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Wait till next week...

If you think this last week,
 was a mess for Randy Andy.
Just wait till next week...
he better not think of flying,
to the USA, he won't get out.
Mind you "Mummy" hasn't finished yet...


Chick'sOpinion said…
This is so good.

Karma in action.

Though I'd say that Prince Andrew has been forewarned not to enter the U.S because there's a warrant out for his arrest.

Or he's at least wanted for questioning.

I suppose the videos of him enjoying the company of under age girls will become available to the media next week.

Hopefully... those who are still believing his victim charade of innocence... will finally see the truth.

When these videos surface.

Talk is that the Palace is going to alot of trouble to protect his daughters images and reputations through all this.

Won't change the opinion I've always held of them.

As lazy freeloading Royal cousins. With ambitions of their own. Hooked on the Jet Set lifestyle that their parents ensured they were raised on.

Sarah Ferguson claims she taught her girls everything she knows.

That's a scary thought.

Because she's highly ambitious, unethical, greedy, entitled and foolish.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah it must be pretty serious now for him to be told to leave his Buck Palace office. I would say the palace courtiers sense the US authorities will step in soon.

Really it's very unprecedented for this. Imagine if he is charged. They will surely force him into exile to another country. If he is indicted and when the Queen dies, he will surely be out on his arse.
T. W. said…
I need entertainment but we need justice for the victims too.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I wonder if Prince Andrew will flee to Gstadd. In Switzerland. Where he and Sarah Ferguson own a huge Chalet.

Well. Let's talk about Gstadd.
Its worth knowing about.

It has been a very famous mountaintop ski village for decades.


Well it has been the destination and focus of the ridiculously wealthy and famous since the 1960's.

It's the place where the celebrities buy holiday homes. It started to be 'the' place to be seen, when Elizabeth Taylor bought a place there in the 60's.

But to be honest it was always a celebrity glamour destination. Like St Moritz.

Bridgette Bardot spent alot of time there. Cause her Bf, Gunter Sachs owned a place there. As did Audrey Hepburn. But at lest Audrey lived elsewhere permanently in Switzerland.
She was a real Swiss resident.

Also James Bond star, regularly skied at Gstadd.
He was hooked on the glamour of the place.

I think he lived there too.

Maurice Amon, billionaire lives there, the Greek Shipping billionaires, Latsis. And all these property Tycoons.

Madonna soon started going there when she learned about it as an uber wealthy destination. Even Ann Hathaway holidays there.

They buy there too... to claim to live there. It's a Tax Haven.
Harvey Weinstein holidayed there all the time.

And the fabulously rich...who are too busy. Or too important to look after their own kids, dump their kids in the exclusive school in Gstadd. Its called Le Rosey. Described once as.... the Jet Set Eton.

Even the Aga Khan and Prince Ranier were educated at Le Rosey.
All the Royals holiday and ski in Gstadd. At least Royals who can afford it.

All the streets at Gstadd are lined with Louis Vuitton and Hermes shops. Luxury brands.

There's no normal shops.

The uber rich don't have any need for normal shops.

As you can see. The Duke and Duchess of York, Sarah and Andrew are hooked on luxury. Luxury locations. And the Lux life. And clearly have done anything they could to maintain it.

Lie, beg steal. Mix with shady financiers.

As long as they can remain as the Jet Set.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry could learn from the drama Sarah and Prince Andrew find themselves in.

Mixing with the Jet Set causes you to come in contact with some, at times, Shady people.

Prince William knows this. Which is why he and Kate maintain the rule.
Of not mixing with celebrities.


Prince William prefers staying home. Drinking cups of Tea. Watching Netflix.

He's not interested in places like Gstadd.

He's been there as a young boy. Prince Charles took him and Prince Harry there to ski once.

But places like that hold no fascination for Prince William.

Celebrities and glamour don't seem to impress him.
Cause that will protect him from what celebrities and the shady rich get up to.
T. W. said…
I posted some information here:

But to recap, according to Joseph Magi Meghan Sparkles did not have an ulterior motive when she blasted Prince Andrew. The Queen needs smelling salts & a fainting couch as she did not see this coming. Meghan & Harry were banished from the UK for 8 weeks because of the Africa documentary. The palace is deciding what to do with them.

The palace might leak Meghan’s past as a high class prostitute.

New Zealand wants a High Commissioner. This is a cushy position, basically a king. The palace may decide to punish The Sussex Royals by sending them to NZ but this banishment would actually be a blessing for the Sussex Royals.

Still watching video. Stay tuned.
T. W. said…
Link to video:

Scroll to 16:11 time code if you are impatient.


Prince Andrew is toast. All will be revealed in court. Not only that, Prince Andrew & Prince Charles will be implicated in the court documents as well. Meghan will not but she will be punished by the crown. Prince William May succeed Queen Even instead of Prince Charles.

Anyone else remember Christian said years ago that Charles will never be king?

Anyone else remember I said years ago that the American tabloids press claimed Queen Elizabeth 2 wants Prince William to succeed her?

Anyone else remember I said last week that she had better make sure her wishes are known before something else happens?
T. W. said…
You cannot convince me something is not right with Greta Thunberg. I am not talking about Autism Spectrum.

