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All that glitters is Lillibets...

Meghan Markle seems to think.
She can keep, all the pretty sparkly things.
Oh, what a silly girl.
Doesn't, know her history then.
Heads have rolled, to collect those jewels.
Never will they leave, 
Lillibets grip.
Even if she were to pack them.
Customs would bring them back.
She must think shes the President of the USA.


Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Love how you noted that UK Customs wouldn't even allow those Crown Jewels get in the queue at customs. Or the departures area.

They'd be whipped out of Meghan's Louis Vuitton luggage. As soon as you could say Jack Rabbit.

No. Someone needs to get Granny Violet. From Downton Abbey. To sit down and have a frank straightforward conversation with Meghan Markle. About duty.
And ownership.

And how the assets of the Royal Family and aristocrats works.
How it remains in the family.
For generations
And doesn't go to foreign lands.
Like America.

Meghan Markle is a golldigger without parallel.

She makes Ivana Trump. ..Trump's ex from years ago..look modest.

As alot of people know, Ivana Trump famously said,

'Don't get even, get everything'

I've always said. Meghan Markle sings the old Marilyn Monroe song in the shower. It goes like this,

'A kiss may be grand
But it won't pay the rental
On your humble flat
Or help you at the automat

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

There may come a time
When a lass needs a lawyer

But diamonds are a girl's best friend

Time rolls on
And youth is gone
And you can't straighten up when you bend

But stiff back
Or stiff knees
You stand straight at Tiffany's

Diamonds, diamonds
I don't mean Rhinestones
But Diamonds are a girl's best friend'
Quiet said…
When will the madness end with her and Harry ?
She better not do another 10 month baby bump under her clothes again.
Sana said…
There has been a lot of talk about these two. I feel she's been using dark magic to get PH flabbergasted and in love. But seeing their chart (Heliocentric astrology) it really doesn't look any good. The fake baby bumps, the quest for privacy (truly maddening), her disgusting behavior toward the employees in the palace, her greedy wanton of royal jewelry's and so on, etc... And PH is just letting it pass. Moron. It was not ok that he made the speech on Well Child Awards all about himself and his wife. That award should have been about the sick and the poorest children. Not about them. Awful really awful, he just couldn't choose another moment to be that emotional...or was it his wife's influence?

I started following Yankee Wally, Murky Meg, According 2taz and DanjA zonE on youtube. Good info there

God bless, love Sana
Chick'sOpinion said…
I find it odd that Prince Harry is not coping.

I know living with a narcissist can tip most people over the edge.

But Prince Harry is an ex soldier. And a good one apparently.

He has experienced every kind of scary thing possible. As an actual soldier.

The 1st Royal for a long time to actually experience real war.

In 2008, Prince Harry was returning on a Royal Air force Flight from the War Zone in Afghanistan. Via Cypress.

On board were many many other soldiers who had miraculously survived their 8 week stint in Afghanistan.

But also on board with Prince Harry. Were 2 critically injured young British soldiers. From the elite 40 Commando Royal Marines unit.

Both had been critically injured by Taliban explosions.

One had lost his leg and an arm.
He was was Ben McBean. And he trod on an IED while on Patrol.

It was doubtful that Ben McBean was even going to survive the flight.

Prince Harry was well aware of their presence on board. Apparently morale was very low on that flight home.

What Prince Harry was also dreading on that flight home. Was that when it touched down at Brize Norton, he would be faced with a Media press circus.

He was in no mood for.

As you can see. Prince Harry has seen things we couldn't even imagine. He's had life changing experiences.

Which is why I think. Once he's no longer in love with Meghan. He will be able to take a rational approach to the problems with her.

And his family.

In true Soldier form.
After all. He was an Officer.
As an ex soldier. He does have alot of training in how to separate his emotions.
From the task.

He's a graduate of Sandhurst.
Miranda said…
Between a rock and a hard place
Jules said…
There are growing rumours that the main players in the Royal Family are having crisis meetings.

Jules said…
There are so many psychic readings on youtube that have different outcomes for Meghan and Harry as a couple. Some are saying that Harry leaves her, yet there is one reader is stating that they stay together and go global ... !!! Most, however, are stating that Harry in love with Meghan.
Cordelia said…

Hope you meet your Prince soon and he makes your heart sing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Everyone gets what they deserve in the end.

Be it good. Or bad.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Prince Harry does know separate his emotions.
And how to be ruthless. If he has to be.

