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Cut and Paste.....

Jason Statham, diver, dancer, actor...
Has a friend, not his fiancé...
More than ever at his hand.
Now comes a shock to many fans.
They can’t hold hands, in public at least.
But in the pictures, comes out the truth.
Sooner, than the PR teams....
Can photoshop.


T. W. said…
Oooh, I couldn’t figure out who the blind items was talking about. There was no agreement in the comments section either.

T. W. said…

President Jimmy Carter fell at home and fractured his pelvis earlier this week. He is home now.

Look, President Carter is 95 years old. I’ve been told that when people of a certain age break their pelvis/hip they do not have much time left on this earth.

Please pray for President Jimmy Carter and all living creatures that are not in perfect health.

Thank you.
T. W. said…
Prayers for Mariah Carey.

A while back I talked about Sony Music, Tommy Mottola, & Mariah Carey. I have some links in case some people do not believe the story. By the way, her interview with Barbara Walters about this can be easily found on YouTube.

PS Years who I alleged Mariah Carey is bisexual. I stated The National Enquirer tan a story about her and Da Brat. I still have the article. At the time, her bipolar 2 diagnosis was not public but everyone that saw her on MTV’s Total Request Live knew she was ill. The poor woman had a psychotic break on live television. MTV still shows the clip on its website. Link provided.

Anyway, Tommy Mottola literally drove Mariah insane. According to CDAN, he is still paying people to work for Mariah, spy on her & report back to him. People, don’t “join” the Illuminati and if you do, please do not marry your handler.

1) Today's Blind Items - Revenge Served Super Cold

2) Mariah Carey Says Her First Marriage to Tommy Mottola Was Like 'Being a Prisoner'

3) mariah carey's ice cream meltdown

4) Revisiting the “celebrity breakdown”
News of Mariah Carey’s bipolar diagnosis puts old jokes about her turbulent 2001 in a new light.

5) EXCLUSIVE: Mariah Carey's former manager breaks her silence, blaming the singer's ex-assistant for getting her fired and causing death threats from angry fans who said she would 'be killed immediately' if she embarrassed the star

6) Mariah Carey: My Battle with Bipolar Disorder
T. W. said…
Maybe he reads this site:

Texas judge overturns jury’s decision to allow boy, 7, to transition to a girl


The jury awarded full custody to Georgulas earlier this week. Younger was granted supervised visits with his son under the condition that he treat James like a girl and only allow people around the boy who agreed with his transition.

But the judge who presided over the case overturned the jury's decision on Thursday. Judge Kim Cooks ruled that the parents would share custody of James and make joint decisions about his health care.

Dr. Georgulas and Mr. Younger will also jointly agree on haircuts for James and his twin brother Jude. Both Georgulas and Younger were ordered to attend counseling.

The jury's decision sparked outrage around the world when they agreed with Dr. Georgulas that James should be allowed to transition to a girl and wear dresses.

James and his twin brother Jude were conceived via in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated eggs. Dr. Georgulas is not their biological mother. She claimed she noticed James playing with girl's toys in a McDonald's at age 3.

Georgulas enrolled James in kindergarten under the name Luna, and she instructed staff to refer to James as a girl and to use feminine pronouns.

Younger, who divorced Georgulas, told the court that she told James that "monsters only eat boys."

Younger said James behaves like a normal boy when he and his brother stay at his home.
Chick'sOpinion said…
He is the actor married to Rosie Huntley- Whitely. The model with the long wooden neck.

He is an extraordinary actor. Which clearly comes in handy when you are lying.

To your wife. Or gf.

Most men (or women) though, don't need acting lessons to do that to their spouses, Gf's or Bf's. The lies just roll off their forked tongues.

Anyway dear Jason is a really good actor with his ability to mimick accents.

Most Londoners. Who don't already know, think Jason Statham is from London. Born and bred.

Nope. He's from Derbyshire. And Norfolk.

But when he appeared in that arsehole, Director Guy Ritchie's violent cult English movies. In the early 2000's. He did an authentic Working class London accent.

To perfection.

I refer to the movies, Snatch. And Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels.

Movies I love incidently.

Yes. Dear Jason is clearly taking his Chameleon ability to the extreme.

Hope Rosie Huntley Whitely, with the Wooden neck. Breaks his financial neck. And walks off with half his money and assets.

She's a good and pretty girl. Who deserved better. Not a man with a wooden heart.

And clearly a permanent wooden dick.

Gives further meaning to a course expression I unfortunately heard a young guy use on a bus years ago.

