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He's coming.......


T. W. said…
1) Labour Party Releases Unredacted Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To Sell The NHS In Trade Deal


On November 27, 2019, British Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, released documents to the press revealing Conservative politicians, such as Theresa May and Boris Johnson, have been engaging in trade talks to sell the National Health Service (NHS). Last week, on November 24, 2019, I stated on Twitter Johnson seeks to sell the NHS in a trade deal.

The mere fact the Conservatives discussed the NHS during trade talks and repeatedly, says they are trying to sell it (it is worth a significant amount of money). Trade talks are about buying and selling goods and services. These are not discussions about charity. It's all about buying and selling in commerce. Anyone who believes otherwise is in denial. Use your heads. Think about it. Why would the NHS come up in talks on buying and selling, if someone was not trying to sell it.

2) Jeremy Corbyn reveals dossier 'proving NHS up for sale'
Labour leader says documents leave Boris Johnson’s denials on post-Brexit US trade deal ‘in tatters’
T. W. said…
Entry at CDAN claims The Sussex Royals should be worries about their lawsuit against the British press. The BP is not backing down. According to Enty, this means the BP know they have a legal leg to stand on and/or have more damaging information they can leak.

Blind Gossip has a new blind today. Meghan Sparkles has a new project to promote but the press does not want to help her. I wonder why...

Siccing The Legal Hounds
T. W. said…
1) The Queen Cancels Prince Andrew’s 60th Birthday Party And Kicks Him Out Of Buckingham Palace Due To Jeffrey Epstein Pedophilia Scandal


The Queen booting Prince Andrew from Buckingham Palace means he can no longer maintain an office or residence/suite of any kind in the historic building. Prince Andrew is now relegated to his pile in the English countryside, at the large, 30-room Royal Lodge Windsor, complete with an indoor swimming pool. Therefore, Prince Andrew is still living quite luxuriously, with a full staff no less, and all on the British taxpayers' money.

2) Queen cancels Prince Andrew's 60th birthday party in wake of disastrous Newsnight interview amid claims Royal household is 'aggrieved' at suggestions she sanctioned it
T. W. said…
Revealed: Princess Beatrice helped set up Prince Andrew's car-crash Newsnight interview and attended key meeting with BBC (but has been in tears ever since)

By the way. The article confirms my speculations about the infamous pic with Prince Andrew hugging Virginia Roberts with Jizz-Lane Maxwell in the background. The Prince is standing on a step.

In fact, the full, uncropped picture – a copy of the photograph shown to The Mail on Sunday by Miss Roberts – does nothing to advance the Duke’s cause.

Seldom do pictures appear in newspapers without being cropped for compositional reasons, and so it was with this image. The complete picture reveals further detail of the interior of Ms Maxwell’s house, in particular what appears to be a large post-Impressionist painting hanging on the wall, its bottom corner obscured by a flash of white, possibly one of Epstein’s fingers partially covering the lens.
T. W. said…
Dear God in Heaven,

Pretty please. Have Jizz-Lane Maxwell speak only the truth.

Jeffrey Epstein Accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell To Do Television Interview
T. W. said…
1) Kendall and Kylie Jenner are BOOED at Los Angeles Rams game as they flash up on jumbotron while hanging out with pals in VIP section

2) Kendall and Kylie Jenner met with brutal boos at NFL game
T. W. said…
1) Madonna Cancels More Tour Dates Again Due To Poor Sales But Blames It On Pain

2) Madonna claims to drink cup of urine after post-concert ice bath

Following a concert, Madonna immersed herself in freezing cold water, then sipped from a cup and claimed she was enjoying the health benefits of body waste

3) Fans request refunds, boo Madonna after singer starts Las Vegas concert two hours late

4) Madonna cancels more ‘Madame X’ shows due to ‘overwhelming’ pain


1) That Time Madonna AKA Madame Xperation Date Preached to Her Horse

2) Madonna Reveals Her Disgusting 3 am Satanic Ritual to the World
Chick'sOpinion said…
Why is Donald Trump going this summit in the UK?

