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Cordelia said…
Those whom the gods wish to destroy first make mad
chris said…
CD -- you seem to be saying in several different ways that Trump will suspend or dismantle congress? Or attempt to? Is that correct? How TF will he get away with this. i am assuming he will because there seems to be no backbone in DC. This conman has aged me a decade in 2.5 years. FFS. Also, any chance Dorian demolishes Mar-a-Lago?
T. W. said…
Cordelia - I love your comments, keep them coming!

chris - You made me laugh out loud! I hadn't thought about Mar-a-Lago. What kind of name is that anyway?

I have thought about the portrait of Dorian Gray. These hurricane names are not coincidence. There are no coincidences in this life. Especially when THEY are involved.

Let's stay close to God. Let's keep praying. Let's pray for those who need any kind of help. Let's love ourselves and each other better.

And we will try to enjoy the funny moments The Trump Show brings.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Trumponomics and The Farmers

Farmers are Trump's biggest supporters and fans right?

But The New York Times have observed sadly today that 'U.S farmers have turned out to be Trump's biggest victims.

U.S Farmers have alot of political influence.

But unfortunately the U.S Farm recession has already arrived. Falling incomes and alot of bankruptcies.

Why were/are farmers Trump's biggest supporters?
Well, as a demograph they are the ones who will respond to the promise of a return to traditional society. And unfortunately, traditional racial hierarchy.

Straight up racism really.

I love alot of things about old fashioned society myself (But without the Gender bias and racism)

But unfortunately...the old fashioned society, alot of the U.S farmers yearn for... had alot of unpleasant inequalities. That modern people would find unacceptable.

But the interesting thing is. For all their love of traditional unequal society, farmers are exposed far more to the modern real life world than average businesses.


Well, they are totally dependant on global markets. U.S farming today is deeply integrated with world markets.

And unfortunately, farmers have to live in the 'real world' more than most. They do need to notice which Whole Foods are trending. And who buys spinach. And why.

Not a 1950's fantasy of rural America. That they cannot return to in effect, anyway.

Off Grid egalitarian intended Communities have exploded in the U.S. Louisa County in Virginia is a popular place for families/people who want to return to a farming community way of life.

So. No doubt, alot of people want to return to a rural way of life in the U.S. And that's good.
But these new farm commune communities are generally non hierarchical, consensus based. And often non religious.

They are NOT the 1950's utopia that Trump farmer voters envisage. Modern people don't want that dream.

Cause it's actually a nightmare.

Especially for women.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well Aardvarks

It's become increasing clear Boris Johnson admires Trump because he does what he likes.

And it's crystal clear to me Boris Johnson has demonstrated this admiration and behaviour by suspending the UK Parliament. Controlling the 'ifs' and the how, the U.K leave the EU.

Well, Boris doesn't seem bothered in the least that members of his own party are leaving. In disgust. Over his behaviour.

Cause that's what's happening right now.

Remind you of someone? Yes dear Donald Trump.
Even the newspapers are calling what Boris Johnson has a done, a Coup. Cause it is.

It's the sort of thing you'd only see in Panama. Not the U.K.

Yes. Dear Boris is seeing Prime Ministership as a dictatorship. And constitutional abuses is what what he has in common with Trump.

In a big way.

And as for the Parliament shutdown Boris Johnson has insisted on. Well, why not instead. Shut down and deal with all that involves the issues of the UK leaving the EU? Instead of suspending f..cking Parliament. That's such an extreme thing to do.

But why is Boris Johnson avoiding dealing with all it involves? Good question.

You know, you only have to look at history.
Its a fact. That the Commons met during the Blitz bombing of London during WW2, the Chamber was bombed. But the Commons still met.

Boris Johnson claims Winston Churchill as his hero. He even wrote a biography on him.

Well I think Churchill would be furious right now in spirit. With Boris Johnson.

Cause he would see clearly, that Boris Johnson is on a grab... of an all out dictatorship over the UK.
Not the polite Prime Ministership the UK are more accustomed to.

No. They need that ex Trade Unionist, old Hippie Jeremy Cornyn in power as soon as possible. Or anyone. Who dosent see themselves as a future dictator of the UK.
Melic21 said…
Chris I think this is in reference to the UK đŸ‡¬đŸ‡§ where the queen has agreed to suspend parliament to get brexit through! I wonder if this is conveniently taking some heat off randy andy by the Queen !!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Just to demonstrate how 'the Separation Of Powers' have been eroded, trashed and walked over in the U.S since Trump came to power.