Referring to an erection as a Woody.

Sorry but I thought that was very amusing.

Anyway, Wood brained Jason Statham has got plenty of money to lose to wives. He's been in plenty of Fast And Furious movies. And he often plays villains or mercenaries in movies.

One in particular is called The Bank Job.

Well Rosie Huntley-Whitley is clearly gonna do a bank Job on him.

On his finances in the divorce court.

How did he get into acting?

He grew up with lovable but extreme English fellow Yob, footballer and and actor, Vinne Jones.

Oh and Jason Statham represented the UK in Diving in the 1990 Commonwealth Games.

But these days he prefers diving under blankets.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Ahh I discover Jason Statham hasn't bothered marrying Rosie Whitely Huntley. Perhaps she declined his marriage proposal. Cause she knows about the cheating.

Doesn't matter. She lives with him. And has had a baby with him. So that will afford her the usual rights. To his money and assets.

Divorces drag on for years.

It's a shame we can't all divorce like Red Necks.

When all you have to say is,

'Get out of the truck'
Chick'sOpinion said…

Old people like Jimmy Carter are at high risk of infection getting into broken bones.
And commonly, it’s the infection that actually causes their death.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think Mariah Carey might have her crazy moments. But I think she’s more level headed than people think.

She wouldn’t have lasted as long as she has ....if she wasn’t.

Even Tommy Mottola failed to destroy her.

So she’s pretty tough.
I do think she needs to stop drinking though.
T. W. said…
I never saw "Snatch." People were complaining when it premiered in America because the word "snatch" is slang for "pu$$y" here in America.
T. W. said…
Mariah Carey appears level headed because she has been getting therapy and has been taking her medication. Unfortunately alcohol does not mix with those medications. There are multiple reports of her bizarre private behavior.
jele6 said…
How shocking! Another celebrity cheating on their partner/spouse. I wonder what the mistress looks like.
Chick'sOpinion said…

We'll soon know.

And will she be as pretty and devotional as Rosie-Huntley Whitely?

Probably not.

And that's Jason Statham's lesson.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I can see then why that movie title called Snatch caused a problem in the U.S
But would Mr Know-it-all Guy Ritchie had have listened to advice. From the U.S.

Not a chance in hell.

Snatch means take very quickly or steal in the UK.
Sane as in Australia.
Anonymous said…
Christian and the blinds never lie ;) hope everyone is doing well!
T. W. said…
Hi Katelyn! I hope you are doing well too!
T. W. said…

Ha ha ha!

You gave the dictionary definition of “snatch.” It means the same thing here, but America loves sexual innuendo.

Ha ha ha...
T. W. said…
Guy Ritchie married Madonna so I doubt he listens to sound advice of any kind.
T. W. said…
Why are people asking about Jason’s female side piece?

I thought the blinds alleged he prefers men? Perhaps I am confusing him with someone else?
Anonymous said…
But why? Jason does have such a great and very young wife, she gave him a kid and he cheats on her? With whom?? It means this woman wants to be in relationship with Jason or just having sex with him? I don't get it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good point.

Everyone would have said....

'Don't marry Madaonna. You'll never have a happy day in your life'
Anonymous said…
Hi TW I’m doing very well, thank you honey. Working and traveling a lot. I went to NYC a couple weeks ago and it was really amazing.
T. W. said…

I’m glad you are doing well and I am pleased you had a good time in New York!
Anonymous said…
Arggg. It makes no sense! Jason has lovely Rosie and a baby. Rosie is a lovely woman, not your typical model type. I thought they had been together for quite some time and good together.


So many successful, good looking men are sex addicts and they can get it so easily from so many. Everywhere. This is a common issue and the reason why so many wives take their husbands to the cleaners in the divorce is because they feel so betrayed and hurt. It's one way they can stick it to them.

I thought Jason and Rosie were married too. Doesn't matter, she lives with him, it will be treated the same as if being married. Rosie is about to become a very wealthy Mom.


CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I feel sorry for Rosie Huntley Whitley too.

She deserves better.

Alot of old men have told me cause I've asked (Yes. I ask the hard questions given the opportunity)

They said,

'it's so different today. Men can get sex anywhere. Anytime. Wasn't like that before'

They also said,

'sex was confined to getting it from your wife. And the opportunity to see nude or semi nude women was extremely rare'

Amber Rose likes to displays her charms everyday of the week. To entire globe.

But Like you said, these young men or men in their 40's are finding it all easily accessible. To get plenty of sex. They don't really need. And this is the problem.

They are not just sourcing it from their wives. Cause they don't have to.

