The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Chick's Opinion - we got a little bit of rain last night. Anything is better than nothing. I heard NSW got some rain overnight too. Did you get any where you live?
Brett Kavanaught is no different.
Socially they were doing the wrong things to women.
I'm not saying all. Let me be crystal clear on that.
But at my first attempt at going to uni in 1986. (Dropped out) I witnessed some shocking behaviour from middle class young men at university.
When they were drunk.
One I recall vividly is when one of them... one night. Went drunk with his friends to the pond outside the university. And captured one of the ducks. And broke its neck.
For fun.
He thought it was great. And amusing. Like he was a hero.
So just just imagine how bad their behaviour was towards women when drunk.
You dont need much imagination.
We got washed out with rain. It's fantastic. Cause the area I'm in has been in severe drought for a very long time.
Gives the farmers some hope.
Hope all this rain controls some of the bushfires in Queensland.
There are still some bad ones in NSW. Too many bushfires all round.... to keep up with.
Just goes to show. The things these people do comes back to bite them on the arse later on.
I have to say. The way they were behaving back then. In those days. It was tolerated. Seen as normal behaviour for young men.
Well. It sure as shit aint considered normal now.
What I love about alot of the change. Is its so good for women.
The proper treatment of women is being redefined. Again.
It was defined perfectly well in the 1950's.
Since then. The treatment of women socially has deteriorated. We need to get back on track.
Alot of men need to get back on track.
Their argument is.... women need to start acting lady-like again.
Fair enough.
But alot of the worst behaviour/ offences towards women are when they are dressed moderately. And sober.
Nope. The boundaries need to come back in my view.
Strong boundaries.
And Sandy Dennis was that American actress right ? with the amazing and funny voice. And did the performance of a life time in Whos Afraid Of Virginia Wolfe.
Loved her in that.
Anerican, Jeff Lewis, the bossy control freak that has his own Home Design show.
Has just got banned from his adopted daughter, Monroe's kindergarten.
Apparently he's been saying disrespectful things online about other mum's whos kids go there.
So now. He and his kid are banned.
He's just escaped facing court for charges pertaining to an altercation with Britney's 13 year old son.
What in the hell is this man doing?
And then theres Britney's court case shes about to have with her father over his Conservatorship of her and her finances.
He’s also the guy that hires male escorts and then injects them with drugs so he can watch them die. His last victim survived.
If you are able to “see” anything that can be shared publicly, can you give us a blog post? Thank you!
With love,
T. W.
In the name of Jesus, I pray for healthy soil and bumper crops in all the world. I pray for good weather. I pray for peace and justice. I pray that all who are lost or missing are found. I pray truth comes out and I pray for all humanity to learn the truth about God. Amen.
See, gender is a social construct, therefore women do not need special treatment.
I wish people could see agendas for what they really are. Desensitization techniques that turn us into sheeple who will usher in and welcome the open rule of Lucifer on planet Earth.
THEY do not want the current legal matter to go to court because the court will see that many people have been stealing Britney’s money since Day One. She is in danger of being suicided.
You can start celebrating. Cause this Brett Kavanaugh is not gonna be able to remain in this post. He'll have to go.
I read The New York Times interview with a woman who went to Yale at the same time as Kavanaugh. The atmosphere at that college at that time had alot of unpleasant things going on. Socially.
The question is also.
Is Yale going down too.
It's a possibility that Kavanaugh will take Yale's reputation down with him.
It's not fair. Because clearly Yale is not the same as it was in the early to mid 1980's.
I often reflect...some younger people like the nostalgic notion about the 1980's being cool.
In some ways it was. Musically.. fashion.
But it wasn't cool for girls. For girls trying to break free of the domination of males. And extreme gender inequality that was still going on.
It dosent surprise me that White middle class males like Brett Kavanaugh succeeded so well. They were literally idolized in that era.
Their failures/ mistakes were instantly fixed. They ccouldn't actually fail.
Everything they did was redefined as genius, fantastic, cool, edgy, understandable; acceptable.
While young women of the era were judged on their every move. Often disrespected. And their talents ignored. Diminished.
Fortunate men like Kavanaugh couldnt possibly fail in that era.
The world existed for them. And them only. If you became successful as a woman back then if you had the same education as Kavanaugh. You would have had to fight tooth and nail for the job.
And still wouldn't have been considered as intelligent as men.
Brett Kavanaugh is just one of so many men who did offensive things to women back then. My view is that those others of that era will get completely away with it.
Which kinda annoys me.
What I was finding astounding. Was how how long this Ed Buck was getting away with murdering male prostitutes. Or those who chose to take drugs with him.
Yes, CD give us an angle of what was / is going on with this Ed Buck animal.
My empathy goes out to Britney Spears. Manipulated from day one.
Thank you for your prayers. Regarding Australia and rain. And can you believe it... we got more today!
I’m so glad you all received rain from Heaven!
The Los Angeles police department is allegedly the most corrupt in the nation. As you know, the wealthy, the celebrities, and the connected are treated as though they are above the law. One had washes the other. And people still want to immigrate to America. Makes me wonder what they are leaving behind.
THEY love the American Ivy League and the British Russell Group. I hear OxBridge has become a mental masturbation society...
Yeah. They go on about police forces in developing countries being as corrupt as all Hell.
When the L.A Police Department could obviously run courses on how to be successfully corrupt.
They could run a master class.
'He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her'
Sorry. I don't normally do bible quotes. It's not my thing.
But it seemed appropriate. In this context.
Your comment is on point and I thank you for sharing.
Thank you TW !