The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Casey Anthony. That demonic little cow from Orlando, Florida who murdered her toddler, little girl. In 2008.
Has told people her 'biological clock is ticking'.
So she's planning another baby.
I recall Christian predicting that if this bitch has another child. It will meet the same fate as Caylee Anthony. The 3 year old she carefully planned to murder. And did.
I remember this murderous little demon lied and lied to detectives. And was so smart at managing her trial. She got away with it.
But will she get away with the next murder?
May your home always be too small
to hold all your friends
Still the Chinese government proceed with its Communism.
And since a about 2013 its become quite clear. All the foreign threats (including Trump's later policies) to the Chinese political system. Have actually increased Chinese nationalism.
Not diminished it.
Their Leader, Xi. Is all about the survival of Communist rule. And Trump's actions toward China have only increased China's belief they must pull together....stronger against foreign threats.
Despite the fact that alot of young Chinese want Western freedoms. And an end to Communism.
Yes unfortunately, Chinese Nationalism under their leader Xi has only increased Chinese Nationalism... to an alarming level.
For a start. Their belief in 'ethnic unity' has resulted in the jailing of 1 million Muslim minorities.
Also the belief in political autocracy. Has resulted in alot of the limited freedoms the Chinese people had ending. Alot are now abolished.
They include, political rights, legal rights, Press freedom (censored) Publishing ( they closed Causeway Books for selling banned books)
Ideological education has also been banned and so has academic freedom.
Makes me feel grateful for the life I have.
Well. The U.S may get rid of Trump. And get on better terms with the Chinese government again.
But the belief they are getting Mike Pence as an alternative President through impeachment.... is somewhat shaky.
As there is so much whispering that Nikki Haley is set to replace Mike Pence.
Mike Pence, I might add, mixes religion with ambition.
To a toxic level.
Perhaps this is his spiritual lesson.
May you continue to receive and to manifest all the blessings God has for you to receive!
May your prayers be answered!
With love,
T. W.
Happy Birthday to all my lovely Libras!
May this year be better for you than all the previous years combined!
Please God. Please.