To have a further whinge and moan about other NATO member countries not paying enough into the NATO Alliance.

The NATO Alliance is a fantastic post WW2 thing.

Always has been.

But not according to Trump. If the U.S are paying far more than others.

He thinks this is very unfair.

He's got a point.

The other reason hes attending ... is because he doesn't think NATO has enough readiness.

For immediate threats.

Particularly cyberspace threats.
In regards to telecommunications, networks and critical infrastructures.

Hes right on that.

Russia and China have been allowed to get way ahead of the game in recent years.

With their dirty tricks to undermine the West.

Watch them attack the UK's next election.

They'll try.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Kendall and Kylie are a 2 headed monster. Branches from the trunk of a poisonous tree....Kris Jenner.

I often wonder whats gonna happen to Kris Jenner when she gets really old.

She doesn't do old.

Shes always running in getting to get new face lifts.

I think she needs to get her own life. And get outa her kids lives.

Im sure there is more than a few old millionaires willing to marry her.

That relationship with that young guy she 'dates' is not real.

At least on his part.

He's doing it to get famous.

And some money.

Its not really working

Probably never will.

Did Kris Jenner offer to make him famous?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mmmm. Yes. Prince Harry suing the British press is a very bad idea.

As well as hiring the best lawyers in London. The British Press will sharpening their knives.

And digging out the stories they have held back on.

Perhaps theyll re-run the old story of Prince Harry being dyslexic.

Not very nice. To disrespect a disability.

People with dyslexia usually compensate with high achievement in other areas.

And very well too.

Prince Harry is no different.

But i expect the UK press will start to sink low.

They'll either go after him. And his past.

Or Meghan.

They've got plenty to choose from with her.

Never have they ever had such a disrespectful and defiant Royal.

And an unrepentant one at that.

With a family.... rich with negative saucy stories.

How long is Meghan's ex, Trevor gonna stay silent?

How long are Prince Harrys ex's going to stay silent.

Chelsy will never disclose anything. Im certain.

But Prince Harry has many ex's ...alot unknown to the public.

.And they are pissed.. because they didnt get to become princesses. And were probably alot more suitable, qualified.

Than that little tart Meghsn Markle.

And alot more loyal too.

And dont forget the parents of these ex's.

When Prince Harry was shagging their daughter for a while ....they learned alot.

And can ring the UK press anytime it suits them.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Madonna needs to hang up her dancing shoes. And. Take up knitting and gardening.

People are bored with her attempts to stay relevant.

And only feel revulsion at the absurd outfits she dresses up in to grab media attention.

I think Christian predicted she has health problems.

Others say she won't live a long life.

Is that because shes always over done it.

In extremes.
T. W. said…
I want to know when Roman Polanski, Ryan O'Neal, & Melanie Griffith will be visited by Karma. Hopefully this year.

I hope a lot of people get visited this year, not just celebrities.

1) Actress shocks with memoirs

2) Four For Friday - Worse Than I Thought (CDAN Blind Item October 11, 2019)
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Is it Meghan and Prince Harry leaking stories about Prince Andrew's nefarious financial practices?.

Someone is leaking this info. Or someones.

And they have an axe to grind in terms of getting even.

Or jealously about his lavish lifestyle.

The newspaper journalists can do alot of digging. But they also need sources to describe the leads to get facts.

And then to publish them.

About Prince Andrew's sources of income.

For revealing stories...Its gotta be people who would be in on the 'know'
....about how Prince Andrew's been operating. Details.

And its those who 'know'...i think....who are possibly the talkers.

Further may be a group of mad Republicans. Releasing this info. Who want to bring down the monarchy altogether.

Would Prince Harry support Meghan on this level. To contribute to bringing down the Monarchy?. In this way.

