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Hope he gets a bloody good pre nup !?!?!?!?!

Well, well it seems that...
Keanu Reeves has the rumour mills.
Alight, that he's to marry.
Girlfriend Alexandra Grant.
OK, he's not....
She's a gold digger....
A creep & a Dark force.
Time to listen to those that really love you.
Mr Reeves.
She's a CHEATER...
Or you'll have nothing left....


T. W. said…
I honestly thought they had gotten married.

More creeper news:

Billie Eilish Turns 18 And Drake Immediately Shoots His Shot!!

The rapper reached out to her via Twitter and said that he's been "waiting" for her to turn 18, the legal age of consent in the United States and Canada.

Dear Humanity

Please stop taking Soma.

Please stop sleeping.

The Red Pill is not a joke.
T. W. said…
Prince Philip is in hospital again.

Why does he have one black eye?

Did Lilibet slug him?

Perhaps he is in need of more adrenochrome...
T. W. said…
Trump NOT Impeached; Pelosi Delays Sending Articles of Impeachment to Senate Until 2020


But Trump is not officially impeached until Pelosi transmits the articles to the Senate - which she has refused to do.

The articles of impeachment are typically transmitted electronically immediately after the vote to impeach. If Pelosi doesn't send over the articles, it would mean Trump is not officially impeached.

The Democrats have a lot to lose if Pelosi sends over the articles, and Trump gets the long Senate trial that he wants.

A long Senate trial would give Trump the opportunity to call witnesses to testify under oath.

Trump's list would include presidential candidate Joe Biden, disgraced ex-FBI agent James Comey, and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Republicans were quick to respond with laughter and ridicule on Thursday. They accused Pelosi of obstructing justice herself by not handing over the articles.

GOP members say Pelosi is holding onto the articles because she knows she has a "weak case" against Trump, and she is concerned that Trump will have the upper hand.

She has said she will not turn over the articles until she knows McConnell will proceed with a "fair" trial.
Jules said…
Ah the black eye gang ....
Anonymous said…
Her smile in that photo couldn't be more fake.
Anonymous said…
Isn't sad that sometimes being lonely makes you vulnerable to evil users such as this?

Isn't Drake... gay?

T.W., I don't know why Prince Phillip has a black eye, but the first thing that came to mind was perhaps he fell? I certainly can't see the queen giving him a black eye!

Some psychics predict that Prince Phillip will pass before the end of the year. I think Christian "hinted" at this.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…

Everytime she smiles its soooo fake
Chick'sOpinion said…
I'm starting to wonder if this Alexandra Grant has funny teeth.

In all photos she's doing that fake smile..and refusing to show her teeth.

Its a metaphor ....demonstrating what she's not revealing. Her ugly fangs.

That are about to suck out out Keanu's money.

To be honest She's probably got access to all his money already.

Its his energy and soul she's preying on right now.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I wish Nancy Pelosi would get on with it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of evil. Seems Trump was telling the truth about going after the notorious MS-13 Gang.

It was something he was determined to do.
Probably because MS-13 originated and was founded by El Salvador refugees.

They got the opportunity to come to the U.S to live.

But did they respect the U.S ?
Nope not one bit.

They just started a murderous Drug based Gang instead.

Anyway, one of the biggest gang take-downs occurred the other day on in Long Island. A take down of MS-13 there. They have arrested 200 MS-13 Gang Members.

And hauled in alot of their supplies of drugs.

Its been described as a significant take down because of how many they have caught. And what they have learned.

And.... managed to prevent murders MS-13 were planning.

Trump referred to MS-13 quite aptly, as an infestation. And animals.

Its an accurate description. When you learn about them.

In 2016 MS-13 murdered 2 teenage girls in Brentwood, New York.

Then they murdered 4 young men behind a soccer field in Central Islip, New York.

They believe MS-13 has 50,000 members in Central America. And they have even moved their operations into Europe.

I wonder if Trump allowed Drug and law enforcement to break rules. To arrest these animals MS-13.

Wouldn't surprise me.

They are claiming they did it mainly with wiretapping and basic surveillance.
Anonymous said…
What is troubling to me is that the last couple of years Keanu has just started looking different to me. The best description is it’s like his inner light is diminishing. This is not aging related. I have worked with the elderly my entire adult career and have been in the presence of those nearly twice his age who had this inner warmth and radiance that you literally could feel and see. I don’t see auras, but I do observe this. Thoughts?
T. W. said…
1) I will say it. Trump has done some good for many people in America.. Those news reports get buried. I’ll leave it at that.

2) A lot of people have commented about that woman’s smile and wonder about her teeth.

3) Keanu never looks happy. I wish he would cut his hair and shave because he is excellent to look at. I hope y’all caught the movie reference there.

4) I believe Pelosi is playing the long game here. Another possibility is that she is not a member of the alleged shadow government so they are pulling her strings too.

5) The internets are abuzz about Prince Philip. Reading between the lines he is at death’s door. Blind Gossip has a blind claiming The Sussex Royals have been summoned back to England due to Prince Philip’s poor health. LINK - “ Christmas Crisis” -

6) There are a multitude of photos showing Prince Philip having ONE black eye. Funny how he always manages to frequently fall onto one eye and not break the orbit...

