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Monday view....


Cordelia said…
Those that are fated to be fools have on consolation, that they are fated also to be ignorant of it.
Chick'sOpinion said…
This H.L Mencken is an interesting character.

Are modern journalists familiar with him?

If not they should be.

He lived his whole life in West Baltimore.

And appears to have written quite a few books.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Is the U.S taking over Mexico...... slowly

It might be good for Mexicans. If this is true. Because the current circumstances of their country is dire.

Anyway Full time U.S Labor attaches are now being placed in Mexico, to ensure Mexico is meeting its correct labour obligations.
This happened recently via a Bill that was put through the White House.... Under the U.S Ways And Means Committee

‘It almost caused a diplomatic crisis with Mexico’. According to Politco.
It appears this... what could be called a helpful intervention. Will provide technical and financial assistance too, to Mexico.

I’ve read that a psychic predicted long ago, that the U.S take over Mexico completely.

Would this be a bad thing?

It’s a sovereign country in its in own right.

But it’s a country on its knees. With crime, murder and corruption.

Christian we would be interested to know your thoughts on Mexico.
T. W. said…
This post is priceless!
T. W. said…
Trump is just 67 votes away from being an ex-President and it's freaking him out

Opinion by Dean Obeidallah

Hillary Clinton's nearly 66 million votes in the 2016 election weren't enough to defeat Donald Trump. But just over 0.0001% of that could end Trump's presidency. That's the reality of what Trump faces if he is formally impeached by the House of Representatives later this week, as is expected, prompting a removal trial in the Senate.

In such a trial, the Constitution simply requires two-thirds of the Senate, in this case 67 senators, to vote to convict and remove -- then it's goodbye Trump.
T. W. said…
Prince Harry And Duchess Meghan Will Skip All Royal Christmas Parties This Season
T. W. said…
Russia's Bolshoi rejects Misty Copeland's 'blackface' criticism

Copeland, an African-American ballerina, posted an image on Instagram of two white female actors in black body paint rehearsing for a show.

She said the Russian production of La Bayadère was racially insensitive.

Bolshoi Theatre director Vladimir Urin said the ballet had been performed the same way for many years.


Some Russian theatre experts and ballet dancers, however, have been defending the Bolshoi production, suggesting that the use of black make-up was necessary because of a lack of black performers in the country.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Prince Harry and Meghan

T. W. said…
I wonder why Duchess Kate freaked out when Prince William put his hand on her shoulder. Video online.

Trouble in paradise?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think you are dying for Prince William to have or be discovered having an affair.

But i fear you are going to be disappointed.

He is a boring as bat shit family man.

I know they have plenty of kids.

But he probably only has sex once a month.

But only if he's not tired. Doesn't include athletic moves.

And if it dosent interfere with his watching English football on TV.

And drinking cups of tea with M'Vitties biscuits.

You can tell he's the sort that blushes if people talk about sex.

And knows anyway. Bonking someone else will end up on the front page of every newpaper in Europe in a nanosecond.

He knows too...its far safer to eat Ginger Nuts biscuits. Alone.

And dont nibble the cheese.

He'd get plently of offers for nibbles of cheese.

I don't doubt that.

But he clearly doesn't want his father's experience.

Prince Charles and his sex meet ups with Camzilla was never out of the papers.

For more than a decade.

Prince William would find that public humiliation very embarrassing.

And undignified.

Prince William is a bit of a snob.

Hardly surprising though.
T. W. said…
1) For all I know Kate didn’t want William to touch her shoulder because the shoulder was hurting.

2) For all I know she didn’t want William to touch her because he is physically abusive in private.

3) For all I know this was staged to take the heat off Prince Andrew.

4) I made my comment about trouble in paradise because of the way she shrugged him off. Not because she shrugged him off.

5) Paradise can refer to the royals in general. They’re special you know.

6) I asked what others thought because I do not get BBC. I live in America. BBC America is not the same as the BBC you all get. Plus we need cable or satellite to get that channel.

7) A CDANer reported the clip was taken out of context. The person said William & Kate were affectionate during the program & they sometimes playfully avoided some physical affection on camera. This makes me think whomever put the clip out wants people to talk about it instead of Prince Andrew.

8) You do not know what Prince William does in his private life. Have you even met him?

9) All signs point to him having cheated on Catherine. Many published reports state he cheated while they were dating. The reports I read backed their claims. If he could cheat then, he can cheat now.

10) Perhaps the Rose Hanbury cheating scandal is fake but was allowed to be reported because it was part of an Illuminati Humiliation Ritual.

11) Only the parties involved know the truth.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion - a lot of psychics have predicted that Prince Williams marriage ends because of his infidelity,
Chick'sOpinion said…

Try and maintain a sense of humour.

About Prince William.

He's a boring twat.

And he's not worthy of an argument.

Though i do find it funny how you beleive him to be a covert cheater.

This amuses me no end.

And its funny how i have the opposing view that he's a devoted family man.

I believe....There are men out there. That don't choose to cheat.

It's not inconceivable that's hes one of them.

Fact is. Im not very trusting of men.

But I'm not so blinded by distrust to believe that there's not good men out there.

There is.

Not claiming Prince William is 'good' either.

Just suggesting he's decided on a less eventful personal life.

Some peoole choose that. As you know.
T. W. said…
I really do hope he didn’t cheat. Sometimes it’s good to be wrong.