Good question.

Well...fact is... he allowed her to post a quote about Prince Andrews views on sex.

And thats pretty outrageous for a Royal like her to do.

Any Royal in fact. They just dont do things like that.

Or does Prince Harry have absolutely no control over what Meghan does. Everyone who knows her, claims shes very strong, determined and manipulative.

Shes just pissed i think. Because as I've said before...shes met her match in strong, determined and manipulative.... in the institution of the British Monarchy.

But overall, shes getting away with so much as it is.

But for how much longer?
T. W. said…
Seems Guiliani may be indirectly connected to Epstein. Whether he was one of the pedos or rapists is still to be seen:

David Correia, Who Was Indicted With Giuliani Associates, Is Arrested

CDAN Blind Item #10 October 16, 2019
T. W. said…
If this really is Elton John then he will have a lot of emotional support if he announces he has The Illness. I personally believe George Michael and Michael Jackson had it but that does not make it true.

Blind Item #7 October 27, 2019
T. W. said…
Please add Alan Dershowitz to the Karma List.

We need all the names released now!

Fox Host Scolds Alan Dershowitz for Calling His Epstein Accuser a ‘Sleazy’ Woman

Today's Blind Items - Many More
T. W. said…
If CDAN is to be believed, Prince Charles & Prince Andrew had better watch their backs...

1) Today's Blind Items - More to the Story (November 19, 2019)

2) Blind Item #7 (November 24, 2019)
T. W. said…
1) Medical expert 'baffled' by Prince Andrew's claims he 'couldn't sweat due to condition'


But Professor John Hawk, a dermatology expert at London’s King’s College and St Thomas’ Hospital, has questioned the idea.

He told the Express: “It is certainly possible to have problems with sweating but an overdose of adrenaline would be more likely to make a person sweat more, not less.

“Most cases are inherited, which does not seem to be the case here.

“Other causes include heat stroke – which seems unlikely in the Falklands, severe dehydration, and certain medications including morphine could also cause it, but these are not likely.

“Maybe there was a supplementary event that happened which he cannot remember. Trauma is not a known cause of this condition.”

2) Prince 'I-didn't-party-or-do-PDAs' -
Andrew is pictured doing plenty of both at wild parties on the French Riviera in 2007 (and he looks a wee bit sweaty too)

T. W. said…

I agree with your opinions and I also thank you for making me laugh.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That David Correia has had it comimg a long time.
Chick'sOpinion said…

If you have to defend yourself. On anything.

Just claim it wasn't you...because you cant sweat.

Forgot to buy bread?

Just say you couldn't...cause you cant sweat?

Didnt pay a bill?

Ring them and tell them you cant pay it, because you cant sweat.

It works like magic.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Lets hope Boris Johnson losing the next election is the start of something in Europe.

Because far too many leaders like him. Have got in power, in Europe on the popularity vote.

As a populist.

At least thats what has been keeping boris Johnson there. In the 1st place he got to be Prime Minister based on the fact that a bunch of blind idiots in the Britidh Conservative Party voted him in.

But hes a typical populist. Promising to fix everything with reforms.

But in fact ....just using democractic means to exploit democracy for their own gains and goals.

With authoritarianism.

And hes a typical Populist.

Tells lies.

His latest is hes going to build 40 new hospitals in the UK.

Ummm. No he isnt. That is a lie.

UK fact checking site 'The UK's Independent Fact Checking Charity' state that the real figure is 6 and but not new hospitals, just upgrades to them.

38 other hospitals have received money to plan for building work between 2025 and 2030, but not actually begin any work.

See how he tells lies.

And how is he getting away with it?

Well parts of the media are allowing it. Because they want him to remain in power.

Even BBC execs told the The Guardian UK newspaper that they think its wrong to call a prime minister out on his lies. Because it undermines the public's trust in British politics.


Last time i looked ...calling out lies was part of the media's role.

No hes gotta go.