Meghan is nothing less than an insurgent in the Royal family. Hate to describe her this way.
But she doesn't have good intentions for them.
Never did.
It was always about what she could get out of them.
Not what she could give.

The interesting thing is. Prince Harry was a Battlefield Air Controller. Calling in air strikes.
On Insurgents. In Afghanistan.

He patrolled Hellmand Province.

On firing on Insurgents and Militants he said the following,

'You do what you have to do,
what's necessary to save your own guys.
If you need to drop a bomb, worst case scenario, then you will, but then that's just the way it is. It's not nice to drop bombs, but to save lives that's what happens.'

He went on to say he had no problem with killing insurgents.

It just meant to him that his security had to be stepped up when he was home.

Meghan has no idea how ruthless and practical Prince Harry is capable of being.

And how ruthless the Royal family will be. When they have Prince Harry's support. In getting Meghan out of the family.

Jules. I'm not surprised the Royal family are in Crisis talks. Especially when Meghan has even tried to move Prince Harry to Canada.

I guess with alot of professional help. They Royal family will control Meghan. Not the other way round.
I think they are controlling her very heavily already.

How she thought she was gonna play it. Is not like she imagined life in the British Royal family.

One reader I listened to claimed. That the Queen ordered that any of Meghan's friends who arranged to visit Meghan at Kensington Palace, when she was living there.

Were denied entry at the gate every time.

Because the Queen was very concerned about security in relation to Meghan's friends.

Prince Harry is still a high profile target for the Taliban. People forget that.
For this reason. His security costs are far higher than other Royals.

He can't afford the level of luxury Meghan wants.
Apple Monkey said…
I literally have no words. The Well child award appearance was so embarrassing. Tonight Meghan supposedly is nearly in tears in a soon to be aired programme, They are just becoming more and more annoying. They have so much wealth and access to the best doctors and yet they want constant sympathy....

Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. More truth comes about the high flying lawyer who was born in East Flatbush, New York City.

I'm referring to Rudy Giuliani.

The Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasion Affairs, George Kent. Testified to Congress yesterday.

About Rudy Giuliani.

George Kent has told investigators that Rudy Giuliani requested a U.S Visa. For a Ukrainian.

That Ukranian was Viktor Shokin.
He is a former fired Ukranian Prosecuter.

George Kent turned down Giuliani's request for this Ukrainian. Giuliani appealed the decision.
Yes. Giuliani is a very determined character.

Why did Rudy Giuliani want to provide a U.S Visa for this fired Ukranian Prosecuter?

Well the U.S Visa was supposed to be in exchange for dirt on Joe Biden.

Why did this Ukranian Prosecuter lose his legal position in the first place?

Well. Surprise Surprise, Joe Biden, along with some other world leaders had this prosecutor, Viktor Shokin fired in 2016.

Because he refused to address Ukrainian corruption.

I swear Rudy Giuliani thinks it's still as it was when he was U.S Attorney under Ronald Reagan.
Because Rudy Giuliani doesn't seem to have much connection with modern reality.

And the deep pond of shit he's in. In his his shiny black shoes.
Chick'sOpinion said…
In recent years. All U.S Policy on Ukraine. Has been grabbed off U.S career diplomats there. Forcibly.

And into the grubby hands of corrupt officials. Basically shifting authority to them. On Ukraine Policy.

So Trump and Rudy Giuliani could pressure the Ukranian President, Volodmyr Zelensky. Without interference from ethical U.S Career Diplomats.

Basically Trump abusing his position of Office. By pressuring/manipulating a foreign government.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Acting White House Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney has finally admitted that he withheld U.S Military Aid to Ukraine.
At Trump's request. In 2016.

To force them, the Ukraine investigate the Democratic National Committee. And the 2016 U.S election

This is shocking. Because in 2016 Ukraine were in the middle of an armed conflict with Pro Russians.
Had experienced A bloody revolution in 2014.

And were in the shadow of the annexation, by the Russians, of the Crimea region.

They were in deep danger.

There was a ceasefire for a period in 2016. But Ukraine was generally fighting for its life against Russian agression at this time.

It's only quite recently resolved itself.

Denying Ukraine military aid so they could defends themselves against Russian paramilitaries. Is just a disgrace in my view.

And denying such a ridiculous reason.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Pics of Hailey Beiber in her wedding dress. Has been in the media.
She has had the words, Till Death Do Us Part embroidered into the long veil.

Well let's hope it isn't death that parts them finally.
And at the end of the day.... Hailey Baldwin is just a model who used her famous family name Baldwin. To make it.