Few people respect marriage as an institution these days in my view.

Including women.

And. It takes 2 to Tango.

So for every cheating BF or husband... theres a woman, who if she knows, dosent care if it's disrespecting the wife/gf.

Jason Statham would have women throwing themselves on him.

And unfortunately the mice can't help nibbling the cheese these days.

They could in the past.

But if the cheese is in a trap. Then down comes the trap on their heads.

Men whinge and whine about how much they lose in divorce.

And in some cases I agree it's wrong.

But most spiritually evolved people would agree. That's its a Karmic lesson teach them about the outcome of deceit and lack of loyalty.

Some people have to lose alot. Before they learn lessons I think.

Some would say I'm petty moralizing. But I think infidelity. And getting caught out for it. Has deeper life meanings.

Whether you're male or female
Chick'sOpinion said…

And maybe Rosie Huntley-Whitely needs to learn a life lesson.

To not trust some men. Who claim they are virtuous, committed and loyal.

That some men fake being 'good'

As Chris Brown famously sang

'These hoes aint loyal'

He was, we know, referring to women.

But that little line can be applied to some men too.
Anonymous said…
You nailed it, Chick's Opinion.

I was watching a show where it said that in the 20th century, it was alcohol and drug addiction. In the 21st century, it's global porn and sex addiction. Gaming too. Boys as young as 7 are looking at porn. Men can get sex everywhere and anywhere, so "why buy the milk when you can get it for free?" A sexologist was saying that porn and sex addiction has underlying issues such as anxiety, social issues, relationship issues, low self-esteem, and so forth. A young man said back in his grandfather's day it was "Playboy," and now it's online porn.

I've heard so much about a website called "Pornhub," I checked it out. Whoa! There are countless videos to choose from, woman and man, man and many women, many men and woman, many men and women, woman and woman, man and man, and all races, but the age group seemed to be 20 to early 30s, at least what little I had seen. I only looked at one video, it was approximately 36 minutes plus long, and consisted of one white woman and several black men. I could only stand to watch a few minutes. It made me sick. I fast-forwarded it. At times she had something in every orifice, and that changed as often as the men did. I would have to think this would be a painful experience for her, but maybe she gets paid big bucks. I had to shut it down. It was sickening to view. If you are curious to check it out, be warned!

Also shocking were some of the comments made on the video: "This is my wife's favorite video." "What a trooper, she just keeps going and going." And some other sickening, stupid remarks.

These young women in these porn videos, most have been abused at some time in their young lives by their father, or a step-father, a relative; such as an uncle, or a teacher, priest, minister, etc., etc.

Porn is available 24/7 to all on a cell phone. You can hook up and meet someone and go home with them. So with famous people, sex is even more available to them. Women throw themselves at famous rich men.

Porn has nothing to do with a woman's pleasure, the men are not pleasuring, they are using and abusing for their own selfish purposes. No decent man would ever do porn. That's my opinion. Some of you might disagree.

I know lots of good guys that don't mess around on their girlfriends or wives, and they don't watch porn. They've seen porn, but they don't watch it or need it. I also know of a few that do watch porn and have sex with multiple women and these women sadly don't know he has others.

There's a lot of women that mess around today too, and some are killing too.

Such a sad truth Chick's Opinion said: Rosie (and perhaps most women) need to learn a life lesson to "not trust some men."

Chris Brown's an ass, but those lyrics are right on. Applies to men and women today.

AIDS and HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases still exist. A new thing in the 21st century that wasn't talked a lot about in the past is when people have multiple sex partners they pick up their partner's "energy" and all the other partner's they have had sex with. A person eventually carries too much karma and baggage in their body. I would think it would weigh you down after a while and your energy would became so drained you would only attract the lowest of lowest energy to you. Not to mention, make you sick.

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…

Wholeheartedly agree with you. Porn addiction is at epidemic level.

I heard a sexologist talkin on the radio... that they now have evidence that Porn Addiction changes the brain.

My view is like yours. The obsessive focus on sex, getting it, with who, how, what kind... is the evidence for a very sick society.

There is so much pressure on young women to engage in risky sex today. Or sex they are not at all comfortable with.

It just disgusts me.

Women used to just have to say no. In fact. The suggestion could land a man a slap in the face.

Now you are expected to participate. Pressured as its now a social norm.

What I'm glad about though. Is that psychologists have now labelled the problem.

And Porn Addiction is now a mental health disorder.

I don't like alot of their labels. But I'm relieved this one has been developed.