The UK cant survive Brexit on lies.

Because you can never turn delusion into reality. Ever.

Oh he told doctors at a hospital he was visiting the other day that he'd given up drinking.

Nope. Was seen by the afternoon drinking.

Hes a f..cking liar.
Anonymous said…
TW, may I share something that was once told to me by a very wise sage type person. She told me that to wish people their due (ill or karma) or bad things, will reflect back on you. That is, it only adds to your karma. So, don't wish for people to get their karma, but instead leave vengence to God.

I believe what goes around comes around.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…
So many older celebrities are getting out there and touring again. My Dad always says "Why?"

I think sometimes it's for money, but I really believe a lot of them truly love doing what they do and the audience loving them back. The money is just an added bonus.

It must be very hard on one's self worth if ticket sales are low, such as in Madonna's case. She once was on top of the world, the most popular artist, or at least one of them, and now she is old and it must be hard to accept that your concert days are over.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
I can’t sweat either. Ha ha ha!
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

1) Madonna can’t sing but she knows how to entertain. No one goes to a Madonna or a Janet Jackson concert to hear them sing.

2) Thank you for passing along words of wisdom to me. I can see how that is true. I would like to share my thought process when I say I hope Karma, the Universe, God, etc. repay people.

A) When people are cruel to my younger sister she tells them, “God bless you.” Sometimes people hurt others because they are hurting too. Sometimes people unintentionally hurt others. Sometimes we don’t know why but God always does.

B) When I pray I often ask God to repay a person who has hurt me with the kindness they have shown to me. My thinking is that if the harm was unintentional God will be merciful to the person, show them their error, & give them the help they need. If the hurt was intentional then yeah, I want God to render justice. Not just for me but for others. This ties in with the next:

C) Some people are in the habit of intentionally hurting others and don’t care. A lot of them continue doing this because they have been getting away with abusing others. I hate this, so yeah. I ask God to do something.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You are right. Madonna has a poor singing voice.

Madonna is disaplined in every area of her life.

Except for her temper. And learning to sing properly.

Her brother, the dancer...begged Madonna to get singing lessons when her career took off.

As her voice is so thin.

But nope.

He said she couldnt be bothered.

Unusual for her.

Cause Madonna approaches everything in life like a mission to be accomplished.

I feel sorry for her kids.

Nothing they ever do will be seen as marvellous or amazing to her.

Shes alresdy on record as saying Lourdes has no drive like she did at the same age.

Maybe because hey.... Lourdes has millions at her fingertips.

Why would Lourdes work hard to achieve a high paying career?
T. W. said…
Madonna should be in prison for child molestation. Not just her own kids either. She groped an underage girl’s breasts on stage at one of her concerts. Satanists love to abuse children.
Anonymous said…
TW, never thought of that before (that people didn't go to Madonna's concerts because she could sing but because she is an entertainer), I totally agree. If that's the case, then that explains why so many (bad) singers have to have dancers and all the flash and sparkle today. Madonna's concerts back in her Vogue days must have cost a fortune with all the wardrobe changes and dancers.

Your little sister sounds like a wise sage herself. Do you know, one of my girlfriends used to say a similar thing to people who weren't kind? But she told me that whenever she said it, she was really saying "F You!" Too funny!

People can be mean and stupid, there are so many out there today. But there are more good people, thankfully. You know the saying, "Hurt people hurt people," well it's true. And as they hurt others, they in turn hurt themselves (karma). Some are carrying a lot of baggage and low energy. I really do believe in what goes around comes around. It's a universal law. Boomerang effect. People always get their due, eventually. That's why I don't let most stuff bother me anymore because I know it's going to come back to them sooner or later, if not here on earth, in the afterworld.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

I feel sorry for some performers too.. when they become irrelevant in modern music.

But the reality is ... they have the opportunity to work behind the scenes, write songs... helping young artists. And/or becoming producers instead.