She tried to register a make up line recently, in the Bieber name.... for herself.

And was turned down cause Justin already owns that trademark.

Hasn't she done enough trading on famous names. Her own, other people's.

But like Meghan Markle

Who I looked into a bit more, via Murky Meg's you tube video.

And learned, Murky Meg has definately discovered alot with this Soho House company. And Meghan Markle.

The Sussex Royal Charity is a business. Directly Linked to Soho House.
A chain of exclusive small hotels and restaurants for the famous elite.

Meghan Markle is apparently selling stuff on her website via the business of Sussex Royal.
I haven't checked that yet.

I call it all Suspicious Royal.
Not Sussex Royal.
Fuzzynavel said…
There are readers on You Tube, then there are readers. The only one I recommend is PTCR. She will spook the dandruff right off your head, she's so accurate. And the doc that the Harkles made, well I don't think you can outright shade the RF and not have consequences. Even if we don't see it, there will be consequences. A line has been crossed. But my cards don't show they are angry, had a scene. The door will not be answered for the Harkles though. Protection has been withdrawn. It's not on the RF, they've offered all help & Harkles aren't listening.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will check out PTCR

This is worrying. Prince Harry needs high security because of his participation in Middleastern wars.

In the early 2000's there was actually a price on his head with the Taliban.

Let's hope and pray he wakes up and mends his relationship with his family.

And gets high level security again.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - Prince Harry HAS security around him.
Anonymous said…
Sana, Letty, Chick'sOpinion, Apple Monkey, Jules, Fuzzynavel, Cordelia, Miranda, and Quiet: There will be a special on TV this week on Harry and Meghan's recent Africa trip (either Tuesday or Wednesday) in North America.

I too, watched the crocodile tears of Meghan on the six o'clock news the other night and I just shook my head. I can't believe she has succumbed to this level. The first thing I thought of, didn't Harry and Meghan hire a publicist or something just recently? Perhaps this is all part of the scheme to gain the public's sympathy or empathy for these two.

To publicly speak to the world of millions and cry and say "Not many people have asked if I'm okay," is outrageous to me. Why would she say that? Does she ask her father if he is okay? She is selfish and probably a narcissist as Chick'sOpinion has stated. She knew what she was doing when she was talking to this reporter on camera. What an actress. Boo Hoo

I think their publicist is trying to garner sympathy for these two and that's why they are out there doing what they are doing. Getting Elton John to come on camera and speak on their behalf, this is all the publicist's doing.

What Megan should be doing is taking a year off to bond with her child and enjoy the surroundings of her royal life. She constantly has to be in the public eye, doesn't she? She wasn't a naive 20-year old girl who married Harry, she was a divorced, sexually experienced, independent, 37-year old, who had her own apartment and a career.

Their publicist should be fired. Just my opinon...
Anonymous said…
"Markle fans showed their support to her on social media with the hashtag #WeLoveYouMeghan, which began trending on Twitter on Friday.

"Sudden prominence is a very dehumanizing experience. There’s a part of your life that you lose, & it later dawns on you that you’ll never get it back. The people who treat you like a human make all the difference," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted."

This is a very insightful comment from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I am sure that nobody is ever prepared for royal life until they experience it.

Perhaps this is all karma payback for the way Meghan has treated her father and other family members.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mmmm i know Prince Harry has a certain level of security.
But what concerns me it enough?

The other thing. Psychologists claim that tears cannot be faked. It's not possible for the human body to cry unless you are actually feeling an emotion.

I know Meghsn is an actress. But few actors can fake real tears in acting.

Actress Emma Thompson can. But even she probably has to dwell on something very personal to produce those tears.

I guess I'm saying. I feel Meghan's tears were authentic. But I noted she has alot of self control.

Not like me. My tears blurt out.

I think Meghan is crying because the relationship is in trouble. Prince Harry is seeing someone else, she has no freedom. And she is far from home.
Home sick.

And. Motherhood, for this freewheeling late 30's career woman has come as a big shock.
Even though she has nannies.
Anonymous said…
CD - What the heck is happening with Harry and Meghan? He is crying in public. She is playing the victim because she had a baby? Meanwhile Queen Elizabeth had 4 kids and ran an empire all alone! I wonder what poor women with no childcare who have to work full-time to make ends meet - what do they think of Meghan whining? Boo hoo! Now H and M want to live in Africa full time? She has no concept of family and seems to want to separate him from his own family. What is happening? Are they headed for divorce? I didn't understand your post about the jewelry. Thanks CD - love you and blessings to your dad.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jules can explain in more detail than I. But the reason CD mentioned about the jewellery that Meghan has been given from the Royal Collection.

