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No doubt on ”Speed” dial..

So Meghan Markle lands in the Big Apple.
Even flying like a peasant.
All be it 1st class.
Never mind the coke dealer to the elite.
Is all stocked up.


Chocmint33 said…
So coke now. Could that be why her face has looked swollen lately?

I recall Fergie would sometimes have marijuana smuggled into the Palace in the 80s.

But coke is another matter altogether. A sure sign that she is NOT happy with her life. Royalty is not all that it's CRACKED up to be.

I shouldn't joke about it. Your life is pretty bad when you've got to resort to that drug.
Letty said…
The royal family is going to get rid of
Her like they did Diana. Meghan thinks she is
More powerful than she really is

I just wonder how they will get rid of her for good.
Will it be a car crash, an illness, or a plane crash??
Or a suicide......stay tune

Something is in the works!
CyndiTx123 said…
Is she really on coke???? That is so weird for her just giving birth. Maybe she needs to lose the extra weight- but that is not a healthy way to do that.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Ahhh. So she has a Cocaine problem. That rather surprises me. Didn't think she'd be the type.

With all her Vegan/Yoga.. I'm so heathly and environmentally bang on stuff.

Well. On reflection. The issues shes dealing with these days, with the Royal family, Harry's ex's, (yes there's alot of them) Piers Morgan hating on her every move in The Daily Mail. Its any wonder shes either hitting drugs.
Or alcohol.

She needs to get out of the Royal family. To save herself.

And this is probably another reason Prince William is furious with Meghan and his brother. Cause he knows about those two dabbling in Cocaine.
That would infuriate Prince William.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I’m fairly certain Serena Williams doesn’t hit the Cocaine. The Sports industry is way too onto that.

They learned from from that nutty but amusing Tennis player, John McEnroe. Cocaine and Professional Tennis doesn’t mix well.

So this Cocaine addiction must be a private affair with Meghan and Prince Harry.

Now I know why Meghan has made the very odd decision to dump her 3 month old baby. And clear off to the U.S. With the implausible excuse, she’s going to watch Serena Williams in the U.S Open Tennis Match.

Umm no. She’s going to score. But not as the Umpire and the Tennis score.

I guess buying drugs, like shopping, is essential. And just a chore ya have to do.

Well, one things certain... drug dealers to the Elite can make easy money other ways.

There’s always blackmailing.
Chick'sOpinion said…
This must what Christian meant in that previous post. When he said ‘dizzying heights then crash’.

And the symptoms of a comedown or crash off drugs are....
the rebound effect, a feeling they are trying to escape in the first place. But generally this is the body trying to get back in balance.

Then comes the fatigue.

Then the comedown and the return to reality

Then intense exhaustion. The body tries to balance out the over-stimulation, depression, aggression, agitation, paranoia.

Makes you wonder if any of the sacked or resigning staff observed drug use. Or at least saw the effects of it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And as for her going to the U.S alone. Without either her baby or Harry.

This is a period just after you have a baby.

Are they separated? Looks possible to me.

She's gotta strike money deals everywhere she goes. So she may be in the U.S to hustle as well as score.


See her divorce lawyer.
Something very off here.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mmmmm. I thought her face was puffed up cause shes had fillers injected into her face.

I know I know, the people who believe it was just fluid build up from when she was pregnant are gonna say fluid.

But in reality, I remember, her face never showed any sign of extra fat. Or fluid retention when she was supposed to be in late pregnancy.

And that's strange.
Apple Monkey said…
Hi Cyndi. How are you? Lovely to c u!

Agree with u Chicks, re tennis and coke. I can’t believe Meghan flew to watch the US open. She seems to not care what people thin. But we the tax payer pay for her royal protection officers.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

Yes. And it seems to me Meghan and Harry want to live a jet setting glamorous lifestyle. But they don't really have the income to continue it.

Won't be long. And the Queen will cut their supply of their Crown money.
If not already.

As you know... The Queen can do this. And she will do it...if it curbs this lifestyle of theirs.

Apart from money fom the Crown... Meghan and Harry have no imdependant income of their own.

And apparently Prince Charles has stopped supplying Harry with money.

The U.S Open is not a Royal Engagement. Royals just don't do that. Pop over to the U.S. like that. No.

And the Queen will see no benefit to the Monarchy, in paying for Meghan to go see friends compete in Tennis Opens around the world.

The reality is, Harry and Meghan are minor Royals. But my impression is, they want to be International glammour Big Shots. Full time.

