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Botox required very soon..

More and more PR to come.
How can she think we are so dumb.
Well she does.
But, just wait a while.
Then comes.
Oh such a frown...


T. W. said…
Christian warned us about the upcoming Thanksgiving debacle. They can still prevent this but it looks unlikely now.

Someone asked if family arguments are common during Thanksgiving. My answer is no. That is propaganda put out in Hollywood films & tv shows to create drama for entertainment.


Prince Harry And Duchess Meghan Are Thinking About Setting Up A Second Base Somewhere Outside Of The UK

T. W. said…
Christian tried to warn Jeremy Renner.

At this point I do not know what the truth is. But I will post the headlines and the links to the articles so you can decide for yourselves.

1) Jeremy Renner’s ex-wife claims he bit their daughter

2) Sonni Pacheco Is Claiming That Jeremy Renner Bit Their Daughter When He Was Mad
Chocmint33 said…
Poor Meghan. She's a round peg in a square hole. Fancy thinking she could fit into that stuffy environment. The fantasy of marrying a prince never matches the cold reality of life in Windsor Fish Bowl Land.
T. W. said…
Hi Friends. I'm gonna make this update public in case something happens. I also want to encourage people who feel like they are between a rock and a rock to never give up. If you have to grab someone by the balls (figuratively speaking) to get what is your right to have, DO IT. This is not a bitch-fest. I give the solution to the problem at the end of the update and within the encouragement. This is long, so I have to make 2 posts.


I had to stand up for myself to get medical care after the doctor refused to even see me. This is not my assigned doctor but she works for the same company that owns the medical practice. Keep in mind I am an established patient at the practice.

The doctor used the nurse as a go-between. I pointed this out to the nurse and stated, "If Dr. [Redacted] is going to refuse to even talk to me & is going to refuse to give me a referral to a cardiologist then she can tell me to my face."

The Dr. came in, she refused to even examine me & give me the referral. I told her I was at the emergency room 3 times in a 13 hour period & they advised me to see a cardiologist within 2 days. I do not have open access insurance so I need primary care to make the referral. I know for a fact that I do not need to even be seen for the practice to make the referral as I am an established patient & was seen the day before. I told her I tried to contact my assigned physician but was told to come to her location for the referral.

Dr. was rude to me throughout the conversation and claimed I have an anxiety condition. I told her, "I get out of breath and my heart races only when I walk, climb stairs, etc. My leg is swollen. I have a family history of [withheld]. Anxiety disorders do not work that way. You won't even examine me. In that case, order the referral so they can examine me. That is all I came for today."

Dr. continued talking to me like a dog. Dr. insisted anxiety is causing my problems. I told her (paraphrase):

You know I have other health issues, anxiety did not cause my concussion & whiplash last week. Anxiety is not causing my gynecological problems, especially when I have family history and medical documentation proving this. Anxiety is not causing my vision problems (concussion-related).

Anxiety is not causing me to suffer allergic reactions after I am exposed to allergens. I was given cortico-steroids in the emergency room. Steroids have serious side effects, so if anxiety caused my allergic reaction why would a competent physician give me steroids? Why does an allergist prescribe FOUR medications for me to take?

Anxiety is not causing a tumor to be growing inside my body & if anxiety caused it then why did a surgeon agree to surgically remove it next month? Wouldn't stress management magically remove the tumor?

Anxiety did not cause the nerve roots in my spine to be compressed. Anxiety did not cause my spine to curve. Anxiety did not cause the discs in my spine to degenerate at a young age.

Dr. refused to treat me & sent me to see my assigned physician, who is located in a different part of town. I do not drive & Dr. knew I take public transportation and still have to walk to get to where I need to go. I had just told her I get out of breath and have heart palpitations & chest pain when I walk.

I went by bus to get help, explained my situation, waited, & was told the referral is being made & I will be called with the date & location. The medical practice does call back when a referral is made, this is not a run-around.
T. W. said…


I treat people good & get the run-around & used as a doormat. This is wrong. The Bible says, "A soft answer turns away wrath." But I still get treated as though I am unimportant & have no business being on the Earth.

