great Barrier Reef so at risk to so many things... like coral bleaching, land based run off, coastal development, litter, Crown of Thorns Star Fish, marine debris, and illegal fishing.

No. Mayors like Adam Schrinner need to become threatened species.

For the planet's survival.

Brisbane rate payers. Build a well. And throw Adam Schrinner down it.
T. W. said…
All for your entertainment!
Chocmint33 said…
Ooops I meant all will be better after December "2020."

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