Well no one in the Royal Family, traditionally aims to be a big shot. That's not what modern Monarchy in the UK is about. They are much more understated than that. And private.

And they especially like to conduct themselves far differently from the international celebrity Jet Set.
They generally believe... The only time your name should appear in a newspaper is when you are born, when you marry. And when you die.

Cause to them. As you know, that's proper.

And my impression is... if anyone is actual Big Shots in reality in the Royal family right now. And future.

It's the King and Queen to be, William and Kate.

And they prefer weekends at home with the kids. And church on Sundays.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I feel they are going to have a go at controlling Meghan before they consider that.

What concerns me is Meghan doesn't seem, as an American, to fully understand the gravity of the Queen's power over her.

If the Queen learns that Meghan has a drug problem. That will be the final straw I think.

The Queen has already moved them to a Cow Shed. Sorry Frogmore.

That alone was meant to make them humble I think. Has it worked?
Nope. They still hunger for homes abroad. Editorials of Vogue, Tennis Opens, Fashion Week. Revealing Twitter posts, celebrity friends.

And Cocaine.

Yes. And it's all about Brand Meghan.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And we learn. That in fact, Meghan was supposed to go to Balmoral in Scotland this weekend. For a Royal engagement. And attend the Highland Games.

An event the Queen loves. And other Royals dutifully attended.

Meghan and Harry claimed as an excuse for not attending... 'that Archie was too young to travel up to Scotland to attend'.

Really? Well for a start. With so many nannies, she didn't actually have to take baby Archie. So that's crap.

And as pointed out very clearly in the Daily Mail today, Archie, as a new born was deemed OK to travel with them to the Rave Techno clubbing island of Ibiza in Spain...earlier this year.

And also, to Elton's John's mansion in the South of France. For a glamorous holiday.

But not Balmoral.

Yes. These two want Monarchy Money. But not Monarchy responsibilities.

And anyway. Meghan had other plans this weekend. Far more important than Royal responsibilities.
Serena Williams and the U.S Tennis Open.
Jules said…
I don’t know why anyone would be surprised at the suggestion that the Duchess does drugs.

It is rumoured to be well known in certain circles that both the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are drug users, she is allegedly what they call a recreational user, Prince Harry, however, is a heavier user. Let’s not forget when Meghan tied the knot with Trevor Engelson on September 10, 2011, at the Jamaica Inn in Ocho Rios in Jamaica, their goodie bag bags contained joints of weed that Meghan rolled out herself.

Incidentally, it is suggested the split came as a shock to Trevor and that Meghan posted her wedding and engagement rings back to him as a sign the marriage was over.

Meghan Markle 'boasted about serving marijuana' in party bags at first wedding
Jules said…
Anyone watched Australia's 60 minutes on Meghan ??
Apple Monkey said…
Chicks, firstly may I say I always like reading your comments.xo
Blind Gossip has said that the story of Meghan and Harry declining the invite is nonsense. They were disinvited. If that is indeed the case, then I think the Queen has had enough. I have always been a fan of Catherine. This year has made me like her even more. I wanted to really like Meghan. After all she was marrying Harry. But I think most people here in England are getting really fed up. We don’t know what is happening with Brexit. The pound is sliding against the Euro meaning more expensive holidays. The price of gas is slowly going up. And she’s walzing to the US open commercial but first class?! Whoever is advising her is doing such a poor job. She should be inconspicuous, not rubbing people's faces.
If the Queen cuts their cash, their marriage won’t last.
I think the whole thing is such a shame. She could do so much good in her role. There is period poverty, illiteracy in some parts of the U.K. - she could make a difference. But unfortunately it looks like it isn’t interesting and anything charitable must be for publicity.
CD thanks as always for allowing us to discuss things here. Do you see them moving abroad? Has Meghan got a bad drug problem?
TW sending you xoxoxo
Chocmint33 said…
Jules, I meant to watch 60 Minutes, but forgot. It should be on YouTube. I find on Channel 9 that the young female journalists and presenters seem to be Meghan fans, and have a too favourable bias towards her. I'm in the middle - she's no saint or sinner, just isn't suited to Royal life. Is too free spirited and creative for it. She needs to get out of it while still in one piece.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey


Yes. I enjoy reading both your posts.

Hmmmm, I guess i shouldn't be too surprised about the little Cocaine habit.
Who gives out goodie bags of weed for their Wedding? Like she did with that 1st American husband, Trevor.
I think that's sooooo Bogan. As we would say in Australia. And classless.