I asked God, "If the Bible is Your word, then why is it not working for me?"

The Scripture God gave to me was to treat others the way I want to be treated. Well, if someone keeps being ugly to me after I treated them softly, I have permission to treat them the way they are treating me. I grabbed that Dr. by the balls, I grabbed that situation by the balls.

Hopefully the source of all my health issues are revealed & go away. In the name of Jesus I grab my recovery and healing and I command my mind, body, and situations to receive and manifest the blessings of recovery, healing, and wholeness. It is done. Amen.
Chocmint33 said…
Actually CD - are you hinting that a naughty tape or film is soon going to drop?
Anonymous said…
Oh oh, can't be good news for the Duchess of Sussex.

By the way, I forgot to mention earlier on about Harry and Meghan's recent TV documentary. Did anyone notice how ridiculously "young" Meghan looked when she was talking to the reporter? I thought she looked like she was 17 years old. Not a wrinkle to be found. She looked so different than when she was at her wedding or even in this photo that Christian has included with this post.

Or do I need glasses? LOL

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
I shoildnt be surprised. But Meghan Markle took part in a USO Holiday Tour in 2002.

Visiting, with others. Military bases all over the world. She even went to a huge one, Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan.

Meghan Markle seems to find herself in many places that you wouldn't expect.

But that's because she plans her whole life that way. She's fiercely ambitious.

The thing is with ambition.
There's a downside.

There's always the risk that if you push to get yourself into the desired places. Then there are consequences.

I call it the downside to ambition.

How many people get to the top in management. And then get embroiled in some embezzling scandal or something similar.

And land on their arse. Sometimes through no fault of their own.

It's the risk people take.

There's nothing wrong with Meghan's ambition to better herself. She's entitled as the next person.

She just wasn't prepared for the downside of it.

I think the universe recognises if you want goals for good and bad intentions.

And puts you on your arse.. if it was based on wanting power and materialism.

Meghan is not that shallow. If you look at her background. She's been involved in gender inequality issues in developing countries...a long time before meeting Harry.

So why and what is the universe teaching Meghan Markle?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Why is it? That Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge comes across as an authenticc.....once, twice, three times a lady.

And Meghan just dosent. I think cause Meghan would be ferocious in a fight.

I think Prince Harry hides under gold gilt tables when Meghan blows her stack.

Prince Harry probably sent notes to all the Kensington Palace maids.

'Please tape and glue down all the valuable vases cause Meghan chucks stuff when she's angry'

I swear Trevor, the ex.... is gonna reveal Meghan has a bad temper.

Or at least she knows how to win an argument, hands down. That would be rather alarming to Prince Harry.

Or is it. He dosent seem that interested in lady -like passive English girls.

Chelsy Davy was from a literally wild farm in Zimbabwe. Her childhood pets were Impala.

And her African farm the size of Surrey, twice over.

No Harry is attracted to very different women.

But can he handle them.

Cause it appears his family can't.

In saying that. I do believe Chelsy Davy would have been more suitable. She is intensely private. And grew up very wealthy.

She's not interested in wearing Couture. And ownering shoes worth £5,000.

She just likes ordinary life.

So much so. She said no to Royal life. And marriage to Prince Harry.
Anonymous said…
TW , do take care. Unfortunately when your not feeling great small things magnify and can get on top of us. Hopefully the right medicos can sort things out.
Sana said…
Its reported according to Murky Meg (youtube), and many other sources that Harry and his missus had their titles and their financial support stripped from HRM- instead of apologising for their abhorrent behaviour they thought to push things further to get their way - but that's when it finally snapped for everyone including HRM - instead of giving them six weeks "off duty" she made it permanent. Hard to believe but I say way to go - finally. I call it karma. Anyways here's a link below of Murky's latest

What do you think of this?

Anyway hope everyone is ok, including you T.W (anxiety never goes away)
Happy Halloween
Chick'sOpinion said…

Getting medical help sounds complicated in the U.S.

Though I know from my work. Some people with acute health problems start to get cautious behaviour ....from some Doctors.

