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Silly Boy.....

So Mario "Can't keep my dick in my pants" Lopez.
Has taken to the airwaves, to tell the World.
That he doesn't agree with Transgender Kids.
Or Transgender full stop, come to that...
The Irony....
He loves someone to play with his cock.
Plus he doesn't mind the gender....
Of the person that does.


T. W. said…
I had no problem with Mario's comments as I read them yesterday.

However, I see Christian is saying Mario is a hypocrite.

I swear we are living in the Last Days.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Story telling reveals meaning. Without commuting the error of defining it.

But this boy has 2 tongues.

Perhaps that comes in handy. In his bedroom antics.

But the boy with 2 tongues needs to be reminded. Transgender people have tongues. That talk.

And it isn't medieval Times. When they cut the tongue out of people they wanted to silence.

These transgender people will just let TMZ or the Hollywood Reporter to do the more effective side of the talking.
Chick'sOpinion said…
He looks like hes had plastic surgery.

Speaking of people who have had plastic surgery. Blac Chyna is in the Daily Mail today. Advertising a Christian Dior sun visor.
Well that's what they do. They get free shit from Brands to wear. Or an endorsement... for cash.

She's also in a pic showing her giant arse peeping out above the pool water.

Clearly this is how she makes her money these days as well. And. Flogging shit for luxury brands in The Daily Mail etc.

I really get offended at having to glimpse their giant arses. It actually puts me off my food.

We need some decency codes to come back into online newspapers. Cause people have an addiction to baring the arses to the world these days.

And. I really can't stand Blac Chyna. And I actually empathised with Kris Jenner for once... when the prospect of havin Blac Chyna as a daughter in law emerged.

I would have drank cyanide. If my son brought home a pregnant Blac Chyna. She's a nightmare.
What we call in Australia, a Gronk,.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I do not believe this. Mario is a full-blooded male and loves women. That's why his first marriage ended quickly.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

I assure you, that is Mario's real face! He is a former child actor. He was in Kids Incorporated and Saved By the Bell. Kids Inc. was a front for child prostitution. Don't believe me? Ask Jennifer Love Hewitt, Martika, or Fergie...

Mario might have had fillers injected into his face. However, there are many reasons why a slender or physically fit person's face is puffy/bloated while the rest of the body is not. PMS, acid reflux, and bulimia can do that.
T. W. said…
I wish Mario had stood by his comment. I'm tired of the Femi-Nazis and the Velvet Mafia TAKING offense and demanding apologies every time someone makes a logical argument against their agendas.


I said "Femi-Nazi", not "feminist."

A.J. Calloway Fired from TV Show Extra; Mario Lopez’s Job Also On the Chopping Block for Transgender Comments


On Wednesday, Lopez quickly walked back comments he made about parents allowing their minor children to switch genders.

Lopez, 45, called the trend "weird" and "dangerous" in an interview with conservative commentator Candace Owens that aired on last month.

"My God if you're three-years-old and you're saying you're feeling a certain way you think you're a boy or a girl whatever the case may be... I just think it's dangerous as a parent to make that determination then, OK well then you're gonna be a boy or a girl," he said.

Lopez apologized profusely after his job was reportedly threatened.

"The comments I made were ignorant and insensitive, and I now have a deeper understanding of how hurtful they were. I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself. Moving forward I will be more informed and thoughtful."

Owens lashed out at "leftist bullies" who called for Lopez to be fired.
T. W. said…
This site is popular. Blind Gossip has a blind item confirming what Christian said.

Fluid And Judgemental
T. W. said…

Parents, if your child went to UCLA and/or trained with Conrad Montgomery Avondale Mainwaring, please talk with them immediately. Your child may have been molested by this man.

44 Years. 41 Accusations. Now The Past is Catching Up.

[Contains several videos]

"What the stranger didn't know was that Benjamin himself had been molested by Mainwaring -- only nine hours earlier. Nor did the stranger realize that he had just pulled a thread that would begin unraveling the mystery and misdeeds of Conrad Mainwaring, a former Olympian who coached Olympic-level athletes, including a two-time gold medalist.

"In June 2018, Outside the Lines began investigating a tip that Mainwaring allegedly had molested a 12-year-old boy in the 1970s and might have continued such activity to the present day. The tip led to a 13-month reporting effort that uncovered scores of allegations spanning five decades and two continents -- and sparked a police investigation that resulted in Mainwaring's recent arrest."
T. W. said…

Mainwright worked at multiple universities in various positions. The article gives detailed information. Parents, please talk to your kids about good touch/bad touch. Sone of the victims had no idea what happened to them was abuse.
T. W. said…
Mainwaring, not Mainwright.

Is it just me or has a lot of evil been exposed ever since the North American eclipse and the Virgo celestial event from a few years ago?

I would love to hear from the Friends who have knowledge about such things. My younger sister says Virgo represents the harvest, so everyone will be reaping what they have sown.
Anonymous said…
Mario told the truth which has nothing to do with his sexual preferences. A 3 year old child does not know what sex, they are or know any better. A child should be at least 18 yrs of age before making a life changing decision that cannot be reversed.
Chick'sOpinion said…
'Mario mario, wherefore art thou Mario'?

'Here .. havin sex with Transgender people'
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jeez. So many of these perverts from the past must be living in fear today.

Cause Karma is catching up with alot of them. As victims from even 44 years ago are finally gettin the courage to come forward.

It's fantastic.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah it looks like hes had fillers or something in his face. Looks like he works out alot.

I've seen him on TV. He comes across as very superficial. More so than most. All TV people come across as fake. He's just not very convincing. At hiding it.

That's probably a good thing.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

If you want to be shocked, try to find gossip online about Mario. The man is a serial cheater. I think he cheated on his first wife the day of or the day after their wedding.

There's some gossip alleging he raped Tiffany Thiessen when they started on Saved by the Bell. I don't believe it because she acts terrified whenever she is around Dennis Haskins, not Mario.
Chick'sOpinion said…

What kinda guy cheats on the day of his wedding. Or day after?

A maggot.

Who also needs to be thrown down a Well.

Dear Local Councils. Theres not enough active Wells. To throw society's Serpents down. Please dig more.

Cause Mario is a Superficial Serpent. With a Perma Tan.

And sex addiction issues.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, I think that's his real skin color. Mind you I have never seen him in person but I have seen many Hispanic & Latinos in person.
T. W. said…
Aren't thought crimes illegal in Oceania? Are we living in 2019 or 1984...

Thoughtcrime: Mario Lopez Forced to Apologize For Comments About Transgender Kids


So Lopez believes that 3-year-old children are too young to make a life-altering decision such as rejecting the gender they were born with. Wow, such a controversial statement. How dare he say something that makes perfect sense?

I’ll go out on a limb here and say that, despite intense mass media propaganda, most people agree with his opinion. Anyone who spent any time with toddlers knows that their lives revolve around eating chicken nuggets and actively finding new ways of hurting themselves. They are not cognitively ready to make this kind of decision. They’re not even cognitively ready to tie their own shoe yet.


In short, GLAAD contacted Lopez’s employers, pushed for his “reeducation” and demanded an apology.


The parents who give children powerful drugs and hormones that modify their body chemistry is not only reckless, but it also borders on child abuse. They are the ones who should be deemed “dangerous”, not Mario Lopez talking in a YouTube video.
nico123 said…
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Whether you agree or you don’t. Parenting is a huge responsibility and instructions are not included. Mario and his wife have every right to raise their children anyway they deem fit.

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