Yes. I'm interested to know too...if they finally get their wish. And move Abroad. The thing is...British Royals are supposed to, as a very definate part of their role, live in the U.K.

That's the point.
Not L.A, not Africa.
You only live elsewhere if you have been disgraced. Or doing a required meaningful service.

I recall growing up knowing some details about the fact that the Queen and Prince Phillip lived in Malta. During the harrowing and very frightening events that occurred in Malta. During World WW2.

But this was only after the Queen had done alot of War Work herself in the UK. She even worked as a mechanic during WW2. But then married. And moved with Prince Phillip to the strategic island of Malta

The Queen and Prince Phillip are excellent role models for work. Meghan should be studying that. And modelling herself on them. She doesn't seem to have a clue of that shes living in the shadow of their undeniable service to their country.

I'm in awe of it.

The reason the Queen and Prince Phillip lived abroad in Malta is because Prince Phillip was promoted to Lieutenant-Commander of HMS Magpie. And he was doing War Service.
Like everyone else.

Apart from all the shocking bombings that happened on the island of Malta while they lived there. Everyone stationed there was in a very dangerous position for not only constant aerial bombings. But starvation.

And a very unreliable supply of aviation fuel. To fly the many planes stationed there. To attack what was known as the Axis ships.
1,300 died on Malta in this WW2 period. Some of starvation.

Winston Churchill called Malta 'an unsinkable aircraft Carrier'. It sure was. But it came close.

No doubt Phince Phillip was probably there during the shocking WW2 Siege of Malta. A pivotal moment for the Allies in WW2 in 1940-42.
Where the Luftwaffe and the Italian Royal Air Force conducted a total of 3,000 bombing raids on the island of Malta.

In 1943, while living there, Prince Phillip saved a Navy Ship from a German Bomber. Prince Phillip had actually been in the Royal Navy since he was 17.

These are the footprints Meghan is supposed to follow.
Duty, sacrifice and work. Not glamour.

Prince Harry, at least had purpose when he was in the Military. Seemed to love it.

Is it that he's lost his way since leaving the Miltary? I'd hoped Meghan would be a positive influence of his life.
I no longer believe that.

And if their non appearance at Balmoral was because the Queen didn't want them there. Then this is a bad sign.

The Queen has the authority to force Harry to re-enlist back in the army. Wish she would. Cause he needs direction. Purpose.

And Meghan can become an army wife. Just like anyone else. Just like the Queen did for years. When 1st married. But not in a glamorous situation. A frightening hell hole of Malta in WW2.

But the Queen didn't begrudge being there.. Or felt it lacked style, glamour. She did it it for the United Kingdom.
And their people. She knew 1st hand how UK people were suffering in the UK during WW2.

Does Meghan know how they are suffering now? From what Apple Monkey states. No she doesn't.

Time Prince Harry re-enlisted. And stayed in the Military..
And I guess, role model his his grandfather, Prince Phillip.
Prince Harry seems to have completely lost his way since meeting Meghan. And leaving the army. Not found it.
His choices are more stupid than before.
And so are hers.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I have noticed Meghan Markle has ridiculously skinny legs. It's not right. And it's not in proportion to the rest of her body.

But like the moon bump. Which was seen swinging when she leaned down. Maybe there's a plausible reason.

Does she do Cocaine to control her weight? Some people love that 'skinny effect of drugs.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And if Meghan is on Speed. Methamphetamines. As Christian is suggesting in this prediction. Then it will explain her habit of waking Personal Secretary's up at 4am.

And her early go go go. Running around.

More probably shed been awake all night, flying on Speed.

Personally I think she was sending SMS messages, phone calls and emails at 4am and 5am To harrass Prince Harry's long term existing staff. So they would resign.

Cause, at least his PA's she was persecuting with unreasonable communication, were all young women he'd had for quite a while.

Samantha Cohen, Amy Pickrill. And the very pretty and young, Melissa Touabti. Touabi was also multi lingual. With an unbelievable resume for someone so young. It wouldn't surprise me if Meghan Markle was intimidated by her. And her skills.

Even Prince Harry's longtime Private Secretary , Edward Lane Fox, 2 assistants and a senior protection officer bailed as soon as they got to know Meghan.

Jules said…
Given the global condemnation over her hypocrisy of claiming to be an eco-warrior whilst she herself travelled the world on private jets, it’s a little odd don’t you think that not a single member of the public has yet to step forward and say they spotted Meghan during her travels to the United States of America, (or saw her taking a yoga class in New York). This just adds to the growing speculation that the Duchess was already in the USA and that the Duke and Duchess no longer live together.