Is remains in the UK.
No matter what.

CD has predicted that Meghan thinks that when she leaves the UK. To go to the U.S to live or wherever.

She thinks that that the Royal Jewelery goes with her.
And it remains her total ownership.

No it doesn't.

Its rightful place is in the UK. In the Royal family.
Because there is so much history attached to all this jewellery.
And it gets strictly passed down. Through the generations of Royals.

What interests me. Is, will Meghan have to hand back alot of the Royal Jewellery shes been given as part of her marriage into the Royal family?
When and if she divorces.

It's seems obvious to me. That Meghan dosent even like that sort of old fashioned jewellery.
As she immediately had Lady Diana's engagement ring she got... sent to the Jewellers. After her marriage.

To be altered dramatically. To be blinged up. And she asked for the whole band to have many more diamonds attached to it.

No. 'Everything' is not enough for this little Madam.

If I was Prince Harry, i'd be furious Meghan wasn't satisfied with Lady Diana, the Princess of Wales engagment ring.

Because it doesn't get much better than that in my view.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The other reason why I think Prince Harry is making a big mistake suing the UK Press.

Is the fact that apart from the now non existent News Of The World Newspaper. The UK Newspapers do not operate outside of the law.

Especially in regards to Royals.

They are very particular about that.

And here is a good example.

In 2008 Pippa Middleton's car was broken into in Chelsea, London. Her bag was stolen from her car and her digital camera.

The 2 opportunistic naive criminals who broke into her car and stole these items. Tried the same day to sell all the pics on that were in the camera's memory stick of Pippa Middleton's. For a huge sum.

To The UK's Sun Newspaper.

On the memory stick from her camera, were endless personal photos of Prince William and Kate on holiday. On a Carribran Island they'd just been to.

The naive criminals were instantly lured by a Sun journalist they contacted, into coming into The Sun Newspaper's offices at Wapping in London.

When there, the journalist told them that despite the big money these criminals were wanting for the pics. They they had to sign a contract to continue in the negotiations before The Sun even looked at the personal pics.

Let me clarify here.
That these 2 criminals maintained falsely from the beginning. That they found the memory stick on the pavement in Chelsea.

The signing of the Newspaper contract was done so that The Sun Newspaper could get the names and addresses of these criminals immediately.

The Sun had their legal people on this too... from the get go.
And almost immediately that they had their names, the Metropolitan Police were involved in going after these criminals.

Cause they were already investigating the report of Pippa Middleton's car break in from earlier that day.

So happy was Prince William with the rescuing of his sister in law's private pics.
He allowed one of his Royal Protection Officers to participate in the raid that day at the addresses of the criminals.
Who broke into Pippa's car.
And tried to sell her pics.

And They charged over it.

Prince Harry is forgetting.
That in fact the British Press has his back.
And if he takes that long patriotic protection they offer on a regular basis, for granted.

Then they may offer no protection like I've described here.
Especially to Meghan.
Who I believe none of the UK Press like.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Further. The UK Newspapers offered Prince Harry a complete media blackout when he was deployed to a War Zone years ago.

To completely protect him from the Taliban knowing he'd arrived in the War Zone.

Is he grateful for that unusual step of a Media Blackout?
With this litigation hes started on them.

It won't seem so to the Press.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - If Prince Harry is in any sort of danger due to lack of security I am pretty sure Christian would have picked up on it.

Meghan, incidentally, can cry on cue, she calls it her 'special' talent!!!

Here are some videos that you might find interesting, as they address Megahn being able to cry whenever she wants too.

SHOCKING discovery behind Harry & Meghan's relationship (pt1)

Chick'sOpinion said…

The problem is. Meghan and Harry have hired the wrong type of publicist.

Not the traditional Clarence House ....Palace Media Unit people. Who do everything according to tradition.

And they always keep in mind. Royals are NOT celebrities.

I think Meghan has hired Hollywood style PR people.
And that's causing problems. With bad advice.

And as for Meghan and her experience running a Charitible Foundation. Well compared to Prince Harry she has no experience in that regard.

You only have to look at Prince Harry's Sentebale Foundation he founded in 2006. After he was so affected when he went out there and stayed for a few weeks in Lesotho, Africa.