I saw it with my own eyes and concluded it was because they are concerned about being sued.

Is that the reason? I don't know.

As you know you have to be healthy enough to be operated on. And people with even congestive heart failure. Get refused a much needed operation.

Cause of risk.

I understand that isn't the case with you.

It was shortness of breath. You could have been in the process of having a heart attack.

Did they test for heart attack?

So what was up with that Dr?

These Dr's have way too much power.

And in some cases too little.

Doesn't seem there's any reasonable reason why this Dr acted in this way to you. So its wrong.

When I was in hospital recently. On a public ward. The lady in her early 60's opposite my bed. Needed an urgent operation for a perforated bowel.


She had emphysema.

And was told if she had the operation she had a high possibility of dying under anesthetic. Due to other medical conditions.

But also the perforated bowel, if unoperated on. Would kill her anyway.

How a difficult a decision.

But the Dr told her nicely....she had to choose.

Omg I had to listen to the whole thing. The family all making a difficult decision. That her death was quite likely either way.

She had the operation. And never returned to her usual bed. I don't know if she died.

Seeing this experience got things in perspective for me.

And I decided my problem. Was very small.

But you know TW, I thought that one of the surgeons who came to my bed to see me, was quite rude.

So everything he said about how I broke my foot, I corrected him on.

Seeing he was actually wrong.

Unused to being told he was wrong. He glared at me with eyes like hot coals.

Clearly used to being seen as God himself.

I decided he needed taking down for his arrogance.

And what better place to do it. Than in front of his medical students.

Who I think depised him too.

No. Some of these medical people get way too 'up' themselves.

The public are seeing it far too often. Even with some registered nurses.

And when they go too far with arrogance. I don't believe they are delivering health care correctly.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I did notice how ridiculously young Meghan looked. Maybe she's had some work.

You know filler. Abit of cosmetic help recently.

We all need a little pizzazz for our looks at times girls.

Thing is. Meghan is nearly 40.

So she's probably gettin quotes on facelifts already.

She's a long way from needing one in my view.

The nose job she had after she worked on that Game Show many years ago, changed her looks so positively.

I think it was the reason for her TV success.

But to me. It dosent look like a natural nose. Due to its bizarre shape.

There's no such nose as that. The new one.

This occurred I think because her original nose, exactly like her father's by the way.... Was odd in the first place.

If you look at old pics of her old nose. She had a double nose... at the sides.

Best thing she ever did. Was get a nose job.

Nose jobs should be free on the health system. If you have a truly bizarre nose. That totally spoils your face.

I don't believe in many things altering what God gave you.

But if your mama gave you a truly bizarre nose. Then I don't think God minds if you give it back.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for alerting us about Murky Meg video
Chick'sOpinion said…
Is it all down hill for Jeremy Renner?

I fear it is.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That's interesting that you say family fights arnt common in the U.S at Thanksgiving.

Is that because people own guns? That would certainly put me off participating in any family conflict.


But its a fact, Australian families regularly have big family fights at Christmas. Without guns.

Their fights are on the TV every year

And at weddings too these days.

Dosent surprise me though.

Last family wedding I went to. The bride was clearly half drunk. When she arrived at the reception.

Which I thought very odd.

With her shouting and giant bajongas nearly falling out of her strapless gown into our plates of wedding food.

The old people were horrified.

The 2011 movie Bridesmaids with Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy and Maya Rudolph....wasn't too far from the truth in my experience.

However I think that movie went too far in places.

And. Contrary, to what that movie claimed.

Drunk girls are unlikely to pee in the hand basin in public toilets.

Too difficult.

I'm surprised that scene in that movie happened. As the film writers on Bridesmaids movie were women, Kristen Whig and Annie Mumolo.

Judd Apatow produced that movie. So maybe he insisted on that unnecessary scene.

Actress, Mindy Kaling is also film writing for major movies now.
And so are alot of women. More and more.

Thank God. Cause clearly from Mindy Kaling's co-writing of the movie Late Night. We are gonna start to see better movies.

