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Many more to come...


Miranda said…
The more the merrier.
T. W. said…
I love this cartoon. Very clever.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Now if they make movie about all these 'Trump' intriguing political events.

Will Alec Baldwin play him?

Or will Smart Alec... Baldwin be too busy with his future political career.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So its finally coming out how China has been responsible for killing 1000's of Americans with the drug Fentanyl.

Back in Oct this year. I read an interesting article in The New York Times. How a very young but quietly determined Drug Enforcement Agent named Mike Buemi, finally cracked the China connection to the U.S Fentanyl epidemic.

And brought them down.

It all started when a young boy called Bailey Henke in Grand Forks, South Dakota died of a Fentanyl overdose back in 2015

And then there were more and more deaths.

Due to this. The investigation into the distribution chain of Fentanyl soon expanded beyond South Dakota. Across State Lines.
In fact the Assistant U.S Attorney stepped in because they were surprised at all the deaths.
But they couldn't figure out where this new drug was coming from.

A year and half earlier, in West Palm Beach, Mike Buemi, the young drug Enforcement Agent. Who was also an ex Army Officer. Was ordinarily investigating Drug Rings for a drug called Molly.

He apparently approached drug investigations like an army invasion. He scanned forums. Using encrypted emails, Bought Molly off many different suppliers.

Took on many fake identities online.

Eventually investigating/buying Molly over the internet off a Chinese Woman called Lili.

In continually scanning her online Drug Catalog and buying regularly off her.... he started to notice a drug she sold, pills containing a mix of Oxycodone and something called Acetyl fentanyl.

He had an immediate intuition that this same drug ring were responsible for importing this Fentanyl stuff into South Florida.

He was right

The Chinese drug dealer groomed him as an American distributor. And he agreed.
She gave him the number for her distributor in North Eastern United States.

And he learned their whole operation and network.
Slowly but surely.
By faking being a buyer of shipments of Fentanyl pills, and as an ordinary drug addicted customer.

He narrowed down a Hong Kong based company called Zaron Biotech as a distributor to the U.S.
He got their address. Chatted with their King Pin.
Later arrested him.

Around this time he received a call about the death of Baily Henke in Dakota. And quite soon he and the team investigating in North Dakota became a joint investigation called Operation Denial.

Mike Buemi shut down network after network. With his exhaustive work. With arrests all over the U.S.

Most attempts to control drugs into the U.S have been focussed on South American Drug Cartels. Mike Buemi requested the U.S govt start to pressure... with Diplomatic assistance, the Chinese government. To control the epidemic of their Fentanyl export to the U.S.

The Chinese resisted for a long time.
And then one day the Chinese government added 116 Synthetic Chemicals to its list of Controlled Substances. Fentanyl being one of them.

Due to this, as early as June 2015 Customs Officials at Guangzhou, in China, seized 50 kilos of Fentanyl, 70 kilo on their way to Mexico

It's my view Hollywood need to make a movie about Mike Buemi. I've only told half his story.
There's far more.
He's definately the unsung hero of the attempt to control Fentanyl deaths in the U.S
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Shanghai's automated Yangshan Port is one of the busiest globally.

And funny how the New York Times pointed out in October 2019, that at that Port,

'Chinese parcel volume grew to 20.6 billion units in 2015.
From 1.2 billion in in 2007.
This volume caused a huge problem for law enforcement's ability, to identify illicit shipments'
T. W. said…

I did not know any of this. I thank God you shared this.

National news reported a military contractor sold US Military sensitive equipment that was advertised and labeled as Made in America. Turns out the equipment was made in China.

The Dragon is sneaky.

Be careful when dealing with The Dragon and RasPutin.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And theres no doubt about it. China are the Amazon of Drug distribution these days.

But there is some good news for the U.S.

There is some indication this Opioid death crisis has slowed right down.

In 2018 there were 65,500 drug overdose deaths in the U.S.

That's down from the 72,000 in 2017.

That's clearly because the U.S are controlling the distribution by cartels, of Fentanyl.

In sort of a partnership with China.

China has 5,000 Pharmaceutical Manufacturers. And 100's of Chemical Companies. Some producing masses of illegal drug product.
The Chinese government claim they are not able to control it enough. As the management of these companies is done by each Province.

And.The Chinese producers just adapt to every effort to stop them.

So they are uncontrollable in selling to other global markets.

And the reason why guys, Fentanyl is an almost immediate killer.

Is because.... as I've said before, if your actual weight in relation to how much Fentanyl you are taking is out by even a microgram... the Fentanyl will kill you stone dead.
It's 100 times stronger than morphine. Very dangerous stuff.

Actually people who die of Fentanyl overdose actually suffocate. I won't go into reasons why. Because it's very unpleasant.

They also think there's been a reduction in drug deaths in the U.S because of the increased availability to U.S people, of the Drug called Naloxone.

It blocks the effects of Opioids.
They use to save you in hospital.
But now drug addicts can buy it.

And the reason ordinary Heroin or Cocaine users are unwittingly dying of Fentanyl overdose.

Well. Its because drug Cartels mix Cocaine and Heroin in the lab with Fentanyl.
Without people, customers knowing.

And there's no way of knowing how much Fentanyl they have added.
I find it curious that drug Cartel are more than willing to bump off their customers so quickly.

As a business model, it makes no sense.

But financially it does.

The only thing that makes clear sense is that Fentanyl is so much cheaper for them to produce. The profits are quadruple.

And Fentanyl being so powerful in its small size as a raw product. Is easier to conceal for trafficking.
T. W. said…
A tiny amount of Fentanyl can kill a room full of people. By tiny I mean less than a quarter teaspoon. That stuff ought to be called Devil’s Dandruff.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And this particular henious Devils Dandruff is worth a movie. With how it's impacted the U.S.

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