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Moscow mitch has a plan... HA HA..

So as the year comes to an end.
Tweety twat, seems to think.
He'll beat Nancy, at her game.
No he won't, that's just plain.
But, I think he'll do a runner.
Before he has to go before the Gunner.
Even though Moscow Mitch.
Tries to load the cannon, with a squib..


T. W. said…
Over 1,500 people killed during protests in Iran - report
T. W. said…
The Trump Show is not over.

Those opposing Trump know that if they are quiet and wait long enough Trump will sink his own ship. He really ought to take the advice I gave him this Christmas.
Chocmint33 said…
Yep I think he will leave on his own terms. He'll see the writing on the wall and will go before he gets shoved.
Chick'sOpinion said…

There’s the result... the evidence of what we were discussing the other day.

Iranians have had enough of a government and society ruled by Islam.

They want democracy. Back.

Unfortunately for these power mad Islamic leaders in Iran, a lot of people still living today in Iran. Remember when they had democracy. And when women could dress.... in normal western clothes.
Show their hair.
Get an education.

And these people who lived in that era I think, want it back.

Whatever shackles Islam placed on the consciousness of Iranians. Prior to the Revolution of 1979. Or after. Its loosening.

And it’s clear that those shackles are no longer influencing as they used to.

A new generation has grown up.

And let’s not forget... Islam and the dominant government of everything in Iran back then, that was imposed on Iranians.... in 1979.

Wasn’t what their entire population wanted.

So many fled Iran during or after that revolution.

And never came back.

A lot migrated to the West.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD You have a Told Ya

Kaia Gerber's father, Rande Gerber has been seen and has been overheard trying to either rescue Kaia, his daughter.

From Comedian, Pete Davidson's apartment.

Or rescue or try and talk sense into Pete Davidson.

Somethings going down here.

Is it that Kaia Gerber is hopelessly addicted to drugs now?

Not just the anorexia that Christian predicted.

Or both?

Cindy was outside the apartment too, looking panicked with Rande.
chris said…
Learned a new word today CD: it:)
Squib load
A squib load, also known as a squib round, pop and no kick, or just a squib, is a firearm malfunction in which a fired projectile does not have enough force behind it to exit the barrel, and thus becomes stuck.

Wish it just backfired and got Moscow Mitch in the process...
Chick'sOpinion said…
I love the expression Tweety Twat.

It's the funniest thing Christian has ever called Trump.
Chick'sOpinion said…

There is an interesting article in The New York Times today.

How African Americans have got their jobs back in tbe Poultry Industry in Mississippi.

The artice is called, After ICE Raids: A Reckoning in Mississippi's Chicken Country

Anyway... it appears from the article that African Americans..... and I think some White used to dominate the Poultry Industry there in Mississippi.

But lost out to it ....when the owners of these Chicken plants started employing instead, undocumented way below normal wages.

I think anyone losing a job they work hard at is no reckoning. But if African Americans were left unemployed by the owners hiring undocumented workers, at such a cheap rate instead. Then this is justice for the community there I think.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I recall vividly that Christian revealed that Trump unleashed those huge raids on all those Mississippi Chicken plants. Because the billionaire owners, the Koch Brothers of Koch Foods.... definately and vocally went against him on the matters of changes to U.S Tafiffs.

At the time, they were some of the biggest raids on illegal workers. The U.S had seen in a long time.
And as I mentioned before, they were to arrest predominately Hispanic Workers.

But if you think of it. Those ICE raids were a double edged sword for Trump.

He was able to make unemployed. The people who do not have the right to work in the U.S.

And give jobs back to Americans.

People often claim Trump as being part of the Elite.

I only agree to that in part.

If Donald Trump was a complete member of the Elites.

There's no way he would have put the old global Elite family of the Koch's. And their businesses at risk.

Enormous risk.

And this is why I believe the Elite want Trump out of Office too.

There have been several instances where Trump has refused to kiss the arse of the global Elite.

And what is not well kmown. And has always i think, been reported in a biased way. Is that when Trump discovered alot of financial corruption going on in the Whitehouse.

And decided to do something about... some of it.

He was immediately vilified.

If you recall, he closed down alot of departments. That were no longer needed.

If you think about it. Why should U.S Tax payers fund government departments that are no longer useful.

But i don't believe he just discovered Departments that were wasting alot of U.S money.

I think he discovered outright instances of money just being basically stolen. Every year. And has been done so for a very long time.

Trump knows ...economic recovery for the U.S is all about the numbers. And the U.S will not recover if too many are stealing money meant for the country.

I'm no Trump supporter. So don't claim I am.

But I have never believed he is totally without skills. In fact I believe he is more capable than alot of career politicians.
At getting any economy on track.

Because Career Politicians don't live in the real world.

Remember. It was Trump who went berserk when he found out the U.S was paying far more than everyone else to be a member of NATO.

And he was right. To highlight that.

And seek justice on that. For the U.S.
Actually the U.S has been screwed in many ways. For decades.

And it appears to infuriate Trump.
T. W. said…

Is it true some Iranians were killed because they were protesting gas prices?
T. W. said…
The Rande Gerber/Pete Davidson incident is disturbing. You can read it here:
T. W. said…

Thank you for telling us about the black workers. I do remember the ICE Raid.

I’m tired of certain people saying “Us immigrants do the jobs you Americans don’t want to do.”

Really now?

Then why is it that black people happily went to work in the poultry plant.

Also, I thank you for being brave and sharing some of the good things Trump has done. Just because you shared this doesn’t mean you support him. I totally understand.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. It's rare that even the worst humans dont have at least a few things about them. That's either likable.

Or good intentions.

I've noticed over a long time. That Trump is furious about the U.S economy reaching such a low level.

And Americans out of work because of illegal workers.

And how China has become the U.S's landlord.

How the did that happen?.

He is ropable about that. And he was angry about where the U.S economy was going as early as the 1990's.

Thats a fact too.

And yet. He did deals with Russia. And in the time of his Presidency...the deal ...whatever he struck with Putin.

Has enabled Russia to get away with so much.

Well Putin better enjoy it while it lasts.

Because I think most U.S government workers, U.S politicians are ready to end Putin's run of getting away with so much.

As soon as Trump is out of Office.

The fun begins I think.

And even better. It wont be long until Putin is gone from Office too.

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