I think it's been problematic in the past, that men mostly write screenplays for movies. Has been too often... for decades.

Which is why they have been getting it wrong for female audiences since the beginning.

Current successful female Film Writers are,

Diablo Cody - Jump, Unites States Of Tara, Burlesque, Sweet Valley High
Fran Walsh - The Lord of The Rings trilogy
Frances Marion
Lucinda Coxon - Crimson Peak
Gillian Flynn
Kelly Marcel - wrote Fifty Shades Of Grey but the author modified all of it.
Nicole Perlman - Guardians of The Galaxy, Captain Marvel and Inside Out
Melissa Rosenberg- the entire series of The Twilight films
Vanessa Taylor - Hope Springs, the Divergent series.
Also produced episodes of The Game of Thrones.
Anonymous said…
Crimson Peak is one of my favorite movies.
Jules said…
It now looks very much as if a meeting between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Her Majesty that was rumoured to have taken place a few days ago actually happened. Rumour has it the Queen, now 93, had already decided the fate of the couple within her family before they met. It is being alleged that the Queen has stripped them of their Royal titles the reason cited for this was the couples ‘gross misuse’ of their status, if this is the case it will not happen straight away as the Queen will have to follow both Royal and legal procedure. Its also being claimed that she has taken back the keys to Frogmore and taken away the 15 million dollars that she gave the couple. The Queen's actions completely blind sided the couple.
Jules said…
TW - I sincerely hope you lodge an official complaint about that Dr for her gross misconduct towards you.
T. W. said…
I believe the QE2 rumors.

I hope Meghan was worth this.
T. W. said…
Jules, I wish.

I have the legal right to file a complaint with the state medical board. Unfortunately, in the state of North Carolina the medical practice has the legal right to dismiss me from their care if I file the complaint. I cannot risk this because I need to be referred by a primary care physician in order to be seen by a specialist. I need to find other care before I make the complaint or just let it go.
T. W. said…
Now maybe people will believe what I said about the time Prince Harry partied in Las Vegas dressed as a Nazi. Blind Gossip forgot to report that Prince Harry was "allegedly" cavorting with males. The National Enquirer didn't forget to report that...

Jerkiness And Your First Priority
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good comment. Prince Harry will have to reflect.

Was it worth bringing Meghan into a family. That would be hostile to her and so many of her ideas.
And behaviours.

e all have regrets over people we dated.

Some people have ended up going to jail over their association /relationship with some bf's/Gf's.

But to lose your Royal Title is on the same scale. In some way.

Can it be recovered? Once all the legal things are processed.

I doubt it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Crimson Peak had that actress, Mia Wasikowska in it.

What happened to her? She's a good actress.

But disappeared

She was also in the 2011 production of Jane Austen's, Jane Eyre.
Anonymous said…
She was in Damsel and Devil All The Time were two of her recent movies. Yes she is, and a very sweet girl. I met her one of her costars a couple months ago in crimson peak and they were so down to earth and an absolute doll.
Anonymous said…
TW:we have good doctors here in Slovakia.I pay 6/month and my insurance pays for everything.I can see my.primary care physician and specialist.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Please tell us. Are Prince Harry and Meghan about to lose their Royal Titles?
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinion, I don't like Miss Meghan's ski jump nose.

Jules, if that's true, that is HUGE. I would think Harry and Meghan would feel devastated? Perhaps this is why they are suing the newspaper to get some money? I don't know, but if the Queen does something as serious as that, it is very telling about Harry and Meghan.

TW, have you ever considered going to a private doctor? The first visit will cost approximately $300 - $600, and subsequent visits are much, much less. But a private doctor is superior in every way to a regular doctor. They also do way more testing, more blood testing too. It is worth it especially if you have a serious issue that needs attention. A private doctor is the way to go otherwise you spend months wasting time with regular doctor visits and their limited testing and knowledge. Private doctors are expensive but are worth their weight in gold when you have a health issue. They can get to the root of the issue much, much quicker and if necessary, get you into the right specialist sooner. I know it's a lot of money, but if you can swing it, you won't regret it. Just make sure you choose the right private doctor and check out their reviews online first before you make an appointment. There are doctors and there are doctors, just like people. Good and bad.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
Tw:I pay 60 euros per month.For my insurance.We have good doctors.
Jules said…
No, the woefully ill-advised legal proceedings the Royal Couple have begun against the press were started way before the alleged meeting took place with Her Majesty which is rumoured to have taken place before the end of October.

