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Reminiscence ........

One + one, is called a couple.
Sometimes added is then another.
Not three, just a pair plus one.
But when while out, you add another.
Then comes trouble, from Dear Mother.
Oh, but then there’s pics.
Which will prove, who’s the dick...


Will louis tomlinson's new album, out in january, do well? I root for him and all of the one direction boys...their songs got me through my dad's death...thank you!
Chick'sOpinion said…
So its the worst kept secret in Australia. That Hugh Jackman is gay.

Ummm the dead give away is. How someone as good looking as Hugh Jackman was as a young man. And in that period (1996) when he was quite unknown. He decided to marry a fellow B grade Australian actress...16 years older than him.

And. You all know what Judge Judy says guys....

'If it dosent make sense it probably isn't true'

Him marrying her.

So this woman he married in 1996 is named Deborra-lee Furness. They are still married.

And back in 1996. She wasn't particularly good looking, even back then.


She was gettin on. In the film industry chronology of age.

And surprise surprise.... all their babies have been by surrogate.

This rent-a-womb thing is getting out of hand in my view.

Because I see it as the exploitation of poor financially disadvantaged women in developing countries.

But...Anyway. I think what Christian is saying here is...that Deborra-Lee Furness, Hugh Jackman's long term pretend wife, is gay too.

Alot of Hugh Jackman female fans are going to be disappointed at this deceit. Because he seemed to very popular for his looks. Not that long ago.

He's gettin old now.

Personally I'd block him on my iPhone.
And I hate his accent.

But he's also been popular with older female fans because they believe he's different to most Hollywood men.

Cause he's a faithful husband to an over the hill, fat old lady. No scandalous affairs, cheating..nothing. which is quite unusual.

Mmmmm. But it's not virtuous love and commitment.

It's fake.
Tasha C said…
I have no idea who this guy is.
T. W. said…
Did Hugh Jack-Man and his wife have threesomes with another man?

Well then...
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of Australia.

Baz Luhrmann is directing the Elvis movie.

God help us.

Personally I think he destroys every subject he touches.

With his high camp, over the top theatrical spin on everything.

And most of the sets in his movies are totally implausible.

And don't start me on the music and singing.

He's cast an Australian in one of the lead roles.

He always does.

This time it's 21 year old Olivia DeJonge.

And she is playing Priscilla Presley.

She was in Nexflix's, The Society. And Director, M Night Shyamalan's, The Visit.

I swear M. Night Shyamalan's name is just made up.

And the ' Night ' bit is added by him. For effect ....for his horror films.

Because his born name is Manoj Nelliyatu Shyamalan.
Anonymous said…
I just don’t understand why so many of these actors or actresses just keep hiding.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I’m wondering the same thing.

At least though, Hugh Jackman has an excuse. In the era when he was a young actor his career would have never taken off if he had been open about his sexuality.
T. W. said…

I hope you are doing well.

Please don’t be a stranger here.
T. W. said…
Tasha C

Hugh Jackman is a famous Australian actor. He has performed on stage, television, and film. He has lent his voice on albums and video games.

He portrayed Wolverine in the X-Men films.

I think he was Jean Veljean in the most recent film adaption of Les Miserables.

A simple Google search will turn up a wealth of information.
T. W. said…
Katelyn & Chick’sOpinion

Notice how the new stars who are open about their sexuality end up becoming flash in the pans.

Remember Frank Ocean and Lil Nas X? Didn’t think so.

How has Kristin Stewart’s career been going since s/he has been out? What career...

When was the last time Jodie Foster directed a film?
T. W. said…

I can always count on you for a laugh!

1) I agree, Luhrman films are trash.

2) What kind of name is Lure Man?

3) I always thought M. Night Sha la la la la Yan’s name was a joke. The giveaway is that the surname “Knight” is supposed to be spelled with a “K.” I wonder how many other people caught on to his trolling?

4) THEY love trolling the masses. Once you understand this a lot more will start to make sense.
Anonymous said…
Chicks opinion, you definitely have a point. It took me years to finally come out and I’m not ashamed.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I wondered if Frank Ocean is related to the singer Billy Ocean

It's an unusual name.

Omg I had to sit through that Baz Luhrmann directed movie, Moulin Rouge with an ex of mine.
It was the longest 2 hours of my life.... and at the end.

My ex turned to me with a big smile with teeth like a donkey and said,

'Wasn't that great'.

And I replied

'Ummm no, let's get the hell outa here'

No. Baz Luhrmann movies are not for me.

TW. I think it's the fact that Kristen Stewart is nuts more the reason shes not in alot of films anymore. Not her sexuality.

Though shes picked up a few movies recently.

One look at her poetry tells the story.

Read it with a DSM5 in your other hand. The handbook of Mental health disorders.

Cause she's absolutely coo coo.

I get your point though. I think the Hollywood machine is still forcing actors to hide their sexuality.

Which is profoundly wrong.

And when it comes out. They don't help them.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Poor Louis Tomlinson has had so much bad luck in recent years.

It's like he's been cursed.

Something I don't believe in incidently

Anyway. I think he needs spiritual protection.

His mother dying. Then his sister dying young recently.

And that groupie refusing to not continue with that pregnancy.

It's just not been good for him.

But. Maybe becoming a dad saved him.
T. W. said…

Gestation is 40 weeks but I don’t blame you for not wanting to come out into the world.

