I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing) This is what I saw in the dream. I SAW... Alexandra Grant is married. Not to Keanu Reeves. T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the East coast of America. (Not New York City) I Saw She was in a very close relationship with this "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character... This person has been "Away" for quite a while... (If you know what I mean) This person is threatening to return.. She will... To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors they both had a part in. As I write this. Keanu Reeves & his team. Do not know of this. Alexandra, knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away... STAY TUNED... MORE TO ...
Merry Christmas CD family and friends of the blog.
Christmas, when every person becomes a child again.
Rule Brittania!
I see Prince Andrew is still free and has his titles.
At least here in America we can get rid of our leaders. Legally.
1) DOD memo on DNA testing
2) Pentagon advises troops to not use consumer DNA kits, citing security risks
Yahoo News first reported the Pentagon’s warning, which was based on a DoD memo obtained by the news outlet.
Yahoo News uploaded a copy of the DoD memo, dated Dec. 20, which was signed by Joseph Kernan, the undersecretary of defense for intelligence.
“These DTC [direct-to-consumer] genetic tests are largely unregulated and could expose personal and genetic information, and potentially create unintended security consequences and increased risk to the joint force and mission,” the memo reads.
“Moreover, there is increased concern in the scientific community that outside parties are exploiting the use of genetic data for questionable purposes, including mass surveillance and the ability to track individuals without their authorization or awareness,” the memo states.
“The unintentional discovery of markers that may affect readiness could affect a service member’s career, and the information from DTC genetic testing may disclose this information,” Robertson said. “Because of this, until further assessment, it is advised that service members receive this information from a licensed professional rather than a consumer product,” Robertson said.
The DoD memo stated that a some consumer genetic testing companies are luring troops to use their services through military discounts.
The Pentagon memo did not provide specific details regarding security risks or how service members could be tracked by using a consumer genetic testing company.
I'm glad you posted this about these 'direct to the consumer' DNA kits. This interests me.
At the moment, I love doing Genealogy.
A person in my family loves how I do geanology. Because i do all the work.
And they get all the info.
It's a bit like this scenario you discuss.
People are entering into doing these home DNA kits in a light hearted way.
Or for some ...to solve their geanology questions in a scientific way.
Yes. Most Genealogists like absolute fact, if they can get it. So they love these kits.
But as we know, people do these DNA Home Kits for more serious things like....
....is this baby of ours actually mine?
But it seems.... regardless of what or why you decided to do a DNA Home Kit. Some arsehole company is collecting your DNA info for nefarious reasons.
And this is so wrong. And so like that book 1984.
Mmmm. I've often wondered if, men..who are not NOT criminals... feel that DNA testing is the greatest invention of the late 20th Century.
A great invention..exclusively men in a way
As they no longer have to spend 30 years wondering if that child is really theirs.
And..... is she lying or not? Was she sleeping with someone else at the time we were dating...married?
And is this baby aint actually mine?
Did the universe think that women were getting away with lying about 'whos the father' for too long.
And getting a huge quantity of Child Support. From the wrong person.
For too long.
As Kanye West wisely stated...its
'18 years 18 years'
Of income for these chicks.
Men need to know something though.
Often women dont know either. Who the real father is.
How can women know ?...which guy they fell pregnant to. If they were sleeping with 2 men ...seperately in same time period.
Here's the thing though. Scientific American do say that the simplistic results you get from these DNA tests regarding your cultural ancestry. Are not very accurate.
Sorry genealogists.
And there's deep scientific reasons why they are unclear.
First...You have to be a PHD graduate. to be able to produce way more deeper accurate results for this.
And these DNA home Home Kits are not processed by PHD qualified staff
These Kits are just not a deep enough read. Into the many 1000's of cultural goups your ancestors have crossed paths with.
All they say accuractely ...is where DNA like yours can be found, in the rest of the world.
What Scientific American claims though...is that these kits are excellent and accurate at determining close family relationships.
So guys. If a DNA Test claims you are the father.
It's right.
The companies do not have enough dna samples to accurately tell people about their ethnic ancestry. Especially if you are not of European descent. When you submit your test you have to self report ethnicity. When results come back the company asks you if you are surprised by the results.
There is a company that helps black people pinpoint their ancestry with high accuracy. And you pay big bucks for it too.
Medical home kits are dangerous. Some of the tests are not FDA approved. I read an article about a family who were told they had a dangerous mutation putting them at risk for ovarian & breast cancers. The mother & her daughters had mastectomies and some had ovaries removed. Time passed & the testing company told them they were at low risk for the cancers. Their specific mutation was still risky but not many people have it so they could not say with statistical accuracy whether they were at high risk.
My results keep changing. The French & German ancestry are gone. Now the test claims I have Norwegian ancestry or something like that.
Okay then.
The tests are useless if a person is a chimera or had a bone marrow transplant. Meaning that if you took dna from their blood & dna from a cheek swab they would not match. I am not making this up. I saw this on Montel Williams show when I was a kid.
How many men were told they weren’t the father when they really were?
How many mothers were told their children were switched at birth because the dna didn’t match?
This is not science fiction. Please Google this.
Funny how the Department of Defense warns service members that their dna samples can be used to frame them for crimes. The memo never said how this could be done.
People laugh at us “conspiracy theorists.”
Who laughs now?
No this isn’t a conspiracy. There’s plenty of evidence as to what the government are doing in warning Servicemen.
And collecting the public’s DNA. Covertly.
I’ve decided I’m not gonna bother sending off to test my ancestry.
I know the results already anyway.
It will say 100 % idiot.
Lol Chick’sOpinion!
Jules, you’d think the companies would figure out the man could be a chimera person. They need to get dna from cheek swab, hair follicles, and blood. Bone marrow if they have to.
I once read about a man who was in a similar situation. Blood testing said the kids weren’t his. He voiced his concerns and a lab obtained dna sample from his semen. DNA obtained from the semen proved the children were his.
To all those people who believe us Christians do not believe in science:
Your “perfect” science is not fool proof. God is.