7) Jules is right about the black eye gang. YouTube is cracking down on Truther videos. So watch & download them while you can. If you have iPhone you can record your screen. There are free tools you can download to help you record your computer screen. You can also google “YouTube to mp4” be careful. Those sites work but you will get pop ups of new windows, mostly for porn.

8) You also might want to research “black eye, pineal gland, and adrenochrome.” Speaking of which, did Angela Merkle get her supply so she can stop shaking in public?
T. W. said…
Dear Keanu Reeves,

There is nothing excellent about the adventure you are taking with that woman.
Jules said…
If you do google “black eye, pineal gland, and adrenochrome, you will immediately notice the array of famous faces from the Pope to the Queen of England and its ALL the same left eye. Coincidence?
Quiet said…
Man, she must have some dark black magic hold on him.

He needs to look in a mirror with her beside him and see that she looks like his mother.
Jules said…
For all the years I followed Christian, (long before I ever left a comment) I honestly can't recall him ever referring to anyone like he has done this woman. How clever of them if they cant bring him over to the dark side .. they will get him another way.

I agree with everyone else he doesn't look the same .. he looks spaced out and a million miles away .. and his light does look dim. The word succubus comes to mind.
Anonymous said…
Gossip Cop has confirmed that the rumors about Keanu are all FALSE.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Prince Phillip's black eye?

Pissed and fell over.

It's Christmas. He's been into the Sherry.

People don't know. But Sherry gets you quite drunk. Quite quickly.

Its very strong.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. It's probably the lack of light you are mentioning that everyone is noticing is not there in Keanu Reeves, anymore.

His skin is sallow. And he just looks terrible.

And why does this gf have her hair grey?

That strikes me as weird too.

She looks like his mother.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You are so right about his gf lookin like his mother.

Does Keanu have reasons to have mummy issues?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous at 8:43PM here,

Thank you for being receptive to my post as this is an area in which I find my vocabulary lacking. Jules mentioned “succubus” which I had look up the exact meaning although I knew it was not a good thing. His choice of word is most interesting. When I enlarged today’s posted photo being curious about the pendant on her necklace (could not see enough detail), what really jumped out at me was the dangling earrings appear to be serpents. They appear to be the same ones she was wearing in the photo in the June and November posts (the YSL fashion show). Is this a bit of “in your face in plain sight”? Anyway, Chick, the “smile” not only comes across to me as fake but also smug...think Cheshire Cat.
T. W. said…
Keanu is 55 years old. Even if That Woman is the same age her appearance is age appropriate.

Keanu has been depressed for a long time. I think his child died, some people claim that is a rumor though. He always looks depressed but he’s been looking BAD since he took up with That Woman. Your partner should add to you, not take away from you.

I do not know how people fall on their faces and manage to have only one eye get a bruise. Especially over and over again. And almost always the same eye. And never suffer any broken bones.
Quiet said…
Ok, I had to come back to this pic.
If you pulled her hair away from her face, in my opinion, I think she has a mans face. Infact, I think she looks like John Travolta in the face.

Have a Super Christmas and New Years Peoples Here.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Smile like a Cheshire cat.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Pretty certain Alexandra Grant... the witch. Is alot younger than poor Keanu.
Anonymous said…

It somewhat appears that Keanu has a "type." He seems to like women with short blonde hair -- just like his Mom!

Keanu seems to have bad luck in most of his relationships. Nice guy attracts negative people or situations. One of his longterm girlfriends, a dark-haired lass (not a blonde), had a baby that was stillborn and she died tragically a short time later in a car accident. You carry that with you.

He does need a shave and a haircut. He has no idea how much better he would feel. We think of mostly women being mentally, emotionally or physically abused, but rarely do we ever think that this can happen to men too.

And they don't realize until they are out of the relationship how much better they feel. Perhaps Alexandra is abusive? Wearing him down?

I like the comment about Alexandra having a "cheshire grin." I think that sums it up.

I heard something a while back that as one ages, one becomes more like themselves. In other words, if you are a happy, positive individual, chances are you will be that way when you are older.

But if you are unhappy and miserable, the chances you will be a cantankerous, old person are high.

Everyone has an aura, different colors, different meanings. Some older people are sharp and just a joy to communicate with. They have so much knowledge and wisdom.

All of us are spiritual beings, we all have a soul. If only people would realize this when they are dealing with another person, especially our significant other.

Let's hope Keanu gets out of this relationship relatively unscathed.

Some of you are questioning why just one black eye? When an elderly person falls, they usually hit their head or face. So whichever side they land on, that eye area may collect blood and sometimes result in a black eye. They don't have to literally fall on their eye to get a black eye. It doesn't take much when a person is frail, such as Prince Phillip. A lot of elderly fall easily because they lack balance which is usually cognitive-related and or a weak body. I pray he doesn't suffer too much longer.

CAP Anonymous

This is a 2017 online article on Keanu Reeves:
T. W. said…
1) The internet says Miss Grant is 46 years old. Succubus indeed.

2) If a person falls on the side of their face wouldn’t there be a bruise on the side instead of the front?
Quinhas said…
I would love to meet Keanu Reeves...
Chick'sOpinion said…

46 year Miss Alexandria Grant looks like a dead Raccoon.

Live Raccoons have life and vigour. She lacks that.

She's turning poor Keanu into a lifeless Raccoon.

God and Raccoons. Please save Keanu.
T. W. said…
When I first saw pics of them together I thought she was Helen Miren.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yahhh. She looks like Helen Mirren

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