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Etonian PRICK ....


T. W. said…
He looks like he is here down South. All he needs are some white supremacists to play banjos for him...
Cordelia said…
Up the creek without a paddle
Chick'sOpinion said…
In regards to Boris Johnson's begrudging decision to name a new EU Commissioner.

Because legally he has to under the EU rules,

He said this,

'Our national participation in the European Union is coming to an end, and that reality needs to be recognised by all parties. Indeed, today there are very many brilliant UK Officials, trapped in meeting after meeting in Brussels and Luxembourg, when their talents could be better deployed in preparing to pioneer new free trade deals or promoting a truly global Britain.'

You see, Boris has this vision of the UK in future.
But to me, its funny how his vision is like a Britain of the past.

The only modern aspect of it... is the global approach he talks about.

Perhaps I'm wrong.

But Britain's impressive past in export and global partnerships. Passed a long time ago.

They declined in manufacturing industries just like any other country did at the the 1980's.

A timr when the UK trade Unions destroyed the car industries...of General Motors ( Vauxhall) and Ford, MG Rover.

I think Peugeot withdrew at this time too.

Alot of money was pumped into the housing industry after this period.

But anyway.... Boris Johnson's post Brexit Britain may not be the failure many predict.

As the UK is about to free itself from EU Regulations.

And there are 1000's of them.

Its an uncomfortable truth that the EU can be viewed as a bureaucratic state.

Just depends how you view being part of one big family. With lots of annoying restrictive rules.
That cost you a fortune.

But here's a basic fact. By this year, the UK will have poured into the EU coffers, 209 billion.

That's alot of lolly.

No wonder the other EU nations don't want the UK to leave.

Well, perhaps the 209 billion saving, the UK will save each year. Once this divorce is over.

Can kick start the UK as an independent trading nation again.

And Boris Johnson's patriotic vision can become clearer.

Personally I think he wears Union Jack boxer shorts to bed.

With a framed pic of Margaret Thatcher on his bedroom wall.

Margaret Thatcher never wanted this far into the EU.

And doubtless, Boris has studied all her reasons why.
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian,

I hope Labour will win the election like you said ?

Voting polls look good for Borris so come on Labour voters lets get the Torres out and get this country back on track.

VOTE Labour you can trust not the Torres that lie and don't care about the sick or the old people.
Anonymous said…
Chicks opinion, what about all the money the EU has poured into the UK ? They have spent a lot of money in supporting urban renewal in the uk northern towns. This has always been a two street. The UK has gotten many benefits out of the relationship. Oh and buy the way the unions didn’t wreck the car industry, Margret Thatcher did And building cars in countries where they pay people a couple of dollars an hour , helping increase the profits for the pockets of the shareholders.
T. W. said…
Britain builds cars???

Seriously, the Mini Coopers are nice to look at and they have the Union Jack in the tail lights. Unfortunately they have a poor reputation here in the states. Mini Cooper, Fiat, & the Smart cars are known to break down and to be a nightmare to have fixed. Might as well buy a new car.

I assume Bentley and Rolls Royce are handcrafted in Britain. When I get my money I will be sure to be chauffeured in my Rolls Royce Phantom...
Chick'sOpinion said…

The UK Brands of car manufacturing flourished and died even before the Japanese car market took off.

And continuous strikes contributed highly to this.

British car manufacturers like the Mini, E Type Jaguar proved actually to be poor quality. And in fact, production was plagued by the British trade union strikes.

Made worse by incapable managers who could not manage what would be seen today as anarchy in Trade Union stop work action.

That's a fact.

The stike at British Leyland Plant in Longbridge, Birmingham in 1979 was huge. Car manufacturing can't financially survive these prolonged Stop Work periods.

Not to mention the continuous problems at Ford Dagenham. Which I recall were never ending in the 90's.

It's interesting to note that Ford Dagenham employed 50,000 people by the 1950's.

Most people think the Dagenham Plant is closed today. No it isn't. It's producing there. But there's now only 2000 workers.

Shop Stewards ran those UK brand car manufacturing plants back then in the old days. And that was the problem.

Particularly at Ford Dagenham.

For this reason. The UK car manufacturing industry was already at a weakened state by 1986. And Margaret Thatcher allowed the Japanese car makers to begin production in the UK at this time.

Not as you say, paying for them to be produced in developing countries at cheap rates to foreign workers.

At the time ...what Thatcher did was seen as a positive thing.

As among other things, industrial action was proving very problematic in the industry in the UK.
And the industry needed a boost.

Foreign car manufacturers introduced modern production for a start. Much needed.

So then came Honda came to Swindon and Toyota to Derbyshire.

And they stayed. For the moment.

British Car brands ended up being bought up by foreign brands. Saved.

BMW bought Rover in 1994 but it didn't work.
However they bought Mini and build them in Oxford
BMW also now build Rolls Royce.

