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TOLD YA... Trump pal charged...

There will be a riot ....

I hope the GOP don't think that

Coming to give his talk in DC.
Is a good idea.
NO ......
It's going to backfire big time.
It's going to make,
 House Speaker John Boehner.
Turn pale.
Quite an achievement considering,
 all the Max Factor he uses.


T. W. said…
What will the ultra-conservative Christians say?

Will they think this is a witch hunt too?
Odin said…
At the same time, Boris Johnson getting kicked out. How hilarious!!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well Trump will be furious about this.

Last week the Trump administration sealed the deal in their approach to Israel and the never ending issue with Palastinian territory.

Declaring Israeli settlements in the Occupied West Bank legal. This was pretty much an outrage.

And this has made the Palestinians go wild.

I can see why Christian has put Jared Kushner in this pic. He's Jewish. And he would been very wise to improve his security.

Because wouldn't surprise me if Palastine's, HAMAS have him and his family in their sights.

Think what happened at the 1972 Olympics.
That's all I'll say.

Well, Wafa, Palastine's own news agency also reported the following last week....

'The current U.S administration has adopted an Anti-Palestinian agenda and has has endeavoured to empower and legitimize the Israel colonial settler agenda'

You see...It's not just the problems with Ben Netanyau over there. Who has quite surpringly approved the West Bank illegal settlements. It's the Trump administration too.

Since last week, the Palestinians have naturally concluded completely now. That the Trump Administration is irretrievably in favour of Israel and Ben Netanyahu.

And they are right.

The settlements in the West Bank have always been viewed as violating International law.
Violating the Palestinian's rights about land.

These issues going on in the background over there. And have pretty much destroyed the Two State Policy.

A policy world leaders were working towards. That's hoped to give a fairer division of land over there. And peace.

Well the pursuit of that policy is now dead.

But there is faint hope.

Because as soon as the Trump administration is gone.
There's hope of the Two State Policy returning.

The damage Trump and Ben Netanyahu have done to the Peace process over there is not easy undone though.

Because the Israelis have been glowing in Trump's and Netanyahu's support. To encroach on Palestinian Territory.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Ben Netanyau became Prime Minister originally in 1996 after Israeli Peime Minister, Yitzak Rabin was assasinated.

Ben Netanyahu is considered an icon of bringing the end of the impact of terrorist and political strife towards Israel. With their neighbour Palastine.

That's why he was viewed as being quite likely to win the last election.

He's seen as some kind of father of Peace by the Israelis.

Because prior to him coming into power. The level of terrorism and shocking violence and murder. In the conflict with Palastine. Was outa control. Decades of it.

It hasn't entirely stopped. But it's much improved.

His image as a hard right winger. Owes his success also to being viewed as a politician most likely to protect Israel from all Middle Eastern violence and hostilities.

Not just Palastine. They don't get on wjth alot of their neighbors out there.

As he came to to power based on the fact he puts Israel's security as the highest priority.

Its has been alot safer for Israel with him running things.

It's a sad end to an outstanding political career.
He was an Elite Commando in his younger days.

And voters love ex soldiers don't they?

He definately took part on a raid on Beirut's airport in 1968.

And participated in the 1973 Middle East War.
Is he a Zionist? Well his father was a Zionist historian.

And he has an axe to grind.

Violence has shadowed his life. Like many Iraelis.

His brother was killed leading a raid to rescue hostages from the hijacked plane in Entebbe, Uganda in 1976.

Plane hijacking was common in the 1970's. And continued into the 80's too.

It was shocking.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Mike Pompeo is the one who announced controversially that in his opinion

'Israel encroaching on Palestinian Territory was not in contravention with international law'

Is this why Mike Pompeo goes to jail?


It's one thing breaking local common laws.

But to support the breaking of International Law is quite another thing.

Anal Clooney will be watching all these events very closely.

And she's got more than an interest. She's got Middle Eastern ancestry in her parents.

I think though, Mike Pompeo's dedication as a Pro Trumper is gonna get him knee deep in trouble.

And you can claim too. That Mike Pompeo has increased the common problem. Of Trump's U.S Foreign Policy.

That creates problems with other countries.
Problems the U.S don't need.

Because without question, HAMAS, the dangerous Palestinian Terrorist organization are so angry with the U.S over the Trump Administration's support of Israel ....over all this.

Not to mention that crazy f..ckin decision. To move the U.S Embassy to Jerusalem.

Remember that one?

Will HAMAS seek revenge on the U.S over this?

Well it wouldn't surprise me if they plan to.

But the U.S are way more organised with Counter Terrorsm than they used to be.

So the crazy murderous HAMAS may not get their chance.

Plus they may be waiting to see if the U.S reverses Trump's policy on Israel.

With a new Government.

And returns to the Two State Policy goals.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, not so fast.

Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem is not crazy. The decision is quite logical.

1) The USA and our laws was based on Judaism and Christianity. Yes, I am aware most of the Founding Fathers were deists, Freemasons, etc. Thomas Jefferson even had a Koran.

2) Christians and Jews believe Jerusalem belongs to God and is the capital of Israel. This belief is based on Biblical texts.

3) Having our embassy in Jerusalem signifies our country, or at least the Trump Administration, believers Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

4) Moving our embassy shows we support Israel.

5) This could very well be the reason God allowed Trump to be in office as President.

6) Jewish & Christian texts predict Jerusalem end up belong neither to Jews or to Muslims. It will belong to “the nations.” I do not know if this refers to the United Nations, if this means Jerusalem becomes an independent city-state, if this means an international coalition of troops attempting to keep the peace, or if this means something else.

7) Jewish text (Ezekiel) says the Third Jewish Temple will be built and it will share the Temple Mount with the Muslim mosque.

8) Christian text (Revelation) confirms the existence of the Third Jewish Temple in “The Last Days.”

9) Christian texts warn that The Antichrist will put a stop to the sacrifices, defile the temple, declare himself Lord, and rule from the temple.
Chick'sOpinion said…

The prediction Jerusalem will belong to neither. And be ultimately owned by The nations.

Comes from the prediction that eventually there will be no individual Governments.

There will be one world government.

That controls the world.

And this is a prediction ....considered to be a very positive step forward.

And no one leader.

A group of leaders only.
T. W. said…
Individual countries will exist. Not everyone will be fooled by the Antichrist and his system. Unfortunately the majority will fall for it.

Friends, I don’t care if you worship Lord Krishna, Allah, Ahura Mazda, or Miley Cyrus.

PLEASE do not take the Mark of the Beast. That is a one-way ticket to Hell.

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