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Thought for the week .......

Oh what a week it is going to be. 
A War, with Iran over oil it would seem.
No, just the finale of the Trump Show.
A feat of distraction.
So you just don’t see.
The crimes of corruption.
This side of the seas.
But this time the illusion.
Will fail, with a bang.
Showing you more than ever you would.


T. W. said…
I thank you LORD for revealing truth and making things right according to your timing.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Interesting. I was wondering why Trump was makin so much dangerous hoopla about Iran.

Distraction distraction distraction

Well it's gonna take more than an overseas war to distract or de-motivate those in U.S politics. Who want Trump's head on a stick.
For corruption.
They are 100 per cent focussed.

Initially I thought Trump was exaggerating the problems with Iran cause he was hell bent on maintaining the U.S Sanctions and EU sanctions against Iran.
Legally he's obliged to anyway.
As they were in place long before Trump came to power.

But no. It's all to move our eyes off corruption allegations towards him.

The movement though, of oil, on oil tanker ships through the Strait of Hormuz, without problems is a high priority.

Iran has got to be controlled interfering.
And the destruction of 2 of the biggest Oil Processing Plants in Saudi Arabia affected the world economy.

Cause oil prices soared immediately.

But the good news is.

I think. Trump will be out of power once U.S operations against Iran get fully underway. And someone else will take the wheel of this fiasco he's created with Iran.

It will be interesting to see if once Trump is out of Office the whole operation against Iran will be scaled back. And the U.S enter into talks with Iran.

Not war.
That would be far cheaper. And useful.
Chick'sOpinion said…
George W Bush was largely alone when he wanted to enter into a war against Iraq 16 years ago.

Does Trump find himself this week in the same position with Iran?

Because as you all know. If the U.S are going to war. They are naturally looking around for a coalition.
Of other countries to help. To impose diplomatic penalties, retaliate with military strikes.
Or cyberstrikes, as happens today.

Does Trump have the credibility for the public to believe his claim. And his cronies claim. That a war with Iran is essential.

Good question.

Rex Tillerson is already expressing doubt and extreme caution on this. And his opinion is credible. He used to be Exxon Mobil CEO in the Middle East.

Oh and according to the media. The Saudis want an International investigation into who destroyed their oil facilities.


Well I think the U.S would like an International Investigation into the Saudi's murder of Washington Post Journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. Before that happens. Or is that different?

What I don't like in all this, is the Saudi Arabians are getting a re-branding. As victims in the Persian Gulf. Victims they are not.
Not in the way I see it.
Yeah they are putting up with alot from Yemen. And Iran.
But they are not squeaky clean.
In fact they have a shocking human rights record.
I wouldn't piss on them. If they were on fire.

Well. It remains to be seen if the U.S are gonna buy into Trump's demand for a war with Iran.
But to me. It smellss/looks exactly like the U.S invasion of Iraq.
And the made up story of 'weapons of mass destruction'.
T. W. said…
The average American does not want war. Unfortunately the average Trump supporter is in lock step with The Big Fat Baby.

Most Americans do not understand the mindset and thought process of non-western people.

The Middle East will do want they want in their own backyard. They will make threats to keep America out. These people are very patient, but I feel China is the most patient of all.

The Middle East will wait for America to attack before they do anything. That way they can always say, “We warned them to play in their own sandbox. They are not one of us. They tell us what to do. Now they have attacked us. We are the victims here.” Hard to argue with that logic.

You know, there is a Scripture that says “Do not hurt the oil and the wine.”

I think I have said before: misguided Christians voted for Trump because they believe having him in office will cause Jesus Christ to return sooner.

For Friends unfamiliar with Christian Scripture, Jesus said he would be delayed and only God the Father knows the timing. That tells me it is not his fault. I believe humanity caused his delay but that explanation is for another day.

I also said the following here:

The joke is on those misguided Christians. Having Hillary Clinton in office would have caused “The End Times” to come sooner, therefore Jesus Christ would come back sooner. I wonder how many people knew this but chose to vote for Trump to delay Jesus Christ’s return?

It’s no secret I am not a fan of the Clintons. I will say that Hillary deserves to take her place as President of the United States. I do believe that was her destiny. I really wish she had not dropped out of the race so Barack Obama could become president.