In 2008 British brand Jaguar was sold to an Indian Company

With the UK's departure from the EU, these foreign car makers are already announcing they will be withdrawing from the UK, if the UK leaves with No Deal.

Honda has announced its closing at Swindon. And Peugeot is closing at Coventry.

Productivity with foreign cars being made in the UK has remained steady through all the turmoil over the decades in the UK.

But with the UK exit from the EU. They may not stay.

So really what you are saying is inaccurate.
But I do get your point.

And as much as I dislike Margarget Thatcher as you probably do, she actually saved Car Manufacturing in the UK.

By allowing foreign brands to be produced there.

As UK car Brands were dying anyway.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Also. It's a perfect wonder that Toyota was ever willing to invest in a production plant in the UK.

Given the notorious and famous reputation British workers had in that industry for frequent strikes.

If I owned Toyota I wouldn't have come anywhere near the UK.

Trade Unionism no longer dominates industry in the UK.

But some psychics are seeing Trade Unionism coming back.

And if that happens. It will be ...Because for too long, workers rights have gradually eroded.


Where there is no security. And what they call the casualisation of the complete.

I know that if you are 'casual' status in Australia. You have few worker rights.

Like sick pay etc.

Which is why I aimed to get a permanent status job.

I wonder what Boris Johnson has in mind for the UK car industry. After Brexit.

Because the foreign brands already have in mind.

That they are packing their suitcases.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And if anyone's gonna bring back trade unionism to the UK.

It will be Jeremy Corbyn.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love the bit about the banjos. Too funny.

Am I to assume that Banjos are a popular past time where you live?
Chick'sOpinion said…

The other reason I don't believe the UK being part of the EU is a 'two way street' in terms of the distribution of EU Funding.

Is because the facts don't bear that out.

A vast majority of EU Funding in subsidies that are meant to go to rural communities.

Especially in economicly broke EU countries....are being stolen.

By corrupt people who have influential connections with leaders of these EU countries.

And through this corruption they have managed to become what have been described as the 'Land Barons' of Europe.

I was mentioning before about them in a previous post.

Hungary is a very good example.

Rural EU communities are NOT getting the full benefit of these EU Subsidies.

Crooked people are. Who have become fabulously rich on the subsidies.

And that's happening in Italy too.
Except there... it goes to the Mafia.

The UK government cannot control this.

It's very difficult to make corrupt governments in economically deprived EU countries do the right thing.

And Boris Johnson is right in that certain land owning Greeks .....were falsely claiming EU Subsidies for Olive Groves that did not exist.

It depends on how you see things I guess.
Some UK people are not OK with the compulsory taxation that comes out of all EU country people's income. Going to crooks.

Instead of where, as you pointed out.

Rural town renewal programs.

It's interesting to me. That the Mafia also stole all the food Aid America provided to Italy at the liberation of Italy time... in WW2.

The Mafia offered or insisted of distributing it.

But what they did was steal it.

And make the Italian people pay the Mafia for every bit of it.

They paid it if they could. Because Italians were starving during the War.

Yes. Whenever there's a pool of money or items or food.

There's always greedy fingers who have their eye on thieving it.

Or at least some of it.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

I have never personally seen anyone play the banjo, but yes, banjo is popular in certain parts of the Southern US. Especially in Mountainous areas in the south.

Banjos are associated with country hicks, white people in the sticks, and racists.

Have you ever heard the song Dixie Land? Banjos. Dixie Land is the Antebellum South. Antebellum means “before the Civil War” so you can see why banjos are associated with racists.

Most people only know the first verse and the chorus. I had to learn that terrible song in elementary school. Racists bastards.


Well, I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land
In Dixie's Land, where I was born in
Early on one frosty mornin'
Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land


And I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie's Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
T. W. said…
What do you mean BMW owns Rolls Royce?!

Man. Now I’m glad I don’t have one. Maybe I will get my Father or my future husband to buy and maintain a Maserati for me.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will listen to Dixie Land.

I have a feeling I have heard that song.

I’m wondering if it was in one of those old Hollywood Musicals too, you know , where they sing all those old songs.

Like Showboat. I swear if you watched that TW , you would be screaming ‘thats racist’ every few minutes.

My nana and mum watched those old musicals.

So often I had to sit through them on TV.

I shared a bedroom with my nana till I was 14.

People wonder why I have a lot of Victorian ideas.

I don’t.

As. Somehow I absorbed her Victorian/Edwardian beliefs .

For some people, no one influences like your nana.

Or grandfather.

They end up your hero.

And that’s a good thing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I’m never gonna see banjos in the same way again.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, thanks for the laughs!

I bet money you have heard “Dixie Land.”

If you go to a “white” church and drink coffee you will see Dixie Crystals brand sugar. You won’t find that in a “black” church. Besides, Domino brand sugar is tasty, Dixie Crystals have no flavor. I’ll let you make your own jokes about the flavor.


I am “old fashioned” too.

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