For those who are interested here are a few youtube videos on the alleged showdown between the Queen and the Sussex’s some by truth seekers and some by tarot/psychic readers.

Queen Stripped Harry and Meghan of their official Titles, house & money!

Harry & Meghan Palace Showdown? Have they been thrown OUT?



Have Harry + Meghan lost their HRH titles?

Jules said…
TW - I am so sorry. I pray for the best possible outcome for you and for a swift recovery form all that ails you.
Chocmint33 said…
TW - I hope you feel better and jump over the doctor hurdles you have. Keep the faith, don't give in and things will turn around.

Actually, we are now in Mercury retro where communications goes backwards, so hang in there as in mid-December we will see no more Mercury retro hurdles.
Chocmint33 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous, are you talking about concierge doctors or any doctor not working for the Veterans Administration and/or health department?

I cannot afford a concierge doctor. Over 1 million people in my home state of North Carolina have no insurance coverage of any kind, including Veteran’s benefits and Medicaid (government aid). Some of the people in this group are veterans and children.

A person earning minimum wage ($7.45 per hour) in North Carolina can not afford a 2 bedroom apartment. What is a single parent to do?

A person earning minimum wage in North Carolina must work over 87 hours per week to pay for a 2 bedroom apartment. Good luck getting food and such.

Our state and federal elected officials make sure they have top of the line healthcare coverage that is paid for by the public but refuse to help the people who voted for them.

By the way. The average person in the US who receives food stamps has a job. The days of the so-called welfare queen went out with the Reagan Administration. Something for immigrants to think about when they come here.

The mercy and loving kindness of Judaism and Christianity are almost extinct in America. Our laws were based on Jewish and Christian loving kindness. I do not see it here anymore. I need to finish my training and do the work God asks me to do. We all have a different assignment. Humanity cannot make a better world without God.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 5:26 pm

I am glad Slovakia has good doctors and health care coverage.

I do not have private health insurance. Most private insurers allow people to see a specialist without a referral if the person has what is called “open access insurance.”

A lot of working adults in America lost their health insurance after Obama Care passed. Why, you ask?

Obama Care (Affordable Care Act) requires employers to pay employee healthcare insurance premiums if the employee works full time hours (40 hours per week). Employers got sneaky and decreased employee hours to 36 hours or less per week.

America is supposed to have been built on Jewish and Christian ideologies. There is no Biblical text that claims Jesus Christ demanded payment to feed the hungry, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm pretty sure Mia Wasikowska is Australian.

Her mother is definately Polish though. And as typical, Mia has inherited the standard Eastern European good looks.

She dated American actor Jessie Eisenberg for a while.

She probably found out he's full out arrogant.

I liked him in Holy Rollers.

But after I seen him on TV, be extremely provocatively rude....for no reason to an interviewer. I thought nope.

This actor is a git.
Anonymous said… is the contact to my insurance in Slovakia.
If you want you can contact them and ask for an insurance.
You can visit our doctors.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you for an informative explanation of the health care crisis in the U.S. its just shocking.

I couldn't imagine having to exist with that kinda deal.

Cause Healthcare is free in Australia.

We dont have anything to do with how it's funded. Because it apparently gets funded via a levy at 2% on Australian residents income.

Higher income Australians pay a little higher levy from their income.

But if they are mad enough to have a Private Health fund they don't have any levy deducted from their pay apparently.

Anyway we don't even feel the levy. Payroll do that crap.

There is really no need to pay into a Private Health Fund in Australia in my view.

It's a waste of money.
People like saying 'oh I have a Private Health Fund.'

WTF for?

They don't need it. And are perfectly healthy.

