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C B said…
Elephants are majestic creatures. It’s unfortunate they’ve been associated with the GOP for this long.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yes. Agree. Beautiful elephants shouldn't be associated with this.
T. W. said…
A while back Christian predicted embarrassing video of Meghan Sparkles will come out. Blind Gossip has a blind that made me think of this. The blind claims a couple was enjoying good publicity then made a legal maneuver that seemed to come from out of the blue. The blind says the legal maneuver is a pre-emptive strike. There are photos and video of the female posing and having “an extremely good time” with an unknown male. Some photos look home made as well as the video.

Everything makes sense now.

Friends, I have not been posting juicy gossip and news. I am still swamped with work with no end in sight. I will be back soon as I am able.

To get your drink of tea, please visit the following sites:
T. W. said…
A while back Christian predicted embarrassing video of Meghan Sparkles will come out. Blind Gossip has a blind that made me think of this. The blind claims a couple was enjoying good publicity then made a legal maneuver that seemed to come from out of the blue. The blind says the legal maneuver is a pre-emptive strike. There are photos and video of the female posing and having “an extremely good time” with an unknown male. Some photos look home made as well as the video.

Everything makes sense now.

Friends, I have not been posting juicy gossip and news. I am still swamped with work with no end in sight. I will be back soon as I am able.

To get your drink of tea, please visit the following sites:
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well. The movie about tragic black U.S singer Billie Holiday comes out soon.

And actress Andra Day plays her. Andra Day also appears to have also been in Orange is the New Black.

The movie about Billie Holiday is called The United States vs Billie Holiday.
And it seems to explore the period in her life when she was arrested for drug possession in 1947.

Andra Day certainly looks like Billie Holiday. And Billie Holiday was definately known for her looks.

She died at 44. So young.
So I'm very glad they are telling her story. In a modern time. Because modern people will have a totally different perspective.

And anyone is who interested in just how much Billie Holiday influenced music...forever after.

Frank Sinatra claimed she was the singular influence on his decision to choose music as a career. And how he sang it.

And he stated he spent his childhood listening to her songs on the radio. And learned them all.

It is also to his eternal credit. That he visited Billie Holiday in hospital before she died.
He just adored her.

In a way. I wish Rhinanna was chosen to play Billie Holiday in this movie.
Because Rhianna is our modern Billie Holliday equivalent I think.
Chick'sOpinion said…

We understand. You are a Busy Lizzie.
T. W. said…
I’m still not convinced Meghan Sparkles is female.

Seems the Meghan Sparkles sex tape has leaked. The video does not look homemade to me. I need an expert to give us their opinion.

NSFW/Prepare to Vomit:

More pics & video clip - NSFW:

This link has some fake pics but the video clip is real. NSFW:
T. W. said…
I didn’t know about the Billie Holliday film. Wonder if Oscar will see it...
Chick'sOpinion said…

The Oscar Academy have a habit of not noticing films with a Black cast. Or theme.

But I believe that is changing to an extent.

Who will go and see this movie. The United States vs Billie Holiday.

Well. Not alot of young people. Unfortunately.

Because they have no idea who Billie Holiday is.

It's way too far back for them.

Too far back for me too really. But I defo want to see it.

I only know who she is because my late parents were crazy about ALL music.

Most people who loved Billie Holiday's songs. Are dead.

But I'm certain. That musicians.... Especially singers too. And hard core music industry people will see this movie. And anyone who claims to really understand where our modern music and singing vocalisation comes from.

They know. It's Billie Holiday.

What I love about Billie Holliday. Is that she was apparently real edgy in her time.

As you know, with her song Strange Fruit.

About the lynchings in trees of Black Americans.

She would have witnessed that in her lifetime.

God. How frightening.

I particularly love the song, God Bless the Child (Who has its own)

I love it because it's all about how lucky people are, who are born into money.

And how people abandon you when your money is gone.

Billie Holiday came from Philadelphia but grew up mainly in Baltimore. But started singing in Harlem, New York in the early 1930's I think.

There was another film made. About her. Years ago with singer Diana Ross playing her. Called Lady Sings The Blues.

Never saw it. And I don't particularly like Diana Ross. Heard shes not the nicest of people.

An interesting thing about Billie Holiday. As a child. She was witness in a State Rape Case. And was put into an early form of Protective custody over it.

And at some point. She was the victim of Child Sex Trafficking.
Yes. Folks. The Jefferey Epstein's of the world have been doing it forever.

Though in Billie Holiday's case she was rescued very early. Unlike Jeffery Epstein's victims.

Who were imprisoned for years.

Hope they include this episode in her life in the movie. Cause I feel it would give it modern relevance.
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us. Now I know why Billie turned to heroin.

Billie Holliday was before my time too. I saw Lady Sings the Blues on television but I was so young I barely remember it.

You are correct about Diana Ross being a nasty witch. I could get a record deal and replace the lead singer of a girl-group if I slept with, oh never mind, I need to keep my health good...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I know exactly what you are referring to here about singer, Diana Ross. I agree.

She became the lead singer of the Supremes. By bullying one of the original singers, Florence Ballard out.
With manager Berry Gordy's assistance.

And then suddenly the original singer Florence Ballard is dead.

Funny that.

I'm referring to as.. you know the mysteriousness around the murder of Supremes girl group singer Florence Ballard.

And alot of people firmly believe Berry Gordy, Mr King of Motown.

Arranged that murder.

Florence Ballard was never an alcoholic as they claimed back then. Nor did she have heart problems as claimed.

She was discovered by her little daughter foaming at the mouth. With a cereal like substance foaming out of her mouth in the middle of the night.

Her perfectly healthy mother had been poisoned.

What pisses me off is. Diana Ross and Berry Gordy are still alive. We're never tried for the murder. AND those who did the actual murder. And Paid assassins.
Got away with the whole thing.
And went on to make alot of money.

Florence Ballard was interviewed not long before her death.

And she mentioned she was in fear of her life.

What Florence Ballard didn't know when she was forced out of the Supremes some time before her death. Was her singing partner in the Supremes. Had become her rival.

And was fucking their manager, Berry Gordy.
And Berry Gordy was determined to get rid of Florence. Because she outshone Diana Ross in singing ability.

Diana Ross, the savagley ambitious co singer knew perfefly well Florence Ballard was a better singer than her.

And why the cops didn't see who the perpetrators of Florence Ballard's a mystery too.

The motive was there. Diana Ross popped out Berry Gordys baby soon after.

And called her Rhonda.

Further obviousness that it was a premeditated murder.

Berry Gordy had the singer, Cindy Birdsong waiting in the wings. To replace Florence Ballard officiously ling before.

It was all meticulously planned.

And they think they had problems in Little Mix and Atomic Kitten

That was nothing.

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