I feel like far too many singers get hooked on the adulation of fans.

And when that no longer exists in an obvious way... they become depressed.

You should be able to be happy and like yourself without adulation.

I dont have any fans at work ...and I'm still able to do my job. And be happy.

To me it seems fame becomes a drug for these people.
Part of their whole identity.

And its very well known and understood that music goes out of fashion... and new music comes in.

All these singers know that.

Madonna is trying to change this reality.
She doesnt know how to let go of the fame her ego is addicted to.

I can think of plenty of 80's 90's performers, who knew when it was time to walk away.

But Madonna has never known how to end something.
And thats her problem.

Though she takes a very ruthless approach to people. And ends things in a heartbeat.

She cut her brother out of her life completely, forever... because he took cocaine with Courtney Love and some 90's super models one night.

Shes a nasty bitch.
And perhaps shes experiencing what it feels like when no one wants you any more.

And there's got to be a reason why she isn't choosing an industry role as a producer of up and coming artists who need her help.

Even Lisa 'left eye' Lopez of TLC did that before she died.

She was doing that at 30.

Trying to get success for a little known girl group called Egypt... that she'd discovered.

Madonna doesn't do any of this.

All she focusses on is herself.

Madonna's attempts to assist the girl group Pussy Riot is in fact PR, publicity ....for herself.

Shes a master of PR.

Helping others?

T. W. said…
1) She has no talent to produce records & such for anyone else

2) She is an industry pariah. Most people know to avoid her & The Kabbalah Center.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Chick's Opinion, I definitely think the adulation of fans is extremely addicting for some. For someone like Celine Dion, she will someday leave the singing behind but will probably do something else. She seems more grounded than Madonna and is also mega rich. But wasn't Madonna always kind of messed up? She's probably a narcissist too, and it's hard for these types of people to give up the fame. They need to be in the spotlight. Hell, after being on the road for years and not having any privacy, you'd think she would welcome the step away from the limelight and just enjoy life. I think you are correct, her ego needs to be stroked and doing concerts is a way to fulfill that need. It's a power trip to headline a concert. It's all kind of sad, isn't it?

Did you catch Christina Aguilera on the American Music Awards? And what about the lovely Toni Braxton? Both sang on the show, but you know, it just wasn't the same as when they were younger. I don't know, something was a-missing. Toni was okay, but Christina missed the mark, in my humble opinion. She used to command audiences with her voice. She was hardly memorable that night.

Both are still out there doing concerts. Madonna doesn't need cash, neither does Toni or Christina. So I suspect they have to enjoy getting out there and the fans. Why else would they do it?

CAP Anonymous

T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

I agree with you. I wish some people could receive justice while they are still living on the earth.
T. W. said…
I think they both need money.

1) CDAN claims Christina is broke. Well, she has been married at least twice and she fools around with women too. Imagine all the payoffs.

2) Tony Braxton has filed for bankruptcy twice. She does not know how to manage money and Oprah said that to her face. Video is on YouTube.

3) Tony Braxton is or was married to Birdman. He is being investigated for Tax evasion. If CDAN is to be believed then the player got played - Tony allegedly took all his money.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

No i didnt see Christina or Toni sing.
I think Christina struggles with her weight.

You know, Madonna's brother ( the dancer ) was her costume dresser on her Tours. And definately by the time she did the Vogue song.

And she spoke to him like he was dirt.

It was shocking abuse. He is a quiet gay guy.
Nice man.

Who was committed to helping her.

But no....Madonna Ego Monster, used to get so aggressive towards him he had to stop being her dresser.

She values very little in the world of human beings.

So now the human beings of the world dont value her.

I'd say thats quite fair.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And Christopher Ciccone... Madonna's brother revealed how nasty Madonna had been to their parents and other brothers and sisters.

She's from a large family.

And believes her being the Star entitles her to treat family like shit.

She also treated Lourdes... her daughter's father like shit too.