In the wake of the disgusting controversy surrounding Epstein and his connections with the British Royal Family, it is truly shocking to learn that Meghan, now a member of the British Royal Family, and who likes to be identified as a humanitarian and a prominent woman’s rights activist, would hire the problematic firm Sunshine Sachs to represent her. This is the same American PR firm that was hired by Michael Jackson and Harvey Weinstein to rehabilitate their images, (they failed on both accounts) a firm, who let's remind ourselves, publicly shamed victims of sexual abuse and paedophilia.

Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - Why? Because as Christian has been warning and telling everyone from the word get-go she is clearly NOT a nice human being.

Regarding her trip to New York, iven the global condemnation over her hypocrisy of claiming to be an eco-warrior whilst she herself travelled the world on private jets, it’s a little odd don’t you think that not a single member of the public has yet to step forward and say they spotted Meghan during her travels to the United States of America, (or saw her taking a yoga class in New York). This just adds to the growing speculation that the Duchess was already in the USA and that the Duke and Duchess no longer live together.

In the wake of the disgusting controversy surrounding Epstein and his connections with the British Royal Family, it is truly shocking to learn that Meghan, now a member of the British Royal Family, and who likes to be identified as a humanitarian and a prominent woman’s rights activist, would hire the problematic firm Sunshine Sachs to represent her. This is the same American PR firm that was hired by Michael Jackson and Harvey Weinstein to rehabilitate their images, (they failed on both accounts) a firm, who let's remind ourselves, publicly shamed victims of sexual abuse and paedophilia.

This is the best video evidence to date of the fake moon bump. This video is from March 8, 2019. Watch as the Duchess walks forward and the baby "bump" swings from side to side. No pregnant woman has a belly that swings like that.
Meghan Markle fake baby bump proof

The night the Duchess’s bump appeared to disappear in New York City.

NEW INFORMATION about what when on during the Australia Tour. Staff witnessed a lot of going on and Prince Harry QUESTIONS Meghan's pregnancy. This video is made by Celt News, I highly recommend you check out her videos.

Strange Things are happening with the Sussex Royal Foundation This video is made by Murky Meg, I highly recommend you check out her video’s

She really is all about the money.
Meghan Markle - The Queen of Merching $$$

Jules said…
so sorry for the duplication of information in my posts .. I wasn't quite sure the first post has gone through.
Chick'sOpinion said…

So its Sunshine Sachs. The PR firm Meghan has hired. Interesting. Yeah this PR firm are low lifes. Rehabilitating the image of Harvey Weinstein??
Clearly no interest in ethical behaviour.

Yes. All the evidence points to the fact that Meghan is not a very respectful lady. Who would walk into English palaces as a newly titled Duchess from nowhere. And speak the Royal household staff like dirt. Is she crazy?

Her last psychic spilled the beans to the media. He said that Meghan dumped her Canadian top chef, Cory Vitiello. When he failed to become a Celebrity chef.

How ruthless is that? She was even living with him.

I remember Christian saying that it won't be long before how Meghan speaks to Royal staff reaches our ears. Cause I recall he said they are gonna record it. And pass it to newspapers.

What I find bizarre is Meghan Markle thinks that you can develop a solid reputation as an Environmentalist and Eco-warrior and wear Ralph Lauren and designer luxury clothing at the same time. Ummm no.

And there's plenty of evidence shes hooked on Designer clothing as much as Speed. In the U.S, before Harry, she'd ring Designers herself.

Surely, Sunshine Sachs the PR firm. Will tell her straight. 'We can't promote your image as an Environmentalist when Fast Fashion has such an negative impact on the environment and you want to live in, be seen in, inluxury designs'.

Promoting mass produced clothing. And buying and discarding clothes/textiles is impacting water, creating pollution, with the use of Toxic chemicals. And textile waste. It's ruining some developing countries. That's a known fact.

You know, I didn't ever believe Meghan Markle was dumb. There's plenty of evidence that shes smart. But how she ever concluded that she could live one way, and claim to be something else to the public baffles me.

And makes me wonder if she's thick in many areas. Or that taking drugs is distorting her perception of reality.

Because we clearly live in a world where every move a Celebrity makes is documented. It's much harder to be an insincere faked version of your image today. Almost impossible I think.
The public are now looking for authenticity more and more.

As you say, the hypocrisy is astounding. She just loves money. And is tragically materialistic.