If he’s boring that’s okay. My life is not exciting either. Now you know why I make outrageous comments.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And you know, Kate's brushing him off may be just because they had an argument in the morning.

Or the night before.

All couples fight.. at some time.

And that's normal.

They are no different.

Speaking of couples.

Has anyone actually seen Meghan and Prince Harry together?

They haven't been sighted together.

Or with that mystery baby a long time.

Its bizarre.

Unless they are just hiding because their press is always negative when they are seen.

Or are they about to announce their separation?
T. W. said…
If Joseph Magi is to be believed, Baby Archie’s death will be announced.

Prepare yourself and remember you heard it hear it from Joseph’s YouTube first.

He is doing a live reading about this now.

Perhaps this is the death Christian predicted.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Given my single life ....I forget couples fight about sex.

Seriously I forgot that they did.

Maybe Kate and Prince William had an issue the night before about bonking.

And kate said to Prince William ...

'Did you buy condoms on the way home'

'No ya fukn didn't. I can see by the look on your face you didnt'

'Right thats it ! It wont be happening tonight or tomorrow until you buy some'

See, those kinda conflicts take the love and affection outa the day.

Sour things for awhile.
T. W. said…
The comments section of the video says Kate does not like anyone, including her parents to touch her shoulder like that.
Chick'sOpinion said…

mmmm. I cant stand anyone touching my neck.

I think I was guillotined during the French Revolution.

In a past life.

Or something similar.

I've got neck issues.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Most of the Jacksons have an insatiable lust for money.

They were too rich too young.... most of them.
And got way too accustomed to the luxe life.

But I've never discounted their amazing talent and drive.

Whatever success they got. They deserved it.

I recently learned that Jermaine Jackson was one of the many co writers of the Rhianna song, Cheers (Drink to that)

Avril Lavigne was involed in writing it too.
And part of one her songs is sampled in it.

Love that Rhianna, Cheers song!!!
Its so good.

I was glad to see though, that although the Jacksons are not in the charts themselves these days.

Some of them are still in the industry.
Makin it happen for others.

Jackie and Jermaine tried to reform as a group but apparently it didn't work.
Not surprised.

They had a reality show too I believe.

Randy wasnt in it.

I think Jermaine has been the most busy...musically.

Rebbie Jackson sings. But seriously I've never heard of her

And La Toya is the one, that is most determined to prove Michael Jackson was murdered.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion

I’m sorry about your neck and I literally feel your pain.

I believe dna carries memories too.
T. W. said…
Rebbie’s song Centipede is famous for all the wrong reasons. See the video on YouTube for a good laugh.

You might want to watch the video for “Torture” by The Jackson’s. I think Michael is set ablaze in it. Keep reading:

Jermaine was supposed to be lead singer of The Jackson 5. Then Papa Joe heard Little Michael sing and saw him dance.

Jermaine is talented and sings nicely. He put out an album and talked to Michael before he did so as he did not want competition. Michael assured him he would not put out a competing album. LIAR. Michael put out Thriller.

Anyone else remember the final Jackson tour? The brothers did not know it would be their last. Michael announced on stage that would be his last tour. The brothers did not see that coming. Not only that, they needed the tours for income.

Jermaine’s career does because of this and other things Michael did. Jermaine was so angry he put out a diss album against Michael (Word to the Bad).
T. W. said…
*career died

I’m tired of typos & autocorrect
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jus watched Rebbie Jackson doing that song Centipede.

I swear she's singing about his penis as a snake.

It's nuts.

I used to love the Jackson 5. They always produced music that was really dancable. And fun.

I didn't really like that song torture. It wasn't up to their standard.
T. W. said…
I hope you got a good laugh!

Who’s penis was Rebbie singing about?

If you want another laugh, Michael Jackson wrote a song for Diana Ross called “Muscles.” He also does the backing vocals.

The song cracks me up. There is a lyric: “I don’t care if he’s young or old. Just make him beautiful.”

I want to know what Michael was thinking when he wrote that.

It gets worse!

Michael has a pet snake named Muscles. The animal snake. I am serious.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I did get a laugh.

The tragic 80's video was just crazy. And wrong.

Yes. Who's penis is she singing about?

Saucy cow.

As for Diana Ross. There is an interview where he's real young and Michael Jackson admits to having a crush on Diana Ross from very young.

Hope the crush ended when he found out she was a f..ckin bitch.
Chick'sOpinion said…

We definately spice it up with our comments.

I dont need a sex life.

I've got Prince William's to focus on instead.

Or Prince Harry's.

His Ginger willy must be severely worn out.

He was a bachelor for far too long.

And we have more chapters of the Ginger Whinger Prince Harry to look forward to regards to his s.e.x life.

Psychics are predicting we'll see his new girlfriend by mid next year.

If anyone can 'feel' he's already knocking her off.

Please post a comment.

Spare us the sordid details though.

This is a family show here. LoL
T. W. said…
Michael Jackson was weird & it’s difficult to tell fact from fiction with him. That was by design. Here are unsubstantiated rumors that are probably true:

1) He wanted to marry Elizabeth Taylor.

2) He had surgery to look like Diana Toss. Look at the eyes and you can see it.

3) Diana Ross allegedly took his virginity.

4) Michael and Janet were VERY close. Janet’s first husband tells the story and it is gross. I have shared the story here a few times. CDAN claims Papa Joe gave his daughters as “rewards” to their brothers if they did good jobs.

As for Prince Harry, I thought he preferred gingerbread men...

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