He worked at an orphanage there in his Gap year. And the following year. He returned with the guys from his regiment. And they built a big fence around the orphanage

Lesotho has the 2nd highest rate of HIV in the world. And alot of those kids in the orphanage. Were kids where both parents were deceased from HIV. And they passed it to their kids.

There is a video online of Prince Harry in Lesotho.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well crying on demand clearly isn't Meghan's only special talent.

She's really good at acting. Socially.
And getting what she wants.
But she hasn't convinced Prince William with her acting.

Prince William may be an 18 carat misery guts.

But I beleive hes highly intuitive.

About people.
And picks up alot that he dosent like about certain people.

It would be good if Christian would do a prediction about Prince William's intuitive skills.

Cause when he becomes King. It will be for a very long time. And.... he's raising a future King, Prince George.

I always thought Prince Harry would make a better King. But I've since changed my view.

Prince Harry seems to have personal issues.
Is great with people.
But he's not stable enough.

Prince William is as stable as you can get.

I have my criticisms of Prince Harry. But if you really compare. He is a relative angel compared to professional footballers.

And how they carry on.
Anonymous said…
Meghan seemed genuinely affected to me. Narcissist she may be but they have feelings too. I continue to root for Meghan and Harry to succeed on their journey despite having to blaze a trail and despite the haters.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree. Narcissists do have emotions.

But only for themselves.

They have mapped their brains. The empathy part we have for empathy does not light in brain scans on Narcissists.
And Sociopaths.

They learn very early to pretend and fake emotions about others.
Cause they actually know they don’t feel a thing for other people.

Meghan needs to move back to the U.S.
She’d be much happier among Americans I believe.
Who funny enough. Are perfectly relaxed about talking about emotions..
And other people’s.

Which is a good thing.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion – I wonder if Christian means the jewellery that belonged to Harry's mother, which both Meghan and Kate can borrow.

All Royal jewellery becomes the property of the ruling Monarch and is loaned to high ranking female members of her family for personal, as well as official state occasions and other Royal events at the discretion of Her Majesty. Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge can have the pick of anything in the Royal Collection, as Diana did, however, following Meghan’s ‘tiaragate’ scandal the Queen, who had to intervene in the row, put her foot down and has since banned Meghan from wearing jewellery from the Royal Collection, apparently this move has been reported to be all down hierarchy and is showing that maintaining the correct order and precedence within the family is important.

Regarding the tiaragate I am not sure if you can recall or not, but a row erupted over an emerald tiara that Meghan had wanted to wear for her wedding, it was the row that made Harry explode and say the infamous line, “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets”. Even though it has been reported to be a different tiara, there are rumours circulating that it was the tiara that Eugenie wanted to wear at her nuptials. The Queen was forced to step in and she chose the diamond and platinum tiara that Meghan wore.

Meghan's engagements ring was not a ring owned by Diana, it was designed by Prince Harry, featuring two diamonds from his mother's jewellery collection and another from Botswana. You are correct Meghan changed the band of the ring swapped from the traditional Welsh gold band for a thinner diamond-studded micropavé band. Are you aware that Meghan should be wearing Dianas engagement ring? After Diana's death, Princes William and Harry selected mementos from their mother's possessions. Harry chose her engagement ring, while William selected Diana's £19,000 yellow gold Cartier Tank Francaise watch, however, Harry chose to give the ring to Kate instead.

The PR firm that was hired by Meghan is Sunshine Sachs the same firm that represented the disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Oh I remember the row over the Emerald Tiara Meghan was demanding. I was outraged by that.

I'll not forget that in a hurry Jules.

And clearly one of the Servants rang the Press about it.

Because it was an example of outstanding greed. And arrogance in Meghan.
To carry on over Royal jewels.

By the way. I'm absolutely certain Servants are breaking protocol and anonymously tipping off the Press. About her.

Interesting how you said Prince Harry designed a ring for Meghan's engagement ring. Cause he didnt put much thought into it... it was quite simple.

It originally had 2 big diamond's. Clearly some of Lady Diana's, as you say.

But as we know. Meghan wasn't satisfied with it either.

Well I find it sweet that Prince Harry gave Kate, Lady Diana's original Engagement ring.

What a sweet gesture.
She deserves it.

So are you saying that Meghan seems to not get that Jewels from the vast Royal Collection are only on loan anyway?

And the Queen is so furious about Meghsn carrying on about which Tiara she wanted. She's gonna ban Meghan even removing Lady Diana's jewels from the UK

Good if she does. Because she dosent deserve to keep them.