Well Friends. More work for us Light Workers to do. More people to help. At least we have more time. Let’s not waste it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I like your use of the expression,

'We warned them to play in their own sandbox'.

Especially when so much of the Middle East is sand.

I don't even understand how most Middle Eastern people think.

But I can see they would be thinking that the U.S is interfering in something that isn't in their 'sandbox'.

Which is why I believe the Saudi Arabians should be left to deal with Iran themselves.

Perhaps if the Saudis spent less money on Palaces and brand new Mercedes-Benz's they'd have enough funds to fight the Houthi Rebels who are driving them crazy. And Iran.

Do you know..... a man I knew, who worked out in Saudi Arabia. Told me....

That the Saudi Arabians don't even maintain their brand new luxury cars. If it breaks down, they just abandon it. And buy a new one.

This is how accustomed Saudi Arabian citizens have been to limitless amounts of Petro-dollars from oil.

So, why should any country assist them in warfare? Seriously!!

OK, so the Strait of Hormuz needs to be safe and open for International shipping traffic. I get that.

But as I've said before. It doesn't require a war to maintain that. Just large scale security.

And also, the Saudi Arabians can afford specialist Drone detecting technology to protect their big Oil Processing Plants.

They don't need a war to do that. Just technology and better security.

And further, they can afford that too.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion!

Thank you for sharing about the cars. That tells me they don’t know the value of money and hard work. Wealth can be eliminated within minutes.

A Muslim friend from an Asian country told me that having a lot of wealth and material possessions is a sign Allah has favored you.

You know, who drives a luxury sedan in the desert?! I’ll tell you. An idiot.

That reminds me. There was a show on TLC that followed lottery winners to see what they did with the money. Some guy lived in the swamps of Louisiana. Dummy had a Lamborghini.

Italian and rich Friends. Please. Tell us how a person can drive a luxury sports car in a swamp that is below sea level?

What did you say?

It’s not possible?

Yes. The man found that out real quick. Dummy bought a Ferrari to replace it...
T. W. said…
Another lottery winner purchased a large mansion. The person regretted it, claiming all their winnings went to property taxes, homeowners insurance, home and lawn maintenance, etc. What I like to call “the hidden cost of home ownership.”
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well the Saudi Arabians are having to re-think their spending. Because they are no longer getting the incomes from Petro-Dollars they used to.

Are they broke?

No far from it. But !

It's just that the Saud family can no longer afford to put 2000 Riyals of free money into Saudis bank accounts each month.

They are havin to re-think everything.

The new Prince running Saudi Arabia has pushed through some very organised anti-corruption raids on weathly Saudis too.

Among other things he just froze their bank accounts. And their assets.

He's trying to close a hole in the Saudi Arabian finances after oil prices fell dramatically in 2014.

He's implemented fiscal measures to cope with this. And he's lookin at a future where Saudi Arabia no longer has so much of a reliance on oil.

Yes. I agree with you TW. People who win the lottery buy stupid things with the money.

But the thing is. The Saudis Arabians have been fabulously rich for decades.
Extreme wealth is normal for them. Not a novelty.

How are are they gonna learn to be modest spenders.
One thing I will say I like about the Saudi Arabian Kingdom. The only thing.

Is at least they have always distributed the wealth among the people.

It's like when they suddenly became an oil rich nation all those decades ago.

They decided. We won't make a few noble families rich. Well make every citizen rich in Saudi Arabia.

But these days I'm fairly sure OPEC has even been dissolved. Unless it was only temporarily.

Yes. And these days. All oil companies etc have had their eyes on drilling in the arctic.

It's like the new frontier.
Another part of Mother earth. To be raped by those obsessed in making money from outdated fossil fuels.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

You are right, the Saudi Family shares the oil money with the people.

Citizens of the state of Alaska get oil money from the Alaskan oil fields. Any women in search of a man should head to Alaska if they can tolerate cold.

I wish the Saudis would help me out. They won’t even have to put the money into my hands. If they pay off my student loans in full I will sing their praises. No joke.


I would sing Donald Trump’s praises if he pays my loans.

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