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Sadly more of these Nutters to come... One a state before the Election.


Chocmint33 said…
When will they ever toughen the gun laws in the USA? Having strict gun laws in Australia has made a big difference here. I'm afraid it will be the same old 'thoughts and prayers' parrot mumblings from the politicians who want to keep that pro-gun lobby happy. I guess it will have to be the younger generation (those gen Y and Zs) who are going to change the laws. At least they are sensible and sensitive to this problem in the USA.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I've got one hand in my pocket. And the other one's givin a Peace sign.

Hey. Lets pray for these people. Cause this is shocking.

Anonymous said…
Jesus, Mary and Joseph; all of this because of archaic right to bare arms in the 1700’s
Chick'sOpinion said…

I agree. When Australians are really really angry. Or really crazy. They just don't have access to guns.

It dosent mean they don't do shocking things when crazy and angry.

They just can't access a gun at the time.

They do other things. They tend to access knives.

As you know, Australian Rural and farming people are licenced with strict permits... to have guns. To kill suffering livestock. Kangaroos. Foxes. And farm pests. The only other group allowed guns are hunters.

In 2015 I studied with a young girl who shot kangaroos periodically as a part time job.
She had a permit. And so many tags issued to her each time to do this. She was, I might add. ..also quite nuts in my view.

And had a drinking problem.

So I wondered at the choice of her having a permit to own a gun. Cause i agree with TW. It's the mental health of the person who has access to the gun who is the problem. Not guns themselves.

But anyway...Apart from the cops. No one else in Australia is permitted to own guns.
No general civilian ownership. That was stopped in an Amnesty. Long ago in the 90's.

I think the only reason there was a shooting here in June.... in Australia. In Darwin, The Northern Territory. Is because currently the cops are failing to stop Bikie gangs here possessing. And stockpiling guns. And Ben Hoffman, the Darwin shooter... was a Bikie.

That said. The current fine for having an illegal gun in Australia is now $280,000. And 14 years in prison.

Our more recent Gun Amnesty saw 57,000 Guns handed in. So that just goes to show how many people were accumulating guns since the 1996 Gun Amnesty.

Dismantling Australian Bikie groups who are stockpiling guns is an ongoing govt / police process here in Australia. They are the ones with illegal guns.

But from what ive noticed, the Bikies...they seem to just re-group. And seem unstoppable to me.

I think Australia needs solutions.... more than Gun Amnesties.
Longer sentencing for illegal gun ownership. And higher fines.
That way.. at least it would keep dangerous illegal gun owners. Who could not qualify for permits cause they're nuts, and/or have criminal records. It would keep them in jail. For longer.

It won't solve it. But right now. Organised crime gangs/Bikie are determined to access illegal guns. And it needs to be at least...controlled more.
T. W. said…
Presidential Candidate Beto O’Rourke Laughs When Asked About El Paso Shooting


El Paso native Beto O'Rourke spoke about the shooting at a press conference.

"We know that there is a lot of injury, a lot of suffering. I am incredibly saddened and it is hard to think about this," he said before laughing.

"I'll tell you, El Paso is the strongest place in the world. The community is going to stay together," O'Rourke said. "I ask for everyone's strength. Everyone's resolved to make sure this doesn't continue to happen in this country."

Outraged social media users slammed the Democratic presidential candidate for laughing while victims are fighting for their lives in local hospitals.
Chick'sOpinion said…
El Paso sounded to me immediately like a Hispanic town anyway.

Checked. Mexicans have been a huge part of that town long before that idiot Shooter was born. And went and massacred all those innocent.

Seems the Mexicans have been living there since there 1860's.

Most Probably way before that too.
T. W. said…
He might hate "race mixing" but seems like his family approves of incest.

Look at "his" face and head.

Not everything is a conspiracy. He choose to do this. Having said that, THEY want a race war. Do NOT let them have it.
T. W. said…
Us Anericans like to hunt & fish but I tell you what. You don't need no AK-47 assault rifle to do it.

I think Texas allows the sale & purchase of these things because there are a lot of militias out there and in the midwest.

Unfortunately some militia groups are white supremacy groups. They gonna get our guns taken away from us Americans.

Remember Friends. Dictators always confiscate the firearms before they show their true colors as dictators.
T. W. said…

Tougher gun laws ain't gonna do dick.

Name one law that has ever prevented a crime. You can't because people are gonna do what people want to do.

The authorities have no idea how that person got the assault rifle. So if he illegally obtained it, I ask you again. How would tougher gun laws have prevented this?

Firearms are not the problem. Humanity is.

Genesis Chapter 6 verses 5 and 6 (English Standard Version):

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.
T. W. said…
Why does he look like the Ohio shooter?

I smell a conspiracy...
Anonymous said…
CD, this shooter was NOT a Trump supporter and the Republican Party does NOT have blood on its hands. In fact, it's reported that the El Paso shooter "claimed in a manifesto that his white supremacist views had NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP."

