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The Eton Dick....

UK PM, by default, 
Boris Johnson.
Is in for one of the worse weeks, of his life.
Not, that he'll see it that way.
Oh, No...
He'll think it's a surge....


T. W. said…
Governments around the world are being exposed. Let’s see if things get any better.
Chick'sOpinion said…
He claimed recently that Jeremy Corbyn's position on leaving the EU is as mysterious as the Hunting of the Snark.

The Hunting of The Snark appears to be a nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll.

You know, the one who wrote Alice In Wonderland.

Is there Snark in the North of England?

If there isn't ....then theres definately snarky comments.

People up there ripped into Boris Johnson verbally when he visited recently.... cause of the floods there.

And he finally found out a section of Yorkshire hate him.

This is because of a very slow response from his government in assistance for those up there hit by the floods.

Reading about it. It caused me to reflect. That bushfire victims in Australia who's house has burned down. Get $2000 into their account the next day. From the government.

And more. After initial payment.

Cause they lose everything.
And our government really help them. Cause they are homeless. And often their car/cars get burned to.

Ain't too different after a flood. You cant and shouldn't live there.

You should not return to live in a flooded house until it's properly treated.

A friend of a friend's husband contracted Hepatitis by doing this.

And that Hepatitis eventually killed him. He should have abandoned the house. Like he was told to.

Even worse...we find out Boris Johnson government didn't even make contact with the 800 flood victims in the North, for 48 hours.

Surely Boris Johnson doesn't think that section of public are gonna believe the Conservative Party. Are capable of caring about them.

Well they will have their revenge on Election Day.

Nope...the Conservative Party only care about the rich.

Not ordinary Yorkshire folk

Incidentally, Christian is Yorkshire folk.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Boris Johnson

'You'll never live like common people
You'll never do whatever common people do
Never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
And then dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do'

Sorry guys, for those who dont know, the lyrics are from Pulp's, famous song, Common People.

Thought it appropriate.
As Jarvis Cocker who sang it. Came from Sheffield in Yorkshire...where they dislike Boris Johnson rather intensely.
Cordelia said…
History teaches us the mistakes we are going to make.
Unknown said…
Please Christian tell us more about UK election.
Jules said…
I trust Boris Johnson more than I trust Corbyn and I don't trust Boris at all.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well said. And I always say, you can learn everything from history.

But as we know....people tend to like to make their own mistakes.

Even if they are not new. And have been done before.

Over and over.

That's ordinary people.

But when politicians make these historical mistakes it annoys me.

Most politicians spend years studying/reading at university.

And yet come to Public life.

And make the same mistakes politicians made decades ago...that they read about for years.

And haven't they learned by can't fake integrity.

Integrity is something you choose to do when no one's looking.

But politicians believe it's something you only have to do when the camera is rolling.
Or sitting being interviewed by a journalist.

What a juveline delusion.

People more and more they days are looking at the heart centre.

If they don't see it, feel it in someone...they often know these days.

And make a sound judgement.
Anonymous said…
I dislike Boris but I absolutely detest commie Corbyn who looks like Stalin on acid. I will end up voting green as I can't vote for the commies or liar Boris.
T. W. said…
Thank you Cordelia.

As the teenagers say, “Let me make my own mistakes.”

That is stupid. I would rather avoid making mistakes.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I've thought Jeremy Corbyn looks like many things.

But never Josef Stalin.

He looks more like someone's grandad to me.

Or aging hippie from the 1960's.

Although he has an association with The British Communist Party.

He's not actually a Communist.

He's actually a Trotskyist. And a very dull one.

Trotskyism is a form of Communism.

But let's get down to what that actually means.

Trotskyists beleive in the confiscation of wealth.
So think Robin Hood.
Rob the rich and give it to the poor.

Trotskyists believe in equality of wealth. And equality.

In that sense Trotskyists are against success. Because they believe opportunity should be available to everyone.

As a Trotskyist these are things Jeremy Corbyn would hate

Wealth creation (Unless it's created by the State for all)

Sounds good in theory.

It isn't.

Jeremy Corbyn appears to me...that he has courted sections of the middle class with his soft socialism. But it's actually Trotskyism.

In fact the Washington Post called him 'Hugo Chavez on the Thames' which I think is hilarious.

But here's the thing... Jeremy Corbyn's Trotskyist form of Communism appeals to alot in the younger generation.

Cause it sounds great on paper. In speeches.

But unfortunately that younger generation that this appeals to. Are inexperienced.

Because the last days of Communism dominating alot of countries, particularly in Europe, ended in 1989.

So the younger generation... who like Corbyn's policies. Don't remember anything about Communism. And they don't really know what communism practice.

80's generation do. And those prior to it.
Even if they lived in the West.

They know completely the dark heart of Communism.
They grew up watching and learning from TV about many negative aspects of it.
Constantly...over decades.

How we couldn't travel, holiday in the many Communist countries.
And if you did get access. You would be followed, monitored.
There was no personal freedom in Communist countries. And certainly no fun.

Communism has been proved to be, never fair in practice.

It just gets completely corrupted as a form of government.

And something else the 80's Gen and others know. Once a Communist government is in power, they are unlikely to be removed. Bad, failing or not.

80's Generation and those prior to that.... also know.

That it's takes huge People's Revolutions. To get get rid of Communist Regimes.
It's not like normal Election process.

If you want an illustration of that, look to Europe in 1989. Where a group of Communist countries erupted in People's Revolutions.
And finally got rid of Communism.
Many died doing this.

It was also the year the Berlin Wall began to be demolished. By the people.

The Berlin Wall was a shocking symbol of the worst aspects of Communism. And it was so exciting to watch it being demolished on TV.

I find it really odd. That although Jeremy Corbyn knows full well...a Trotskyist form of Communism has never been successful anywhere.

He's still pursuing it. As a form of government.

When it's a failed, decayed ideology.
Chick'sOpinion said…
But is Jeremy Corbyn going to implement a Trotskyist government into the UK?
If he wins the election.

Maybe not.

Or may be a soft version of it.

If we could know in advance.. you could make an informed decision.a
Anonymous said…
Labour are going to lose 50 seats according to the system in the polls.

Voting for Borris Johnson people must be mad.

So I think Christian prediction his wrong with Labour winning the election.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Maybe. But is there a possible winner of this election. That is unlikely to win.

But ends up doing so.

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