As you recall, when Trump demanded Congress funding for his Wall. He declared a National Emergency. How utterly ridiculous and extreme.

Also, fairly recently, he said arrogantly, 'then I have Article II, where I have the right to do whatever I want as a President'.

And before that astounding statement, he told George Stephanpoulas in an ABC News interview, that 'Article II allows me to do whatever I want'.

Actually, he's read Article II wrong. But fact is, it's only been used by Abraham Lincoln in the American Civil War. Roosevelt during WW2 and Bush during the 9/11 Attack.

Not over stupid border wall constructions. No, Article II is definately open to abuse right now, by Trump.

As, consent without Congress only happens in real emergencies as you know.

And I guess, in more modern times U.S President's only acted in contradiction to Congress's wishes when say, President Harry Truman seized control of U.S Steel Mills during the Korean War. And President Reagan with the Iran/Contra I guess.

Very rare, extreme National issues.

That's how unusual this behaviour is in U.S political istory. And Boris Johson is doing the same shit in the U.K.

Trump is definately romancing authoritarian world leaders too. No doubt about it.

Look also he blocked 2 Congresswomen going to Israel. To meet Netanyahu.

I agree with you. Parlimentary Democracy is the real emergency under attack at the moment.

In the U.S and the U.K.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I love your very appropriate sayings.
diviner21 said…
If Trump tries any kind of intermission of Congress, he will first have inagur martial law in response to a crisis , large wide scale
diviner21 said…
If Trump tries any kind of intermission of Congress, he will first have inagur martial law in response to a crisis , large and wide scale. A pandemic I feel.
Louis said…
CD..they're an old saying in Africa...When the Jews go it's time to leave, when the Portuguese go it's too late...I though this a lot this week when I watched the Portuguese woman interrupt the Brexit interview telling everyone that she had wasted her life in the UK and also news came out that Jews are applying for German passports in record numbers.

I have this nagging feeling that won't leave me that it might be a good idea to get over to Dublin while you still can. The Turk in London is copying the Turk in Ankara.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And I read non British EU Passport Holders are either fleeing the UK in records numbers.

Or applying for permanent residency of the UK.

Well. If they have an ongoing application happening with the Home Office. They won't have to self deport when Brexit actually happens.

But if they don't meet any criteria to remain. They might as well leave now. Cause they will find them.

For this reason they are in a tenuous situation.

Why on earth would Jews apply for residency of Germany? This is weird.

Weird for obvious reasons. It's the last place of earth they should view as a safe place to settle.

Can someone explain why Jewish people are doing this.

Yes I know Germany is a modern country now. Neo Fascists emerge there. But they are swiftly controlled.

But still. Not a place with happy memories for Jewish people.

I've said before and I'll say again. There are worrying winds in Europe.

Far Right ones.

Too many far right leaders/ Party's at present.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That info is good to know. Thanks for informing us of that key bit of info.
Louis said…
Hi Chicks opinion?TW I should have been clearer....Jews (and also now those with Jewish ancestry) whose direct ancestors were German and who lost their citizenship under the Nazi's can claim it back, I believe it's article 116 of the German Basic Law but the Guardian reported about on Friday if you want more info.

But you only have to Google Corbyn and anti Semitic comments to get an idea what's going on.

As for the EU/Continent....I think there will be problems but I think Europeans are fully aware of history and each country in Europe that's left that hasn't lost it's sovereignty at some stage....they know that are pawns on a chess board if it falls apart and they know bad that works out.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Pawns in a geopolitical chess game. Good description.

Well, plenty of psychics have predicted that the whole European Union falls apart anyway.


Also because the Euro is too shaky.

So its probably better EU Passport Holders face whatever migration / residency facts reasonably early.

Didn't know about this Article 116 German Law. Interesting. I guess they brought that in after WW2.

I wonder if it came in with the Potsdam Agreement....The WW2 Reparations.
T. W. said…
Thank you Louis!

Will they have to denounce their current citizenship to get the German citizenship?

Well, if they live in China, Syria, Venezuela, or North Korea they should jump at the chance. I hear Germany has great benefits for citizens. Mandatory maternal leave, free higher education and other stuff.

I have verified German ancestry. I want to hire a genealogist but they are quite expensive. I have done some research on my own. That kind of research is very time consuming and best left to the experts at some point. At least what we find on our own gives genealogists something to start with.

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