Wives are actually going to psychologists and councillors complaining that their husband/bf no longer has sex with them anymore.

He just watches Porn.

That fact is an indicator of the tipping point. Of an unnatural activity.

Well. Like you mentioned about HIV. The emergence of this disease known as AIDS back in 1984. Certainly made alot of of sex mad people stop.

And choose monogamous relationships. I know cause I remember the time.

Fear changed their ways.

It's very close to a permanent cure for HIV right now. But what I find astonishing is, this fanaticism for sex, alone with multiple partners etc.

Has emerged at a time when there still isn't a Silver Bullet indefinite cure for HIV.

Do these peoole think they can't get HIV?

Well here's some positive. The newer generation of Millenials are not having much sex.

It's a fact.

Thry are having far less sex than the comparison of 1980's generation.

They know why too.

They are a generation who communicate via social media. Alot.

They just don't get together like previous generations. They talk. Alot. But via their phone or lap top.

It's the 1st generation in decades who are not engaging in sex much.


Because it's a jungle out there. There are some seriously sick in the head sex freaks out there.

Maybe the Millenials are here to set the balance.

I wasn't going to mention that U.S Politician Katie Hill as an example of sex freak addiction.

But i will. The one who just got exposed for having a rather sick approach to her marriage.

Sharing her bed with her husband. And her co worker....staff member. At the same time.

She really played with the emotions of her husband. And staff member.

And did not care. And now she wants sympathy and support cause she's losing her political career. As shes up before the Whitehouse Ethics Committee.

And agree with you. How can people today form trusting relationships. When so many people are so obsessed in having sex with so many others.

All I can say is. They are not highly evolved. If they need that.
They remind me of lost souls

T. W. said…
I agree with the porn comments.

There is scientific research that suggests viewing porn does affect the brain.

I heard that when you kiss someone on the mouth/lips that the person’s dna stays in your mouth.

There is a lot that we don’t know about sexual activity affects the human body.
Anonymous said…
Hey Chick's Opinion, I think the multiple partners thing is about sex addiction. The 5-second orgasm, the conquest. The act has nothing to do with love, sharing, or compassion. It's all about the addiction. Feeling desired.

HIV and AIDs isn't talked about very much anymore. I don't know why this is... I agree millenials spend too much time on their phones but a lot still live at home, so perhaps that puts a damper on a sexual relationships. I believe the porn addiction is another reason why millenial men are not having sexual relationships. The current talk show I saw on today's porn addiction, the expert on the show said that porn causes so many problems such as inability to get an erection with a real woman and a lower libido.

Girls today are having sex with other girls or they are using sex toys, so they don't need a guy.

I think guys today are struggling with their place at the relationship table. Men just don't seem to ooze masculinity and that's what women want. They want a "hunter" not a "gatherer" type of guy. They are passive and have more feminine energy, and the females today have more masculine energy, and educated and successful. I also think that technology ruined everything. Too much information. Hollywood in your face and trendsetters like the Kardashians representing a new "normal" of how one should dress, look, act. Everything, I mean absolutely everything is about SEX today. Everything. We are bombarded with it on TV, magazines, billboards, internet, newspapers, Hollywood, music, and so on.

I saw an old Oprah special (2010?) where she had her "All Stars" on (Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Suzie Orman and Gayle, Oprah's best friend was the host). One question that was asked on the show for the "all-star" experts to answer was:

Is it normal for men to want anal sex (with a woman)?

Gayle: Not from this girl! Never ever.
Dr. Phil: Yes, it is normal.
Dr. Oz: Yes, it is normal.
Suzie: I can't remember what Suzie said! I think she might have been okay with it.

I was shocked! Oral sex, yes, but anal?

So you have all these millenials males watching porn initially to "learn" about the female form. Instead, they end up getting addicted and when they finally have a "real" relationship, perhaps they think the girl is going to be willing to do all those things he has seen watching porn.

Some guys take a woman out for dinner and want sex after a first date. What happened to romance and chivalry?

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…

Totally agree with the points you raised.

As though Anal sex is normal. Good point. I think those TV doctors and Dr Phil were forced to say that was normal.

It so isnt.

And yes you are probably right.

Alot of Millenials are still living at home.

That would make their personal life difficult.

So many barriers.

With social media dominating.
Anonymous said…
Chick`s Opinion, I too, thought it was odd that both Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil agreed that anal sex is a normal for a husband to want with his wife. I don`t think they were forced to say this though. Dr. Oz did mention that you have to be careful and use lube.

I`m with you, it is not normal.

CAP Anonymous

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