Yes. Maybe Christian is referring Diana's personal Collection of Jewelery. Spencer Family Jewelery too.

As an aside. I was very disappointed to read in Paul Burrell's book on Diana. The infamous Butler guy Burrell...saying that Charles, Earl Spencer (Diana's brother) one day wrote a very unkind letter to Lady Diana.

Demanding immediately the return of the Spencer Family Tiara. For his wife to be, the beautiful Victoria Lockwood.

Or one of his numerous wives.
He's such a notorious Tart.

Anyway. He demanded its return in a rude way. Because in his estimation it should be in his wife to be, Victoria's possession.

Paul Burrell stated that Lady Diana was shocked and very hurt at the tone of his letter. And had no problem with returning it.

It was only in her possession because she married in it I believe.

I must say. I've never heard anything I like about Charles, Earl Spencer. He's a pompous Twat. Who's seriously up himself.

Well. I have to say. I'm relieved to hear that Meghan does not have Lady Diana's actual Engagment ring.

And as for the PR company, Sunshine Sachs you have discovered Meghan's hired as her and Harry's PR reps.

Well, the fact they represented that degenerate perverted monster, Harvey Wynstein just goes to prove Meghan's judgement on PR is completely wrong.

And unethical.

What is she thinking?

I wouldn't have any thing to do with anyone who had anything to do with that monstrous freak. And helped him.

Let alone someone who actually worked on his PR to convince the public the totally inacurrate story. That he is completely innocent.

Sunshine Sachs should lose the licence to practice PR in my view.
Chick'sOpinion said…

So that answers my question. If Meghan has already been banned from the Royal Collection.

Then clearly the Queen is making double sure Royal jewellery dosent walk off to the U.S in one of Meghan's visiting friend's purses.

Jules said…
Chicks Opinion – sorry, I thought you knew Meghan had hired Sunshine Sachs, I’ve mentioned it before, because I was shocked that a female who identifies herself as a feminist would use such a firm. But, then again, Sunshine Sachs is linked to Soho House. There is a very informative and eye-opening video on Meghan’s connection with Soho house. The creator of the video delved into SOHO house and discovered the Sussex Foundation is linked to the Clintons in so many scary ways. Take a look at this ..

THE SOHO Foundation
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion ... check this tweet out ... its from the account of Yacht girl .. uou need to look at her tweets.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Circles within circles. How Soho House company is linked to Meghsn Markle.

And now Sunshine Sachs. Her PR firm is linked to Soho House.

This is unbelievable.

Well if you know.

Then investigative journalists will know. If not now.

They soon will.

I will check out that yachtgirl on Twitter.

Thanks !
T. W. said…
I don't know what the emerald tiara would have looked like, but I think the Platinum tiara was beautiful on Meghan.
T. W. said…
The Queen Is Angry Over Harry And Meghan Documentary
Chick'sOpinion said…

The Queen would have gone nuclear over that documentary Harry and Meghan did.

That kind of sharing with the public is an absolute no no.

I agree. I thought the Tiara Meghan wore for her wedding was beautiful.

But unfortunately it was all Tiaras and Tantrums.

She wanted the one she couldn't have.

And I suspect the one she wanted. Was already picked for Eugenie's planned wedding a short time later.

We were told that the Queen's absolute refusal to Meghan to allow her that Tiara for her wedding.

Was based on the fact that it's provenance and history is sketchy. And may be controversial.

And the gems in it may have come from Africa too.

And the Queen is concerned that, that particular tiara came in an uncertain way from the former Russian Royals.

You know... the Romanov Royals. When the Tsar Nikolas and his wife and 6 children were murdered by the Russian Bolsheviks in 1918.

Its a fact...the Romanov family jewllery became after their murders, the property of the Soviet Russian government.

But some of their Royal Russian jewellery collection were sold through Christies Auctioneers in London. In 1927.

And I believe the British Royal family bought some at this point. Hardly surprising.... as the executed Romanovs were their direct relatives.

But its contraversial in that the jewels. That are in their possession. Is all due to a shocking murder. Of a whole family. Not one survived.

Also in 2009, A horde of the Romanovs Royal family's highly valuable jewel encrusted cigarette cases. And cuff links.... were supposedly suddenly discovered in the archives at The Swedish Foreign Ministry.

That's because in 1918, Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin placed this horde of their valuable items in the Swedish Embassy in St Petersberg. She obviously did it for the doomed Russian Royal family.

To access later.

It's quite sad really.
And the Queen knows the whole story of their murders. Probably far more than what is publicly known.

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