I have posted evidence before to support my claim.

Here is a video from Mr. E.

I am not asking you all to believe everything I say here. I ask that consider things and decide for yourselves what you believe.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion!

I knew Gstaad was the place to go for skiing. I didn’t know all the rest.

I wonder why that boarding school is called Le Rosey?

Are there any legit boarding schools or are they all programming facilities? Asking for a friend...
T. W. said…
I see actress Tracee Ellis Ross attended Le Rosey. Lots of royalty.

By the way. All ROTHSCHIDS attend La Rosey.

I guess we know where the elites go to learn how to control, uh, I meant govern the masses.

List of alumni of Institut Le Rosey
Chick'sOpinion said…

I never went to boarding school. Anywhere.

But it's my impression...if you avoid the elite boarding schools...the ones one that cost so much it keeps ordinary middle class kids out.

Then you are OK.

Elite boarding schools, like Le Rosey operate to ensure for the uber wealthy that their kids only mix wjth that kind of people.

And also to make the right connections.

Wealthy connections.... Marriage. For jobs. And power.

They should be renamed Hoarding Schools.

Where they hoard rich kids

Oh and they boot our anyone who is against the general principals of elite Capitalism.

Rebels are expelled.

Except in places like Dubai, United Arab Emirates exclusive schools.... international schools there.

Where the rich son's of very wealthy Arabs get the teacher sacked if she/he dares criticise the student.

Even for being late.

In fact the student has the power to get the school closed down. Cause their parents are so powerful in the United Arab Emirates.

There are not any female Arab students. Cause they are not allowed an education as a general rule.
Chick'sOpinion said…

One of the goals of Le Rosey is bilingualism.
Most European students who go there. Will often already speak 2 European languages anyway.

But the focus is on learning more than one.

But really you can get that bilingual education in many places in Europe.

But as English has become the dominant language in business in Europe, Le Rosey focusses alot on English.

The location of Le Rosey in Switzerland is for a reason.

Because in Switzerland they speak German, French and Italian. And have geographical sections in Switzerland for each nationality to live in, if they want.

So if your kids live and get their schooling anywhere in Switzerland. They can't avoid learning these 3 languages.

They have to speak it.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah TW there have been psychics saying that the Queen won't be Queen for too long now - either through abdication or the other natural means.

Remember CD said for his annual predictions - it might have been for 2017 or 2018 - he said there will be 2 royal deaths. One would be expected and the other would be unexpected.

I wonder now who the unexpected one will be given all this drama that's happening?

I reckon if Charles does become King it will be for a very short time because the public won't like him. Then Prince William will be crowned because that's what the public wants.

Thanks for all those links TW. I will get to them when time allows me later in the day.
Jules said…
TW - a lot of truth seekers genuinely believe that Greta is an actress.
Jules said…
This video from Danja Zone a truth seeker was just uploaded on you tube ... certainly made me chuckle so I thought I would share

Prince Andrews Huge secret
Jules said…
I am aware that not many like Piers Morgan on here, but I would love to see him interview the disgraced Prince Andrew
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, thanks for telling us about the boarding schools.

I would talk about the sex education in those places but I’m sure everyone knows what I want to say.
T. W. said…
No worries Chocmint33!

Jules, the video link is private. Is the huge secret about his tiny Willie?
Jules said…
TW - Ahhh ... yes it was about his penis. It was an alleged out take from the interview with the Duke talking about his penis being really small ... there was an awful lot of stuttering he stuttered over the word penis and only managed to say "P" so he effectively said his pee pee!
T. W. said…
Thanks Jules!

I was able to see the video before it was made private. I think someone gave Ashley that recording hoping she would present it as fact. She did not take the bait.

As for Piers, I have no opinion of him but he does not seem like a nice person.
Anonymous said…
TW, the Greta Youtube video cannot be seen.

Youtube shut 'er down.

"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying."

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Oh no!

That video presented evidence that was next to impossible to deny. I'm off to YouTube to download some other vids before they get taken down.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Love how you said

You Tube shut 'er down.

Thats how I feel when I see/hear Greta Thunberg


I feel shes been very useful in drawing the world's attention to how ineffective world leaders have been in environmental issues.

But I feel very strongly that she isn't capable of continued leadership on this issue.

Because she a child. And further she has a disability.

She has autism.

I know alot of people like to belive Autistic people can achieve anything.

And that's very true for alot of them.
But not all
Alot of them just have to be situated in the right vocation.... that fits their amazing talents.

But to achieve in politics. When you have limited understanding or empathy in social situations.


I can't see this working long term for Greta Thunberg.

Notice how she's emotionally cold. Except for anger.
Not unusual in certain spectrums of Austism.

But that kinda behaviour won't work at a local level. When you are trying to establish relationships with supporters.
And other organisations.

And debate sensitive issues.

And I've noticed Greta Thunberg is loving the attention.

I got a huge 'I love fame' vibe off her.

No matter how hard she to attempted to hide it.
T. W. said…
I think the Alanis Morrisette video was taken down but at least I downloaded a copy of it.

Mr E put up a Jayne Mansfield video. His channel is Transpocalypse Now.

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