I recently went to a public hospital for a week. Didn't cost me anything.

What pissed me off was having to go see my Dr after. Who I have to pay $80 these days upfront. Cause he's decided to stop being a Bulk Biller.

Bulk Biller Dr's are free.
They bill the Australian Govt for their bulk Biller patients in one go.

Oh and I get $30 of the $80 I spent...refunded later.

I don't know why they do that.

The Australian Govt refunds you alot of your outlay if you have to say get imaging done etc.

But mostly alot is free. Except visits to those infernal Specialists. They should be free too.
But you get refunded some of the costs of them too.

It seems almost a lost hope that the U.S can get what I consider, a standard healthcare system for all.

It's very sad.

Australia has had it for many decades. And the U.K set theirs up after WW2.

The U.S are really behind in this.

It's shameful.

And who suffer?

The poor.
Anonymous said…
TW:here is contact to my health insurance: and to my doctor is
Maybe you can ask there.
If you have problems with language I can help you

Anonymous said…
Tw:I sent en Email to my health insurance.I askedthem how much would you pay in Slovakia monthly.
With that insurance you can see every doctor.
It is this union
Apple Monkey said…
I am so sorry - haven’t been on here as much recently. TW - I hope you get to see this and please know you are in mine and everyone’s prayers. I am so sorry you have had to go thru all of this. It’s so unjust.
Cd you and your family have been in my prayers and thoughts. Some of your predictions you sent me have come true in the last few weeks - you predicted this in 2017. You have a great gift xxx
Re Meghan - did you all see the documentary Harry and Meghan in Africa. It has put me completely off Meghan. Harry did not do himself any favours. We are living with so much uncertainty - an election before Christmas and Meghan has the nerve to talk about her difficulties in South Africa of all places. I noticed that the Queen subtly changed her photos around so there no longer is a picture of them in prominent view.
Sending you all xoxo
T. W. said…

I have surgery in less than 3 weeks. I pray the healthcare team continues to receive and to manifest wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from God.
T. W. said…

Thank you for all of your help! Things are looking up now, but I wonder if the insurance in Slovakia will cover travel to and from USA for the purpose of medical care.
T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey & Chick’sOpinion. I give thanks to all the Friends.

Things are looking up. I have to make phone calls. But get this. I called out to the LORD and He heard me. All is not lost.

God bless and keep all of us.
T. W. said…
The November 11 edition of the National Enquirer is juicy!

On the cover:

Meghan & Harry Quit Royal Family - Her Majesty takes away titles, Hines, & $15 million allowance!

Story on pages 20-21.
Chick'sOpinion said…

We will be thinking of you. Having surgery.

Anonymous said…
TW:the insurance does not cover travel to and from USA.But it
is better to go to see a doctor here in Slovakia.My friend has a husband from USA and he said that.
I am glad that you will have a surgery.I wish you all the best!

Chick'sOpinion said…
Meghan Markle. Ya being too loud.

Ya need to calm down
Chick'sOpinion said…
Jeez. This documentary Meghan and Prince Harry did sure hasn’t improved their public reputation.

I didn’t see it.

At what point are they going to face facts.

That their beliefs about what’s the right PR for them.

Is completely out of step with the public’s.
Anonymous said…
Apple Monkey, nice to hear from you! I hear what you are saying about Meghan and Harry. They have so much and they are both so entitled and spoiled it is maddening. People`s homes have burned down, migrants don`t have a home, let alone a city, and nothing to feed their hungry children. Meghan and Harry have so much to be grateful for. I don`t understand their `victim` mentality at all.

TW, you are having surgery. Listen, I am going pray for you too that all goes well (and it will!). I hope this surgery brings your health back and gives you the peace that you so deserve. All of us will pray for you, just let us know when you go for surgery so that we can do it collectively. Power of prayer is very powerful.

I know healthcare is ridiculously expensive. North America is big on private (concierge) health care and it is very costly but also superior to regular practice. The doctors are more specialized and do more specialized testing. For a hefty fee, true. It`s not fair to the people who really need it but cannot afford it.

CAP Anonymous

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