Im glad Madonna's career has descended.

And people actually laugh at her today.

Christopher Ciccone revealed all of it in his book.

Its a good read. Bit sad in places.

CD thinks she has big health problems coming up.

Which is strange because shes always been a health fanatic.
Anonymous said…
Okay TW, that makes sense. Christina just doesn't have that star power anymore. I think it was People magazine where they showed Christina's little girl having a birthday party. I think it cost 100k. Wow.

Toni filed twice? That's unfortunate. I think she has MS or something too. All that stress, I would imagine. The body reacts to stress. I hope she does well.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Hi CAP Anonymous!

Tony Braxton has lupus. I bet she regrets getting those breast implants.

Christian did say Madonna is mentally ill.

Madwoman Madonna Drinking Her Own Urine Is A Sign Of Severe Mental Illness

Drinking pee (Urolagnia) and or eating feces is a serious form of mental illness called Coprophagia, which is associated with schizophrenia. For years I have stated on this site that Madonna's Kabbalah cult insanely believes that schizophrenia is a desirable mental disorder and they strive to induce it in people, via very cruel and sick acts. Madonna's cult has written a book on it called "Inducing Schizophrenia."


Madonna has all the traits of a psychopath. Madonna was blamed for the death of Award winning British film director, Robert Altman, whom Madonna threatened and harassed into a massive heart attack that killed him. Right before he passed away, Altman blamed Madonna in writing at the hospital, for the massive heart attack that claimed his life shortly after.

Madonna abused her 15-year-old son and to the point he fled her home and took a flight to London, prompting his dad to obtain custody of the minor in England. I fear for the young African children Madonna adopted. I have been hearing very bad things about it in the industry from a credible source. Those kids are not safe in the custody of a psychopath. Madonna was also sued for beating up an 11-year old boy by punching and choking him (Keith Sorrentino). She settled the case for $750,000.

The European Journal of Psychiatry

Coprophagia in a patient with borderline personality disorder


Background and Objectives: Human coprophagia is a rare phenomenon with severe medical and social consequences. So far, coprophagia has mainly been associated with severe mental retardation, schizophrenia, dementia, and depression. We report a case of coprophagia in a 30-year-old woman with Borderline Personality Disorder (DSM-IV). This case report illustrates the severity of symptoms and maladaptive social consequences of severe personality disorders, comparable to those of patients with schizophrenia. Pharmacological interventions and, particularly intensive psychotherapy might be effective for patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder displaying severe behavior disorders. The treatment of choice for coprophagia is aversive behavioral intervention.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And you know, what about more recently when Madonna was 3 hours late for a concert. Then came out on stage riding a kids low tricycle and dressed as a clown.

With pics of Rocco on the screen behind her.

Concert goers believed she was drunk.

Cause she had a bottle of vodka in her hand.

Nope. She needs to retire.

And stop showing the world her abhorrent granny arse.

She just doesn't get it.

People are no longer interested.

I tend to think she believes its Halloween everyday.

No one normal that age, continues to dress that way.

OK.. shes an entertainer. Who always constantly changed her image. Just as Bowie did.

But shes over-the-hill.

And her music is no longer relavant.
Anonymous said…
Lupus! Dam. Well, she looked really fine on the American Music Awards (Toni Braxton). Being on the road all the time is stressful.

Madonna never struck me as a happy woman. That pathetic movie she made with her second husband, that was so bad. How could they even think it would be good? They believed their own hype.

Wouldn't surprise me that Madonna is an alcoholic. If she was abusive to her own sibling, can't imagine what she is like towards her children. Alcoholism is a horrible disease. It destroys everything, especially the mind.

Christina A. does has weight issues, big time. Why does it seem to affect her voice? Perhaps it is related to self-confidence. She also has been verbally negative towards the VOICE televsion show that she once graced. Stupid thing to do, especially if you want another gig.

CAP Anonymous

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