I will check out some of the videos put here.
But she must know by now. It's much harder to manipulate public's perception than she thinks.

And I believe there's some kind of separation going on. Maybe temporary. All couples have fights. And separate temporarily.
Maybe Meghan has discovered Harry is already cheating.
Wouldn't surprise me.

Chick'sOpinion said…

I agree. Meghan needs to get out of the Royal Family while she still has her sanity. And live an authentic version of herself. If she loves designer clothes, Luxury...then shed be better off working for Vogue etc.

You dont have to pretend there.

There's nothing wrong with loving beautiful things I think.

Its when you begin to think those things are more important than people and issues. Is when it becomes problematic.
And objectionable.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

So there you go. They got an email from the Palace. That said,

NFI ....Not F..ckin Invited.

To Balmoral...this year.

Sounds like the Queen is sick of the insanity around these two.

Probably didn't want the Highland Games event turning into a Meghan Markle Event. Because it's about Scotland. Not her.

Of course, Meghan would phone her PR Company and let them know. And tell them to send an army of photographers to Scotland.

So she'd be in every Scottish newspaper.

Or did the Queen know Meghan was already in the U.S. anyway.
Chick'sOpinion said…

No worries about the duplication. I realised you must have had trouble uploading it. And wasn't sure.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Where are you Thunder Kitten?

Hitting the schoolwork? That's a good thing.
Kitt Med said…
Wonder how long this madness will continue. Isn't the two years coming up now?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Checked out the videos. Intrigued by the Murky Meg one.

Interesting. So Meghan Markle has been setting up companies for herself in the background.

In particular, MM Global.... in the U.S.

And the one shes pretending is a British charity. Seems actually a Limited Company called MWX That's its real name. Not The Sussex Royal Foundation.

If anyone excels or is experienced at business definitions. Post here what you believe these companies actually are. It's needs expertise.

Though my research today, i discovered, earlier this month, that the directors of this so called Foundation of Meghans and Harrys have been removed.

One of them, Natalie Campbell was one of Harry and Meghan's employees anyway before.

According to the UK Express, they state that this Foundation was set up when it separated from the Foundation Prince William and Prince Harry set up together in 2009.

Clearly William didn't want anything to do with it. Once Meghan was on aboard. And he insisted on taking his name off It. And creating a new one for himself.

Why Natalie Campbell has been removed as a director of Harry and Meghans Foundation MWX is unclear at present.

Perhaps Christian can shed some light on it.

And. Let's see how long Fiona Mcilwham lasts.. the former Diplomat who is now Harry And Meghan's new Private Secretary.

She's very experienced. But can she survive Meghan's take on PR as a Royal?

Cause it's rather unusual.

Yes. Meghan is focussed on the cash from business. Shes been very very busy... creating a Company of her own in the U.S.


For when she returns after the divorce shes planning, I think.

I don't think she's gonna stick it out in a Royal role. Not a chance in Hell.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Prince Harry has done so much work creating the Inviticus Games Foundation.

He genuinely seems to care about what happens to Veterans once they are profoundly injured or disabled. Cause he's a Military man himself.

He also does understand the power of recovery that sport can bring for people. And he's very good at raising money for Inviticus.

The good reputation he has achieved here may get wiped out. If it comes to light...that and fact. That him and Meghan's Foundation is not actually a charity.
Did Meghan set it up? And he wasn't fully focussed or involved in it. And does not know.

That wouldn't surprise me.

Meghan Markle in my view... is the Kardashian of the Royal family. If she could land a highly lucrative Reality TV Show of her, Prince Harry and Archie's Royal life, she'd do it. It's probably been offered by Hollywood, Bravo.

But she knows..there is no way the Royal family or the Queen would allow that shit.

So. She has to look at other ways, less public to make money. For her own future.

Gals need money for independence. I'm not knocking that. Its essential. But I don't believe Gals should exploit people to achieve it.

Meghan Markle definately sings this old song in the shower....

'A kiss on the hand maybe quite Continental. But diamonds are a girl's best friend.

A kiss may be grand
But it won't pay the rental

On your humble flat.
Or help you at the Automat'
T. W. said…
CDAN claims Meghan Sparkles is the one to see for the high quality coke.
T. W. said…
I am enjoying all of these comments!

I think Her Majesty the Queen is giving Duchess Meghan more rope to hang herself with so no one can fault her (The Queen) when she lays down the law so to speak.

Duchess Catherine may have been born without title into a shady family but she has the most class of all these people.

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