I’ll see myself out.
Chick'sOpinion said…
This Baz Luhrmann victim, Hugh Jackman ...has a new movie coming out. Called Reminiscence.

I hope he dosent end up reminiscing about working on Baz Luhrman musicals.

And regretting it. It's the stuff of nightmares.

Also I hope any facts about his true sexuality doesn't ruin what's been an extraordinary career.
Cause he's always been a nice guy.

He's been in many films too.

Las Miserable
Movie 43
X Men: Days of Future Past
Night At The Museaum: Secret of the atom
Me And The Dying Girl
X Men Apocalypse
1The Greatest Showman
Missing Link
Bad Education
Chick'sOpinion said…
It's been my long view. That Director Baz Lurhmann thinks he is a modern version of Old Hollywood director, Cecil B Demille.

Who made alot of overblown to the ridiculous theatrical epics movies.

Well he's not. Steven Spielberg is the closest Director to Cecil B Demille.

Its true that Cecil B Demille made other normal movies. But most were kinda extreme.
But at least more realistic.

Or. Is it that Director, Baz Luhrmann, is Cecil B Demille reincarnated.
Cause I think people who worked in Old Hollywood reincarnate back into it.

Cause they love it.

And what is also weird about Baz Luhrmann is. He is highly campy. Is a very cliched gay way. The way he talks and carries on.

I don't get it.

His mother was a ballroom dance teacher. And dress shop owner. And ran a movie theatre.

So perhaps those circumstances influenced him alot.

But as for the campy way he carries on...he has been married to Catherine Martin for an eternity.

I don't get that either.

Is this another example of an older Hollywood person having to hide behind a straight marriage.
For decades.

To succeed.

Which is highly wrong.
It's like the 1950's Hollywood Blacklisting era. Of McCarthyism. And the House Of In American Activities.

Anyway. Successful Movies Baz 'camp' Luhrman has made,

Strictly Ballroom
Romeo + Juliette
Moulin Rouge
The Great Gatsby

They say Cecil B Demille created modern Hollywood.
Yes. In a despotic way. As he supported the Right Wing Blacklisting of the 1950's.

But that's what caused his eventual downfall.

If Hollywood studio bosses etc don't change.

Then maybe they will become irrelevant and out of fashion.
The way Cecil B Demille did.
T. W. said…
Wikipedia claims Luhrman’s father ran a movie theater & petrol station.

Chick’sOpinion might be on to something about the lavender marriage. Baz is a Virgo & the only other campy Virgo I can think of is Freddie Mercury. You can figure out where I am going with this.

Apparently Luhrman directed Leonardo DiCaprio’s claim to fame: Romeo + Juliet. Yes, DiCaprio and Claire Danes were famous before this film came out but the film helped them greatly. I still didn’t like the film.

Luhrman also directed Moulin Rouge! and The Great Gatsby remake.
T. W. said…
I forgot, Cecil B. DeMille was not a great guy. I think he is the one Enty calls “Old Hollywood Harvey” but I am not 100% sure.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And you are right. Night should be spelt with a K. As in Knight if it's a name.

Well...M Night Shyamalan is from India. So I'll give him the benefit of the doubt of being completely conceited.

And maybe he just doesn't get English names.

And it's not contrived.

But believe me. It's not his real name.

Yes. That Cecil De Mille was a real Bastard.

Persecuting people in Hollywood went out of fashion by the 1960's.

And that was Cecil B Demille's big Fat misfortune.

To think of the amount of careers he destroyed.

Yes. I didn't like that Romeo + Juliette movie either.
But I do know a whole generation thought it was amazeballs.

Is it that I just don't like musicals...people singing in movies?

I didn't like La la Land much either.

Though I appreciated it was well made. But as a musical I thought it could have been way better.

How the F .ck did that movie win anything?

It was abit of a bore.

And the music weak.
T. W. said…
India was once part of the British Empire.

M. Night Shyamalan fully understands how British surnames work.
T. W. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…
Those award shows mean nothing to me.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

The surname “Ocean” is a stage name.

I have not heard or seen any of Kristin Stewart’s poetry.

Can u share a sample with us?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. I thought Ocean was a bizarre surname

Okay here goes some of Kristen Stewart's insane take on poetry, this one is called,

My Heart is A Wiffleball

'I reared digital moonlight
You read its clock, scrawled Neon across its black
Kismetly, ubiquetiously crest fallen
Thrown down to strafe your foothills
I'll suck the bones pretty
Your nature perforated the abrasive organ pumps
Spray painted everything known to man
Stream rushed through and out into
Something while the crackling stare
Down Sun struck'

And on and on it goes, with its senseless nonsense and stupidity.

Kristen Stewart ...don't give up your day job.
Book a session with a psychologist.

And message to U.S publishing companies. If she turns up. Hide under your desk.
T. W. said…

Please tell me you made this up. Please.
Chick'sOpinion said…

No. It's on record. That's a sample of Kristen Stewart's poetry.
Anonymous said…
I remember reading that and almost threw up. Funny one of the songs playing when I went to see a play a couple weeks ago was two weeks by twigs. I laughed at that lol.
Chick'sOpinion said…

With all the money they have spent promoting FKA Twigs.

You would think they could fix her teeth.

They're shocking.

Is she talentless as well?

I don't know her music.

But I've often wondered if FKA stands for,

Freaky Kinda Awful

Cause FKA Twigs will never get ahead based on her looks.

So she needs to be hugely talented musically... to get ahead in the music industry.

And get noticed.

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