The WaPo states "the author “stresses that he has maintained his white supremacist ideology for many years, predating President Trump and his 2016 campaign, which he says did not influence his reasons for carrying out the attack.”

"CNN added: “The writer wrote that their opinions on immigration predate President Trump, and the writer appears to have held these beliefs for years."

Not pointing fingers but ... "The author predicted that some people will blame Trump for the attack, but says that would be “FAKE NEWS,” since he held his views before Trump."
T. W. said…

Just because the shooter had certain points of view before Trump became president does not mean he doesn't support Trump.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Which rather proves a point.

That those with pre-existing extremist ideas about race can be ignited into extreme actions. Regardless of who they voted for.

You only have to study how Jews in Europe were continuously demonized by Nazi propaganda (White Supremacy) And biased stories within the media and arts about Jews. For years.

Prior to WW2 And during WW2.

To consolidate and create their 'Aryan National community'. And that minority ethnic groups were bad.

The claim thats being made. That this shooter wasn't influenced by Republican current ideas or anyone else's, just cannot be true.

It's been influenced by someone's extreme ideas about race.

And further...The idea that propaganda doesn't influence individual's emotions, actions and opinions just doesn't stand up to the evidence we have. On propaganda.

We learned all of that from WW2.

It is the reason why inciting racial hatred is against the law in many countries. It is in my country.

It is particularly against the law in Europe. Because unlike the U.S. Europe experienced the full and final result of White Supremicist beleifs and Nazi ideology. For more than half a decade duribg the war. And prior.

And in particular when dangerous groups like that get power.

And for that reason the sale of Nazi memorabilia. Weaponry, uniforms etc, Nazi styled organisations are banned in Europe. And have been so since WW2.

Which is why we haven't seen a 4th Reich. In Europe.

They take it way more seriously in Europe because unlike the U.S ...their families suffered the full and tragic consequences of allowing White Supremacy and Nazi ideology to exist within a European society. Specifically Germany.

Allowing it to flourish. Unopposed for years.

It is well known. Nazi beleifs is the beginning of the end. Tolerating White Supremicists, as Trump has done. Is a bad idea.

And let me make crystal clear. I dont claim Americans didnt suffer hugely or lose 1000's of loved ones due the Nazis in WW2. They did suffer.

What I am stating is, America was not occupied. Or invaded by the Nazis.

And I also want to establish clear known facts about Nazi idealogy and White Supremacy.

It wasn't long before that German fanaticism for White Supremacy extended into invading other countries. By force. To spread it.

I refer to the invasion of Poland and Czechoslavakia by the Nazis. And I guess every other fukn country they invaded and decimated in Europe.

Its my view. And observation that Europeans have a clear, higher and more complete understanding of how dangerous the concepts of White Supremacy ideology is.

And that may be the reason why white supremacy is adopted as an ideology for some Americans. And not generally by Europeans.

They certainly don't seem to realise how dangerous it is. Or care.

Would it be so if those Americans who think White Supremacy is great had ancestors who were murdered, starved, tortured, deported, and jailed by WW2 Nazis. Like almost every European family does.

Maybe not.

The fact is. What the Nazis destroyed is on the corner of every street in Europe. And in every family.

What astonished me. Is some of the these members of U.S White Supremicist Groups would have ancestors who made the ultimate sacrifice in fighting Nazis in WW2.

America I personally think, needs to learn from Europe. And develop a zero tolerance of White Supremacy groups. Jail them. Europe does

Zero tolerance of them is not new in Europe. Europe have been actively doing it since the end of WW2.

And it works.
Chocmint33 said…
Hi TW. I realize that humanity is the REAL problem and not the guns. But since the guns laws were toughened in Australia because of the huge Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania in 1996, there has NOT been a repeat of such mass killings in Australia where some nutter gets a gun and randomly shoots anyone for no logical reason.

If some nut job wants to go out shooting people, chances are it will be a lot harder for them to do it if the guns are hard to access. They may resort to knives, but at least you can run away a lot quicker from a knife wielding psycho than a nut with a fast-shooting military type of gun. The evidence speaks for itself in Australia.

I don't see what is wrong with having strict laws for those who use guns, like having medical and psychological tests. And only having licences for those who use guns for proper use.

Of course humanity and why there is such violence needs to be looked into. Mental health issues need more attention too. Maybe there needs to be more psychologists in schools to help kids that show early signs of anti-social behaviour.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Is Beto O'Rouke one of those people who laughs at funerals. Due to a nervous problem.

I'm thinking that isn't a problem thats compatible with being a politician.
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing your educated and articulate thoughts.
T. W. said…


I ain't mad at you. I thank you for clarifying your thoughts. They make sense to me.

God bless you always!
T. W. said…

That's a good point. Beto might be one if those people who laugh when nervous. I used to do that. Now I laugh and smile to prevent myself from saying not so nice things to people. I'm trying real hard to live the Christian life. I can do it only with God's help.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I agree with you. 'The evidence speaks for itself'.

