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Balls and ??

David Beckham is a lad.
Seems that he’s also a cad.
Posh Spice maybe thin.
But she about to be hit on the chin.
Her hubby, has a tart.
Traveling with him ,
Even when its dark.


Odin said…
Beckham sold his future fortune to devils/evil spirits.
Look at his tattoos......

The older he gets, the worse he gets.
That is the law of evil spirits
T. W. said…
This is what happens when you marry a Barbie doll...
T. W. said…

I’m sending love and prayers to you and your family.

T. W.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And David Beckham is famous for being dumb.

So I hope he listens carefully to advice. And follows advice from his divorce lawyer.

Guilty confession. I was so in love with him when he was a young footballer. Sooo good looking.

And that adoration of him on TV lasted until I heard him fully interviewed. At least 10 years later.

Before the days of the internet and You Tube.
We couldnt just get immediate or any access to the interviews.
Of anyone.

But I finally saw him in a long interview on TV anyway.
And discovered he is as thick as a brick.

Ain't crazy about him now.
And it's his particular type of London accent. That makes him seem like a straight up thicko.
Not sayin all people from Essex etc... are all retarded thickos.
No way.

It's just him.

Some psychics said years ago. That Victora Beckham was probably the only girl in the UK that WASN'T in love with him in the 1990's.

And that Victoria Beckham only married him because he was loaded. With money.
As a top professional footballer back then.

Which is strange. Because as being a Spice Girls member, Victoria Beckham actually had more money than him. Back then.

But like dear Meghan Markle MMMM she wanted more.

So this would her explain her toleration of his cheating. Shes not jealous.
And she's probably had her boyfriends on the side for decades.

She just doesn't like the scandal in the media.
About all his affairs.

He may be dumb. But I don't believe David Beckham is a bad person. He's even too dumb for that.
He loves helping in charities.

So. Heres the question. Did he realise early in the marriage that Victoria Beckham wasn't actually in love with him maybe?

And so he started lookin for someone who did love him.

There was a never ending supply of admirers. Including me. LoL.

Anyway. He would not be the 1st person to discover, the person they married isnt actually in love with them.
In some ways... I personally believe that gives you a right to start a relationship with someone.... who does love you.

But he should have just divorced her I guess.
And her failed Clothing Line has actually cost him a fortune.
jele6 said…
I read years ago that they lived separate lives. It can't be a surprise to her that he has someone on the side. She'll probably leave if embarrassing details of an affair or a love child become public.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So many of you will recall. Part of the lyrics to the Spice Girls song, Wannabe.
That Victoria Beckham 'Posh Spice' sang,

Had lyrics then went,

'Oh, what do you think about that.
Now you know how I feel
Say, you can handle my love.
Are you for real.
I won't be hasty.
I'll give you a try.
If you really bug me then I'll say goodbye'

Clearly its gonna be David Beckham doing the say goodbye here.
Anonymous said…
He's a bad boy, no? I think he's a good father, but not so great as a faithful husband. Victoria got her implants removed a while back, that might have started their marriage to spiral downwards, who knows.

He's probably always messed around; he's an athlete and as athlete's go, they have very high sex drives.

I think Christian predicted their impending divorce.
T. W. said…
Victoria is either asexual, into women, or is too malnourished to want sex of any kind.

We know she’s not putting sausages into her mouth...
T. W. said…
Does tattoos look nasty and creepy.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think hes too dumb to sell his soul to the devil or dark spirits.

They'd probably say no anyway.

And say ...

'no not that daft thicko'.

'We've got enough of them already. And besides he dosent have a big enough ego'
Chick'sOpinion said…

What is it with sex and athletes?

Is it because they love perpetual movement.

Knocking, rocking, banging, shoving. And adrenaline sensations.

And can't cope if they are not doing/experiencing that.

All the time.

It's gross.

Ive noticed...So many Australian Professional Footballers are getting charged with rape lately. One even bit the groin area of a young girl he was having sex with.

She went to the cops.

But so many of these crazy girls follow the footballers. Like devotees of a cult.
Turn up where they are. The parties. The pubs they frequent.

I met some of these young girls on a course. I was shocked. At how naive they were.

They were so obsessed in the Professional footballers of our local team. It was weird.

And we've read from the events leading up to these footballer rapes. That these fan girls are literally throwing themselves at these footballers. And engaging in Group sex too.

We've been hearing all the sordid details from the courts cases.

But do these fans girls, devotees want to be raped?

No they don't.

It's their Spiritual lesson I think.
To learn.

Careful who you idolize.

And. Find out somehow first, if they deserve your admiration.

The dreams of being a wealthy Professional footballer's wife is another materialistic desire in these crazy fan girls.

These days. The attraction to David Beckham is his money.

But is he as cashed up as women think?
Victoria Beckham's Fashion Label failing.... cost him a fortune to rescue.
More than once I think.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. There's no doubt Victoria Beckham has anorexia.

It was obvious quite early. And at times she looked terrible.

She spends too much time in Paris. Around models. Fashion victims.
Always has.

And that becomes the new normal for people. Seeing emaciated half starved people as normal.

Is it normal in Somalia? No. So it shouldn't be normal in the West either.

Sorry but I despise the fashion industry.

And modelling companies who refuse to allow normal healthy weight people to be successful.

It's sick.
T. W. said…
I think the fashion industry is phony & manipulative too.
Quiet said…
Oh T.W.

You crack me up !

Too malnourished to even want sex
T. W. said…

All for your entertainment!

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