Taking guns completely out of the general population in the 1990's in Australia really worked....effectively.

Whether it would work for the U.S remains to be seen.

As U.S people are accustomed to having guns. And that would have many implications.

Especially for U.S criminals.
Australian criminals largely operate without guns.

Unless they have links to a Bikie group. Where they can buy an illegal gun. Or stolen one.

Hard to steal. Cause people don't have guns to steal in their houses.. car.

I think. Unless they imposed huge fines in the U.S. And very long prison sentences, they would find it hard to discourage Americans from continuing to seek and own guns.

Even if it became highly illegal like in Australia

And then there's a very active underground market for the sale of stolen or imported guns in the U.S.

That market would have to be smashed.

Cause money seems to buy anything in the U.S. You only have to consider the astonishing array of guns, actually weaponry. That American fella named Paddock had accumulated before shooting so many concertgoers.

From his hotel room window in Las Vegas.
That astounded me what he had.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion & Chocmint33,

You understand the problem with banning gun ownership in America.

About the Las Vegas shooting, several people told reporters on live television that there was more than one shooter. After that, no more live interviews unless the person stated there was only one shooter.

Reminds me of September 11, 2001. National news broke regular programming to report that a military helicopter was flying near the Twin Towers. People were being interviewed on live television. Even some radio programming was being interrupted.

This is important because that area is restricted airspace. Some people theorized the helicopter or the pilot was in distress.

Time passes, next thing you know an airplane hits one of the Twin Towers on live television. I saw this. Let me tell you. Believe the conspiracy theories. The live reports and video footage confirm them.
T. W. said…
Dear God, please help!!!

Outrage as photo of Black man being walked on leash goes viral


The Galveston Police Department has apologized after a photo showing a Galveston officer on horseback leading a handcuffed man by a rope went viral on Facebook. Donald Neely, 43, was arrested on Saturday, Aug. 3, and charged with criminal trespassing, ABC 13 reports.


While leading Neely back to the transport vehicle, the officer tied a blue rope to handcuffs behind Neely’s back. Neely looks bewildered in the photo.


Neely's sister told ABC13 her brother is mentally ill and homeless. She was upset when she saw the viral photo.

Police Chief Vernon Hale, III released a statement apologizing for the incident.

"First and foremost I must apologize to Mister Neely for this unnecessary embarrassment. Although this is a trained technique and best practice in some scenarios, I believe our officers showed poor judgement in this instance and could have waited for a transport unit at the location of arrest."

Police say the officers do not face discipline.

2) TX Police Tie Rope To Black Man and March Him Down The Street

The Galveston Texas police department is coming under fire after an image was leaked - showing mounted police officers marching a black man down the street by a rope.

The Black man in this case was suspected of trespassing. The police handcuffed him, tied a rope to his handcuffs like an animal and marched him down the street.

According to the Galveston Texas police department the officers did this because there was no transportation unit available at the time.
Chick'sOpinion said…

The only conspiracy theory I beleive about 9/11 is that to some degree the U.S govt had Intel that something was about to happen.

They knew the day. But not exactly what was gonna happen. Not nearly enough detail to avert it.

Several psychics have claimed that.

Whether it could have been averted is definately arguable.

I guess we'll never know.

I also do believe, that conspiracy theories about 9/11 claiming it was a U.S Govt inside job. Were planted on the internet.

To cause Americans to start to distrust their government.

Which worked... to a degree I think.

I personally believe that's its true. That they were carefully planted. And well designed 'stories. Planted.

Youve got to consider, the internet was still a relatively new thing in 2001 when 9/11 happened.

People were not as discerning and critical then... at what they 'read' on the internet then.

It's far different now. And since Trump has established the phrase Fake News. People are more willing to think critically.

Too much is many ways.

Cause as a side issue. I think Trump's term fake news... is a dangerous concept. Cause it's preventing people to trust solid Online Newspapers. Who actually do tell the truth.

I won't list them. But, we all know them, intelligent international long established newspapers. Who hire top investigative journalists. Who take big risks to get the info out there.

I believe that distrust is exactly what Trump wanted to achieve with his Fake News phrase.

His hardly disguised claim started to be ... 'Don't trust them, trust me, it's fake news they are sayin'.

Who the would trust him?? In their right mind. Very few.

Recall also, that it was in fact. Starting the stories in 1972, The Washington Post. That gave the world the story of Watergate and the corruption of President Richard Nixon.

At tremendous risk. The Washington Post were threatened with big legal action prior to going to press with the big story. The legal acfion would have bankrupted the owner of The Washington Post.

They took the risk. And went ahead anyway. And the rest is history making.

It's also a fact. It's never been more dangerous to be an investigative journalist. They are being murdered quite regularly. For tellin the truth.

Or before they do.
T. W. said…
I hear you.

THEY want us to believe what THEY tell us because our own eyes and ears deceive us. : /

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